978 resultados para Engine
The reserves of gasoline and diesel fuels are ever decreasing, which plays an important role in the technological development of automobiles. Numerous countries, especially the United States, wish to slowly decrease their fuel dependence on other countries by producing in house renewable fuels like biodiesels or ethanol. Therefore, the new automobile engines have to successfully run on a variety of fuels without significant changes to their designs. The current study focuses on assessing the potential of ethanol fuels to improve the performance of 'flex-fuel SI engines,' which literally means 'engines that are flexible in their fuel requirement.' Another important area within spark ignition (SI) engine research is the implementation of new technologies like Variable Valve Timing (VVT) or Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) to improve engine performance. These technologies add more complexity to the original system by adding extra degrees of freedom. Therefore, the potential of these technologies has to be evaluated before they are installed in any SI engine. The current study focuses on evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of these technologies, primarily from an engine brake efficiency perspective. The results show a significant improvement in engine efficiency with the use of VVT and VCR together. Spark ignition engines always operate at a lower compression ratio as compared to compression ignition (CI) engines primarily due to knock constraints. Therefore, even if the use of a higher compression ratio would result in a significant improvement in SI engine efficiency, the engine may still operate at a lower compression ratio due to knock limitations. Ethanol fuels extend the knock limit making the use of higher compression ratios possible. Hence, the current study focuses on using VVT, VCR, and ethanol-gasoline blends to improve overall engine performance. The results show that these technologies promise definite engine performance improvements provided both their positive and negative potentials have been evaluated prior to installation.
Typical internal combustion engines lose about 75% of the fuel energy through the engine coolant, exhaust and surface radiation. Most of the heat generated comes from converting the chemical energy in the fuel to mechanical energy and in turn thermal energy is produced. In general, the thermal energy is unutilized and thus wasted. This report describes the analysis of a novel waste heat recovery (WHR) system that operates on a Rankine cycle. This novel WHR system consists of a second piston within the existing piston to reduce losses associated with compression and exhaust strokes in a four-cycle engine. The wasted thermal energy recovered from the coolant and exhaust systems generate a high temperature and high pressure working fluid which is used to power the modified piston assembly. Cycle simulation shows that a large, stationary natural gas spark ignition engine produces enough waste heat to operate the novel WHR system. With the use of this system, the stationary gas compression ignition engine running at 900 RPM and full load had a net increase of 177.03 kW (240.7 HP). This increase in power improved the brake fuel conversion efficiency by 4.53%.
With the increasing importance of conserving natural resources and moving toward sustainable practices, the aging transportation infrastructure can benefit from these ideas by improving their existing recycling practices. When an asphalt pavement needs to be replaced, the existing pavement is removed and ground up. This ground material, known as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), is then added into new asphalt roads. However, since RAP was exposed to years of ultraviolet degradation and environmental weathering, the material has aged and cannot be used as a direct substitute for aggregate and binder in new asphalt pavements. One material that holds potential for restoring the aged asphalt binder to a usable state is waste engine oil. This research aims to study the feasibility of using waste engine oil as a recycling agent to improve the recyclability of pavements containing RAP. Testing was conducted in three phases, asphalt binder testing, advanced asphalt binder testing, and laboratory mixture testing. Asphalt binder testing consisted of dynamic shear rheometer and rotational viscometer testing on both unaged and aged binders containing waste engine oil and reclaimed asphalt binder (RAB). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) testing was carried out to on the asphalt binders blended with RAB and waste engine oil compare the structural indices indicative of aging. Lastly, sample asphalt samples containing waste engine oil and RAP were subjected to rutting testing and tensile strength ratio testing. These tests lend evidence to support the claim that waste engine oil can be used as a rejuvenating agent to chemically restore asphalt pavements containing RAP. Waste engine oil can reduce the stiffness and improve the low temperature properties of asphalt binders blended with RAB. Waste engine oil can also soften asphalt pavements without having a detrimental effect on the moisture susceptibility.
Ever since the invention of the internal combustion engine, generating more power and achieving better efficiency has been a major goal for the designers. Variable compression ratio technology is way to achieve those goals. This paper will discuss the method of varying the compression ratio of an inline 4-cylinder engine through the use of a 4-bar linkage and gear mechanism. This mechanism was proven to easily vary the compression ratio of the engine and shows promise of becoming a technology used for future engine designer.
This report is a PhD dissertation proposal to study the in-cylinder temperature and heat flux distributions within a gasoline turbocharged direct injection (GTDI) engine. Recent regulations requiring automotive manufacturers to increase the fuel efficiency of their vehicles has led to great technological achievements in internal combustion engines. These achievements have increased the power density of gasoline engines dramatically in the last two decades. Engine technologies such as variable valve timing (VVT), direct injection (DI), and turbocharging have significantly improved engine power-to-weight and power-to-displacement ratios. A popular trend for increasing vehicle fuel economy in recent years has been to downsize the engine and add VVT, DI, and turbocharging technologies so that a lighter more efficient engine can replace a larger, heavier one. With the added power density, thermal management of the engine becomes a more important issue. Engine components are being pushed to their temperature limits. Therefore it has become increasingly important to have a greater understanding of the parameters that affect in-cylinder temperatures and heat transfer. The proposed research will analyze the effects of engine speed, load, relative air-fuel ratio (AFR), and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on both in-cylinder and global temperature and heat transfer distributions. Additionally, the effect of knocking combustion and fuel spray impingement will be investigated. The proposed research will be conducted on a 3.5 L six cylinder GTDI engine. The research engine will be instrumented with a large number of sensors to measure in-cylinder temperatures and pressures, as well as, the temperature, pressure, and flow rates of energy streams into and out of the engine. One of the goals of this research is to create a model that will predict the energy distribution to the crankshaft, exhaust, and cooling system based on normalized values for engine speed, load, AFR, and EGR. The results could be used to aid in the engine design phase for turbocharger and cooling system sizing. Additionally, the data collected can be used for validation of engine simulation models, since in-cylinder temperature and heat flux data is not readily available in the literature..
There is a need by engine manufactures for computationally efficient and accurate predictive combustion modeling tools for integration in engine simulation software for the assessment of combustion system hardware designs and early development of engine calibrations. This thesis discusses the process for the development and validation of a combustion modeling tool for Gasoline Direct Injected Spark Ignited Engine with variable valve timing, lift and duration valvetrain hardware from experimental data. Data was correlated and regressed from accepted methods for calculating the turbulent flow and flame propagation characteristics for an internal combustion engine. A non-linear regression modeling method was utilized to develop a combustion model to determine the fuel mass burn rate at multiple points during the combustion process. The computational fluid dynamic software Converge ©, was used to simulate and correlate the 3-D combustion system, port and piston geometry to the turbulent flow development within the cylinder to properly predict the experimental data turbulent flow parameters through the intake, compression and expansion processes. The engine simulation software GT-Power © is then used to determine the 1-D flow characteristics of the engine hardware being tested to correlate the regressed combustion modeling tool to experimental data to determine accuracy. The results of the combustion modeling tool show accurate trends capturing the combustion sensitivities to turbulent flow, thermodynamic and internal residual effects with changes in intake and exhaust valve timing, lift and duration.
In-cylinder pressure transducers have been used for decades to record combustion pressure inside a running engine. However, due to the extreme operating environment, transducer design and installation must be considered in order to minimize measurement error. One such error is caused by thermal shock, where the pressure transducer experiences a high heat flux that can distort the pressure transducer diaphragm and also change the crystal sensitivity. This research focused on investigating the effects of thermal shock on in-cylinder pressure transducer data quality using a 2.0L, four-cylinder, spark-ignited, direct-injected, turbo-charged GM engine. Cylinder four was modified with five ports to accommodate pressure transducers of different manufacturers. They included an AVL GH14D, an AVL GH15D, a Kistler 6125C, and a Kistler 6054AR. The GH14D, GH15D, and 6054AR were M5 size transducers. The 6125C was a larger, 6.2mm transducer. Note that both of the AVL pressure transducers utilized a PH03 flame arrestor. Sweeps of ignition timing (spark sweep), engine speed, and engine load were performed to study the effects of thermal shock on each pressure transducer. The project consisted of two distinct phases which included experimental engine testing as well as simulation using a commercially available software package. A comparison was performed to characterize the quality of the data between the actual cylinder pressure and the simulated results. This comparison was valuable because the simulation results did not include thermal shock effects. All three sets of tests showed the peak cylinder pressure was basically unaffected by thermal shock. Comparison of the experimental data with the simulated results showed very good correlation. The spark sweep was performed at 1300 RPM and 3.3 bar NMEP and showed that the differences between the simulated results (no thermal shock) and the experimental data for the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and the pumping mean effective pressure (PMEP) were significantly less than the published accuracies. All transducers had an IMEP percent difference less than 0.038% and less than 0.32% for PMEP. Kistler and AVL publish that the accuracy of their pressure transducers are within plus or minus 1% for the IMEP (AVL 2011; Kistler 2011). In addition, the difference in average exhaust absolute pressure between the simulated results and experimental data was the greatest for the two Kistler pressure transducers. The location and lack of flame arrestor are believed to be the cause of the increased error. For the engine speed sweep, the torque output was held constant at 203 Nm (150 ft-lbf) from 1500 to 4000 RPM. The difference in IMEP was less than 0.01% and the PMEP was less than 1%, except for the AVL GH14D which was 5% and the AVL GH15DK which was 2.25%. A noticeable error in PMEP appeared as the load increased during the engine speed sweeps, as expected. The load sweep was conducted at 2000 RPM over a range of NMEP from 1.1 to 14 bar. The difference in IMEP values were less 0.08% while the PMEP values were below 1% except for the AVL GH14D which was 1.8% and the AVL GH15DK which was at 1.25%. In-cylinder pressure transducer data quality was effectively analyzed using a combination of experimental data and simulation results. Several criteria can be used to investigate the impact of thermal shock on data quality as well as determine the best location and thermal protection for various transducers.
The capability to detect combustion in a diesel engine has the potential of being an important control feature to meet increasingly stringent emission regulations, develop alternative combustion strategies, and use of biofuels. In this dissertation, block mounted accelerometers were investigated as potential feedback sensors for detecting combustion characteristics in a high-speed, high pressure common rail (HPCR), 1.9L diesel engine. Accelerometers were positioned in multiple placements and orientations on the engine, and engine testing was conducted under motored, single and pilot-main injection conditions. Engine tests were conducted at varying injection timings, engine loads, and engine speeds to observe the resulting time and frequency domain changes of the cylinder pressure and accelerometer signals. The frequency content of the cylinder pressure based signals and the accelerometer signals between 0.5 kHz and 6 kHz indicated a strong correlation with coherence values of nearly 1. The accelerometers were used to produce estimated combustion signals using the Frequency Response Functions (FRF) measured from the frequency domain characteristics of the cylinder pressure signals and the response of the accelerometers attached to the engine block. When compared to the actual combustion signals, the estimated combustion signals produced from the accelerometer response had Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) between 7% and 25% of the actual signals peak value. Weighting the FRF’s from multiple test conditions along their frequency axis with the coherent output power reduced the median RMSE of the estimated combustion signals and the 95th percentile of RMSE produced from each test condition. The RMSE’s of the magnitude based combustion metrics including peak cylinder pressure, MPG, peak ROHR, and work estimated from the combustion signals produced by the accelerometer responses were between 15% and 50% of their actual value. The MPG measured from the estimated pressure gradient shared a direct relationship to the actual MPG. The location based combustion metrics such as the location of peak values and burn durations were capable of RMSE measurements as low as 0.9°. Overall, accelerometer based combustion sensing system was capable of detecting combustion and providing feedback regarding the in cylinder combustion process
The combustion strategy in a diesel engine has an impact on the emissions, fuel consumption and the exhaust temperatures. The PM mass retained in the CPF is a function of NO2 and PM concentrations in addition to the exhaust temperatures and the flow rates. Thus the engine combustion strategy affects exhaust characteristics which has an impact on the CPF operation and PM mass retained and oxidized. In this report, a process has been developed to simulate the relationship between engine calibration, performance and HC and PM oxidation in the DOC and CPF respectively. Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) and Start of Injection (SOI) sweeps were carried out at five steady state engine operating conditions. This data, along with data from a previously carried out surrogate HD-FTP cycle [1], was used to create a transfer function model which estimates the engine out emissions, flow rates, temperatures for varied FRP and SOI over a transient cycle. Four different calibrations (test cases) were considered in this study, which were simulated through the transfer function model and the DOC model [1, 2]. The DOC outputs were then input into a model which simulates the NO2 assisted and thermal PM oxidation inside a CPF. Finally, results were analyzed as to how engine calibration impacts the engine fuel consumption, HC oxidation in the DOC and the PM oxidation in the CPF. Also, active regeneration for various test cases was simulated and a comparative analysis of the fuel penalties involved was carried out.
A fundamental combustion model for spark-ignition engine is studied in this report. The model is implemented in SIMULINK to simulate engine outputs (mass fraction burn and in-cylinder pressure) under various engine operation conditions. The combustion model includes a turbulent propagation and eddy burning processes based on literature [1]. The turbulence propagation and eddy burning processes are simulated by zero-dimensional method and the flame is assumed as sphere. To predict pressure, temperature and other in-cylinder variables, a two-zone thermodynamic model is used. The predicted results of this model match well with the engine test data under various engine speeds, loads, spark ignition timings and air fuel mass ratios. The developed model is used to study cyclic variation and combustion stability at lean (or diluted) combustion conditions. Several variation sources are introduced into the combustion model to simulate engine performance observed in experimental data. The relations between combustion stability and the introduced variation amount are analyzed at various lean combustion levels.
The push for improved fuel economy and reduced emissions has led to great achievements in engine performance and control. These achievements have increased the efficiency and power density of gasoline engines dramatically in the last two decades. With the added power density, thermal management of the engine has become increasingly important. Therefore it is critical to have accurate temperature and heat transfer models as well as data to validate them. With the recent adoption of the 2025 Corporate Average Fuel Economy(CAFE) standard, there has been a push to improve the thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines even further. Lean and dilute combustion regimes along with waste heat recovery systems are being explored as options for improving efficiency. In order to understand how these technologies will impact engine performance and each other, this research sought to analyze the engine from both a 1st law energy balance perspective, as well as from a 2nd law exergy analysis. This research also provided insights into the effects of various parameters on in-cylinder temperatures and heat transfer as well as provides data for validation of other models. It was found that the engine load was the dominant factor for the energy distribution, with higher loads resulting in lower coolant heat transfer and higher brake work and exhaust energy. From an exergy perspective, the exhaust system provided the best waste heat recovery potential due to its significantly higher temperatures compared to the cooling circuit. EGR and lean combustion both resulted in lower combustion chamber and exhaust temperatures; however, in most cases the increased flow rates resulted in a net increase in the energy in the exhaust. The exhaust exergy, on the other hand, was either increased or decreased depending on the location in the exhaust system and the other operating conditions. The effects of dilution from lean operation and EGR were compared using a dilution ratio, and the results showed that lean operation resulted in a larger increase in efficiency than the same amount of dilution with EGR. Finally, a method for identifying fuel spray impingement from piston surface temperature measurements was found. Note: The material contained in this section is planned for submission as part of a journal article and/or conference paper in the future.
Experimental work and analysis was done to investigate engine startup robustness and emissions of a flex-fuel spark ignition (SI) direct injection (DI) engine. The vaporization and other characteristics of ethanol fuel blends present a challenge at engine startup. Strategies to reduce the enrichment requirements for the first engine startup cycle and emissions for the second and third fired cycle at 25°C ± 1°C engine and intake air temperature were investigated. Research work was conducted on a single cylinder SIDI engine with gasoline and E85 fuels, to study the effect on first fired cycle of engine startup. Piston configurations that included a compression ratio change (11 vs 15.5) and piston geometry change (flattop vs bowl) were tested, along with changes in intake cam timing (95,110,125) and fuel pressure (0.4 MPa vs 3 MPa). The goal was to replicate the engine speed, manifold pressure, fuel pressure and testing temperature from an engine startup trace for investigating the first fired cycle for the engine. Results showed bowl piston was able to enable lower equivalence ratio engine starts with gasoline fuel, while also showing lower IMEP at the same equivalence ratio compared to flat top piston. With E85, bowl piston showed reduced IMEP as compression ratio increased at the same equivalence ratio. A preference for constant intake valve timing across fuels seemed to indicate that flattop piston might be a good flex-fuel piston. Significant improvements were seen with higher CR bowl piston with high fuel pressure starts, but showed no improvement with low fuel pressures. Simulation work was conducted to analyze initial three cycles of engine startup in GT-POWER for the same set of hardware used in the experimentations. A steady state validated model was modified for startup conditions. The results of which allowed an understanding of the relative residual levels and IMEP at the test points in the cam phasing space. This allowed selecting additional test points that enable use of higher residual levels, eliminating those with smaller trapped mass incapable of producing required IMEP for proper engine turnover. The second phase of experimental testing results for 2nd and 3rd startup cycle revealed both E10 and E85 prefer the same SOI of 240°bTDC at second and third startup cycle for the flat top piston and high injection pressures. E85 fuel optimal cam timing for startup showed that it tolerates more residuals compared to E10 fuel. Higher internal residuals drives down the Ø requirement for both fuels up to their combustion stability limit, this is thought to be direct benefit to vaporization due to increased cycle start temperature. Benefits are shown for an advance IMOP and retarded EMOP strategy at engine startup. Overall the amount of residuals preferred by an engine for E10 fuel at startup is thought to be constant across engine speed, thus could enable easier selection of optimized cam positions across the startup speeds.
On 3 April 2012, the Spanish Supreme Court issued a major ruling in favour of the Google search engine, including its ‘cache copy’ service: Sentencia n.172/2012, of 3 April 2012, Supreme Court, Civil Chamber.* The importance of this ruling lies not so much in the circumstances of the case (the Supreme Court was clearly disgusted by the claimant’s ‘maximalist’ petitum to shut down the whole operation of the search engine), but rather on the court going beyond the text of the Copyright Act into the general principles of the law and case law, and especially on the reading of the three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) in a positive sense so as to include all these principles. After accepting that none of the limitations listed in the Spanish Copyright statute (TRLPI) exempted the unauthorized use of fragments of the contents of a personal website through the Google search engine and cache copy service, the Supreme Court concluded against infringement, based on the grounds that the three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) is to be read not only in a negative manner but also in a positive sense so as to take into account that intellectual property – as any other kind of property – is limited in nature and must endure any ius usus inocui (harmless uses by third parties) and must abide to the general principles of the law, such as good faith and prohibition of an abusive exercise of rights (Art. 7 Spanish Civil Code).The ruling is a major success in favour of a flexible interpretation and application of the copyright statutes, especially in the scenarios raised by new technologies and market agents, and in favour of using the three-step test as a key tool to allow for it.
This paper presents the development history and specification of a 3D game engine titled "Spark Engine". The term "engine" is used to describe a complex graphics software suite that streamlines application development and provides efficient rendering functionality. A game engine specifically provides tools to simplify game development. Spark Engine is fully shader driven and is built on top of Microsoft's XNA Framework. It is a reusable and flexible platform that can be used to build any type of graphics application ranging from gaming to simulation. The engine was released as open source software under the New BSD License with an interest in furthering its development.