991 resultados para Endometrial Cancer
Les carcinomes de l'endomètre sont classés en deux types cliniques (types I et II), cinq types histologiques et quatre types moléculaires. Le type I correspond à l'adénocarcinome endométrioïde de grade 1 ou 2, précédé par des lésions d'hyperplasie atypique. Ce cancer est souvent révélé à un stade précoce par des saignements vaginaux postménopausiques et son pronostic est globalement favorable. Les facteurs de risque à l'origine de la majorité des cas (indice de masse corporelle [IMC] élevé, diabète de type II, traitement hormonal substitutif, tamoxifène) agissent par le biais d'une hyperestrogénie non contrecarrée par la progestérone. Moins de 5 % des cas surviennent dans le contexte d'un syndrome de Lynch (anomalie germinale d'un gène de réparation de l'ADN, à transmission autosomique dominante) chez des femmes plus jeunes dont l'IMC est typiquement bas. Les cancers de l'endomètre de type II (carcinomes séreux, à cellules claires, indifférenciés), plus rares, sont des tumeurs agressives diagnostiquées typiquement chez des femmes plus âgées et à un stade plus avancé, de pronostic défavorable.
Female genital tuberculosis remains a major health problem in developing countries and is an important cause of infertility. As symptoms, laboratory data and physical fndings are non-specifc, its diagnosis can be diffcult. We describe a case of a 39-year-old woman suffering from peri-umbilical pain and increased abdominal size for one year, anorexia, asthenia, weight loss, occasionally dysuria and dyspareunia, and four months amenorrhea. Laboratory data revealed cancer antigen 125 (CA-125) level of 132.3 U/mL, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 42 mm/h, and gamma-globulins of 2.66 g/dL. Computer Tomography scan showed loculated ascites. It was initially suspected a carcinomatous origin, but ascites evaluation was negative for malignant cells. Magnetic Resonance Imaging from another hospital showed endometrial heterogeneity. Therefore, an endometrial biopsy was performed demonstrating an infammatory infltrate with giant cells of type Langhans and bacteriological culture identifed Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Background Length of hospital stay (LOS) is a surrogate marker for patients' well-being during hospital treatment and is associated with health care costs. Identifying pretreatment factors associated with LOS in surgical patients may enable early intervention in order to reduce postoperative LOS. Methods This cohort study enrolled 157 patients with suspected or proven gynecological cancer at a tertiary cancer centre (2004-2006). Before commencing treatment, the scored Patient Generated - Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) measuring nutritional status and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) scale measuring quality of life (QOL) were completed. Clinical and demographic patient characteristics were prospectively obtained. Patients were grouped into those with prolonged LOS if their hospital stay was greater than the median LOS and those with average or below average LOS. Results Patients' mean age was 58 years (SD 14 years). Preoperatively, 81 (52%) patients presented with suspected benign disease/pelvic mass, 23 (15%) with suspected advanced ovarian cancer, 36 (23%) patients with suspected endometrial and 17 (11%) with cervical cancer, respectively. In univariate models prolonged LOS was associated with low serum albumin or hemoglobin, malnutrition (PG-SGA score and PG-SGA group B or C), low pretreatment FACT-G score, and suspected diagnosis of cancer. In multivariable models, PG-SGA group B or C, FACT-G score and suspected diagnosis of advanced ovarian cancer independently predicted LOS. Conclusions Malnutrition, low quality of life scores and being diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer are the major determinants of prolonged LOS amongst gynecological cancer patients. Interventions addressing malnutrition and poor QOL may decrease LOS in gynecological cancer patients.
Prostate cancer is a significant health problem faced by aging men. Currently, diagnostic strategies for the detection of prostate cancer are either unreliable, yielding high numbers of false positive results, or too invasive to be used widely as screening tests. Furthermore, the current therapeutic strategies for the treatment of the disease carry considerable side effects. Although organ confined prostate cancer can be curable, most detectable clinical symptoms occur in advanced disease when primary tumour cells have metastasised to distant sites - usually lymph nodes and bone. Many growth factors and steroids assist the continued growth and maintenance of prostatic tumour cells. Of these mitogens, androgens are important in the development of the normal prostate but are also required to sustain the growth of prostate cancer cells in the early stage of the disease. Not only are androgens required in the early stage of disease, but also many other growth factors and hormones interact to cause uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells. The early, androgen sensitive phase of disease is followed by an androgen insensitive phase, whereby androgens are no longer required to stimulate the growth of the tumour cells. Growth factors such as transforming growth factor and (TGF/), epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), Vitamin D and thyroid hormone have been suggested to be important at this stage of disease. Interestingly, some of the kallikrein family of genes, including prostate specific antigen (PSA), the current serum diagnostic marker for prostate cancer, are regulated by androgens and many of the aforementioned growth factors. The kallikrein gene family is a group of serine proteases that are involved in a diverse range of physiological processes: regulation of local blood flow, angiogenesis, tissue invasion and mitogenesis. The earliest members of the kallikrein gene family (KLK1-KLK3) have been strongly associated with general disease states, such as hypertension, inflammation, pancreatitis and renal disease, but are also linked to various cancers. Recently, this family was extended to include 15 genes (KLK1-15). Several newer members of the kallikrein family have been implicated in the carcinogenesis and tumour metastasis of hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate, breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer. The aims of this project were to investigate the expression of the newly identified kallikrein, KLK4, in benign and malignant prostate tissues, and prostate cancer cell lines. This thesis has demonstrated the elevated expression of KLK4 mRNA transcripts in malignant prostate tissue compared to benign prostates. Additionally, expression of the full length KLK4 transcript was detected in the androgen dependent prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP. Based on the above finding, the LNCaP cell line was chosen to assess the potential regulation of full length KLK4 by androgen, thyroid hormone and epidermal growth factor. KLK4 mRNA and protein was found to be up-regulated by androgen and a combination of androgen and thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone alone produced no significant change in KLK4 mRNA or protein over the control. Epidermal growth factor treatment also resulted in elevated expression levels of KLK4 mRNA and protein. To assess the potential functional role(s) of KLK4/hK4 in processes associated with tumour progression, full length KLK4 was transfected into PC-3 cells - a prostate cancer cell line originally derived from a secondary bone lesion. The KLK4/hK4 over-expressing cells were assessed for their proliferation, migration, invasion and attachment properties. The KLK4 over-expressing clones exhibited a marked change in morphology, indicative of a more aggressive phenotype. The KLK4 clones were irregularly shaped with compromised adhesion to the growth surface. In contrast, the control cell lines (parent PC-3 and empty vector clones) retained a rounded morphology with obvious cell to cell adhesion, as well as significant adhesion to their growth surface. The KLK4 clones exhibited significantly greater attachment to Collagen I and IV than native PC-3s and empty vector controls. Over a 12 hour period, in comparison to the control cells, the KLK4 clones displayed an increase in migration towards PC-3 native conditioned media, a 3 fold increase towards conditioned media from an osteoblastic cell line (Saos-2) and no change in migration towards conditioned media from neonatal foreskin fibroblast cells or 20% foetal bovine serum. Furthermore, the increase in migration exhibited by the KLK4 clones was partially blocked by the serine protease inhibitor, aprotinin. The data presented in this thesis suggests that KLK4/hK4 is important in prostate carcinogenesis due to its over-expression in malignant prostate tissues, its regulation by hormones and growth factors associated with prostate disease and the functional consequences of over-expression of KLK4/hK4 in the PC-3 cell line. These results indicate that KLK4/hK4 may play an important role in tumour invasion and bone metastasis via increased attachment to the bone matrix protein, Collagen I, and enhanced migration due to soluble factors produced by osteoblast cells. This suggestion is further supported by the morphological changes displayed by the KLK4 over-expressing cells. Overall, this data suggests that KLK4/hK4 should be further studied to more fully investigate the potential value of KLK4/hK4 as a diagnostic/prognostic biomarker or in therapeutic applications.
Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC; Lynch syndrome) is among the most common hereditary cancers in man and a model of cancers arising through deficient DNA mismatch repair (MMR). It is inherited in a dominant manner with predisposing germline mutations in the MMR genes, mainly MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. Both copies of the MMR gene need to be inactivated for cancer development. Since Lynch syndrome family members are born with one defective copy of one of the MMR genes in their germline, they only need to acquire a so called second hit to inactivate the MMR gene. Hence, they usually develop cancer at an early age. MMR gene inactivation leads to accumulation of mutations particularly in short repeat tracts, known as microsatellites, causing microsatellite instability (MSI). MSI is the hallmark of Lynch syndrome tumors, but is present in approximately 15% of sporadic tumors as well. There are several possible mechanisms of somatic inactivation (i.e. the second hit ) of MMR genes, for instance deletion of the wild-type copy, leading to loss of heterozygosity (LOH), methylation of promoter regions necessary for gene transcription, or mitotic recombination or gene conversion. In the Lynch syndrome tumors carrying germline mutations in the MMR gene, LOH was found to be the most frequent mechanism of somatic inactivation in the present study. We also studied MLH1/MSH2 deletion carriers and found that somatic mutations identical to the ones in the germline occurred frequently in colorectal cancers and were also present in extracolonic Lynch syndrome-associated tumors. Chromosome-specific marker analysis implied that gene conversion, rather than mitotic recombination or deletion of the respective gene locus accounted for wild-type inactivation. Lynch syndrome patients are predisposed to certain types of cancers, the most common ones being colorectal, endometrial and gastric cancer. Gastric cancer and uroepithelial tumors of bladder and ureter were observed to be true Lynch syndrome tumors with MMR deficiency as the driving force of tumorigenesis. Brain tumors and kidney carcinoma, on the other hand, were mostly MSS, implying the possibility of alternative routes of tumor development. These results present possible implications in clinical cancer surveillance. In about one-third of families suspected of Lynch syndrome, mutations in MMR genes are not found, and we therefore looked for alternative mechanisms of predisposition. According to our results, large genomic deletions, mainly in MSH2, and germline epimutations in MLH1, together explain a significant fraction of point mutation-negative families suspected of Lynch syndrome and are associated with characteristic clinical and family features. Our findings have important implications in the diagnosis and management of Lynch syndrome families.
DNA ja siinä sijaitsevat geenit ohjaavat kaikkea solujen toimintaa. DNA-molekyyleihin kuitenkin kertyy mutaatioita sekä ympäristön vaikutuksen, että solujen oman toiminnan tuloksena. Mikäli virheitä ei korjata, saattaa tuloksena olla solun muuttuminen syöpäsoluksi. Soluilla onkin käytössä useita DNA-virheiden korjausmekanismeja, joista yksi on ns. mismatch repair (MMR). MMR vastaa DNA:n kahdentumisessa syntyvien virheiden korjauksesta. Periytyvät mutaatiot geeneissä, jotka vastaavat MMR-proteiinien rakentamisesta, aiheuttavat ongelmia DNA:n korjauksessa ja altistavat kantajansa periytyvälle ei-polypoottiselle paksusuolisyöpäoireyhtymälle (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC). Yleisimmin mutatoituneet MMR-geenit ovat MLH1 ja MSH2. HNPCC periytyy vallitsevasti, eli jo toiselta vanhemmalta peritty geenivirhe altistaa syövälle. MMR-geenivirheen kantaja sairastuu syöpään elämänsä aikana suurella todennäköisyydellä, ja sairastumisikä on vain noin 40 vuotta. Syövälle altistavan geenivirheen löytäminen mutaation kantajilta on hyvin tärkeää, sillä säännöllinen seuranta mahdollistaa kehittymässä olevan kasvaimen havaitsemisen ja poistamisen jo aikaisessa vaiheessa. Tämän on osoitettu alentavan syöpäkuolleisuutta merkittävästi. Varma tieto altistuksen alkuperästä on tärkeä myös niille syöpäsuvun jäsenille, jotka eivät kanna kyseistä mutaatiota. Syövälle altistavien mutaatioiden ohella MMR-geeneistä löydetään säännöllisesti muutoksia, jotka ovat normaalia henkilöiden välistä geneettistä vaihtelua, eikä niiden oleteta lisäävän syöpäaltistusta. Altistavien mutaatioiden erottaminen näistä neutraaleista variaatioista on vaikeaa, mutta välttämätöntä altistuneiden tehokkaan seurannan varmistamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin 18:a MSH2 -geenin mutaatiota. Mutaatiot oli löydetty perheistä, joissa esiintyi paljon syöpiä, mutta niiden vaikutus DNA:n korjaustehoon ja syöpäaltistukseen oli epäselvä. Työssä tutkittiin kunkin mutaation vaikutusta MSH2-proteiinin normaaliin toimintaan, ja tuloksia verrattiin potilaiden ja sukujen kliinisiin tietoihin. Tutkituista mutaatiosta 12 aiheutti puutteita MMR-korjauksessa. Nämä mutaatiot tulkittiin syövälle altistaviksi. Analyyseissä normaalisti toimineet 4 mutaatiota eivät todennäköisesti ole syynä syövän syntyyn kyseisillä perheillä. Tulkinta jätettiin avoimeksi 2 mutaation kohdalla. Tutkimuksesta hyötyivät suoraan kuvattujen mutaatioiden kantajaperheet, joiden geenivirheen syöpäaltistuksesta saatiin tietoa, mahdollistaen perinnöllisyysneuvonnan ja seurannan kohdentamisen sitä tarvitseville. Työ selvensi myös mekanismeja, joilla mutatoitunut MSH2-proteiini voi menettää toimintakykynsä.
Objective: Archipelago (AGO, also known as hCdc4, Fbw7, or Sel-10) is an F-box containing component of the SCF complex implicated in the ubiquitination and proteolysis of cyclin E and c-Myc, and found to be mutated in 16% of endometrial carcinomas. We have previously reported somatic mutations in AGO in 3/10 ovarian cancer cell lines, but the frequency of such mutations in primary ovarian cancer is unknown.
Methods: The coding sequence of AGO was analyzed in 95 primary sporadic ovarian tumors and 16 cases of familial ovarian cancer, and correlated with levels of cyclin E and c-Myc protein expression. Constructs encoding mutations in AGO were transfected into an AGO-null cell line to directly test their ability to regulate cyclin E and c-Myc levels.
Results: Mutations were present in only 2 of 95 sporadic cases: a premature stop within the WD domain (471 Ter) and a missense change near the F-box (S245T). Both primary tumor specimens containing these mutations showed high levels of cyclin E and c-Myc, but reconstitution of an AGO-null cell line with constructs encoding these mutations showed 471 Ter to be inactive in regulating endogenous cyclin E and c-Myc levels, while the S245T mutant was indistinguishable from wild-type. No germ-line mutations were found in familial cases of ovarian cancer.
Conclusion: Somatic AGO mutations are infrequent in primary ovarian cancers and are unlikely to contribute to familial ovarian cancer. Reconstitution experiments, rather than measuring tumor levels of cyclin E and c-Myc, provide an effective approach to determine the functional significance of AGO mutations identified in human cancers.
BACKGROUND: The optimal ways of using aromatase inhibitors or tamoxifen as endocrine treatment for early breast cancer remains uncertain.
METHODS: We undertook meta-analyses of individual data on 31 920 postmenopausal women with oestrogen-receptor-positive early breast cancer in the randomised trials of 5 years of aromatase inhibitor versus 5 years of tamoxifen; of 5 years of aromatase inhibitor versus 2-3 years of tamoxifen then aromatase inhibitor to year 5; and of 2-3 years of tamoxifen then aromatase inhibitor to year 5 versus 5 years of tamoxifen. Primary outcomes were any recurrence of breast cancer, breast cancer mortality, death without recurrence, and all-cause mortality. Intention-to-treat log-rank analyses, stratified by age, nodal status, and trial, yielded aromatase inhibitor versus tamoxifen first-event rate ratios (RRs).
FINDINGS: In the comparison of 5 years of aromatase inhibitor versus 5 years of tamoxifen, recurrence RRs favoured aromatase inhibitors significantly during years 0-1 (RR 0·64, 95% CI 0·52-0·78) and 2-4 (RR 0·80, 0·68-0·93), and non-significantly thereafter. 10-year breast cancer mortality was lower with aromatase inhibitors than tamoxifen (12·1% vs 14·2%; RR 0·85, 0·75-0·96; 2p=0·009). In the comparison of 5 years of aromatase inhibitor versus 2-3 years of tamoxifen then aromatase inhibitor to year 5, recurrence RRs favoured aromatase inhibitors significantly during years 0-1 (RR 0·74, 0·62-0·89) but not while both groups received aromatase inhibitors during years 2-4, or thereafter; overall in these trials, there were fewer recurrences with 5 years of aromatase inhibitors than with tamoxifen then aromatase inhibitors (RR 0·90, 0·81-0·99; 2p=0·045), though the breast cancer mortality reduction was not significant (RR 0·89, 0·78-1·03; 2p=0·11). In the comparison of 2-3 years of tamoxifen then aromatase inhibitor to year 5 versus 5 years of tamoxifen, recurrence RRs favoured aromatase inhibitors significantly during years 2-4 (RR 0·56, 0·46-0·67) but not subsequently, and 10-year breast cancer mortality was lower with switching to aromatase inhibitors than with remaining on tamoxifen (8·7% vs 10·1%; 2p=0·015). Aggregating all three types of comparison, recurrence RRs favoured aromatase inhibitors during periods when treatments differed (RR 0·70, 0·64-0·77), but not significantly thereafter (RR 0·93, 0·86-1·01; 2p=0·08). Breast cancer mortality was reduced both while treatments differed (RR 0·79, 0·67-0·92), and subsequently (RR 0·89, 0·81-0·99), and for all periods combined (RR 0·86, 0·80-0·94; 2p=0·0005). All-cause mortality was also reduced (RR 0·88, 0·82-0·94; 2p=0·0003). RRs differed little by age, body-mass index, stage, grade, progesterone receptor status, or HER2 status. There were fewer endometrial cancers with aromatase inhibitors than tamoxifen (10-year incidence 0·4% vs 1·2%; RR 0·33, 0·21-0·51) but more bone fractures (5-year risk 8·2% vs 5·5%; RR 1·42, 1·28-1·57); non-breast-cancer mortality was similar.
INTERPRETATION: Aromatase inhibitors reduce recurrence rates by about 30% (proportionately) compared with tamoxifen while treatments differ, but not thereafter. 5 years of an aromatase inhibitor reduces 10-year breast cancer mortality rates by about 15% compared with 5 years of tamoxifen, hence by about 40% (proportionately) compared with no endocrine treatment.
FUNDING: Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council.
Ovarian cancer is very treatable in the early stages of disease; however, it is usually detected in the later stages, at which time, treatment is no longer as effective. If discovered early (Stage I), there is a 90% chance of five-year survival. Therefore, it is imperative that early-stage biomarkers are identified to enhance the early detection of ovarian cancer. Cancer-testis antigens (CTAs), such as Per ARNT SIM (PAS) domain containing 1 (PASD1), are unique in that their expression is restricted to immunologically restricted sites, such as the testis and placenta, which do not express MHC class I, and cancer, making them ideally positioned to act as targets for immunotherapy as well as potential biomarkers for cancer detection where expressed. We examined the expression of PASD1a and b in a number of cell lines, as well as eight healthy ovary samples, eight normal adjacent ovarian tissues, and 191 ovarian cancer tissues, which were predominantly stage I (n = 164) and stage II (n = 14) disease. We found that despite the positive staining of skin cancer, only one stage Ic ovarian cancer patient tissue expressed PASD1a and b at detectable levels. This may reflect the predominantly stage I ovarian cancer samples examined. To examine the restriction of PASD1 expression, we examined endometrial tissue arrays and found no expression in 30 malignant tumor tissues, 23 cases of hyperplasia, or 16 normal endometrial tissues. Our study suggests that the search for a single cancer-testes antigen/biomarker that can detect early ovarian cancer must continue.
Endometrial stromal sarcoma is a rare neoplasm of the uterus. Extrauterine locations of this neoplasm, excluding metastases or local extension, are even more unusual and are usually associated with the presence of endometriosis. The authors report a case of endometrial stromal sarcoma presenting as a vaginal wall nodule, without any sign of primary uterine tumor after extensive evaluation or presence of endometriosis. The morphology, immunohistochemical profile, differential diagnoses, and pathogenesis are discussed, as well as a review of the literature on this issue. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB