879 resultados para Employee Turnover: Implications for Hotel Managers


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This thesis explores efforts to conjoin organisational contexts and capabilities in explaining sustainable competitive advantage. Oliver (1997) argued organisations need to balance the need to conform to industry’s requirements to attain legitimization (e.g. DiMaggio & Powell, 1983), and the need for resource optimization (e.g. Barney, 1991). The author hypothesized that such balance can be viewed as movements along the homogeneity-heterogeneity continuum. An organisation in a homogenous industry possesses similar characteristics as its competitors, as opposed to a heterogeneous industry in which organisations within are differentiated and competitively positioned (Oliver, 1997). The movement is influenced by the dynamic environmental conditions that an organisation is experiencing. The author extended Oliver’s (1997) propositions of combining RBV’s focus on capabilities with institutional theory’s focus on organisational context, as well as redefining organisational receptivity towards change (ORC) factors from Butler and Allen’s (2008) findings. The authors contributed to the theoretical development of ORC theory to explain the attainment of sustainable competitive advantage. ORC adopts the assumptions from both institutional and RBV theories, where the receptivity factors include both organisational contexts and capabilities. The thesis employed a mixed method approach in which sequential qualitative quantitative studies were deployed to establish a robust, reliable, and valid ORC scale. The adoption of Hinkin’s (1995) three-phase scale development process was updated, thus items generated from interviews and literature reviews went through numerous exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to achieve convergent, discriminant, and nomological validities. Samples in the first phase (semi structured interviews) were hotel owners and managers. In the second phase, samples were MBA students, and employees of private and public sectors. In the third phase, samples were hotel managers. The final ORC scale is a parsimonious second higher-order latent construct. The first-order constructs comprises four latent receptivity factors which are ideological vision (4 items), leading change (4 items), implementation capacity (4 items), and change orientation (7 items). Hypotheses testing revealed that high levels of perceived environmental uncertainty leads to high levels of receptivity factor. Furthermore, the study found a strong positive correlation between receptivity factors and competitive advantage, and between receptivity factors and organisation performance. Mediation analyses revealed that receptivity factors partially mediate the relationship between perceived environmental uncertainty, competitive advantage and organisational performance.


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Each year high numbers of employees voluntarily terminate their employment with restaurant organizations. The author reports the results of an exploratory determination of the reasons why a group of employees who left during a three-month period did terminate with the organizations. The subjects were examined as a total group and as subgroups identified by position. It was found that 47.8 percent of the time the manager is able to influence the factors which may lead to voluntary separation from the organization.


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The authors apply economic theory to an analysis of industry pricing. Data from a cross-section of San Francisco hotels is used to estimate the implicit prices of common hotel amenities, and a procedure for using these prices to estimate consumer demands for the attributes is outlined. The authors then suggest implications for hotel decision makers. While the results presented here should not be generalized to other markets, the methodology is easily adapted to other geographic areas.


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In a previous issue, DL Alan J. Parker presented a case for the smart utilization of microcomputers in the hospitality industry. But what should hotel managers of today look for when utilizing a full scale hotel computer system? This article attempts to aid the hotelier in compiling a series of functions which management should expect from any system chosen


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There are many factors which can assist in controlling the cost of labor in the food service industry. The author discusses a number of these, including scheduling, establishing production standards, forecasting workloads, analyzing employee turnover, combating absenteeism, and controlling overtime.


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Carefully reading employment applications and checking out all references and prior-employment records is vital to hotel managers and personnel directors today. Many legal suits are the result of employees who, hired quickly because of an immediate need, commit some crime in relation to guest rooms or property.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the biometrics technologies adopted by hotels and the perception of hotel managers toward biometric technology applications. A descriptive, cross sectional survey was developed based on extensive review of literature and expert opinions. The population for this survey was property level executive managers in the U.S. hotels. Members of American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) were selected as the target population for this study. The most frequent use of biometric technology is by hotel employees in the form of fingerprint scanning. Cost still seems to be one of the major barriers to adoption of biometric technology applications. The findings of this study showed that there definitely is a future in using biometric technology applications in hotels in the future, however, according to hoteliers; neither guests nor hoteliers are ready for it fully.


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This research examines the performance of Hong Kong hotel websites in terms of information quality, and compares the performance among different hotel categories. Different from exsisting theoretical studies analyzing hotel websites, this research incorporates the perceptions of hotel guests and practitioners in the evaluation development process. Empirical results reveal that significant differences exist in the performance scores of luxury, mid-priced, and economy hotels. The authors also discuss implications for hotel industry practitioners and policymakers.


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This study analyzed the websites of major Las Vegas Strip hotels, examined their corporate financial reports, and conducted two in-depth telephone interviews with hotel managers, all with regard to their “green” (pro-environmental) policies. The study found a distinct lack of evidence to support assertions that these properties had truly “gone green” in their daily operations. Thus, although the hotels might actually have been engaged in green procedures, they did not express environmental policy in their corporate websites or financial reports. Several possible reasons for this apparent duality are suggested.


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This research aimed to understand hotel managers’ attitudes toward the provision of healthy meals. The study deployed a mailing survey to assess the managers’ perceptions. A closed-ended questionnaire was developed evaluating the role of healthy food choices in Mediterranean resort hotels. The findings showed that (1) atmosphere in the restaurant, (2) appealing display of food, and (3) eating habits and lifestyle were more important than personal health when selecting a meal. In addition, this study suggested that the managers were not ready to promote healthy eating because their customers would have been critical of this new service concept


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For the current study, the authors examined the relationships among two dimensions of organizational climate and several indices of individual- and unit-level effectiveness. Specifically, the article proposes that an organization ’s service and training climate would be related to employee capabilities—operationalized in terms of frontline service capabilities and managerial support capabilities—and that such capabilities would be related to unit- level measures of employee turnover and sales growth. Using survey and operational data from 201 management and frontline staff members in 22 units of a national restaurant chain, the results from correlation and regression analyses generally supported the proposed relationships. This study replicates and extends previous research and provides a foundation for future conceptual development and empirical work in this research area.


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O presente trabalho debruça-se sobre os constructos da liderança e do comportamento de auto-eficácia da liderança nas organizações. Reflecte-se sobre a importância dos sistemas de informação no clima organizacional, com efeitos sobre a eficácia na liderança. Trata-se de uma perspetiva pertinente na conjuntura organizacional atual, dado que incide sobre valores patrimoniais intangíveis que, quando dinamizados, dão suporte à performance organizacional. A nossa preocupação central é a auto-eficácia. Através dela pretende-se melhorar a eficiência organizacional, porque minimiza prejuízos e desperdícios. Também se relaciona a eficácia com o desempenho da liderança organizacional e com o capital ‘confiança’. Dessa forma, os novos caminhos passam por auscultar a percepção dos colaboradores sobre a importância da cultura organizacional face ao desempenho e à eficácia de longo prazo na organização. Com a presente reflexão, evidencia-se que a espiritualidade no local de trabalho é um factor de apoio ao desenvolvimento holístico dos colaboradores. Fica sublinhado que é fundamental que os líderes tenham noção e consciência de “si” e dos seus papéis, e como estes se reflectem no seu comportamento quotidiano na organização. O estudo assenta num trabalho de campo, elaborado numa organização intensiva em informação e que presta serviços de consultoria e informática. Os resultados apurados tentam dizer que, globalmente, no estudo longitudinal das hetero-percepções dos gestores directos e indirectos, o gap cultural diminuiu em todas as dimensões relativas às competências dos papéis, sendo vital destacar o quadrante designado por Apoio. As hetero-percepções dos gestores directos demonstram que o menor gap cultural mantem-se no quadrante de Objectivos Racionais e Competir no modelo de CVF, caracterizado por uma cultura de mercado, e relacionado com a fase da Combinação no modelo de SECI (processos que fomentam os relacionamentos e intercâmbios informais – conversão do conhecimento explícito para o explícito). Enquanto que o maior gap cultural reside no quadrante Apoio e Colaborar no modelo CVF, relacionado com a fase da Socialização no modelo de SECI (processos que fomentam os relacionamentos e intercâmbios informais – conhecimento tácito para tácito). Como o gap cultural diminuiu em todas as dimensões, pode realçar uma melhoria das percepções do desempenho organizacional. Contudo, um resultado inesperado está associado ao quadrante Apoio com a cultura de clã, uma vez que são os gestores indirectos na empresa em estudo que fomentam esta cultura, e não os gestores directos, conforme seria desejável. Um resultado favorável para o estudo da auto-eficácia da liderança demonstra que as médias são mais elevadas para atributos de Gestão e Resolução de Problemas. Os resultados que não corresponderam às expectativas iniciais estão associados às médias baixas relativamente aos atributos Sociais/de Comunicação, o que pode ser uma debilidade porque seria desejável que a equipa de gestão tivesse maior sensibilidade perante os capitais sociais, emocionais e espirituais, os quais estão relacionados com estes atributos.


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La retención del personal es una parte importante de los esfuerzos del área de recursos humanos y de la organización en general, ya que la desvinculación representa costos y daño de la imagen organizacional. Es así como el estudio y análisis de la retención de personal se ha convertido en parte de la gestión organizacional. Con la presente investigación se busca analizar las causas que inciden en la rotación de personal en la empresa prestadora de servicios del grupo Holcim, Holcrest S.A.S, ubicada en la ciudad de Medellín. El análisis parte de datos suministrados por la organización y derivados de una encuesta a los empleados activos. Con base en esta encuesta, se realiza un estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo. Los resultados muestran que las causas que más afectan en la rotación de personal son: el salario, oportunidades de carrera, reconocimiento, cooperación entre áreas, balance vida-trabajo e innovación. Estos se convierten en los puntos a tener en cuenta por parte de la organización para que tome decisiones que ayuden a minimizar la rotación por dichas causas mencionadas.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais


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Line managers increasingly play a key role in organizational career development systems, yet few studies have examined the nature of this role or its implications for employee career attitudes and behaviors. In two studies, we used attachment theory to explore this issue. In Study 1, in-depth interviews (N = 20) showed that employees viewed career management as a relational process in which line managers are expected to act as ‘caregiver’ to support individualized career development. Study 2 was a large-scale international survey (N = 891). Participants scoring higher on attachment avoidance in their line manager relationships reported more negative perceptions of career growth opportunities, lower participation in organizational career development activities and higher turnover intentions. Trust in the organization partially mediated the relationship. Theoretical and practical implications for HRM are discussed.