256 resultados para Empaquetado antimicrobiano
Spondias mombin is a fruitful species dispersed in tropical regions of America, Africa and Asia. In Brazil, the species can be found mainly in the northern and northeastern regions. Scarce chemical and pharmacological studies have been reported for S. mombin and until this moment studies about chemical markers were not developed. In this context, the aims of this study were to characterize the chemical markers from S. mombin leaves and evaluate their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative potentials. The chemical profile of the hydroethanolic extract from S. mombin leaves analyzed by HPLC-DAD, through a validated method, allowed the identification and quantification of ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid. This extract showed anti-inflammatory potential in acute peritonitis model induced by carrageenan. The hydroethanolic extract from S. mombin leaves was subjected to a liquid-liquid partition with the solvents: n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. Regarding the anti-inflammatory potential of the fractions obtained they were active; however, ethyl acetate fraction at 200 mg/kg showed highlighted results. The compounds ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid also inhibited the leukocyte migration to the site of inflammation at 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/kg. The hydroethanolic extract, fractions and the chemical markers showed significant antioxidant potential when evaluated in different assays: DPPH Free-Radical Scavenging, Superoxide Radical Scavenging, Hydroxyl Radicals Scavenging and Reducing Power. Taken together our results showed that hydroethanolic extract of S. mombin leaves has ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid as bioactive markers and it demonstrated antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties besides no cytotoxicity against 3T3 cells. It enables us to suggest S. mombin as an important species to develop herbal drugs
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Solid substrate cultivation (SSC) has become an efficient alternative towards rational use of agro industrial wastes and production of value-added products, mainly in developing countries. This work presents the production and functional application results of phenolic extracts obtained by solid substrate cultivation of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and guava (Psidium guajava L.) residues associated to soy flour and bioprocessed by Rhizopus oligosporus fungus. Two experimental groups were tested: (1) 9g of fruit residue and 1g of soy flour (A9 or G9); (2) 5g of fruit residue and 5g of soy flour (A5 or G5). After SSC, 100ml of distilled water was added to each Erlenmeyer flask containing 10g of bioprocessed material in order to obtain the phenolic extracts. Samples were taken every two days for total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity evaluation by DPPH test during 12-day cultivation. The 2-day and 10-d ay extracts were selected and concentrated by ebullition until 1/10 of original volume was reached. After that, both non-concentrated and concentrated extracts were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica and a-amylase inhibitory capacity. It was observed an inverse relationship between total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity during the cultivation. Besides that, the concentrated pineapple samples after two days were able to inhibit both pathogens tested, especially S. aureus. Guava concentrated extracts after 2 days showed expressive inhibition against S. enterica, but negative results against S. aureus growth. When it comes to a-amylase inhibition, A9 extracts after 2 days, both concentrated or not, completely inhibited enzyme activity. Similar behavior was observed for G9 samples, but only for concentrated samples. It was shown that concentration by ebullition positively affected the enzymatic inhibition of G9 and A9 samples, but on the other side, decreased antiamylase activity of A5 and G5 samples
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The purpose of this study was evaluate the effectiveness of the chitosan at 0.4 with high molecular weight and high deacetylation degree mouthrinse over the total decrease of the streptococci, Streptococcus mutans, lactobaci/li and over the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices. For that, a total of 68 healthy students between 11 and 13 years old, not allergic to crustacean and not users of antibiotics or antimicrobial agent for the last three months or during the treatment, was selected. From those, thirty two individuaIs used the mouthrinse test, and thirty six, the control one. The participants rinsed 10 mL of the solutions twice a day, one during the moming (which was supervised), and another one during the aftemoon (which was not supervised), for fifteen days. The saliva collect for the microbiological analysis, as well as the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices check, were made before the use ofthe mouthrinses (base line), immediately after the last mouthrinse on the day (zero time) and fifteen days after (fifteen time). These data were collected at school and the saliva was carried inside the ice to the laboratory. The samples were diluted, and 0.1 mL ofthe 10 -1 dilution was seeded in Rogosa SL agar, for further analysis of the total of lactobaci/lus~ 0.1 mL of the 10-4 dilution in Mitis Salivarius with bacitracin, for S. mutans analysis; and 0.1 mL of the 10-6 dilution in Mitis Salivarius for the analysis ofthe total of streptococcus. The Rogosa SL agar plates were incubated in aerobic at 37°C for 72 hours and the MSB and the MS were incubated in anaerobic in Gaspak@ jars at 37°C for 48 hours for further count ofColonies Former Units (CFUs). The assay was made in duplicate for each bacterial group analyzed. The number of CFUs transformed in LOGlO was analyzed according to the following tests: ANOV A, t of Paired and Not Paired Student, Friedman, Man-Whitney and square-qui test. On the base line, alI the variables analyzed were similar on both tested groups. On both groups, for the total of streptococcus there was no significant difference along the time and for S. mutans there was a statistic significant increase of the CFUs from the base line to the zero time. For the total of lactobaccilus there was no significant difference on the test group along the time, and on the control there was a significant increase ofthe CFUs ITom the base line to the zero time. For both groups, there was significant decrease ofthe perceptible bacterial film index along the time, and that can be explained by the mechanic effect of the mouthrinse over the bacterial film and by the participation of the students on the research which could have motivated him to a better toothbrushing (Hawthome effect). The gingival bleeding index also showed a decrease along the time, even though it was not significant. Therefore, the conclusion of this study was that the chitosan at 0.4 % mouthrinse was not effective on the CFUs reduction of the three bacterial groups analyzed, as well as on the reduction of the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices
The aim of this study was determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus spp. from patients with periodontal disease and periodontally healthy, correlate them with factors to host, local environment and traits of the diseases. To this, thirty adults from 19 to 55 years old were selected. They had not periodontal treatment and no antibiotic or antimicrobial was administered during three previous months. From these individuals, sites periodontally healthy, with chronic gingivitis and/or periodontitis were analyzed. Eighteen subgingival dental biofilm samples were collected through sterile paper points being six from each tooth randomly selected, representing conditions mentioned. They were transported to Oral Microbiology laboratory, plated onto Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) and incubated at 370C in air for 48 h. Staphylococcus spp. were identified by colonial morphology, Gram stain, catalase reaction, susceptibility to bacitracin and coagulase activity. After identification, strains were submitted to the antibiotic susceptibility test with 12 antimicrobials, based on Kirby-Bauer technique. To establish the relation between coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CSN) presence and their infection levels and host factors, local environment and traits of diseases were used Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests to a confidence level of 95%. 86,7% subjects harbored CSN in 11,7% periodontal sites. These prevalence were 12,1% in healthy sites, 11,7% in chronic gingivitis, 13,5% in slight chronic periodontitis, 6,75% in moderate chronic periodontitis and in sites with advance chronic periodontitis was not isolated CSN, without difference among them (p = 0,672). There was no significant difference to presence and infection levels of CSN as related to host factors, local environm ent and traits of the diseases. Amongst the 74 samples of CSN isolated, the biggest resistance was observed to penicillin (55,4%), erythromycin (32,4%), tetracycline (12,16%) and clindamycin (9,4%). 5,3% of the isolates were resistant to oxacilin and methicillin. No resistance was observed to ciprofloxacin, rifampicin and vancomycin. It was concluded that staphylococci are found in low numbers in healthy or sick periodontal sites in a similar ratio. However, a trend was observed to a reduction in staphylococci occurrence toward more advanced stages of the disease. This low prevalence was not related to any variables analyzed. Susceptibility profile to antibiotics demonstrates a raised resistance to penicillin and a low one to methicillin. To erythromycin, tetracycline and clindamycin was observed a significant resistance
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Estudou-se a influência de diferentes irrigantes no potencial antimicrobiano da pasta de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes de cães com periodontite apical. 48 pré-molares de cães adultos tiveram suas câmaras coronárias abertas e expostas à cavidade bucal por 6 meses. Os canais radiculares foram preparados, irrigados e medicados com diferentes substâncias, de acordo com os seguintes grupos: 1) 2,5% NaOCl + CHP; 2) 2% CHX + CHP; 3) vinagre + CHP; 4) vinagre + vinagre. No grupo 4, a solução irrigante e a medicação intracanal utilizada foi o vinagre. Neste grupo, a cada 7 dias, a solução era renovada. Cada amostra foi coletada, mantendo-se o cone de papel esterilizado em posição por 1 min, e a seguir transportado e imerso em 7 mL de Letheen broth, seguido de incubação a 37ºC por 48 h. O crescimento microbiano foi analisado por dois métodos, turbidade do meio de cultura e subcultura em meio nutritivo específico (brain heart infusion). Os resultados mostraram que em todos os grupos experimentais houve crescimento microbiano após 21 dias, em diferentes percentagens: grupo 1 - 30%; grupo 2 - 30%; grupo 3 - 40%; grupo 4 - 60%. Todos os materiais testados apresentaram potencial antimicrobiano. Entretanto, o processo de cura favorecido pela pasta de hidróxido de cálcio não pode ser esquecido, uma vez que muitos estudos já demonstraram sua ação antimicrobiana.
A ação antibacteriana in vitro de óleos essenciais de seis plantas foi verificada por meio da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM=%v/v) pela diluição dos óleos em meio de cultura Mueller Hinton Agar, frente a linhagens de Staphylococcus aureus (n=16) e Escherichia coli (n=16) isoladas de casos clínicos humanos, além de 1 amostra padrão ATCC para cada espécie (Sa ATCC 25923 e Ec ATCC 25922), e determinação de curvas de sobrevivência em concentrações equivalentes a CIM90% dos respectivos óleos. O óleo essencial de canela foi o mais eficiente, com valores de CIM90% de 0,047 e 0,09 para S. aureus e E. coli respectivamente, enquanto gengibre (0,09), cravo da índia (0,095) e capim cidreira (0,1) apresentaram eficiências semelhantes para S. aureus. Frente a E. coli, os óleos de gengibre (0,52) e capim cidreira (0,55) foram equivalentes quanto à eficiência. de acordo com as curvas de sobrevivência, foi possível verificar também que os valores de CIM90% obtidos podem ser tanto bactericidas ou bacteriostáticas de acordo com a bactéria testada. em conclusão, verificou-se que os óleos essenciais testados foram efetivos no controle do desenvolvimento bacteriano, sendo o potencial antimicrobiano diferente em função da espécie bacteriana testada, sendo que a bactéria Gram positiva (S. aureus) mostrou-se mais susceptível aos óleos testados que a Gram negativa (E. coli).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Avaliou-se a função neutrofílica em cabras com mastite por Staphylococcus aureus, induzida experimentalmente, suplementadas com vitamina E (acetato DL-α-tocoferol). Foram utilizadas 14 cabras gestantes da raça Saanen, com idades entre 8 e 12 meses e com cultura bacteriológica do leite negativa. Sete cabras receberam 2000UI de vitamina E, via intramuscular, no dia do parto e no sétimo dia pós-parto. As outras sete não foram medicadas. No 10º dia pós-parto, os dois grupos foram inoculados com 300 unidades formadoras de colônias de Staphylococcus aureus, cepa ATCC 25923, diluídas em 10ml de solução fisiológica, na glândula mamária esquerda. A função de neutrófilos sangüíneos foi medida pelo teste nitroazul tetrazólio (NBT), antes da inoculação, no momento da infecção e 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas pós-infecção, quando foi instituído o tratamento intramamário com antimicrobiano, por três dias consecutivos. A colheita final de sangue foi realizada 48 horas após a última aplicação do medicamento. Amostras de sangue para determinação da vitamina E foram colhidas no dia do parto, no momento da infecção, 48 horas pós-infecção e 48 horas pós-tratamento e analisadas por cromatografia líquida de alta performance. Na prova não estimulada do NBT não foram verificadas diferenças entre grupos e entre momentos. Na prova estimulada do NBT (NBT-E) houve diferença entre tratamentos às 12 e 72 horas pós-infecção, com valores mais elevados de NBT-E nos animais sem suplementação. Conclui-se que a suplementação com vitamina E reduz o percentual de neutrófilos NBT-E positivos.
With the significant increase in the incidence of invasive fungal infections during the last decade, mainly in patients with cancer, AIDS and other hospitalized patients who stay for long periods in intensive care units, there is an urgent need to screen for new antifungal agents possessing some advantages over known ones. This article reports a search in the field for a microorganism producing antibacterial and antifungal substances. Strains from soil samples collected in the region of Araraquara, Brazil, were isolated and analyzed for their antimicrobial potential against standard microorganisms (fungi Candida albicans and Aspergillus oryzae and bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli). Out of the 64 strains isolated, 34 produced detectable antimicrobial activity. The streptomycete strain Ar4014 was chosen for further study, owing to its good antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans. Two of the fermentation media tested, 608-K and 602-B, were found to be best for the production and extraction of the antibiotic from Ar4014. After chromatographic separation of the crude extract on a silica column, the active fractions obtained showed UV-VIS absorption peaks characteristic of normal pentaenic antibiotics. The antibiotic was provisionally designated Ara 4014-75.