971 resultados para Elevated SFRSCC slab
PURPOSE: At 7 Tesla (T), conventional static field (B0 ) projection mapping techniques, e.g., FASTMAP, FASTESTMAP, lead to elevated specific absorption rates (SAR), requiring longer total acquisition times (TA). In this work, the series of adiabatic pulses needed for slab selection in FASTMAP is replaced by a single two-dimensional radiofrequency (2D-RF) pulse to minimize TA while ensuring equal shimming performance. METHODS: Spiral gradients and 2D-RF pulses were designed to excite thin slabs in the small tip angle regime. The corresponding selection profile was characterized in phantoms and in vivo. After optimization of the shimming protocol, the spectral linewidths obtained after 2D localized shimming were compared with conventional techniques and published values from (Emir et al NMR Biomed 2012;25:152-160) in six different brain regions. RESULTS: Results on healthy volunteers show no significant difference (P > 0.5) between the spectroscopic linewidths obtained with the adiabatic (TA = 4 min) and the new low-SAR and time-efficient FASTMAP sequence (TA = 42 s). The SAR can be reduced by three orders of magnitude and TA accelerated six times without impact on the shimming performances or quality of the resulting spectra. CONCLUSION: Multidimensional pulses can be used to minimize the RF energy and time spent for automated shimming using projection mapping at high field. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Tenascins are extracellular matrix proteins present during the development of organisms as well as in pathological conditions. Tenascin-W, the fourth and last member of the tenascin family remains the least well-characterized one. Our study aimed to evaluate the potential significance of tenascin-W as cancer biomarker by monitoring its presence in the serum of colorectal and breast cancer patients and its expression in colorectal tumor tissues. To measure serum tenascin-W levels, a sensitive sandwich-ELISA was established. Mean tenascin-W concentration in sera of patients with nonmetastatic colorectal cancer at time of diagnosis was highly increased compared to that of healthy volunteers. A similar tendency was observed for tenascin-C in the same patient cohort. However, the increase was much more striking for tenascin-W. We also detected elevated tenascin-W levels in sera of breast cancer patients. Furthermore, we could show a prominent expression of tenascin-W in extracts from colorectal tumor tissues by immunoblot analysis, whereas tenascin-W was not detectable in the corresponding normal colon mucosa. To confirm the western blot results, we performed immunohistochemistry of frozen sections of the same patients as well as of an additional, independently chosen collection of colorectal cancer tissues. In all cases, similarly to tenascin-C, tenascin-W was detected in the tumor stroma. Our results reveal a clear association between elevated levels of tenascin-W and the presence of cancer. These results warrant further studies to evaluate the potential value of serum and tissue tenascin-W levels as diagnostic, prognostic or monitoring biomarker in colorectal, breast and possibly other solid cancers.
BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was the investigation of a novel navigator-gated three-dimensional (3D) steady-state free-precession (SSFP) sequence for free-breathing renal magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) without contrast medium, and to examine the advantage of an additional inversion prepulse for improved contrast. METHODS: Eight healthy volunteers (mean age 29 years) and eight patients (mean age 53 years) were investigated on a 1.5 Tesla MR system (ACS-NT, Philips, Best, The Netherlands). Renal MRA was performed using three navigator-gated free-breathing cardiac-triggered 3D SSFP sequences [repetition time (TR) = 4.4 ms, echo time (TE) = 2.2 ms, flip angle 85 degrees, spatial resolution 1.25 x 1.25 x 4.0 mm(3), scanning time approximately 1 minute 30 seconds]. The same sequence was performed without magnetization preparation, with a non-slab selective and a slab-selective inversion prepulse. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise (CNR) vessel length, and subjective image quality were compared. RESULTS: Three-dimensional SSFP imaging combined with a slab-selective inversion prepulse enabled selective and high contrast visualization of the renal arteries, including the more distal branches. Standard SSFP imaging without magnetization preparation demonstrated overlay by veins and renal parenchyma. A non-slab-selective prepulse abolished vessel visualization. CNR in SSFP with slab-selective inversion was 43.6 versus 10.6 (SSFP without magnetization preparation) and 0.4 (SSFP with non-slab-selective inversion), P < 0.008. CONCLUSION: Navigator-gated free-breathing cardiac-triggered 3D SSFP imaging combined with a slab-selective inversion prepulse is a novel, fast renal MRA technique without the need for contrast media.
Selostus: Kevätvehnän ja nurminadan fotosynteesi ja Rubisco-kinetiikka simuloidun ilmastonmuutoksen eli kohotetun hiilidioksidipitoisuuden ja kohotetun lämpötilan oloissa
BACKGROUND: The effect of the increasing prevalence of obesity on blood pressure (BP) secular trends is unclear. We analyzed BP and body mass index secular trends between 1998 and 2006 in children and adolescents of the Seychelles, a rapidly developing island state in the African region. METHODS AND RESULTS: School-based surveys were conducted annually between 1998 and 2006 among all students in 4 school grades (kindergarten and 4th, 7th, and 10th years of compulsory school). We used the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria to define obesity and elevated BP. The same methods and instruments were used in all surveys. Some 25 586 children and adolescents 4 to 18 years of age contributed 43 867 observations. Although the prevalence of obesity in boys and girls increased from 5.1% and 6.0%, respectively, in 1998 to 2000 to 8.0% and 8.7% in 2004 to 2006, the prevalence of elevated BP decreased from 8.4% and 9.8% to 6.9% and 7.8%. During the interval, mean age-adjusted body mass index increased by 0.57 kg/m(2) in boys and 0.58 kg/m(2) in girls. Mean age- and height-adjusted systolic BP decreased by -3.0 mm Hg in boys and -2.8 mm Hg in girls, whereas mean diastolic BP did not change substantially in boys (-0.2 mm Hg) and increased slightly in girls (0.4 mm Hg). CONCLUSIONS: At a population level, the marked increase in the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents in the Seychelles was not associated with a commensurate secular rise in mean BP.
Recent reports have indicated that 23.5% of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7% are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa secondary road system where over 86% of the rural bridge management responsibilities are assigned to the counties. Some of the bridges can be strengthened or otherwise rehabilitated, but many more are in need of immediate replacement. In a recent investigation (HR-365 "Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System") several types of replacement bridges that are currently being used on low volume roads were identified. It was also determined that a large number of counties (69%) have the ability and are interested in utilizing their own forces to design and construct short span bridges. After reviewing the results from HR-365, the research team developed one "new" bridge replacement concept and a modification of a replacement system currently being used. Both of these bridge replacement alternatives were investigated in this study, the results of which are presented in two volumes. This volume (Volume 2) presents the results of Concept 2 - Modification of the Beam-in-Slab Bridge. Concept 1 - Steel Beam Precast Units is presented in Volume 1. Concept 2 involves various laboratory tests of the Beam-in-Slab bridge (BISB) currently being used by Benton County and several other Iowa counties. In this investigation, the behavior and strength of the BISB were determined; a new method of obtaining composite action between the steel beams and concrete was also tested. Since the Concept 2 bridge is primarily intended for use on low-volume roads, the system can be constructed with new or used beams. In the experimental part of the investigation, there were three types of laboratory tests: push-out tests, service and ultimate load tests of models of the BISB, and composite beam tests utilizing the newly developed shear connection. In addition to the laboratory tests, there was a field test in which an existing BISB was service load tested. An equation was developed for predicting the strength of the shear connection investigated; in addition, a finite element model for analyzing the BISB was also developed. Push-out tests were completed to determine the strength of the recently developed shear connector. A total of 36 specimens were tested, with variables such as hole diameter, hole spacing, presence of reinforcement, etc. being investigated. In the model tests of the BISB, two and four beam specimens [L=9,140 mm (30 ft)] were service load tested for behavior and load distribution data. Upon completion of these tests, both specimens were loaded to failure. In the composite beam tests, four beams, one with standard shear studs and three using the shear connection developed, were tested. Upon completion of the service load tests, all four beams were loaded to failure. The strength and behavior of the beams with the new shear connection were found to be essentially the same as that of the specimen with standard shear studs.
Selostus: Kohotettujen CO‚́‚:n ja lämpötilan vaikutukset kevätvehnän fenologiseen kehitykseen ja sadontuottomahdollisuuksiin
This project continues the research which addresses the numerous bridge problems on the Iowa secondary road system. It is a continuation (Phase 2) of Project HR-382, in which two replacement alternatives (Concept 1: Steel Beam Precast Units and Concept 2: Modification of the Benton County Beam-in-Slab Bridge) were investigated. In previous research for concept 1, a precast unit bridge was developed through laboratory testing. The steel-beam precast unit bridge requires the fabrication of precast double-tee (PCDT) units, each consisting of two steel beams connected by a reinforced concrete deck. The weight of each PCDT unit is minimized by limiting the deck thickness to 4 in., which permits the units to be constructed off-site and then transported to the bridge site. The number of units required is a function of the width of bridge desired. Once the PCDT units are connected, a cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck is cast over the PCDT units and the bridge railing attached. Since the steel beam PCDT unit bridge design is intended primarily for use on low-volume roads, used steel beams can be utilized for a significant cost savings. In previous research for concept 2, an alternate shear connector (ASC) was developed and subjected to static loading. In this investigation, the ASC was subjected to cyclic loading in both pushout specimens and composite beam tests. Based on these tests, the fatigue strength of the ASC was determined to be significantly greater than that required in typical low volume road single span bridges. Based upon the construction and service load testing, the steel-beam precast unit bridge was successfully shown to be a viable low volume road bridge alternative. The construction process utilized standard methods resulting in a simple system that can be completed with a limited staff. Results from the service load tests indicated adequate strength for all legal loads. An inspection of the bridge one year after its construction revealed no change in the bridge's performance. Each of the systems previously described are relatively easy to construct. Use of the ASC rather than the welded studs significantly simplified the work, equipment, and materials required to develop composite action between the steel beams and the concrete deck.
Theory predicts that if most mutations are deleterious to both overall fitness and condition-dependent traits affecting mating success, sexual selection will purge mutation load and increase nonsexual fitness. We explored this possibility with populations of mutagenized Drosophila melanogaster exhibiting elevated levels of deleterious variation and evolving in the presence or absence of male-male competition and female choice. After 60 generations of experimental evolution, monogamous populations exhibited higher total reproductive output than polygamous populations. Parental environment also affected fitness measures - flies that evolved in the presence of sexual conflict showed reduced nonsexual fitness when their parents experienced a polygamous environment, indicating trans-generational effects of male harassment and highlighting the importance of a common garden design. This cost of parental promiscuity was nearly absent in monogamous lines, providing evidence for the evolution of reduced sexual antagonism. There was no overall difference in egg-to-adult viability between selection regimes. If mutation load was reduced by the action of sexual selection in this experiment, the resultant gain in fitness was not sufficient to overcome the costs of sexual antagonism.
Reconstruction of bridge approach slabs which have failed due to a loss of support from embankment fill consolidation or erosion can be particularly challenging in urban areas where lane closures must be minimized. Precast prestressed concrete pavement is a potential solution for rapid bridge approach slab reconstruction which uses prefabricated pavement panels that can be installed and opened to traffic quickly. To evaluate this solution, the Iowa Department of Transportation constructed a precast prestressed approach slab demonstration project on Highway 60 near Sheldon, Iowa in August/September 2006. Two approach slabs at either end of a new bridge were constructed using precast prestressed concrete panels. This report documents the successful development, design, and construction of the precast prestressed concrete bridge approach slabs on Highway 60. The report discusses the challenges and issues that were faced during the project and presents recommendations for future implementation of this innovative construction technique.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Alcoa – Davenport Works Facility (Alcoa), and concerned citizens and community leaders of Riverdale, Iowa requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program to evaluate the health impacts of exposures to volatile organic vapors detected within residences located immediately to the west of the Alcoa property. This health consultation addresses inhalation exposure to individuals that may have occupied the currently vacant residences in which the air sampling was completed.
To evaluate the efficacy of endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Magnetic Resonance Spetroscopic Imaging (MRSI) combined with total prostate-specific antigen (tPSA) and free prostate-specific antigen (fPSA) in selecting candidates for biopsy. Subjects and Methods: 246 patients with elevated tPSA (median: 7.81 ng/ml) underwent endorectal MRI and MRSI before Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) biopsy (10 peripheral + 2 central cores); patients with positive biopsies were treated with radical intention; those with negative biopsies were followed up and underwent MRSI before each additional biopsy if tPSA rose persistently. Mean follow-up: 27.6 months. We compared MRI, MRSI, tPSA, and fPSA with histopathology by sextant and determined the association between the Gleason score and MRI and MRSI. We determined the most accurate combination to detect prostate cancer (PCa) using receiver operating curves; we estimated the odds ratios (OR) and calculated sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. Results: No difference in tPSA was found between patients with and without PCa (p = 0.551). In the peripheral zone, the risk of PCa increased with MRSI grade; patients with high-grade MRSI had the greatest risk of PCa over time (OR = 328.6); the model including MRI, MRSI, tPSA, and fPSA was more accurate (Area under Curve: AUC = 95.7%) than MRI alone (AUC = 85.1%) or fPSA alone (AUC = 78.1%), but not than MRSI alone (94.5%). In the transitional zone, the model was less accurate (AUC = 84.4%). The association (p = 0.005) between MRSI and Gleason score was significant in both zones. Conclusions: MRSI is useful in patients with elevated tPSA. High-grade MRSI lesions call for repeated biopsies. Men with negative MRSI may forgo further biopsies because a significantly high Gleason lesion is very unlikely
Résumé de l'article Le carcinome hépatocellulaire reste une tumeur maligne de mauvais pronostic. Le but de cette étude rétrospective est d'étudier l'expression immunohistochimique semi-quantitative d'Hep Par 1 (hepatocyte paraffin 1) et de CD 10 (CALLA ou neprilysin) et leur valeur pronostique sur un collectif de 97 patients avec un carcinome hépatocellulaire traité à visée curative. Hep Par 1 réagit avec un épitope spécifique de l'hépatocyte au niveau de la membrane mitochondriale et se présente sous forme d'un marquage cytoplasmique diffus d'intensité variable, le foie non tumoral exprimant un marquage granulaire servant de contrôle interne positif. Le CD 10 correspond ä une metallopeptidase de la membrane cellulaire participant au processus de sécrétion hormonale et l'immunoréaction colore spécifiquement la portion luminale des canalicules biliaires du foie non tumoral, qui sert ainsi de contrôle interne positif. Le foie tumoral exprime ou non un marquage canaliculaire (CD 10 can), similaire au foie non tumoral, ou cytoplasmique (CD 10 cyt). Le marquage immunohistochimique est quantifié pour les 3 différents marqueurs (Hep Par 1, CD10 can et CD10 cyt) en fonction du pourcentage de cellules tumorales positives (score de 0 à 3 établi pour chaque marqueur immunohistochimique). L'élaboration d'un score combiné immunohistochimique (CIS) est obtenu en additionnant les scores d'Hep Par 1 et de CD10 con et en soustrayant le score de CD10 cyt. Dans l'analyse univariée, la survie globale des patients est prolongée de manière significative en cas de forte expression tumorale par Hep Par 1 (p=0,0005) et CD10 can (p=0,02). Dans l'analyse multivariée, la combinaison du CIS avec les autres paramètres histopathologiques pronostiques classiques du carcinome hépatocellulaire comme la taille tumorale, l'invasion vasculaire, la multifocalité de la tumeur et le grade tumoral montre que le score immunohistochimique combiné (CIS) reste le facteur pronostique le plus important (p=0,001). Les patients avec un CIS bas (<4) avec une survie moyenne de 17 mois ont 3,5 fois plus de risque de décès comparés à ceux avec un CIS élevé (>4) avec une survie moyenne de plus de 80 mois. En conclusion, une expression immunohistochimique élevée d'Hep Par 1 et de CD10 can en l'absence d'expression de CD10 cyt sont des facteurs pronostiques favorables pour les patients présentant un carcinome hépatocellulaire. La combinaison des marqueurs immunohistochimiques dans un score combiné pourrait être utilisé dans la prise en charge des patients avec un hépatocarcinome àvisée curative. Toutefois des études prospectives restent nécessaires pour confirmer l'utilité pronostique du CIS.
OBJECTIVE: Body composition measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is believed to be superior to crude measures such as BMI or waist circumference (WC) to assess health risks associated with adiposity in adults. We compared the ability of BMI, WC, waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), percentage body fat from skinfold thickness, and measures of total and central fat assessed by DXA to identify children with elevated blood pressure (BP). STUDY DESIGN: The QUALITY Study follows 630 Caucasian families (father, mother, and child originally aged 8-10 years). BP, height, weight, WC, and skinfold thickness were measured according to standardized protocols. Elevated BP was defined as systolic or diastolic BP at least 90th age, sex, and height-specific percentile. Total and central fat were determined with DXA. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) statistic was computed from logistic models that adjusted for age, sex, height, Tanner stage, and physical activity. RESULTS: All adiposity indicators were highly correlated. WC and WHtR did not show superior ability over BMI to identify children with elevated SBP (P = 0.421 and 0.473). Measures of total and central fat from DXA did not show an improved ability over BMI or WC to identify children with elevated SBP (P = 0.325-0.662). CONCLUSION: Results support the use of BMI in clinical and public health settings, at least in this age group. As all indicators had a limited ability to identify children with elevated BP, results also support measurement of BP in all children of this age independent of a weight status.