908 resultados para Elementary education


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Leprosy is a chronic infectious-contagious disease, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, manifested by dermatological and neurological signs and symptoms and has great disabling power. It was marked by a strong stigma throughout its history, since its bearers represented a threat, target of fear and social contempt. Currently, leprosy has treatment and cure, and the need to separate the diseased from family and social environment is no more necessary. However, patients still suffer prejudice and discrimination. This study aimed to understand the social representations of leprosy that interfere modifying mental health of the patient with leprosy in relation to stigma and prejudice. This is a descriptive and exploratory study, with qualitative approach, which involved 22 users of the Special Care Clinic in Infectious Diseases at the Hospital Giselda Trigueiro, located in Natal / RN. They were in use of multidrug therapy in the period of data collection, were of both sexes, aged between 16 and 80 years of age and classified as paucibacillary or multibacillary. The study was approved by the UFRN Ethics in Research Committee. Data collection was performed by filling the questionnaire identification and then for conducting the semi-structured interview, which was recorded. After the end of data collection, there was the construction of tables and graphs, using the Microsoft Excel Start 2010 for proper characterization of the research subjects; and for the treatment of the data obtained from the interviews, was used the Content Analysis and based on the Theory of Social Representations. The subjects studied were mostly male (64%), married or in a stable relationship (68%), concentrated in the age group 50-60 years (36%) and 28-38 years (23%), had at most elementary education (65%) and were low-income (59%). Of the total respondents, 64% were classified as multibacillary, with predominantly dimorfous form, and 50% had disability grade I or II, with different periods of diagnosis. The reports originate two categories: 1. The negative meanings of illness and leprosy; and 2. The positive meanings of illness in leprosy, which were subsequently subdivided into subcategories. Thus, it was found that in the group studied, the social representation of leprosy experiences a moment of transition, as regards the understanding of the disease and its way of experiencing the disease process. Such representation is anchored in the quality of information on the disease of its bearers and aimed at an attempt to face the illness of leprosy as a "normal process". It was found in this study that the transition is due to the work of combating stigma and consequences of leprosy, which is able to gradually transform reality, both regarding the team work of reference, and in relation to a broader character, of actions of health education, which favors overcoming of psychosocial disabilities


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This thesis aims to investigate the perception and behavior of goat and sheep rural producers from Central Cabugi Region of Rio Grande do Norte state, in terms of the sector competitiveness, the cooperation mechanisms, information and environmental practices integration in the supply chain, including their customers, and also among the local producers and other institutions that support this agribusiness cluster. The research problem is related to the environmental impacts from goat and sheep breeding. This problem can also be intensified by the organization of producers in a cluster. Then, it is important to examine how the environmental issues are considered by the rural producers and their perception of their suppliers, customers and the institutions that support this activity. The methodology used in this work involved literature review of the topics of supply chain management, green supply chain, clusters development and sustainable livestock. An exploratory survey research was also conducted by personal interviews using questionnaires. Three statistic techniques were used to compile the gathered data: descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, and Chi-square tests. Two clusters were found in this study, however, the entire sample believes the sector of goat and sheep breeding is a medium competitive activity. On the other hand, for the variables of the importance of environmental practices for competitiveness , perception of environmental impacts and environmental benefits from farm vegetation management , the research found 2 distinct groups of individuals when those variables were analyzed together the green supply chain management group of variables in the cluster analysis. Beyond competitiveness perception, no degree of difference was found for the use of insecticides too. The chi-square tests present that producers having at least elementary education, lands bigger 100 hectares and located in the cities of Angicos or Lajes tend to have a higher perception to supply chain management and environmental awareness issues than those with no or incomplete first-level education, producing in lands smaller than 100 hectares and located in the cities of Afonso Bezerra or Pedro Avelino. The chi-square tests also show the amount of milk produced, family s income and associational condition are not related with the variables used in the clusters composition. In this context, this work contributes to planning clusters development strategies and enhancing the production chain sustainability. This Master of Science Thesis can also help to introduce the environmental variable in the project, assessment and monitoring of development policies as well


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This study aims to include topics related to Space Science in elementary education from an experiment that aims to rescue the science teachers in public schools of São Tomé, RN, a taste for experimentation and exploration of advanced technologies. During this research with teachers found that they knew enough about the subject, but this knowledge was restricted to the events disclosed by the media. Regarding scientific knowledge, that same surface, they had many conceptual difficulties which hindered the approach of these topics in their classes. To overcome this difficulty, a workshop was held where teachers had the opportunity to discuss the historical aspect of Space Science, some physical concepts related to it, and the conduct of experiments with PET bottle rockets that recover from the curiosity typical of how the science. The results were outlined in the form of Planning Didactic built by teachers and using themes related to space science, from there, discussing content already provided in the composition of the schools curriculum. Therefore, this work allowed the teachers a minimum training required for them to not only reproduce, but readjusted and build, from this, their own paths in the classroom at the fundamental level


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O artigo relata pesquisa que visou, entre outros objetivos, identificar a presença do estresse, a sintomatologia e as fases apresentadas pelos professores de 1ª a 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental atuantes em escolas públicas estaduais de uma cidade do Interior de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 175 professores, perfazendo, aproximadamente, 70% dos profissionais de Ensino Básico I (PEB-I) em atuação no município. Para obtenção dos objetivos foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta de dados: o ISSL (Inventário de Sintomas de Estresse) e um questionário para caracterizar a população pesquisada. A pesquisa revelou que 56,6% dos professores estão experimentando estresse, cujos principais sintomas presentes são: sensação de desgaste físico constante, cansaço constante, tensão muscular, problemas com a memória, irritabilidade excessiva, cansaço excessivo, angústia/ansiedade diária, pensar constantemente em um só assunto e irritabilidade sem causa aparente.


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The objective was to contribute to a reading of the characteristics and diversity of production systems from bovine milk in the microregion Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte, discuss the social, economic, environmental and husbandry-related primary activity of milk production. We randomly selected 28 agricultural establishments that performed the activity of dairy bovine culture with subsequent applicat ion of a structured questionnaire during September and October 2011. Data were analyzed with application of measures of descriptive analysis and determination of the index rural development (IRD). The results showed that 53.57% of the interviewees were owners of the land, the median area of the properties amounted to 135 hectares, the median number of animals in the herd was 51 head, with minimum 11 and maximum of 350 heads establishments in the sample, 85.72% of establishments had maximum 23 cows in lactation, 100% performed manual milking with suckling calves, average productivity of 3.91 liters / cow / day, 92.86% of the interviewees did not produce silage and / or hay, 64.29% had no access to technical assistance, the average age of interviewees was 51 ± 10.85 years, 78.57% had only elementary education. The average of the IRD computed in the test sample amounted to 0.43 ± 0.11 on a scale 0-1. The sites were grouped into 04 classes, based on your IRD. The average IRD in each dimension was 0.43, 0.55 and 0.34, respectively for economic / husbandry, social and environmental. The determination of the rate of rural development - IDR found for the sample could add establishments hierarchically. It is necessary that the inclusion of best practices in herd management, bookkeeping zootechnical, technical assistance and reorganization practices in land and environmental preservation


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The educational institution, committed to the production and transmission of knowledge, has increasingly revealed a specific dimension of that commitment, which is to form people und to produce certain kinds of subjectivity. The child is involved in a context of subjectivity production becoming the object of expectations; expectations arising from the demands of a globalized world, and based upon a discourse of specialized fields of scientific knowledge relative to childhood. The purpose of the present work is to analyse the discourse found in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - PCNs (National Curriculum Guidelines) as concerns the first four years of Elementary education, trying to disclose its ideas and conceptions about the subject-child. Conceiving this discourse as an ideological phenomenon in which the word becomes the central stage where contradictory values are confronted, according to Bakhtin thinking, the analysis constitutes an effort to point out the voices which supply its basis, in what it reveals about the child. Assertions such as "preparing children for the working market", or for "exercising their citizenship", among others which can be found in the institutionalized pedagogical discourse, are stated in a universalized and normative sense, and have become the object of doubt and criticism. The investigation on the implicit and explicit conceptions about childhood as revealed in the PCNs, whose spokesperson has been the school, serves as the starting point for a series of other studies and reflections intended to pave the way for the implementation of educational processes which allow for singular manifestations of the subject-child


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Learning strategies can be understood as a planned sequence of procedures or activities, selected in order to facilitate the acquisition, storage and use of information. Although important to the learning process, the knowledge on these strategies is still insufficient, especially with regard to students with visual impairments. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize learning strategies used by blind and sighted students, registered in elementary education in schools and special institutions. Were participants 23 teachers, male and female, aged between 26 and 51 years, and 102 students, of whom 25 were blind and 77 seers, of both genders, registered on the 3rd to the 9th grade of elementary school, aged 7 to 16 years old. The instruments used were: field diary (students and teachers); structured questionnaire (teachers); sociodemographic questionnaire, interview and Assessment Scale of Learning Strategies for Elementary School (students). Initially were made observations in the classroom and the teachers received the questionnaires, with instructions for completion. Then were made the interviews with blind students and the scale was administered with these and with the seers. All instruments were administered individually. We conducted content analysis of the questionnaires with teachers and the interviews with blind students. The scale of strategies and sociodemographic questionnaire were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. It was noticed that the blind students use few learning strategies in the classroom, regardless of city, series, sex or age. It was found that teachers didn t receive training to deal with blind students, either during graduation or after have completed it, in such a way that few of them were able to inform about the learning strategies the students use, and demonstrated low ability to deal with these inefficiencies. It was also found that the blind and the sighted use cognitive and metacognitive strategies during learning, but those used by the blind seem to be more basic, low complexity, given that the seers have achieved higher scores on all subscales. We conclude that the repertoire of learning strategies for blind students is inflexible, requiring increments so that they can achieve significant results. It is important that teachers receive training to understand the learning strategies and how they positively influence learning


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OBJETIVO: Verificar os desempenhos perceptual-auditivo e ortográfico de escolares no que se refere à identificação de contrastes entre as fricativas do Português Brasileiro, e investigar em que medida esses dois tipos de desempenhos se relacionam. MÃTODOS: Foram analisados dados de desempenho perceptual-auditivo e de desempenho ortográfico extraídos de 20 crianças das duas primeiras séries do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública do município de Mallet (PR). A coleta de dados de percepção auditiva foi feita com base no Instrumento de Avaliação da Percepção de Fala (PERCEFAL), com o uso do software Perceval. Já a coleta de dados de ortografia foi feita por meio de um ditado das mesmas palavras que compõem o instrumento PERCEFAL. RESULTADOS: Foram observadas: maior acurácia perceptual-auditiva do que ortográfica; tendência de menor tempo de resposta e de menor variabilidade nos acertos perceptuais-auditivos do que nos erros; não correspondência de erros de percepção-auditiva e ortografia, já que, na percepção, o maior percentual de erros envolveu o ponto de articulação das fricativas, enquanto que, na ortografia, o maior percentual envolveu o vozeamento. CONCLUSÃO: Embora se mostrem relacionados, os desempenhos perceptual-auditivo e ortográfico não apresentam correspondência termo a termo. Portanto, na prática clínica, a atenção deve-se voltar não apenas para os aspectos que aproximam esses dois desempenhos, mas, também, para os aspectos que os diferenciam.


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OBJETIVO: Correlacionar as variáveis: erros, tempo, velocidade e compreensão de leitura de escolares com distúrbios de aprendizagem e escolares sem dificuldade de aprendizagem. MÃTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 40 escolares de 8 a 12 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, de 2ª a 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental Municipal, divididos em GI: composto por 20 escolares sem dificuldade de aprendizagem e GII: composto por 20 escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem. Foram utilizados textos selecionados a partir da indicação de professores da 2ª à 4ª série da Rede Municipal de Ensino, para a realização de leitura oral. A compreensão foi realizada por meio de quatro perguntas apresentadas após a leitura do texto, às quais os escolares deveriam responder oralmente. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre GI e GII no número de erros, velocidade e compreensão de leitura e tempo total de leitura. A correlação entre tempo total de leitura e erros cometidos durante a leitura foi positiva, e entre as variáveis tempo total de leitura e velocidade de leitura foi negativa. Para o grupo GII, houve diferença com correlação negativa entre as variáveis tempo total de leitura e velocidade de leitura. CONCLUSÃO: Para os escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem, o desempenho nas variáveis que foram correlacionadas encontra-se alterado interferindo no desenvolvimento em leitura e, consequentemente, na compreensão do texto lido.


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OBJETIVO: caracterizar o desempenho em tarefas fonológicas e silábicas de escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento e comparar estes achados com o desempenho de discentes com bom desempenho escolar. MÃTODOS: participaram do estudo 26 alunos de oito a 12 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, de 2ª. a 4ª. séries do Ensino Fundamental municipal na cidade de Marilia-SP, divididas em GI: composto por 13 escolares com dislexia atendidos no Centro de Estudos da Educação e Saúde - CEES/UNESP e GII: composto por 13 alunos com bom desempenho acadêmico, pareados segundo sexo, idade e escolaridade com o GI. Como procedimento foi utilizada a Prova de Consciência Fonológica - Instrumento de Avaliação Seqüencial - CONFIAS. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo Teste Mann-Whitney (comparação entre os grupos) e Teste dos Postos Sinalizados-Wilcoxon (comparação entre as variáveis). RESULTADOS: os resultados evidenciaram diferença estatisticamente significante, sugerindo melhor desempenho do GII em relação ao GI quanto às tarefas fonêmicas e silábicas. O GI apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa nas tarefas silábicas e fonêmicas, com melhor desempenho nas primeiras. Entre os escolares do GII não houve grande diferença estatística entre tarefas silábicas, apenas entre tarefas fonêmicas. CONCLUSÃO: o estudo concluiu que escolares com dislexia do desenvolvimento apresentam dificuldades quanto à identificação de rima e produção de palavras com o som dado, apontando para um déficit em acessar os códigos e as representações fonológicas.


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OBJETIVOS: analisar o desempenho de escolares de 2ª a 5ª série do ensino fundamental em provas de habilidades metalinguísticas e leitura segundo critérios psicolinguísticos e cognitivo-linguísticos e verificar similaridade e diferenças entre as análises. MÃTODOS: participaram 120 escolares de 2ª a 5ª série do ensino municipal, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária de sete a 12 anos de idade, divididos em 4 grupos de 30 escolares de cada série. Os escolares foram submetidos à aplicação de provas de habilidades metalinguísticas e de leitura. RESULTADOS: houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos nas habilidades metalinguísticas, nas regras de decodificação de palavras reais e pseudopalavras para todas as variáveis na leitura de palavras reais, com exceção do erro tipo Recusas, com médias superiores para Tentativas de Som Mal Sucedidas e Falha na Aplicação de Regras Ortográficas, indicando que esses tipos de erros foram os de maior ocorrência. Na leitura de pseudopalavras houve diferença estatisticamente significante em Tentativas de Som Mal Sucedidas, indicando que os escolares apresentaram desempenho inferior na decodificação de palavras que exigiram a utilização de informação fonológica. CONCLUSÃO: a adoção de critérios psicolinguísticos ou cognitivo-linguísticos na avaliação da leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras juntamente com a avaliação das habilidades metalinguísticas fornecem subsídios para a compreensão de como o escolar vem processando os complexos princípios do sistema de escrita do português do Brasil, além de dar o suporte necessário à compreensão das dificuldades específicas apresentadas pelos escolares, orientando o profissional fonoaudiólogo em relação aos objetivos precisos no seu atendimento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as implicações da surdez adquirida em adultos, na vida familiar, social e no trabalho, com uma abordagem qualitativa. Foram selecionadas 27 pessoas residentes em Bauru-SP, com diagnóstico de perda auditiva de manifestação súbita na faixa etária de 18 a 60 anos, matriculados no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC/USP) entre janeiro de 2000 e fevereiro de 2005, sendo entrevistados 16. Utilizaram-se a entrevista e a análise de conteúdo. Constatou-se: a perda auditiva ocorreu entre os 40 e 44 anos, 37,5%; 62,5% dos que perderam a audição eram do sexo masculino, 62,5% não tinham o ensino fundamental; 62,5% eram da classe Baixa Superior; 75% apresentaram perda auditiva bilateral, 18,75% de grau moderado/profundo. Dos 13 que estavam trabalhando quando perderam a audição, 30,77% pararam de trabalhar e 15,38% mudaram de profissão. Foram relatadas situações como: afastamento do trabalho, demissão a pedido e demissão pelo empregador, dificuldade de aceitação, cobranças, falta de esclarecimentos e desconhecimento dos próprios profissionais de saúde. Os dados sugerem a necessidade dos recursos de reabilitação, de apoio terapêutico, respeito e alternativas de conhecimentos.


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Este trabalho propõe-se a refletir sobre o conteúdo e as implicações, para a oferta da educação básica, de duas das principais medidas que sustentaram a reforma da educação paulista implantada pelo primeiro governo de Mario Covas (1995-1998). São elas: a reorganização das escolas da rede estadual e a política de municipalização do ensino fundamental mediante a adoção de convênios.


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No momento em que se discute a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas regulares, faz-se necessário desenvolver trabalhos de pesquisa que se dediquem a analisar as implicações da formação continuada de professores. Neste sentido, estabeleceu-se o objetivo de investigar aspectos relativos às necessidades de duas professoras itinerantes, participantes de um programa de formação. Tal programa, voltado para o acompanhamento de alunos com baixa visão, pretendeu oferecer a essas professoras, sem conhecimentos específicos em deficiência visual, elementos dessa formação, e analisar a natureza das implicações evidenciadas ao longo do processo, do qual foi possível depreender que o desenvolvimento das funções visuais constitui-se em valioso referencial teórico, bem como o fato de estar regularmente na escola, conversar com as professoras, discutir como proceder, avaliar retroativamente os exercícios e ajudar a planejar estratégias com base nas análises feitas foram as principais vantagens de atuar de forma colaborativa.