979 resultados para Electron spin resonance measurements


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Titanium dioxide thin films with a rutile crystallinite size around 20 nm were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) aided with an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma. With annealing treatment, the crystal size of the rutile crystallinite increased to 100 nm. The apatite-forming ability of the films as deposited and after annealing was investigated in a kind of simulated body fluid with ion concentrations nearly equal to those of human blood plasma. The results indicate that ECR aided PLD is an effective way both to fabricate bioactive titanium dioxide thin films and to optimize the bioactivity of titanium dioxide, with both crystal size and defects of the film taken into account.


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In this paper, we present the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles and nanowires of Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 (PSMO). The main results of this investigation are as follows: (a) a comparison with the properties of the bulk material shows that the ferromagnetic (FM) transition at 270 K remains unaffected but the anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) transition at TN = 150 K disappears in the nanoparticles, (b) the size induced ground state magnetic phase (below 150 K) is predominantly FM, coexisting with a residual AFM phase, and (c) the temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy shows complex behaviour, being higher in the nanoparticles at high temperatures and lower at moderately lower temperatures in comparison with the bulk. The results obtained from the extensive magnetization, magnetotransport and electron magnetic resonance studies made on various samples are presented and discussed in detail.


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The Standard Model of particle physics consists of the quantum electrodynamics (QED) and the weak and strong nuclear interactions. The QED is the basis for molecular properties, and thus it defines much of the world we see. The weak nuclear interaction is responsible for decays of nuclei, among other things, and in principle, it should also effects at the molecular scale. The strong nuclear interaction is hidden in interactions inside nuclei. From the high-energy and atomic experiments it is known that the weak interaction does not conserve parity. Consequently, the weak interaction and specifically the exchange of the Z^0 boson between a nucleon and an electron induces small energy shifts of different sign for mirror image molecules. This in turn will make the other enantiomer of a molecule energetically favorable than the other and also shifts the spectral lines of the mirror image pair of molecules into different directions creating a split. Parity violation (PV) in molecules, however, has not been observed. The topic of this thesis is how the weak interaction affects certain molecular magnetic properties, namely certain parameters of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopies. The thesis consists of numerical estimates of NMR and ESR spectral parameters and investigations of the effects of different aspects of quantum chemical computations to them. PV contributions to the NMR shielding and spin-spin coupling constants are investigated from the computational point of view. All the aspects of quantum chemical electronic structure computations are found to be very important, which makes accurate computations challenging. Effects of molecular geometry are also investigated using a model system of polysilyene chains. PV contribution to the NMR shielding constant is found to saturate after the chain reaches a certain length, but the effects of local geometry can be large. Rigorous vibrational averaging is also performed for a relatively small and rigid molecule. Vibrational corrections to the PV contribution are found to be only a couple of per cents. PV contributions to the ESR g-tensor are also evaluated using a series of molecules. Unfortunately, all the estimates are below the experimental limits, but PV in some of the heavier molecules comes close to the present day experimental resolution.


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he valence state of molybdenum in cubic Ce2MoO6 was investigated using magnetic susceptibility measurements, electron spin resonance spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The results are consistent with the formulation Ce3+Ce4+Mo5+O6.


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The valence state of molybdenum in cubic Ce2MoO6 was investigated using magnetic susceptibility measurements, electron spin resonance spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The results are consistent with the formulation Ce3+Ce4+Mo5+O6.


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EPR study of the vanadyl ion has been carried out in its paramagnetically dilute form in K2Zn(SO4)2·6H2O and K2Mg(SO4)2·6H2O at room temperature at X-band. The vanadyl ion enters the divalent metal site and preferentially orients itself in the direction of the water molecules forming the octahedron and forms the vanadyl sulfate pentahydrate complex. The g and A tensorscorresponding to the two populous V-O orientations have been analyzed to obtain the principal values and their direction cosines with respect to the crystallographics axes. It is found that the g and A tensor have the same principal frames of reference within the limits of eperimental error. A correlation between the metal-water distance and the populations of the different V-O orientations is observed.


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The possibility of using spin-probe electron spin resonance (ESR) as a tool to study glass transition temperature, T g, of polymer electrolytes is explored in 4 hydroxy 2,2,6,6 tetramethylpiperidine N oxyl (TEMPOL) doped composite polymer electrolyte (PEG)46LiClO4 dispersed with nanoparticles of hydrotalcite. The T g is estimated from the measured values of T 50G, the temperature at which the extrema separation 2A zz of the broad powder spectrum decreases to 50 G. In another method, the correlation time τc for the spin probe dynamics was determined by computer simulation of the ESR spectra and T g has been identified as the temperature at which τc begins to show temperature dependence. While both methods give values of T g close to those obtained from differential scanning calorimetry, it is concluded that more work is required to establish spin-probe ESR as a reliable technique for the determination of T g.


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Glass transition and relaxation of the glycerol-water (G-W) binary mixture system have been studied over the glycerol concentration range of 5-85 mol% by using the highly sensitive technique of electron spin resonance (ESR). For the water rich mixture the glass transition,sensed by the dissolved spin probe, arises from the vitrified mesoscopic portion of the binary system. The concentration dependence of the glass transition temperature manifests a closely related molecular level cooperativity in the system. A drastic change in the mesoscopic structure of the system at the critical concentration of 40 mol is confirmed by an estimation of the spin probe effective volume in a temperature range where the tracer reorientation is strongly coupled to the system dynamics.


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A direct observation of ferroelectric domains in x-irradiated KH2AsO4 and KD2AsO4 using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and in the case of KH2AsO4 also using electron-nuclear double-resonance (ENDOR), is reported. The nature of the observed domain splittings and consequently the effects of an externally applied electric field on the EPR and ENDOR spectra are explained. Moreover, the higher resolution possible with the ENDOR technique, has, for the first time, made it possible to use protons as microscopic probes and to identify in general lines from individual domains in all directions.


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We report the first electron paramagnetic resonance studies of single crystals and powders of Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 in the 300-4.2 K range, covering the charge-ordering transition (Tco) at ~240 K and antiferromagnetic transition (TN) at ~170 K. The asymmetry parameter for the Dysonian single-crystal spectra shows an anomalous increase at Tco. Below Tco the g-value increases continuously, suggesting a gradual strengthening of the orbital ordering. The linewidth undergoes a sudden increase at Tco and continues to increase down to TN. The intensity increases as the temperature is decreased until Tco is reached, due to the renormalization of the magnetic susceptibility arising from the build-up of ferromagnetic correlations.


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A contactless method to determine the electrical conductivity of nanoparticles is presented. It is based on the lineshape analysis of electron magnetic resonance signals which are `Dysonian' for conducting samples of sizes larger than the skin depth. The method is validated bymeasurements on a bulk sample of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 where it gives values close to those obtained from direct measurement of conductivity and is then used to determine the conductivity of nanoparticles of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 dispersed in polyvinyl alcohol as a function of temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single crystal E.P.R. studies of copper as a dopant in lithium potassium sulphate, lithium ammonium sulphate and lithium sodium sulphate have been carried out from room temperature down to 77K. The three Jahn-Teller (JT) systems behave very similarly to one another. The room temperature dynamic JT spectra with giso = 2·19 ± 0·01 and Aiso = ±(33 ± 4) times 10-4 cm-1 transform around 247 K to spectra characterized by randomly frozen-in axial strains with g‖ = 2·4307 ± 0·0005, g⊥ = 2·083 ± 0·001, A‖ = ±(116 ± 2) times 10-4 cm-1 and A⊥ = ∓(14 ± 4) times 10-4 cm-1. We proposed that the low temperature phase (below 247 K) of each of these systems provides an example of a Jahn-Teller glass.


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The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of ternary oxides of Cu(II) has been studied between 4.2 and 300 K. The systems include those with 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions (such as Ln2CuO4, Sr2CuO2Cl2, Sr2CuO3 and Ca2CuO3) or 90 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions (such as Y2Cu2O5 or BaCuO2) as well as those in which the Cu2+ ions are isolated (such as Y2BaCuO5, La1.8Ba1.2Cu0.9O4.8 and Bi2CuO4). The change in the EPR susceptibility as a function of temperature is compared with that of the DC magnetic susceptibility. Compounds with extended 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions which have a low susceptibility also do not give EPR signals below room temperature. For compounds such as Ca2CuO3 with one-dimensional 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions a weak EPR signal is found the temperature dependence of which is very different from that of the DC susceptibility. For Y2BaCuO5 as well as for La1.8Ba1.2Cu0.9O4.8 the EPR susceptibility as well as its temperature variation are comparable with those of the static susceptibility near room temperature but very different at low temperatures. Bi2CuO4 also shows a similar behaviour. In contrast, for Y2Cu2O5, in which the copper ions have a very distorted nonsquare-planar configuration, the EPR and the static susceptibility show very similar temperature dependences. In general, compounds in which the copper ions have a square-planar geometry give no EPR signal in the ground state (0 K) while those with a distortion from square-planar geometry do give a signal. The results are analysed in the light of recent MS Xalpha calculations on CuO46- square-planar clusters with various Cu-O distances as well as distortions. It is suggested that in square-planar geometry the ground state has an unpaired electron in anionic orbitals which is EPR inactive. Competing interactions from other cations, an increase in Cu-O distance or distortions from square-planar geometry stabilise another state which has considerably more Cu 3d character. These states are EPR active. Both these states, however, are magnetic. For isolated CuO46- clusters the magnetic interactions seem to involve only the states which have mainly anionic character.


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The signatures of the coexistence of para and ferromagnetic phases for the Fe3+ charge state of iron have been identified in the low temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra in undoped CdZnTe (Zn similar to 4%) crystals and independently verified by superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and AC susceptibility measurements. In the paramagnetic phase the inverse of AC susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law. In the ferromagnetic phase the thermal evolution of magnetization follows the well-known Bloch T-3/2 law. This is further supported by the appearance of hysteresis in the SQUID measurements at 2 K below T-c which is expected to lie in between 2 and 2.5 K. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report on the X-band (similar to 9.43 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) investigations carried out on polycrystalline Ga1-xMnxSb (x=0.02). A strong EPR signal with an effective g factor (g(eff)) close to 2.00 was observed, suggesting that the ionic state of Mn which replaces Ga ion in the lattice, is Mn2+ attributable to Delta M=1 transition of the ionized Mn acceptor A(-), Mn (3d(5)). The apparent absence of EPR signal, typical for neutral Mn acceptor at g=2.7 suggests either no such centers are present or the signal broadens beyond detection limit. The temperature dependent EPR studies combined with dc magnetization data suggest the possible coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phases at very low temperatures. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3543983]