238 resultados para Electroless plating
Hybrid nanoparticles from cationic lipid and polymers were prepared and characterized regarding physical properties and antimicrobial activity. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDDA) were sequentially added to cationic bilayer fragments (BF) prepared from ultrasonic dispersion in water of the synthetic and cationic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB). Particles thus obtained were characterized by dynamic light-scattering for determination of z-average diameter (Dz) and zeta-potential (zeta). Antimicrobial activity of the DODAB BF/CMC/PDDA particles against Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus was determined by plating and CFU counting over a range of particle compositions. DODAB BF/CMC/PDDA particles exhibited sizes and zeta-potentials strictly dependent on DODAB, CM C, and PDDA concentrations. At 0.1 mM DODAB, 0.1 mg/mL CMC, and 0.1 mg/mL PDDA, small cationic particles with Dz = 100 nm and zeta = 30 mV were obtained. At 0.5 mM DODAB, 0.5 mg/mL CMC and 0.5 mg/mL PDDA, large cationic particles with Dz = 470 nm and zeta= 50 mV were obtained. Both particulates were highly reproducible regarding physical properties and yielded 0% of p. aeruginosa viability (10(7) CFU/mL) at 1 or 2 mu g/mL PDDA dissolved in solution or in form of particles, respectively. 99% of S. aureus cells died at 10 mu g/mL PDDA alone or in small or large DODAB BF/CMC/PDDA particles. The antimicrobial effect was dependent on the amount of positive charge on particles and independent of particle size. A high microbicide potency for PDDA over a range of nanomolar concentrations was disclosed. P. aeruginosa was more sensitive to all cationic assemblies than S. aureus.
A detecção de Salmonella sp. é fundamental nos programas de controle de salmonelose. Métodos de detecção mais eficientes permitem uma melhor determinação do nível de infecção dos rebanhos, um melhor entendimento da epidemiologia da infecção por Salmonella sp. e o desenvolvimento de programas de controle do patógeno, que visem a segurança biológica do alimento. Nos métodos convencionais, o enriquecimento seletivo é uma etapa crítica, pois inibe a microbiota competitiva e permite a multiplicação de Salmonella sp. Vários caldos de enriquecimento seletivo têm sido comparados quanto à eficiência na recuperação de Salmonella sp. a partir de alimentos, contudo existem poucos estudos relativos a fezes de suínos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar caldos de enriquecimento seletivo para o isolamento de Salmonella sp. a partir de fezes de suínos. Numa primeira fase, amostras de fezes foram contaminadas artificialmente e os caldos Rappaport-Vassiliadis incubado a 42°C (RV), Tetrationato Müller-Kauffmann a 37°C (TMK37) e 42°C (TMK42), e Selenito Cistina (SC) a 37°C foram testados, em associação com meios sólidos seletivos: Rambach (RA), Xilose Lisina Tergitol 4 (XLT4), e Verde Brilhante Vermelho de Fenol Lactose Sacarose (VB). Na segunda fase os caldos RV, TMK37 e TMK42, semeados nos meios XLT4 e VB, foram testados com amostras naturalmente contaminadas. Na primeira fase o RV, TMK42 e TMK37 foram mais eficientes que o SC. No isolamento de Salmonella sp. em amostras naturalmente contaminadas os caldos TMK42 e RV foram superiores ao TMK37. O desempenho destes influenciou diretamente a capacidade seletiva e indicadora dos meios sólidos seletivos. No presente estudo, a associação TMK42/XLT4 demonstrou ser mais sensível, e a RV/XLT4 mais específica. O ágar VB também é recomendado para aumentar a probabilidade de detecção do patógeno. Desta forma os caldos RV e TMK42 e o ágar XLT4 e o VB foram considerados os mais indicados para a implantação de protocolos de detecção de Salmonella sp. em fezes suínas.
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a resistência à corrosão dos revestimentos compósitos de níquel, obtidos a partir de um banho de níquel químico (electroless) e um banho de níquel eletrolítico tipo Watts (com e sem tensoativo), caracterizando-os comparativamente em relação ao revestimento de níquel sem partículas. Os métodos utilizados para avaliação da resistência a corrosão foram: ensaio acelerado em névoa salina, voltametria cíclica, curva de polarização potenciodinâmica (em NaCl 0,6N) e dissolução anódica à corrente constante. Os revestimentos também foram avaliados com relação à resistência ao desgaste, rugosidade, e morfologia da camada. As partículas foram caracterizadas por difração de raio- X , dispersão granulométrica e potencial zeta. Nas condições estudadas os resultados mostraram que o revestimento compósito Ni-P-Al2O3 (Al2O3 - tamanho de grão ≅ 0,1 a 1,8µm) apresentou melhor resistência à corrosão que o revestimento de níquel químico sem incorporação de partículas (Ni-P) que por sua vez, apresentou resistência a corrosão superior ao compósito Ni-P-SiC no. 23 (SiC no. 23 - tamanho de grão ≅0,8 a 19,9µm). Já o eletrodepósito de níquel sem incorporação de partículas apresentou melhor resistência à corrosão que os revestimentos compósitos. Entre estes o compósito Ni-Al2O3 apresentou resistência a corrosão superior ao compósito Ni-SiC no. 23 A adição do tensoativo lauril sulfato de sódio reduz a quantidade de partículas incorporadas no eletrodepósito, sendo este efeito mais acentuado para o SiC com maior granulometria. Para diferentes granulometrias de carbeto de silício (SiC no. 2 - tamanho de grão ≅0,3 a 6,2µm e SiC no. 23 - tamanho de grão ≅0,8 a 19,9µm), o revestimento compósito obtido com o SiC que possui menor granulometria, apresentou maior resistência à corrosão e maior resistência ao desgaste, indicando desta forma que o tamanho da partícula incorporada no depósito de níquel exerce grande influência sobre a resistência à corrosão do revestimento, bem como sobre a resistência ao desgaste.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth has been estimated at 4 to 6x1030 and only about 1% of microorganisms present in the environment can be cultivated by standard techniques of cultivation and plating. Therefore, it is a huge biological and genetic pool that can be exploited, for the identification and characterization of genes with biotechnological potential. Within this perspective, the metagenomics approach was applied in this work. Functional screening methods were performed aiming to identify new genes related to DNA repair and / or oxidative stress resistance, hydrocarbon degradation and hydrolytic activities (lipase, amylase and protease). Metagenomic libraries were built utilizing DNA extracted from soil samples collected in João Câmara RN. The libraries were analyzed functionally using specific substrate containing solid medium (hydrolytic activity), supplemented with H2O2 (DNA repair and / or resistance to oxidative stress) and liquid medium supplemented with light Arabian oil (activity, degradation of hydrocarbons). After confirmation of activity and exclusion of false-positive results, 49 clones were obtained, being 2 positive for amylase activity, 22 resistant to oxidative stress generated by H2O2 and 25 clones active for hydrocarbons degradation. Analysis of the sequences showed hypothetical proteins, dienelactona hydrolase, DNA polymerase, acetyltransferase, phosphotransferase, methyltransferase, endonucleases, among other proteins. The sequence data obtained matched with the functions tested, highlighting the success of metagenomics approaches combined with functional screening methods, leading to very promising results
In the last years, many scientific researches in implantology have been focused on alternatives that would provide higher speed and quality in the process of osseointegration. Different treatment methods can be used to modify the topographic and chemical properties of titanium surface in order to optimize the tissue-implant reactions by a positive tissue response. This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal cells from human periodontal ligament on two different titanium surfaces, using cell culture techniques. Grade II titanium discs received different surface treatments, forming two distinct groups: polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding. Human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells were cultured on titanium discs in 24-well cell culture plates, at a density of 2 x 104 cells per well, including wells with no discs as positive control. Data obtained by counting the cells that adhered to the titanium surfaces (polished group and cathodic cage group) and to the plastic surface (control group), in the 24, 48 and 72-hour periods after plating, were used to analyze cell adhesion and proliferation and to obtain the cell growing curve in the different groups. The data were submitted to nonparametric analysis and the differences between groups were compared by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman statistical tests. No statistically significant differences were found in the cells counts between the groups (p>0.05). It was concluded that both treatments produced surfaces compatible with the adhesion and proliferation of human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells
One of the most interesting alternatives for replacement of hard chrome plating is tungsten carbide thermal spray coating applied by the high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) process which presents a safer, cleaner and less expensive alternative to chromium plating. The objective of this research is to compare the influence of the tungsten carbide-17cobalt (WC- 17Co) coating applied by high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) process with that of hard-chromium electroplating on the fatigue strength and abrasive wear of AISI 4340 steel.
It is known that chromium electroplating is related to the reduction in the fatigue strength of base metal. However, chromium results in protection against wear and corrosion combined with chemical resistance and good lubricity. Environmental requirements are an important point to be considered in the search for possible alternatives to hard chrome plating. Aircraft landing gear manufactures are considering WC thermal spray coating applied by the high-velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) process an alternative candidate, which shows performance at least comparable to results, obtained for hard chrome plating. The aim of this study is to compare the influence of WC-17Co and WC-10Co-4Cr coatings applied by HVOF process and hard chromium electroplating on the fatigue strength of AISI 4340 steel, with and without shot peening. S-N curves were obtained in axial fatigue test for base material, chromium plated and tungsten carbide coated specimens. Tungsten carbide thermal spray coating results in higher fatigue strength when compared to hard chromium electroplated. Shot peening prior to thermal spraying showed to be an excellent alternative to increase fatigue strength of AISI 4340 steel. Experimental data showed higher axial fatigue and corrosion resistance in salt fog exposure for samples WC-10Co-4Cr HVOF coated when compared with WC-17Co. Fracture surface analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicated the existence of a uniform coverage of nearly all substrates. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recovered substrates have been extensively used in the aerospace field. Cadmium electroplating has been widely applied to promote protective coatings in aeronautical components, resulting in excellent corrosion protection combined with a good performance in cyclic loading. Ecological considerations allied to the increasing demands for corrosion resistance have resulted in the search for possible alternatives. Zinc-nickel (Zn-Ni) alloys have received considerable interest recently, because these coatings show advantages such as a good resistance to white and red rust, high plating rates, and acceptance in the market. In this study, the effect of electroplated Zn-Ni coatings on AISI 4340 high-strength steel was analyzed for rotating bending fatigue strength, corrosion, and adhesion resistance. The compressive residual stress field was measured by x-ray diffraction prior to fatigue tests. Optical microscopy documented coating thickness, adhesion characteristics, and coverage extent for nearly all substrates. Fractured fatigue specimens were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three different Zn-Ni coating thicknesses were tested, and comparisons with the rotating bending fatigue data from electroplated Cd specimens were performed. Experimental results differentiated the effects of the various coatings on the AISI 4340 steel behaviour when submitted to fatigue testing and the influence of coating thickness on the fatigue strength.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Shot peening is a surface process widely used to improve the fatigue strength of materials, through compressive residual stresses induced in their surface layers. Considering mechanical components for high responsible applications, wear and corrosion control is currently accomplished by the use of coated materials.In the case of chrome plating or hard anodizing, lower fatigue strength in comparison to uncoated parts are associated to high residual tensile stresses and microcracks density. Under constant or variable amplitude loading microcracks will propagate and cross the interface coating substrate without impediment.The aim of the present study is to analyze the influence of WC-10Ni coating applied by HVOF process on the axial fatigue strength of AISI 4340 steel. The shot peening effect on the fatigue performance of coated AISI 4340 steel was also evaluated. The fractured fatigue specimens were investigated using a scanning electron microscope in order to obtain information about the crack initiation points. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Stainless steels are used to intake and exhaust valves production applied as internal combustion engines. In general valves are requested to support cyclic stresses applied due to opening and closing processes during the operation. The objective of this research is to study the influence on the axial fatigue strength of the resulting microstructure after heat treatment at the martensitic X45CrSi93 steel, combined with different surface treatments as hard chrome-plating, nitride and grinding. It was verified a significant increase on the fatigue strength of the martensitic steel after nitriding, compared with results from the chrome-plating specimens. A slight increase in the tensile strength was also noticed on nitrided parts as a consequence of a resistance increase due to nitrogen and carbon solid solution. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ICM11
Dental pulp stem cells have been widely investigated because of their ability to differentiate into both dental and non-dental cells, with potential use in therapies involving tissue engineering. The technique of cell cryopreservation represents a viable alternative for the conservation of these cells, since it stops reversibly, in a controlled manner, all of cell biological functions in an ultra low temperature. The present study aimed to evaluate, using in vitro experiments, the influence of a cryopreservation protocol on the biologic acti vity of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED). Cells obtained from the pulp of three deciduous teeth on end-stage exfoliation or with indicated extraction were expanded in α-MEM culture medium supplemented with antibiotics and 15% fetal bovine serum. At second subculture (P2), a group of cells were submitted to cryopreservation for 30 days in 10% DMSO diluted in fetal bovine serum, at -80º C, while the remind cells continued under normal conditions of cell culture. Cell proliferation was evaluated in both groups (not cryopreserved or cryopreserved) by Trypan blue stain essay at intervals of 24, 48 and 72h after plating. Cell cycle analysis of SHEDs submitted or not to the cryopreservation protocol was performed in the same intervals. Events related to cell death were studied by Annexyn V and PI expression under flow cytometry at the intervals of 24 and 72h. The presence of nuclear morphological changes was evaluated by DAPI staining at 72h interval. It was observed that both groups exhibited an upward cell proliferation curve, without considerable changes in cell viability throughout the experiment. The distribution of cell in the cell cycle phasis was consistent with cell proliferation in both groups. There were no nuclear morphological damages in the end range of the experiment. therefore, it is concluded that the proposed cryopreservation protocol is efficient for storing the studied cell type, allowing its use in future experimental studies
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)