812 resultados para Electrochemical parametrization


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Nowadays, antibacterial properties are becoming a viable feature to be introduced in biomaterials due to the possibility of modifying the materials' surface used in medical devices in a micro/nano metric scale. As a result, it is mandatory to understand the mechanisms of the antimicrobial agents currently used and their possible failures. In this work, the antibacterial activity of ZrCNAg films is studied, taking into consideration the ability of silver nanoparticles to be dissolved when embedded into a ceramic matrix. The study focuses on the silver release evaluated by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and the effect of the fluid composition on this release. The results revealed a very low silver release of the films, leading to non-antibacterial activity of such materials. The silver release was found to be dependent on the electrolyte composition. NaCl (8.9 g L? 1) showed the lowest spontaneously silver ionization, while introducing the sulfates in Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS) such ionization is increased; finally, the proteins incorporated to the (HBSS) showed a reduction of the silver release, which also explains the low ionization in the culture medium (tryptic soy broth) that contains high quantities of proteins.


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Radical cyclization continues to be a central methodology for the preparation of natural products containing heterocyclic rings. Hence, some electrochemical results obtained by cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis in the study of electroreductive intramolecular cyclization of ethyl (2S, 3R)-2-bromo-3-propargyloxy-3-(2’,3’,4’,6’-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy) propanoate (1a), 2-bromo-3-allyloxy-3-(2’,3’,4’,6’-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)propanoate (1b), 2-bromo-[1-(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)propyl]benzene (1c) and [1-bromo-2-methoxy-2-(prop-2’-yn-1-yloxy)ethyl]benzene (1d) promoted by (1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)nickel(I), [Ni(tmc)]+, electrogenerated at glassy carbon cathodes in ethanol and ethanol:water mixtures containing tetraalkylammonium salts, are presented. During controlled-potential electrolyses of solutions containing [Ni(tmc)]2+ and bromoalkoxylated compounds (1) catalytic reduction of the latter proceeds via one-electron cleavage of the carbon–bromine bond to form a radical intermediate that undergoes cyclization to afford the substituted tetrahydrofurans.


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Los requerimientos de métodos analíticos que permitan realizar determinaciones más eficientes en diversas ramas de la Química, así como el gran desarrollo logrado por la Nanobiotecnología, impulsaron la investigación de nuevas alternativas de análisis. Hoy, el campo de los Biosensores concita gran atención en el primer mundo, sin embargo, en nuestro país es todavía un área de vacancia, como lo es también la de la Nanotecnología. El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar y caracterizar nuevos electrodos especialmente basados en el uso de nanoestructuras y estudiar aspectos básicos de la inmovilización de enzimas, ADN, aptámeros, polisacáridos y otros polímeros sobre dichos electrodos a fin de crear nuevas plataformas de biorreconocimiento para la construcción de (bio)sensores electroquímicos dirigidos a la cuantificación de analitos de interés clínico, farmaco-toxicológico y ambiental.Se estudiarán las propiedades de electrodos de C vítreo, Au, "screen printed" y compósitos de C modificados con nanotubos de C (CNT) y/o nanopartículas (NP) de oro y/o nanoalambres empleando diversas estrategias. Se investigarán nuevas alternativas de inmovilización de las biomoléculas antes mencionadas sobre dichos electrodos, se caracterizarán las plataformas resultantes y se evaluarán sus posibles aplicaciones analíticas al desarrollo de biosensores con enzimas y ADNs como elementos de biorreconocimiento. Se funcionalizarán CNT con polímeros comerciales y sintetizados en nuestro laboratorio modificados con moléculas bioactivas. Se diseñarán y caracterizarán nuevas arquitecturas supramoleculares basadas en el autoensamblado de policationes, enzimas y ADNs sobre Au. Se evaluarán las propiedades catalíticas de NP de magnetita y de perovskitas de Mn y su aplicación al desarrollo de biosensores enzimáticos. Se diseñarán biosensores que permitan la detección altamente sensible y selectiva de secuencias específicas de ADNs de interés clínico. Se estudiará la interacción de genotóxicos con ADN (en solución e inmovilizado) y se desarrollarán biosensores que permitan su cuantificación. Se construirán biosensores enzimáticos para la cuantificación de bioanalitos, especialmente glucosa, fenoles y catecoles, y sensores electroquímicos para la determinación de neurotransmisores, ácido úrico y ácido ascórbico. Se diseñarán nuevos aptasensores electroquímicos para la cuantificación de biomarcadores, comenzando por lisozima y trombina y continuando con otros de interés regional/nacional.Se emplearán las siguientes técnicas: voltamperometrías cíclica (CV), de pulso diferencial (DPV) y de onda cuadrada (SWV); "stripping" potenciométrico a corriente constante (PSA); elipsometría; microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo con cálculo de pérdida de energía por disipación (QCM-D); resonancia de plasmón superficial con detección dual (E-SPR); espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica (EIE); microscopías de barrido electroquímico (SECM), de barrido electrónico (SEM), de transmisión (TEM) y de fuerzas atómicas (AFM); espectrofotometría UV-visible; espectroscopías IR, Raman, de masas, RMN.Se espera que la inclusión de los CNT y/o de las NP metálicas y/o de los nanoalambres en los diferentes electrodos permita una mejor transferencia de carga de diversos analitos y por ende una detección más sensible y selectiva de bioanalitos empleando enzimas, ADN y aptámeros como elementos de biorreconocimiento. Se espera una mayor eficiencia en los aptasensores respecto de los inmunosensores, lo que permitirá la determinacion selectiva de diversos biomarcadores. La modificación de electrodos con nanoestructuras posibilitará la detección altamente sensible y selectiva del evento de hibridación. La respuesta obtenida luego de la interacción de genotóxicos con ADN permitirá un mejor conocimiento de la asociación establecida, de la cinética y de las constantes termodinámicas. Los neurotransmisores podrán ser determinados a niveles nanomolares aún en muestras complejas.


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Se estudiarán los mecanismos de reacción electroquímica de las micotoxinas (metabolitos tóxicos generados por hongos) citrinina (CIT), patulina (PAT) y moniliformina (MON), de los antioxidantes naturales alfa, beta, gama y delta tocoferoles, de los flavonoides fisetina (FIS), morina (MOR), luteolina (LUT), rutina (RUT), buteina (BUT), naringenina (NAR) y miricetina (MIR) y de las hormonas esteroides estradiol (EDIOL), estrona (EONA) y estriol (ETRIOL). Por otra parte, se implementarán técnicas electroanalíticas para la detección y cuantificación de estos sustratos en muestras de matrices naturales que los contengan. Se realizará el diseño y caracterización de biosensores enzimáticos a partir de peroxidasas y/o fosfatasa alcalina para la determinación de la micotoxina CIT y de los flavonoides y, por otro, de inmunosensores para las micotoxinas ocratoxina A (OTA) y PAT y hormonas. Para el anclaje de enzimas y/o anticuerpos, se estudiarán las propiedades de electrodos modificados por monocapas autoensambladas, nanotubos de carbono y partículas magnéticas. Se usarán las técnicas de voltamperometría cíclica, de onda cuadrada y de redisolución con acumulación adsortiva, espectroscopías de impedancia electroquímica, electrólisis a potencial controlado, uv-vis e IR, microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo y microscopías de alta resolución (SEM, TEM, AFM). La importancia de este proyecto apunta a la obtención de nuevos datos electroquímicos de los sustratos indicados y conocimientos relacionados con la aplicación de electrodos modificados en la preparación de biosensores y en el desarrollo de técnicas alternativas para la determinación de los analitos mencionados precedentemente. Electrochemical reaction mechanisms of mycotoxins (toxic metabolites generated by fungi) citrinin (CIT), Patulin (PAT) and moniliformin (MON), natural antioxidants alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols, flavonoids fisetin (FIS), morin (MOR), luteolin (LUT), rutin (RUT), butein (BUT), naringenin (NAR), miricetin (MIR) and steroid hormones estradiol (EDIOL), estrone (EONA) and estriole (ETRIOL) will be explored. On the other hand, electroanalytical techniques for the detection and quantification of these substrates in samples of natural matrices will be implemented. The design and characterization of enzymatic biosensors from peroxidases and/or from alkaline phosphatase for the determination of CIT and flavonoids, and also of inmunosensors for ochratoxin A (OTA) and PAT and hormones will be performed. For the anchor of enzymes and/or antibody, properties of electrodes modified by self assembled monolayers, carbon nanotubes and magnetic particles will be explored. Cyclic, square wave and adsorptive stripping voltammetries, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, controlled potential electrolysis, uv-vis and IR, quartz crystal microbalance and high-resolution microcopies (SEM, TEM, AFM) will be used. The importance of this project is aimed at obtaining new electrochemical data for the indicated substrates and knowledge on the application of modified electrodes in preparation of biosensors and in the development of alternative techniques for the determination of the above-mentioned analytes.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2013


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2014


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Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is a prerequisite for electrochemical sensor-based detection of parasite DNA and other diagnostic applications. To achieve this detection, an asymmetric polymerase chain reaction method was optimised. This method facilitates amplification of ssDNA from the human lymphatic filarial parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. This procedure produced ssDNA fragments of 188 bp in a single step when primer pairs (forward and reverse) were used at a 100:1 molar ratio in the presence of double-stranded template DNA. The ssDNA thus produced was suitable for immobilisation as probe onto the surface of an Indium tin oxide electrode and hybridisation in a system for sequence-specific electrochemical detection of W. bancrofti. The hybridisation of the ssDNA probe and target ssDNA led to considerable decreases in both the anodic and the cathodic currents of the system's redox couple compared with the unhybridised DNA and could be detected via cyclic voltammetry. This method is reproducible and avoids many of the difficulties encountered by conventional methods of filarial parasite DNA detection; thus, it has potential in xenomonitoring.


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The main result of this work is a parametric description of the spectral surfaces of a class of periodic 5-diagonal matrices, related to the strong moment problem. This class is a self-adjoint twin of the class of CMV matrices. Jointly they form the simplest possible classes of 5-diagonal matrices.


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The development of a whole-cell based sensor for arsenite detection coupling biological engineering and electrochemical techniques is presented. This strategy takes advantage of the natural Escherichia coli resistance mechanism against toxic arsenic species, such as arsenite, which consists of the selective intracellular recognition of arsenite and its pumping out from the cell. A whole-cell based biosensor can be produced by coupling the intracellular recognition of arsenite to the generation of an electrochemical signal. Hereto, E. coli was equipped with a genetic circuit in which synthesis of beta-galactosidase is under control of the arsenite-derepressable arsR-promoter. The E. coli reporter strain was filled in a microchip containing 16 independent electrochemical cells (i.e. two-electrode cell), which was then employed for analysis of tap and groundwater samples. The developed arsenic-sensitive electrochemical biochip is easy to use and outperforms state-of-the-art bacterial bioreporters assays specifically in its simplicity and response time, while keeping a very good limit of detection in tap water, i.e. 0.8ppb. Additionally, a very good linear response in the ranges of concentration tested (0.94ppb to 3.75ppb, R(2)=0.9975 and 3.75 ppb to 30ppb, R(2)=0.9991) was obtained, complying perfectly with the acceptable arsenic concentration limits defined by the World Health Organization for drinking water samples (i.e. 10ppb). Therefore, the proposed assay provides a very good alternative for the portable quantification of As (III) in water as corroborated by the analysis of natural groundwater samples from Swiss mountains, which showed a very good agreement with the results obtained by atomic absorption spectroscopy.


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Oxalic and oxamic acids are the ultimate and more persistent by-products of the degradation of N-aromatics by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs). In this paper, the kinetics and oxidative paths of these acids have been studied for several EAOPs using a boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode and a stainless steel or an air-diffusion cathode. Anodic oxidation (AO-BDD) in the presence of Fe2+ (AO-BDD-Fe2+) and under UVA irradiation (AO-BDD-Fe2+-UVA), along with electro-Fenton (EF-BDD), was tested. The oxidation of both acids and their iron complexes on BDD was clarified by cyclic voltammetry. AO-BDD allowed the overall mineralization of oxalic acid, but oxamic acid was removed much more slowly. Each acid underwent a similar decay in AO-BDD-Fe2+ and EFBDD, as expected if its iron complexes were not attacked by hydroxyl radicals in the bulk. The faster and total mineralization of both acids was achieved in AO-BDD-Fe2+-UVA due to the high photoactivity of their Fe(III) complexes that were continuously regenerated by oxidation of their Fe(II) complexes. Oxamic acid always released a larger proportion of NH4 + than NO3- ion, as well as volatile NOx species. Both acids were independently oxidized at the anode in AO-BDD, but in AO-BDD-Fe2+-UVA oxamic acid was more slowlydegraded as its content decreased, without significant effect on oxalic acid decay. The increase in current density enhanced the oxidation power of the latter method, with loss of efficiency. High Fe2+ contents inhibited the oxidation of Fe(II) complexes by the competitive oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. Low current densities and Fe2+ contents are preferable to remove more efficiently these acids by the most potent AO-BDD-Fe2+-UVA method.


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The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Electrochemical Chloride Extraction (ECE) technique on a bridge deck with very high concentrations of chloride. This ECE technique was used during the summer of 2003 to reverse the effects of corrosion, which had occurred in the reinforcing steel embedded in the pedestrian bridge deck over Highway 6, along Iowa Avenue, in Iowa City, Iowa, USA. First, the half cell potential was measured to determine the existing corrosion level in the field. The half-cell potential values were in the indecisive range of corrosion (between -200 mV and -350 mV). The ECE technique was then applied to remove the chloride from the bridge deck. The chloride content in the deck was significantly reduced from 25 lb/cy to 4.96 lb/cy in 8 weeks. Concrete cores obtained from the deck were measured for their compressive strengths and there was no reduction in strength due to the ECE technique. Laboratory tests were also performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ECE process. In order to simulate the corrosion in the bridge deck, two reinforced slabs and 12 reinforced beams were prepared. First, the half-cell potentials were measured from the test specimens and they all ranged below -200 mV. Upon introduction of 3% salt solution, the potential reached up to -500 mV. This potential was maintained while a salt solution was being added for six months. The ECE technique was then applied to the test specimens in order to remove the chloride from them. Half-cell potential was measured to determine if the ECE technique can effectively reduce the level of corrosion.


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A new electrochemical method to synthesize mesoporous nanowires of alloys has been developed. Electrochemical deposition in ionic liquid-in-water (IL/W) microemulsion has been successful to grow mesoporous CoPt nanowires in the interior of polycarbonate membranes. The viscosity of the medium was high, but it did not avoid the entrance of the microemulsion in the interior of the membrane"s channels. The structure of the IL/W microemulsions, with droplets of ionic liquid (4 nm average diameter) dispersed in CoPt aqueous solution, defined the structure of the nanowires, with pores of a few nanometers, because CoPt alloy deposited only from the aqueous component of the microemulsion. The electrodeposition in IL/W microemulsion allows obtaining mesoporous structures in which the small pores must correspond to the size of the droplets of the electrolytic aqueous component of the microemulsion. The IL main phase is like a template for the confined electrodeposition. The comparison of the electrocatalytic behaviours towards methanol oxidation of mesoporous and compact CoPt nanowires of the same composition, demonstrated the porosity of the material. For the same material mass, the CoPt mesoporous nanowires present a surface area 16 times greater than compact ones, and comparable to that observed for commercial carbon-supported platinum nanoparticles.


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The present study was initiated with the aim to assess the in vivo electrochemical corrosion behaviour of CoCrMo biomedical alloys in human synovial fluids in an attempt to identify possible patient or pathology specific effects. For this, electrochemical measurements (open circuit potential OCP, polarization resistance Rp, potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIS) were carried out on fluids extracted from patients with different articular pathologies and prosthesis revisions. Those electrochemical measurements could be carried out with outstanding precision and signal stability. The results show that the corrosion behaviour of CoCrMo alloy in synovial fluids not only depends on material reactivity but also on the specific reactions of synovial fluid components, most likely involving reactive oxygen species. In some patients the latter were found to determine the whole cathodic and anodic electrochemical response. Depending on patients, corrosion rates varied significantly between 50 and 750mgdm(-2)year(-1).


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A new electrochemical method to synthesize mesoporous nanowires of alloys has been developed. Electrochemical deposition in ionic liquid-in-water (IL/W) microemulsion has been successful to grow mesoporous CoPt nanowires in the interior of polycarbonate membranes. The viscosity of the medium was high, but it did not avoid the entrance of the microemulsion in the interior of the membrane"s channels. The structure of the IL/W microemulsions, with droplets of ionic liquid (4 nm average diameter) dispersed in CoPt aqueous solution, defined the structure of the nanowires, with pores of a few nanometers, because CoPt alloy deposited only from the aqueous component of the microemulsion. The electrodeposition in IL/W microemulsion allows obtaining mesoporous structures in which the small pores must correspond to the size of the droplets of the electrolytic aqueous component of the microemulsion. The IL main phase is like a template for the confined electrodeposition. The comparison of the electrocatalytic behaviours towards methanol oxidation of mesoporous and compact CoPt nanowires of the same composition, demonstrated the porosity of the material. For the same material mass, the CoPt mesoporous nanowires present a surface area 16 times greater than compact ones, and comparable to that observed for commercial carbon-supported platinum nanoparticles.


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Streaming potential measurements for the surface charge characterisation of different filter media types and materials were used. The equipment was developed further so that measurements could be taken along the surfaces, and so that tubular membranes could also be measured. The streaming potential proved to be a very useful tool in the charge analysis of both clean and fouled filter media. Adsorption and fouling could be studied, as could flux, as functions of time. A module to determine the membrane potential was also constructed. The results collected from the experiments conducted with these devices were used in the study of the theory of streaming potential as an electrokinetic phenomenon. Several correction factors, which are derived to take into account the surface conductance and the electrokinetic flow in very narrow capillaries, were tested in practice. The surface materials were studied using FTIR and the results compared with those from the streaming potentials. FTIR analysis was also found to be a useful tool in the characterisation of filters, as well as in the fouling studies. Upon examination of the recorded spectra from different depths in a sample it was possible to determine the adsorption sites. The influence of an external electric field on the cross flow microflltration of a binary protein system was investigated using a membrane electroflltration apparatus. The results showed that a significant improvement could be achieved in membrane filtration by using the measured electrochemical properties to help adjust the process conditions.