236 resultados para Eichhornia crassipes


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Eichhornia crassipes is one of the main weeds found in aquatic environments, being undesirable for many activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the translocation of glyphosate and imazamox in E. crassipes. Eight intervals were studied for cutting leaves that received herbicides: 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 hours after application (HAA), and a treatment with no cutting (untreated). The glyphosate dose was 2,160 g a.e. ha-1 (commercial product - Rodeo) + 0.5% v v-1 Aterbane adhesive spreader and imazamox at 290.4 g i.a. ha-1 (commercial product - Clearcast). The treatments were installed in a completely randomized design with four replications. Glyphosate showed a bad control for all the periods of leaf cutting. The imazamox did not provide control within 12 HAA, while from 24 HAA onward the control was effective. There was not a great mobility of the glyphosate molecule in water hyacinth plants, a period above 24 hours being needed for a satisfactory translocation. For imazamox at least 24 hours were needed after herbicide application for the translocation to occur along with subsequent control.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Human development and population growth during the twentieth century increased the water demand, tripling its consumption between 1950 and 1990. As the water streams were polluted; and as water is the source of minerals and also regulates vital functions, it becomes the vehicle of transmission and consequently spreads many diseases. Probably, the industries are the major responsible for this pollution when they dump untreated effluents to water streams, saturating the already insufficient net of sanitation facilities polluting water and soil. An effective treatment has been established with low cost in Europe and the United States, through constructed systems on wetlands Constructed Wetland Systems - CWSs, gradually used in other countries in the last three decades. Lately, we observe a continuous growth in Brazilian poultry business, and poultry industry showed greatest dynamism in the country, following the global market. Pondering this information and the efficiency of such treatment, this work aimed to study prototypes, in a laboratory scale, simulating ascending and descending types of CWSs, vegetated with aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and the uses of aggregates and soil, to treat industrial wastewater from slaughterhouses and aviary. We conducted the initial characterization of the effluent to have an idea of its constituents and to scale the system and the continuous flow. Furthermore, we characterized the soil to be used in this system. The collects are periodically made in the refrigeration industry FRICOCK FRIGORIFICAÇÃO AVICULTURA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA. for local treatment simulation. The effluent that was treated with 12 prototypes of CWSs are analyzed with some frequency. The results of these reviews were compared to the effluent coming from the industry... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Feedlots have increased in several regions of Argentina, particularly in the Pampas. The absence of adequate treatments of the effluents produced in these establishments creates serious problems to the society. Phytoremediation can be defined as inexpensive and environmentally sustainable strategy used to remove pollutants by plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remediation potential of two macrophyte species (Eichhornia crassipes and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) on a feedlot effluent. This effluent was treated with these species for 31 days. Control and macrophyte treatments decreased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), Kjeldahl nitrogen (Kj N), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved salts (TDS), total phosphorus (TP), Pb, Zn and Cr levels. At macrophyte treatments, relatively constant pH levels were kept and decreased EC and TDS values were obtained compared to control, mitigating the release of contaminants and potential greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Moreover, significant increases in biomass were obtained, being higher in E. crassipes. The results allow concluding that the presence of aquatic plants increases the removal rates of nutrients, organic matter and heavy metals from wastewater in approximately 10-17 days for a feedlot effluent with high organic load.


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Biological control of weeds in Vanuatu began in 1935, with the introduction of the tingid Teleonemia scrupulosa to control Lantana camara. To date, nine biological control agents have been intentionally introduced to control eight weed species. Seven of these agents have established on their respective hosts while an eighth, Zygogramma bicolorata, an agent for Parthenium hysterophorus has only recently been released and establishment is unlikely. The fate of a ninth agent, Heteropsylla spinulosa, released for the control of Mimosa diplotricha is unclear. Six other biological control agents, including Epiblema strenuana which was first detected in 2014 on P. hysterophorus on Efate have spread into the country unintentionally. Control of the target weeds range from inadequate to very good. By far the most successful agent has been Calligrapha pantherina which was introduced to control Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia. The beetle was released on 14 islands and managed to spread to at least another 10 islands where it has effectively controlled both Sida spp. Control of the two water weeds, Eichhornia crassipes by Neochetina bruchi and N. eichhorniae and Pistia stratiotes by Neohydronomus affinis, has also been fairly good in most areas. Two agents, T. scrupulosa and Uroplata girardi, were released on L. camara, and four other agents have been found on the weed, but L. camara is still not under adequate control. The rust Puccinia spegazzinii was first released on Mikania micrantha in 2012 and successfully established. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it is having an impact on M. micrantha, but detailed monitoring is required to determine its overall impact. Future prospects for weed biological control in Vanuatu are positive, with the expected greater spread of recently released agents and the introduction of new agents for P. hysterophorus, L. camara, Dolichandra unguis-cati and Spathodea campanulata.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi confeccionar um biofiltro de baixo custo constituído por macrófita flutuante (Eichhornia crassipes). Os estudos limnológicos foram realizados 7 dias depois de colocadas as macrófitas no biofiltro, durante um período de 30 dias consecutivos, com amostragens 3 vezes por semana nas épocas de chuva, seca e de alta produção de organismos cultivados. Quanto aos compostos nitrogenados, as menores concentrações foram observadas no período de jul./ago., correspondendo à época de baixa produção de peixes e baixa adição de alimento nos tanques e viveiros de cultivo. O pH manteve-se ligeiramente ácido a alcalino ao longo do período experimental, não apresentando oscilações com os maiores valores médios no período de abr./mai. Os valores de pH influenciaram diretamente a alcalinidade e a dominância de bicarbonato no meio. Quanto à microfauna associada, entre os fitoplanctônicos as Chlorophyta foram o grupo dominante e entre os zooplanctônicos foram os Rotifera. Recomenda-se, no período de alta produção, substituição das plantas aquáticas por brotos bem pequenos a cada 10 dias.