977 resultados para Educational background


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This is the fifth in a series of six papers presenting key findings from a national study that was undertaken to investigate the role and responsibilities of midwives and to identify continuing educational need. The background to the study and the titles of the other papers in the series have been outlined in the first paper. This paper focuses on the methods used to identify the continuing educational needs of midwives, and provides an overview of the findings related to midwives' perceived confidence/competence to practice and their continuing educational needs.


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This is the last in a series of six papers presenting key findings from a national study that was undertaken to investigate the role and responsibilities of midwives in England and to identify and address continuing educational needs. The background to the study and the titles of other papers in the series have been outlined in the first paper. The first five papers have provided an overview of the main research findings that have been used to determine the continuing educational needs of midwives. This paper provides a more detailed picture of the issues that were identified in relation to educational need, and an overview of the way in which an educational package was developed on the basis of the research findings for use by midwives nationally.


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The relationship between parental background and children's educational outcomes has been a dominant theme within the sociology of education. There has been an on-going debate as to the relative merits of explanations which focus on the role of socio-cultural reproduction and those which focus on rational choice. However, many empirical studies within the social stratification tradition fail to allow for children's own agency in shaping the relationship between social background and schooling outcomes. This paper draws on the first wave of a large-scale longitudinal study of over 8,000 nine-year-old children in Ireland, which combines information from parents, school principals, teachers and children themselves. Both social class and parental education are found to have significant effects on reading and mathematics test scores among nine year olds. These effects are partly mediated by home-based educational resources and activities, parents' educational expectations for their child, and parents' formal involvement in the school. More importantly, children's own engagement with, and attitudes to, school significantly influence their academic performance. The influence of children's own attitudes and actions can thus reinforce or mitigate the effect of social background factors. The analysis therefore provides a bridge between the large body of research on the intergenerational transmission of inequality and the emerging research and policy literature on children's rights.


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Educational gaming in the health sciences: systematic review. Aim. This paper is a report of a review to investigate the use of games to support classroom learning in the health sciences. Background. One aim of education in the health sciences is to enable learners to develop professional competence. Students have a range of learning styles and innovative teaching strategies assist in creating a dynamic learning environment. New attitudes towards experiential learning methods have contributed to the expansion of gaming as a strategy. Data sources. A search for studies published between January 1980 and June 2008 was undertaken, using appropriate search terms. The databases searched were: British Education Index, British Nursing Index, The Cochrane Library, CINAHLPlus, Medline, PubMed, ERIC, PsychInfo and Australian Education Index. Methods. All publications and theses identified through the search were assessed for relevance. Sixteen papers reporting empirical studies or reviews that involved comparison of gaming with didactic methods were included. Results. The limited research available indicates that, while both traditional didactic methods and gaming have been successful in increasing student knowledge, neither method is clearly more helpful to students. The use of games generally enhances student enjoyment and may improve long-term retention of information. Conclusion. While the use of games can be viewed as a viable teaching strategy, care should be exercised in the use of specific games that have not been assessed objectively. Further research on the use of gaming is needed to enable educators to gaming techniques appropriately for the benefit of students and, ultimately, patients.


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Background: As a first step to successfully meet the complex health and social needs of older people, patient assessment has become a central feature of government policy and practice in order to ensure that care planning is person-centred. A core component of nurse education is clinical practice in order to support the development of clinical skills and competence; therefore it is important to help students and their practice-based mentors to develop and apply older person assessment skills. Therefore, an educational workbook was developed to help 2nd year nursing students to learn a structured, systematic and individualised older person assessment process with the support of their mentor.

Aim: A pilot study to evaluate the impact of an Older Persons’ Assessment Educational Workbook and explore second year nursing students’ competence and their opinions and use of an older person’s assessment skills workbook.

Research Methodology: A pre-experimental design (pre and post-test with no comparison group) was undertaken with n=6 2nd year students in 2014. The outcome measure was the Nursing Competence Questionnaire and results were analysed using the Wilcoxin Signed Rank Test in SPSS version 21. Content analysis of completed workbooks and a survey (n=5) of opinions regarding the workbook was undertaken.

Key Findings- No pre-post-test difference was found in the Nursing Competence Questionnaire with p=0.058 for the total scale. However, as this was a pilot, the study was under-powered and all students’ scores improved. Content analysis of the workbook found that 3 of the 5 participants completed all components of the workbook, with a mean of 1051 words used (Std dev 281.8). Through the survey students reported the workbook as a useful guide when undertaking a patient assessment.

Conclusions: The workbook showed potential as an intervention to help support development of nursing students’ assessment skills in practice.


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Background The diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GDM) during pregnancy can lead to anxiety. Little research has focused on the education these women receive and how this is best delivered in a busy clinic. Aim This study evaluated the impact of an innovative patient-centred educational DVD on anxiety and glycaemic control and in newly diagnosed women with GDM. Method 150 multi-ethnic women, aged 19-44 years, from three UK hospitals were randomised to either standard care plus DVD (DVD group, n=77) or standard care alone (control group, n=73) at GDM diagnosis. Women were followed up at their next clinic visit at a mean ± SD of 2.5 ± 1.6 weeks later. Primary outcomes were anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and mean 1-hour postprandial capillary self-monitored blood glucose for all meals, on day prior to follow-up. Secondary outcomes included pregnancy specific stress (Pregnancy Distress Questionnaire), emotional adjustment to diabetes (Appraisal of Diabetes Scale), self-efficacy (Diabetes Empowerment Scale) and GDM knowledge (non-validated questionnaire). Other outcomes included mean fasting and 1-hour postprandial blood glucose at each meal, on day prior to follow-up. Women in the DVD group completed a feedback questionnaire on the resource. Results No significant difference between the DVD and control group were reported, for anxiety (37.7 ± 11.7 vs 36.2 ± 10.9; mean difference after adjustment for covariates (95%CI) 2.5 (-0.8, 5.9) or for mean 1-hour postprandial glucose (6.9 ± 0.9 vs 7.0 ± 1.2 mmol/L; -0.2 (-0.5, 0.2). Similarly, no significant differences in the other psychosocial variables were identified between the groups. However, the DVD group had significantly lower postprandial breakfast glucose compared to the control group (6.8 ± 1.2 vs 7.4 ± 1.9 mmol/L; -0.5 (-1.1, -<0.1; p=0.04). Using a scale of 0-10, 84% rated the DVD 7 or above for usefulness (10 being very useful), and 88% rated it 7 or above when asked if they would recommend to a friend (10 being very strongly recommend). Women described the DVD as ‘reassuring’, ‘a fantastic tool’, that ‘provided a lot of information in a quick and easy way’ and ‘helped reinforce all the information from clinic’. Discussion While no significant change was observed in anxiety or mean postprandial glucose, the DVD was rated highly by women with GDM and may be a useful resource to assist with educating newly diagnosed women. This project is supported by BRIDGES, an IDF programme supported by an educational grant from Lilly Diabetes.


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Cette recherche vise à documenter l’expérience scolaire des élèves québécois d’origine chinoise à l’école secondaire de langue française et à examiner les dynamiques qui influencent la réussite scolaire de ces élèves. Elle s’intéresse plus précisément aux impacts des facteurs relatifs à l’école, à la famille immigrante, et à ceux de la communauté ethnique sur l’intégration de ces jeunes dans un contexte francophone. Les données ont été principalement recueillies à travers des entretiens semi-structurés approfondis auprès d’élèves d’origine chinoise et de différents acteurs du paradigme éducatif (parents, acteurs scolaires et intervenants communautaires). D’autres instruments, tels que l’analyse du contenu de documents et de médias, ont également été utilisés afin de fournir des informations contextuelles et d’enrichir les données d’entrevues. Les données ont été analysées selon un cadre théorique ouvert et inclusif où la réussite scolaire des élèves issus de l’immigration est mesurée en mettant l’accent sur l’influence de la maîtrise de la langue d’enseignement, du capital culturel et social de la famille et de la communauté immigrante, ainsi que des facteurs systémiques au niveau de l’école. Les résultats de cette étude dans trois écoles cibles montrent qu’en général les élèves d’origine chinoise connaissent une expérience positive, surtout en ce qui concerne leur performance scolaire en mathématiques et sciences. Cependant, les nouveaux arrivants ont tendance à éprouver des difficultés dans l’apprentissage du français et pour leur intégration sociale. En effet, le processus d’intégration socioscolaire des jeunes chinois est sous l’influence des différents milieux qu’ils fréquentent. À propos de l’influence des dynamiques scolaires, les résultats de la recherche indiquent qu’une relation maître-élève positive joue un rôle important dans la réussite éducative de ces élèves. Toutefois, l’insuffisance du soutien à l’apprentissage défavorise l’intégration linguistique et sociale des élèves nouvellement arrivés. Les données de cette étude soulignent notamment le rôle de la famille immigrante et de la communauté ethnique dans l’expérience scolaire de ces jeunes. D’une part, sous l’impact des dynamiques familiales, notamment ce qui à trait au projet migratoire, à la culture chinoise et à l’expérience pré- et post-migratoire, les parents immigrants chinois s’impliquent activement dans les études de leurs enfants, malgré des barrières linguistiques et culturelles. D’autre part, afin de surmonter les effets négatifs des faibles liens entretenus avec l’école de langue française, les parents chinois ont largement recours aux ressources au sein de la communauté ethnique, tels que les médias de langue chinoise, les organismes ethnospécifiques de services aux immigrants, l’école du samedi et les institutions religieuses ethniques. Ces institutions sociales ethniques contribuent à soutenir les valeurs culturelles, échanger des informations, établir des modèles pour les jeunes et à fournir des services appropriés en matière culturelle et linguistique.


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This study helps develop an overall understanding as to why some students achieve where others don't. Debate on the effects of class on educational attainment is well documented and typically centres on the reproductive nature of class whilst studies of the effect of class on educational aspirations also predict outcomes that see education reinforcing and reproducing a student's class background.Despite a number of government initiatives to help raise higher education participation to 50 per cent by 2010, for the working class numbers have altered little. Using data from an ethnographic case study of a low-achieving girls school, the author explores aspirations and argues that whilst class is very powerful in explaining educational attainment, understanding educational aspirations is somewhat more complex. The purpose of this book, therefore, is to question and challenge popular assumptions surrounding class-based theory in making sense of girls' aspirations and to question the usefulness of the continued over reliance of such broad categorisations by both academics and policy makers


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The issue of levels of participation in post-compulsory education has been emphasised by the current policy initiatives to increase the age to which some form of participation is compulsory. One of the acknowledged weaknesses of research in the field of children's intentions with regard to participation is the lack of longitudinal data. This paper offers a longitudinal analysis using the Youth Survey from the British Household Panel Survey. The results show that most children can express intentions with regard to future participation very early in their secondary school careers and that these intentions are good predictors of actual behaviour five years later. Intentions to stay on are more consistent than intentions to leave and most children who finally leave at 16 have at some point said they want to remain in education post-16. The strongest association with participation levels is attainment at GCSE. However, there are also influences of gender and parental background and these remain, even after attainment is held constant. The results show the value of focusing on intentions for participation at a very early stage of children's school careers and also the importance of current attempts to reform curriculum and assessment for the 14-19 age group.


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Aims and objectives. To examine the impact of written and verbal education on bed-making practices, in an attempt to reduce the prevalence of pressure ulcers. Background. The Department of Health has set targets for a 5% reduction per annum in the incidence of pressure ulcers. Electric profiling beds with a visco-elastic polymer mattress are a new innovation in pressure ulcer prevention; however, mattress efficacy is reduced by tightly tucking sheets around the mattress. Design. A prospective randomized pre/post-test experimental design. Methods. Ward managers at a teaching hospital were approached to participate in the study. Two researchers independently examined the tightness of the sheets around the mattresses. Wards were randomized to one of two groups. Groups A and B received written education. In addition, group B received verbal education on alternate days for one week. Beds were re-examined one month later. One researcher was blinded to the educational delivery received by the wards. Results. Twelve wards agreed to participate in the study and 245 beds were examined. Before education, 113 beds (46%) had sheets tucked correctly around the mattresses. Following education, this increased to 215 beds (87.8%) (chi(2) = 68.03, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in the number of correctly made beds between the two different education groups: 100 (87.72%) beds correctly made in group A vs. 115 (87.79%) beds in group B (chi(2) = 0, P 0.987). Conclusions. Clear, concise written instruction improved practice but verbal education was not additionally beneficial. Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses are receptive to clear, concise written evidence regarding pressure ulcer prevention and incorporate this into clinical practice.


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Background: There is general agreement across all interested parties that a process of working together is the best way to determine which school or educational setting is right for an individual child with autism spectrum disorder. In the UK, families and local authorities both desire a constructive working relationship and see this as the best means by which to reach an agreement to determine where a child should be educated. It has been shown in published works 1 1. Batten and colleagues (Make schools make sense. Autism and education: the reality for families today; London: The National Autistic Society, 2006). View all notes that a constructive working relationship is not always achieved. Purpose: This small-scale study aims to explore the views of both parents and local authorities, focussing on how both parties perceive and experience the process of determining educational provision for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) within an English context. Sample, design and method: Parental opinion was gathered through the use of a questionnaire with closed and open responses. The questionnaire was distributed to two national charities, two local charities and 16 specialist schools, which offered the questionnaire to parents of children with ASD, resulting in an opportunity sample of 738 returned surveys. The views of local authority personnel from five local authorities were gathered through the use of semi-structured interviews. Data analyses included quantitative analysis of the closed response questionnaire items, and theme-based qualitative analysis of the open responses and interviews with local authority personnel. Results: In the majority of cases, parents in the survey obtained their first choice placement for their child. Despite this positive outcome, survey data indicated that parents found the process bureaucratic, stressful and time consuming. Parents tended to perceive alternative placement suggestions as financially motivated rather than in the best interests of the child. Interviews with local authority personnel showed an awareness of these concerns and the complex considerations involved in determining what is best for an individual child. Conclusions: This small-scale study highlights the need for more effective communication between parents of children with ASDs and local authority personnel at all stages of the process


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Bangladesh has experienced the largest mass poisoning of a population in history owing to contamination of groundwater with naturally occurring inorganic arsenic. Prolonged drinking of such water risks development of diseases and therefore has implications for children's cognitive and psychological development. This study examines the effect of arsenic contamination of tubewells, the primary source of drinking water at home, on the learning outcome of school-going children in rural Bangladesh using recent nationally representative data on secondary school children. We unambiguously find a negative and statistically significant correlation between mathematics scores and arsenic-contaminated drinking tubewells at home, net of the child's socio-economic status, parental background and school specific unobserved correlates of learning. Similar correlations are found for an alternative measure of student achievement and subjective well-being (i.e. self-reported measure of life satisfaction), of the student. We conclude by discussing the policy implication of our findings in the context of the current debate over the adverse effect of arsenic poisoning on children.


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The recent report of the Milburn Review into Social Mobility highlights the under-representation of young people from lower socio-economic groups in higher education and encourages universities and others to act to remedy this situation as a contribution to greater social mobility. The paper uses data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England to examine the relationship between social background, attainment and university participation. The results show that differences in school-level attainment associated with social background are by far the most important explanation for social background differences in university attendance. However, there remains a small proportion of the participation gap that is not accounted for by attainment. It is also the case that early intentions for higher education participation are highly predictive of actual participation. The results suggest that although there may be some scope for universities to act to improve participation by people from less advantaged backgrounds, a much more important focus of action is on improving the school-level achievement of these students.


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This article discusses some of the issues relating to the promotion of Core Maths to students, parents, schools and colleges and their senior leadership teams, and also to employers and higher education (HE). Some challenges are highlighted, and addressed, with suggestions for ways forward to secure the future of Core Maths and widespread adoption by all stakeholders. A summary of the background reports that led to the introduction of Core Maths, and the related educational landscape prior to its introduction, is included.