1000 resultados para Educação pela mídia
O estudo do jovem, sobretudo no contexto nacional, é relevante em face de constituírem mais de 52 milhões de indivíduos, em torno de 31% da população brasileira. No campo da Administração, ainda, são poucas as pesquisas sobre este grupo tão representativo, tanto no meio acadêmico quanto empresarial. A literatura, sobretudo de autores estrangeiros, segmentou os trabalhadores de forma etária e lhes atribuiu características relativamente homogêneas: as “gerações”. A estas reflexões, buscando alinhar esta pesquisa a temas relevantes, no contexto nacional, surgiu o interesse em estudar o estrato da nova classe média. O estudo da base da pirâmide e dos estratos emergentes vem sendo valorizado, tanto no contexto global, quanto nacional. Ao estudar o jovem deste estrato emergente, é possível verificar se estamos tratando de um grupo homogêneo, como sugere a literatura, ou se há peculiaridades que diferenciam este grupo dos demais. Com este cenário em vista, temos enquanto objeto de pesquisa, explorar quais os sentidos do trabalho para o jovem da nova classe média. Através de pesquisa de campo, com coleta de dados por meio de grupos focais, os resultados trazem luz aos aspectos sobre o que dá sentido, ou não, ao trabalho para o jovem da nova classe média. Os resultados demonstram que os jovens da nova classe média têm características bastante distintas do que se vem dizendo a literatura vigente sobre a “homogênea Geração Y”, pois trata-se um jovem cujo trabalho é central em sua vida, busca carreiras tradicionais, deseja ser ouvido pelas organizações onde trabalham, não é orientado para o consumo, tem pouca afinidade com tecnologia, veem a educação como forma de mudar de vida, tem um ritmo de vida extremamente estafante e constituem uma classe trabalhadora nova e inexplorada.
Este artigo examina a causalidade entre o nível de educação, medido pela média dos anos de escolaridade, e o grau de corrupção nos municípios brasileiros. A endogeneidade entre as duas séries traz a dificuldade para examinar qual o sentido da causalidade. Seria menos corrupção a causar maiores níveis de educação, ou seria maior nível de educação a causar menor grau de corrupção? Para confirmar a direção da causalidade de educação para corrupção foi utilizado o método de variável instrumental (VI), tendo o financiamento direto à educação como instrumento utilizado para eliminar a endogeneidade existente entre anos de escolaridade e grau de corrupção. Os resultados dos dados coletados apontam que municípios com nível de educação maior tendem a apresentar um grau de corrupção menor que os demais.
Material não foi concebido para uma disciplina em específico, mas sim para ser usado por diferentes professores que de alguma forma abordam seu conteúdo integral ou parcialmente.
Com esta investigação procurámos aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a eficácia do modelo bilingue na educação dos alunos surdos. Foram inquiridos 84 alunos (surdos e ouvintes), os seus pais e entrevistados 12 intervenientes no processo educativo das crianças surdas, que frequentam as escolas de referência de educação bilingue para alunos surdos (EREBAS) do Funchal, nomeadamente, tutela, órgãos de gestão, professores surdos e ouvintes, do ensino regular e especial e psicólogo. Numa primeira fase foram utilizados dois questionários de opinião nas três EREBAS, desde o 1º ciclo ao secundário, sendo um questionário destinado, primeiramente, aos alunos surdos e ouvintes e outro, posteriormente, aos seus pais. O propósito seria conhecer a opinião que estes sujeitos tinham das escolas, das relações entre surdos e ouvintes e da língua gestual portuguesa (LGP). Num segundo momento, foram aplicadas provas psicológicas ao grupo de alunos surdos e ao de ouvintes, separadamente. A avaliação dos níveis de inteligência geral e verbal foi correlacionada com a média académica, sendo posteriormente comparados os grupos de alunos surdos com os ouvintes. A terceira e última etapa reportam-se às entrevistas aos agentes educativos tangentes ao processo de implementação do modelo bilingue. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que a implementação do modelo bilingue promove o sucesso educativo dos alunos surdos e que existe diferenciação nos resultados dos alunos em função do modelo de intervenção educativa, pelo que, a escola de referência se constitui determinante na opção dos pais.
O presente relatório refere-se ao estágio realizado no Lar Vila Assunção da Fundação Mary Jane Wilson, em São Gonçalo, na Região Autónoma da Madeira. O estágio é a unidade curricular que conclui o Mestrado em Ciências da Educação-Educação Sénior da Universidade da Madeira. O Lar Vila Assunção é uma IPSS (Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social), direcionado para as pessoas idosas do sexo feminino. Neste contexto educacional (Lar), numa fase preliminar ou diagnóstica realizámos atividades em diversas áreas, temáticas e domínios, bem como em diferentes espaços de ação, no sentido de observarmos as capacidades e potencialidades dos idosos. Além das atividades, aplicámos um questionário com o objetivo de conhecer as características e os interesses de cada um dos idosos. Estes dados, no seu conjunto, permitiu estruturar o projeto de estágio propriamente dito. Após as reflexões sobre as atividades e a análise da recolha de dados do questionário, elaborámos um Projeto que se dividiu em duas áreas ou sub-projetos: “Ler + Cultura” e “Prática de Atividade Física”. Foi necessário fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre a temática do envelhecimento e as áreas específicas de forma a aprofundarmos os conteúdos significativos. Usámos em ambos os sub-projetos uma metodologia colaborativa e cooperativa que facilitou a entreajuda dos idosos, que naturalmente se apresentavam com níveis de envelhecimento diferentes. Esperemos que o conhecimento adquirido neste estágio possa contribuir para futuras práticas/reflexões e pesquisas sobre o idoso institucionalizado, refletindo-se, desta forma, na melhoria da sua qualidade de vida.
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, most frequently characterized by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. It is the oldest recorded neurological disease and has been surrounded by myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceptions. Three professionals work with epileptic patients on a daily basis: teachers, physical educators and physicians . This study aimed to analyze and compare the level of knowledge, preconceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students in the courses of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine, future professionals who will deal with epileptic patients. This descriptive observational study was conducted with 286 university undergraduates of both sexes (women 99/34.6% and men 187/65.4%) from the first to fourth year of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine courses at the Universidade Estadual Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with mean age of 23 years. A validated and adapted 17-question questionnaire, divided into nine knowledge-based questions, five related to preconceptions and three on attitudes, was applied. Results allowed elaboration of a manuscript entitled Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Preconceptions in University Undergraduates of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine Courses in Relation to Epilepsy. The findings of this article show that knowledge of epilepsy in the three groups is very satisfactory. The low level of preconception indicates that educational or clarifying information is being transmitted, albeit by television, a layman s information vehicle, which has undoubtedly contributed to reducing the stigma of epilepsy through educational information. Results also suggest a lack of knowledge on how to act during a seizure, especially in education professionals. Although there are limitations in our sample, the relevance and contribution of this study is to call attention to the importance and need for these future professionals to be informed and learn correct attitudes with respect to epilepsy during their academic formation. This is essential at a time when the disease is being brought out of the shadows. This research was supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching, and Deans of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine at UERN. The research was made possible by the multidisciplinary interaction among a physical educator, child neurologist and statistician, all contributing to achieving the aims set out here
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as dificuldades de comunicação de conteúdos relacionados ao corpo humano, no contexto dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem na escola fundamental e média. Através da exposição das necessidades dos alunos e das reticências dos professores, apresenta-se algumas teorias sociais como estratégia mediadora e viabilizadora do melhor desempenho da ação pedagógica e da contribuição escolar para a constituição do educando enquanto sujeito social.
Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir algumas características da divulgação científica que toma as ciências biológicas como tema central. Optou-se pela análise de livros que, no contexto brasileiro, alcançaram sucesso público e que são, freqüentemente, mencionados por alunos universitários, tanto em sala de aula quanto em seus escritos. O enfoque dado à pesquisa é de cunho antropológico, enfatizando-se que, na pós-modernidade, fluem paralelamente duas culturas, rotuladas por Giddens (2002) de a cultura da segurança e a cultura de risco.
The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community
Climacteric is the name of the period of the human life that it is going from the 40 years old, approximately, until the 65 years old. Though, for besides a biological phase of the woman's life, the climacteric is an object of the social world that is rendered to different apprehensions and readings on the symbolic plan. In this study, it was looked for to know the social representations, that health' professionals acting in the programs of the climacteric and the users of those same services, build in respect of that purpose. Besides, it tried to be seen that the social hegemonic representation that guides the actions and the agents' attitudes in the practices of attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric in the extent of the investigated institutions. The data were collected through interviews, questionnaire, focal discussion group and direct observation. The observation field was constituted by the three institutions that develop the attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric phase, in the city of Natal. A gender perspective was also been adopted, sought to evidence as the cognitive structures that assure the masculine power reproduction, pronounce to the social representations to build a sense to the investigated purpose. It was verified that the social representations of the climacteric are built mainly around the semantic fields old age and disease. For the health professionals, the meaning of the simbol old age carries the marks of the indentified system of the middle class employed, but also, of the feminine habitus that guides them to have an ethical and aesthetic apprehension of their own body. The climacteric, in that way, is seen as a difficult phase , a painful event that scares . For the women attended by those professionals, the sign old age means feeling emphasis from the biological climacteric aspects, in other words, the sensations and signs that forbid the body to accomplish certain linked basic life functions. Along the whole course of this thesis, it was verified that the climacteric is a complex phenomenon that needs to be faced as such. While cultural phenomenon, it is urgent to look for means to help to combat the centrality of the professional representations that face the climacteric as old age and disease, particularly in the field of health
This thesis is a result of a research on Natal/RN as a tourist destination. We understand that cities are chosen as tourist destinations beyond its cartographic localization, from other dimensions of meanings that, in its set, constitute images. These images are, probably, very different of the images constructed by native and resident populations, who possess relations of identity with the place. The knowledge of the meanings that others attribute to this city as tourist destination, bring us near to the symbolic bonds established by individuals or social groups on the act of their choices, as well as bring us near to the interaction process city-tourists where the expectations are confirmed or not. The images divulgated by the media also participate of the complex formation of the tourist image that is being constructed and available for the different public, in different social contexts. The tourism constitutes a symbolic asset of the modern society, being considered by the studious, as one of the most expressive phenomena of the modernity, for involving each year displacement and the interaction of thousand of people of different cultures in the entire world. All this people s mobilization points to practical social related to personal motivations, to the entailed desired to the idea to travel and to exceed borders. It is already consensus that tourism is a phenomenon of economic growth, generating jobs, income, professional, qualification, bringing improvements for the host cities. Since 1995, in Brazil, the tourism as a sector of the economy, passed to be considered one of the national priorities, and in this perspective, the national politics of the tourism invested in infrastructure of Brazilian cities with high tourist potential, objecting to increase the flows of Brazilian and foreign tourists. Owing to this fact, the country still invests in programs of tourist marketing, mainly divulging the images of the natural beauties of Brazil abroad. And for Brazilians, the campaigns appeal to rescue the feeling to be Brazilian, associating the idea to travel and know its country. Natal city possesses an excellent positioning in the tourist marketing, being predominantly divulgated in national and international level, for its naturalistic singularity, where the images of its natural enchantments as warm water beaches, white dunes, warm weather, constant breeze and an always blue sky are shown as the favorite scene on this city. From what was viewed above that the choice of a tourist destination articulates from a determined imaginary of a place, already constructed or in process of construction, we consider the knowledge of this imaginary a basic learning for the population of the city and especially, for educators, in the formation of professionals in this area and for tourism managers, elaborators of public politics. Based on this estimative, we developed this research that had as a general objective to identify the images that illustrate Natal city as a tourist destination - our objective of study, particularly the meanings and senses attributed by the tourist marketing (hotel s folders) and by the tourists that visited the city during this study. The discussions and reflections that had guided this research had been given from the theoretical link between imaginary and social representation, also considering some interfaces between the fields of communication and symbol. From the studied authors, Baczko (1985) clarifies that the study of social imaginary is directed for the mechanisms and structures of the social life, especially for the intervention accomplishes and efficient of the representations and symbols in the practical collectives, as well as in its direction and orientation . Following this same thought, Moscovici (1978) says that the social representation are produced in communicational and symbolic contexts, and these representations once that already constituted circulate socially as almost tangible entities. Based on this fundament and on the analyze of Barthes (1990), particularly in the approach given to the reading of photographic image, we could observe on hotel s folders that each page evidences senses and meanings of functionality of internal and external spaces, pointing to the way of leisure offered by the keepers of city which is the hotels. About, the leisure that they offer, it is directed to young public, giving meaning to the young myth of personalized leisure tourism on children, young and adults images. The image about security that hotels offer and the singular image of Natal city as a paradise place, provide an idealization of pleasure through the sun, dunes, and beaches and also due to the hospitability of the natives who are assigned as educated . For the tourist that participated on this research, Natal city is tied only by the imaginary of leisure and nature which constitute the emotional link of the relation media-city-tourist. And with such force and fullness of directions the city discloses without tensions and contradictions as a place protected by a mythical and sacred aura. The study also demonstrates us that the potiguar culture remains (almost) forgotten, due to the silenced in this imaginary. In this perspective, we highlight that this culture silence is very close related to the disvalue of education in its general meaning. We defend that the imaginary apprehended constitutes a new reading and a new looking and understanding the tourist reality that comes historically consolidating in this city. In this direction, we glimpse that this study and its future dismemberments can collaborate with the process of rescue the cultural values of the potiguar people, in the way that the meaning of tourist may be redefined, and the tourist image of the city can be also disclosed for its identities particularities of its culture
Portraits de la Dignité: Noirs du Riacho (2005-2006) analyse le Projet Dignité, comme un produit publicitaire du gouverne du Rio Grande do Norte, à travers de trois voie: l éducation; l identité; la propagande publicitaire. Notre regard a été dirigé vers les images écrites, parlés et photografiées pour meilleur comprendre comme la communauté des Noirs du Riacho, a été incorporer a polítique d égalité de races proposé par les gouvernes Municipal, de l État, et Fédéral, tout em transformant la communauté en produit publicitaire du gouverne. Entre une partie et l outre on a enregistrés des questions sur l identité, plus particulierment la (des)constrution identitaire tout en s appuyant dans le rôle de la langage publicitaire, que em utilisand les richeses de ses techniques, montre le Riacho et le peuple dans la exposition etno-photogaphique Portraits de la Dignité. Ainsi, c est important comprendre la divulgation du Projet Dignité, appuyer dans la propragande de l image des personnages du Riacho divulguées dans la presse locale. Cette problematique, nos conduit a controverser des questions três anciennes par rapports aux discriminations contre les négres, ainsi comme la façon que le gouvernement en la période analysé, s engage en la problematique des communautés restantes de quilombolas dans l État du Rio Grande do Norte. Au choisir la communauté du Riacho pour développer sa politique d action affirmative l État place le Riacho comme laboratoire sociale , en cette contexte nous cherchons à travers des analyses des documents officiels, thèses, recherches bibliografiques et de champs, bien comme de matériel journalistique et publicitaire, révéler les messages véhiculés dans la presse locale sur des questions proposés par cette étude. Pour développer l étude nous appuyons metodologicament en la recherche qualitative, sans perdre de vue l analyse critique des contenus, vu que les sujets en étude ne doive pas être analyser basé en un unique point de vue. Ainsi, nous pensons ne pas fermer la question, mas ouvrir l outres pour permettre meilleur débattre la liason chaque jour plus fort entre la publicité e l action gouvernamentale, en ce qui est relatif aux usages de l image photografique
The dialogue represents an essential condition for the complete realization of the Communication. In Paulo Freire we find a concept of dialogue which expresses itself, fundamentally, in two dimension: on one hand, in the confluence of subjectivities; on the other, in action. Dialogue would not be, therefore, a thinking for , but a thinking with . On the other hand, the media, here understood as synonym of technical media of information and expression is spread all over society as synonym of communication media. In this direction, this paper intends to check if the media allows the dialogue, in the heart of the Freirean concept of communication. We start from the premise that it is not possible to come to an answer if we continue to accept the theoretical approach which polarizes the process of communication between emitter and receptor. By using elements of the ethnomethodology such as the analysis of the conversation and the reflexivity, we dived in the school everyday life of educators and students of an elementary level public school in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, in order to, through some experiences with the media, corroborate Paulo Freire's ideas, stating the mediation made by the world and seeking a bias for the use of the media to enable a more dialogic education