999 resultados para Educação continuada em Enfermagem


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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No presente estudo, assumimos a pesquisa narrativa - de inspiração qualitativa - como bússola para as análises e interpretações por nós conduzidas. Situamo-nos, neste estudo, na projeção da importância do formato de pesquisa em termos autobiográficos de professores de Ciências e Matemáticas, em cursos de educação continuada ao nível de pós-graduação. Investigamos junto aos sujeitos que aspectos da Psicologia da Educação, em sua formação docente inicial, foram considerados importantes por tais professores pela atribuição efetiva de valor, sentido e significados docentes - para pensarem a sua prática docente atual. Destacamos das manifestações de oito professores de curso Lato Sensu Especialização em Educação Matemática e oito professores de curso Stricto Sensu Mestrado em Educação de Ciências e Matemáticas obtidas por meio de entrevista coletiva semiestruturada com o primeiro grupo e questionários com o segundo grupo, certo conteúdo teórico-metodológico, evidenciado em termos narrativos, como se disse, com função para a prática docente pessoal, tendo como parâmetro a idéia de formação de professores reflexivos ao considerarem a Psicologia, especialmente, como proposição de formação para a prática reflexiva. As análises por nós procedidas revelam termos auto-refletidos e reflexivos sobremaneira de conteúdos teórico-metodológicos com função para a prática docente sendo satisfatórios e conteúdos teórico-conceituais sem função para a prática docente dito insuficientes por parte dos professores investigados, justamente porque demandam questões referentes à sua interação com alunos-adolescentes e em razão desse público ser numeroso e emergente nas turmas usuais de ensino fundamental e médio, bem como na educação de jovens e adultos. Um tipo de formação pelo auto-conhecimento para o heteroconhecimento, teorização de sua prática docente e estudo de práticas docentes reflexiva ou teorias psicológicas específicas que levem-nos a pensarem a sua prática e refletirem sobre prática docente reflexiva são postos como proposições e princípios de formação. Em termos investigativos, percorrer a formação inicial pelas experiências de vida, é desejar encontrar como forma e postura de formação, reflexão e sensibilização um vir-a-ser significativo quando professores utilizam suas vivências e experiências como aprendizado reflexivo para a prática docente, não somente pela tentativa de reconstruir a autoimagem pessoal, mas de possibilitar percepção de si e do outro em aprendizagem.


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Este estudo objetivou descrever a percepção dos usuários sobre a diabetes. A pesquisa foi descritiva e exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa; o cenário foi um hospital na cidade de Belém-PA, com participação de 32 sujeitos. Empregando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática, emergiram quatro categorias: Controle do diabetes: a enfermagem na automonitorização da glicemia; O diabético e a enfermagem: uma interação para o autocuidado; Consulta de enfermagem ao diabético: a intervenção no processo saúde-doença; Diabetes e suas complicações: o medo repercutido na perda de funções. Observou-se que o paciente começa a se cuidar impulsionado pelo medo de perder sua saúde, obrigando-o ao autocuidado. O enfermeiro está diretamente ligado com o controle da diabetes, a partir do momento que realiza os cuidados e orientações da automonitorização da doença.


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The goal of this study was to identify some of the new responsibilities that have been assigned to the elementary school teachers , under the mediation of continuing education courses . We start from the idea that these courses , especially those offered by the SECADI, are proposed teachers and aims to train them for a performance at school that exceeds the activity of teaching in the classroom . The teacher has been summoned to attend these courses in which is prepared to act on school performing tasks rather related to the care of students than teaching , assisting them in their basic needs such as health, protection, inclusion and human rights. Asked ourselves if there was a reconfiguration of the responsibilities of education professionals in order to make use of oneself given by the State. We chose as sources of research documents the SECADI such as legislation , manuals and instructional materials that will proceed to the analysis , in each course , the target populations privileged , purpose, remuneration and certification , pre - requirements to participate in the courses and duration ; partnerships involved if the courses are face , semi-distance or distance ; activities that teacher should develop in school after completion of the courses ; loads hourly . We will seek to analyze the documents and materials of School programs that Protects, School Health Program , Network Education for Diversity. The theoretical and methodological framework is dialectical and historical materialism, from assumptions which we choose as the class character of society in capitalism and alienation as a phenomenon that affects the work in all its manifestations . Thus , our general hypothesis is that the enrichment tasks of teachers in public schools can contribute to basic disposition Teacher education


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INTRODUCTION: The children's schools are expanded spaces of education and care for infants. The educator's role as mediator in learning is crucial to child development, and the use of children's books can act as an important methodological and pedagogical resource in this process. METHODS: This paper describes a psychoeducational intervention performed with the educators of a public pre-school with the following objectives: (a) register the collection of children's books of the school, (b) investigate the acquisition and use of children's books by the teachers and (c) offer an intervention to teachers regarding the educational use of children's books. The participants were seven educators who worked with children from 2 to 6 years old. RESULTS: The results indicate that among the 315 books in the school, the majority was about animal stories (75 books), fantasy and mystery (38), fairy tales and fables (34), formal learning (33), learning rules (33) and about nature and environment (22). The educators reported that the choice of books was made mainly considering the age group to which the books were directed, and also from the themes found in texts and/ or illustrations. Although the teachers believe that the books can encourage reading among children, they don't describe their use in planned activities and they report lack of knowledge about their use. CONCLUSION: The proposed intervention to the teachers allowed them to rethink the use of books in pre-school, instructing them to the utilization of the books aiming to stimulate the imagination and creativity, improving the critical and reflexive capability of the children.


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Objective: Identifying the main causes for underreporting of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) by health professionals. Method: A systematic review carried out in the following databases: LILACS, PAHO, SciELO, EMBASE and PubMed in the period between 1992 and 2012. Descriptors were used in the search for articles, and the identified causes of underreporting were analyzed according to the classification of Inman. Results: In total, were identified 149 articles, among which 29 were selected. Most studies were carried out in hospitals (24/29) for physicians (22/29), and pharmacists (10/29). The main causes related to underreporting were ignorance (24/29), insecurity (24/29) and indifference (23/29). Conclusion: The data show the eighth sin in underreporting, which is the lack of training in pharmacovigilance. Therefore, continuing education can increase adherence of professionals to the service and improve knowledge and communication of risks due to drug use.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Objective: Identifying the main causes for underreporting of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) by health professionals. Method: A systematic review carried out in the following databases: LILACS, PAHO, SciELO, EMBASE and PubMed in the period between 1992 and 2012. Descriptors were used in the search for articles, and the identified causes of underreporting were analyzed according to the classification of Inman. Results: In total, were identified 149 articles, among which 29 were selected. Most studies were carried out in hospitals (24/29) for physicians (22/29), and pharmacists (10/29). The main causes related to underreporting were ignorance (24/29), insecurity (24/29) and indifference (23/29). Conclusion: The data show the eighth sin in underreporting, which is the lack of training in pharmacovigilance. Therefore, continuing education can increase adherence of professionals to the service and improve knowledge and communication of risks due to drug use.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)