985 resultados para Ectopic gastric mucosa
Food deprivation has been found to stimulate cell proliferation in the gastric mucosa of suckling rats, whereas the weanling period has been reported to be unresponsive in terms of proliferative activity. In the present study we analyze regional differences in the effect of milk or food deprivation on cell proliferation of the epithelia of the esophagus and of five segments of small intestine in suckling, weanling and newly weaned Wistar rats of both sexes. DNA synthesis was determined using tritiated thymidine to obtain labeling indices (LI); crypt depth and villus height were also determined. Milk deprivation decreased LI by 50% in the esophagus (from 15 to 8.35%) and small intestine (from 40 to 20%) of 14-day-old rats. In 18-day-old rats, milk and food deprivation decreased LI in the esophagus (from 13 to 5%) and in the distal segments of the small intestine (from 36-40 to 24-32%). In contrast, the LI of the epithelia of the esophagus (5%) and of all small intestine segments (around 30%) of 22-day-old rats were not modified by food deprivation. Crypt depth did not change after treatment (80 to 120 µm in 14- and 22-day-old rats, respectively). Villus height decreased in some small intestine segments of unfed 14- (from 400 to 300 µm) and 18-day-old rats (from 480 to 360 µm). The results show that, contrary to the stomach response, milk deprivation inhibited cell proliferation in the esophagus and small intestine of suckling rats, demonstrating the regional variability of each segment of the gastrointestinal tract in suckling rats. In newly weaned rats, food deprivation did not alter the proliferation of these epithelia, similarly to the stomach, indicating that weanling is a period marked by the insensitivity of gastrointestinal epithelia to dietary alterations
We investigated the effect of etoricoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, and indomethacin, a non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor, on experimental periodontitis, and compared their gastrointestinal side effects. A ligature was placed around the second upper left molars of female Wistar rats (160 to 200 g). Animals (6 per group) were treated daily with oral doses of 3 or 9 mg/kg etoricoxib, 5 mg/kg indomethacin, or 0.2 mL saline, starting 5 days after the induction of periodontitis, when bone resorption was detected, until the sacrifice on the 11th day. The weight and survival rate were monitored. Alveolar bone loss (ABL) was measured as the sum of distances between the cusp tips and the alveolar bone. The gastric mucosa was examined macroscopically and the periodontium and gastric and intestinal mucosa were examined by histopathology. The ongoing ABL was significantly inhibited (P < 0.05) by 3 and 9 mg/kg etoricoxib and by indomethacin: control = 4.08 ± 0.47 mm; etoricoxib (3 mg/kg) = 1.89 ± 0.26 mm; etoricoxib (9 mg/kg) = 1.02 ± 0.14 mm; indomethacin = 0.64 ± 0.15 mm. Histopathology of periodontium showed that etoricoxib and indomethacin reduced inflammatory cell infiltration, ABL, and cementum and collagen fiber destruction. Macroscopic and histopathological analysis of gastric and intestinal mucosa demonstrated that etoricoxib induces less damage than indomethacin. Animals that received indomethacin presented weight loss starting on the 7th day, and higher mortality rate (58.3%) compared to etoricoxib (0%). Treatment with etoricoxib, even starting when ABL is detected, reduces inflammation and cementum and bone resorption, with fewer gastrointestinal side effects.
Chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) is a very common gastritis and one of the major precursor lesions of gastric cancer, one of the most common cancers worldwide. The molecular mechanism underlying CAG is unclear, but its elucidation is essential for the prevention and early detection of gastric cancer and appropriate intervention. A combination of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry was used in the present study to analyze the differentially expressed proteins. Samples from 21 patients (9 females and 12 males; mean age: 61.8 years) were used. We identified 18 differentially expressed proteins in CAG compared with matched normal mucosa. Eight proteins were up-regulated and 10 down-regulated in CAG when compared with the same amounts of proteins in individually matched normal gastric mucosa. Two novel proteins, proteasome activator subunit 1 (PSME1), which was down-regulated in CAG, and ribosomal protein S12 (RPS12), which was up-regulated in CAG, were further investigated. Their expression was validated by Western blot and RT-PCR in 15 CAG samples matched with normal mucosa. The expression level of RPS12 was significantly higher in CAG than in matched normal gastric mucosa (P < 0.05). In contrast, the expression level of PSME1 in CAG was significantly lower than in matched normal gastric mucosa (P < 0.05). This study clearly demonstrated that there are some changes in protein expression between CAG and normal mucosa. In these changes, down-regulation of PSME1 and up-regulation of RPS12 could be involved in the development of CAG. Thus, the differentially expressed proteins might play important roles in CAG as functional molecules.
We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of bismuth-containing quadruple therapy plus postural change after dosing for Helicobacter pylori eradication in gastrectomized patients. We compared 76 gastric stump patients with H. pylori infection (GS group) with 50 non-gastrectomized H. pylori-positive patients who met the treatment indication (controls). The GS group was divided into GS group 1 and GS group 2. All groups were administered bismuth potassium citrate (220 mg), esomeprazole (20 mg), amoxicillin (1.0 g), and furazolidone (100 mg) twice daily for 14 days. GS group 1 maintained a left lateral horizontal position for 30 min after dosing. H. pylori was detected using rapid urease testing and histologic examination of gastric mucosa before and 3 months after therapy. Mucosal histologic manifestations were evaluated using visual analog scales of the updated Sydney System. GS group 1 had a higher prevalence of eradication than the GS group 2 (intention-to-treat [ITT]: P=0.025; per-protocol [PP]: P=0.030), and the control group had a similar prevalence. GS group 2 had a lower prevalence of eradication than controls (ITT: P=0.006; PP: P=0.626). Scores for chronic inflammation and activity declined significantly (P<0.001) 3 months after treatment, whereas those for atrophy and intestinal metaplasia showed no significant change. Prevalence of adverse reactions was similar among groups during therapy (P=0.939). A bismuth-containing quadruple therapy regimen plus postural change after dosing appears to be a relatively safe, effective, economical, and practical method for H. pylori eradication in gastrectomized patients.
La candidose oropharyngée (COP) constitue l’infection fongique opportuniste la plus fréquente chez les patients infectés au VIH-1. Malgré la profonde immunosuppression causée par le VIH-1, l’infection à Candida albicans demeure confinée au niveau de la muqueuse buccale sans dissémination aux organes profonds. La souris transgénique (Tg) CD4C/HIVMut exprimant le génome tronqué du VIH-1 présente, suite à l’inoculation orale de C. albicans, une COP chronique reproduisant fidèlement l’infection chez les patients séropositifs. Cette souris Tg a donc été utilisée afin de déterminer si les macrophages contribuent au confinement de C. albicans à la muqueuse buccale. Cette étude a permis de démontrer que i) les macrophages sont recrutés aux muqueuses buccale et gastrique en réponse au champignon malgré l’expression du transgène, ii) les macrophages de ces souris Tg présentent une polarisation vers un phénotype d’activation alternative et iii) la production de monoxyde d’azote par les macrophages des souris Tg n’est pas requise pour limiter la prolifération de Candida à la muqueuse buccale et pour restreindre sa dissémination aux organes profonds. Les macrophages ne semblent donc pas directement responsables de l’établissement de l’infection chronique à Candida chez la souris Tg CD4C/HIVMut.
Chitosan and its half-acetylated derivative have been compared as excipients in mucoadhesive tablets containing ibuprofen. Initially the powder formulations containing the polymers and the drug were prepared by either co-spray drying or physical co-grinding. Polymer–drug interactions and the degree of drug crystallinity in these formulations were assessed by infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Tablets were prepared and their swelling and dissolution properties were studied in media of various pHs. Mucoadhesive properties of ibuprofen-loaded and drug-free tablets were evaluated by analysing their detachment from pig gastric mucosa over a range of pHs. Greater polymer–drug interactions were seen for spray-dried particles compared to co-ground samples and drug loading into chitosan-based microparticles (41%) was greater than the corresponding half-acetylated samples (32%). Swelling and drug release was greater with the half-acetylated chitosan tablets than tablets containing the parent polymer and both tablets were mucoadhesive, the extent of which was dependent on substrate pH. The results illustrate the potential sustained drug delivery benefits of both chitosan and its half-acetylated derivative as mucoadhesive tablet excipients.
The increasing use of nanoparticles in the pharmaceutical industry is generating concomitant interest in developing nanomaterials that can rapidly penetrate into, and permeate through, biological membranes to facilitate drug delivery and improve the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Here, we demonstrate that the permeation of thiolated silica nanoparticles through porcine gastric mucosa can be significantly enhanced by their functionalization with either 5 kDa poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) or poly(ethylene glycol). Nanoparticle diffusion was assessed using two independent techniques; Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, and fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) and poly(ethylene glycol) have comparable abilities to enhance diffusion of silica nanoparticles in mucin dispersions and through the gastric mucosa. These findings provide a new strategy in the design of nanomedicines, by surface modification or nanoparticle core construction, for enhanced transmucosal drug delivery.
A infecção por Helicobacter pylori (Hp) é uma das infecções bacterianas mais comuns em todo o mundo. As maiores prevalências da infecção foram encontradas nos países em desenvolvimento, onde, em geral são altas já na infância. O método diagnóstico considerado mais acurado para a infecção por Hp, em crianças, é o exame endoscópico com biópsias gástricas. Alguns autores referem que o único aspecto macroscópico que pode predizer a infecção é o da presença de nodosidades na mucosa gástrica. Este aspecto é denominado de gastrite endoscópica nodular. A especificidade da gastrite endoscópica nodular para a infecção por Hp, entretanto, recentemente foi questionada por outros autores. Realizamos um estudo transversal em uma amostra de crianças (um a 12 anos) com dor abdominal crônica, que preenchiam os critérios para a realização de endoscopia digestiva alta, no Hospital da Criança Conceição e no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, de setembro de 1997 a setembro de 1999. O objetivo principal foi verificar a associação entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite endoscópica nodular nessas crianças. A amostra foi constituída de 185 crianças de ambos os sexos, com baixa renda familiar, cujos pais apresentavam baixo nível de escolaridade. Foi realizado estudo histológico das lâminas de biópsia gástrica (no mínimo cinco fragmentos, corados com H-E ou Giemsa), conforme o Sistema Sydney modificado. A infecção por Hp foi caracterizada pela presença de Hp na lâminas de biópsias gástricas dos pacientes e a gastrite folicular, pela presença de folículos linfóides bem formados, em mucosa gástrica inflamada. A prevalência da infecção por Hp nas crianças com dor abdominal crônica foi de 27% (IC 95%: 20,8-34,0). Foi demonstrada uma associação muito forte entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite endoscópica nodular nessas crianças (P<0,001; RP = 29,7). Houve um aumento da prevalência tanto da infecção por Hp como da gastrite endoscópica nodular com a idade dos pacientes. A gastrite endoscópica nodular , embora tenha demostrado uma baixa sensibilidade (44,0%), apresentou um valor preditivo positivo de 91,7% para a infecção por Hp. Tanto o teste de urease, como a gastrite endoscópica nodular mostraram-se muito específicas, 94,5% e 98,5%, respectivamente, para o diagnóstico da infecção. Quando se combinou o teste de urease com o aspecto de gastrite endoscópica nodular, encontrou-se, uma sensibilidade muito baixa (34,7%), mas uma especificidade de 100% para a infecção por Hp. A sensibilidade do teste de urease, isolado, para a infecção foi de 60,4% e o seu valor preditivo positivo de 80,5%. O aspecto endoscópico (gastrite endoscópica nodular) teve associação com o microscópico (gastrite folicular) (P<0,001). Houve uma forte e significativa associação entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite crônica ativa ( P<0,001; RP = 10,8). O mesmo foi demonstrado entre a gastrite nodular e a gastrite crônica ativa (P<0,001; RP = 8,6). Também foi verificado um nítido aumento das razões de prevalência da gastrite crônica ativa e da gastrite endoscópica nodular, com a acentuação dos graus de densidade de Hp. Finalmente, foi demonstrada a importante correlação entre o grau de intensidade da gastrite, verificado no exame histológico, e a gastrite endoscópica nodular (r = 0,97; P<0,001). A prevalência da infecção por Hp encontrada em Porto Alegre, nas crianças, foi menor do que a de outras cidades brasileiras e similar àquela registrada em algumas cidades do primeiro mundo. A presença de nodosidade na mucosa gástrica foi a alteração, à endoscopia, mais freqüentemente verificada nas crianças com infecção por Hp. Considerando a baixa prevalência da infecção encontrada na nossa amostra, a presença de gastrite endoscópica nodular significa uma elevada probabilidade de infecção por Hp, dado o alto valor preditivo verificado. O achado negativo para a gastrite endoscópica nodular, entretanto, não exclui a possibilidade da presença de infecção por Hp. Uma maior colonização bacteriana da mucosa gástrica estaria associada ao aparecimento da gastrite endoscópica nodular, já que a sua prevalência aumentou com os graus de densidade de Hp, assim como ocorreu com a gastrite crônica ativa. E quando ocorre, nas crianças, há maior probabilidade de se tratar de uma gastrite mais ativa e mais intensa.
The plants belonging to Pfaffia genus are used in folk medicine to treat gastric disturbances. This study examined the effects of an aqueous extract of Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen (AEP) on the gastrointestinal tract. Wistar rats were pretreated orally (p.o.) with the AEP (125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg.kg(-1)) before induction of ulcers by hypothermic restraint stress (HRS, 3 h restraint stress at 4 degreesC), ethanol (ET, 70%; 0.5 ml/animal; p.o.) or indomethacin (IND, 20 mg.kg(-1); s.c.). Control animals received water (C) or ranitidine (60 mg.kg(-1)) p.o. The AEP protected rats against HRS and ET-induced ulcers, but was not able to protect the gastric mucosa against IND-induced ulcers. When injected into the duodenal lumen, the AEP reduced total acidity and both basal and histamine-stimulated acid secretion in pylorus-ligated rats. In addition, gastric secretion from AEP-treated animals exhibited increased concentrations of nitrite and nitrate. Treatment of animals with L-NAME (120 mg.kg(-1), p.o.) prevented both the reduction of total acidity and the increase in NO, levels promoted by AEP treatment. In conclusion, AEP effectively protected the gastric mucosa and inhibited gastric acid secretion in rats, probably by involving the histaminergic pathway and an enhanced production of nitric oxide in the stomach. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O refluxo duodeno-gástrico (RDG), através do piloro, induz lesões proliferativas gástricas em ratos?
Objetivo: Estudar o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas na mucosa gástrica de ratos Wistar submetidos ao refluxo duodeno-gástrico (RDG) através do piloro e, também, avaliar os efeitos da interrupção do RDG sobre o desenvolvimento das mesmas. Métodos: Constituíram-se três grupos experimentais: No CT (n = 20) os ratos foram submetidos a uma gastrotomia; nos grupos RDG54 (n = 16) e RDG36 (n = 14) realizou-se a indução do RDG e, somente no último, interrompeu-se o RDG após 36 semanas. O RDG foi obtido através da realização de anastomose entre o jejuno proximal e a parede gástrica anterior, seguido por secção completa e fechamento das bocas distal e proximal do jejuno a cerca de 1cm antes do início da gastroenteroanastomose. Na 54ª semana do seguimento, todos os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia. Resultados: Diagnosticaram-se três tipos de lesões proliferativas: na mucosa glandular, a hiperplasia adenomatosa e o adenocarcinoma e, no epitélio escamoso, a hiperplasia escamosa. No grupo CT, não se diagnosticaram lesões proliferativas. Na região da mucosa pilórica dos grupos RDG54 e RDG36, a incidência da hiperplasia adenomatosa foi, respectivamente, de 68,75% e 50% (p > 0,30), enquanto na região da gastroenteroanastomose, de 43,75% no RDG54 e 85,71% no RDG36 (p < 0,05). No epitélio escamoso, a incidência da hiperplasia escamosa no RDG54 e RDG36 foi, respectivamente, de 62,5% e 14,2% (p < 0,001). O adenocarcinoma foi diagnosticado na região da anastomose de uma única peça histológica do RDG54. Através de um sistema de análise digital, determinaram-se as áreas da hiperplasia adenomatosa. Na região da mucosa pilórica, obteve-se mediana de 8,583mm² no RDG54 e de 0,2690mm² no RDG36 (p < 0,001). Na gastroenteroanastomose, obteve-se zero no RDG54 e 0,5295mm² no RDG36 (p > 0,50). Conclusões: O RDG propiciou o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas, predominantemente benignas. A interrupção do RDG refreou o crescimento da área da hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa pilórica e diminuiu a incidência da hiperplasia escamosa. Na região da gastroenteroanastomose, o procedimento cirúrgico favoreceu a manutenção do processo prolifera tivo, mesmo após a interrupção do RDG através do piloro.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the histopathological lesions in the upper gastrointestinal mucosa associated with Helicobacter pylori infection in children with nonulcer dyspepsia.Methods: A cross-sectional case-control study was performed on 185 Brazilian children and adolescents (4-17 years, mean 9.5 +/- 2.7 years), 63.2% girls, submitted to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The histopathological lesions of the esophageal and gastric mucosa were analyzed in biopsy samples.Results: H pylori infection was identified in 96 children (51.8%). Moderate to severe chronic active gastritis was present in antrum (70.5%) and corpus (45.2%), with higher grading in antrum than in corpus (P<0.05). The topographic distribution of inflammation was pangastritis (61.9%), followed by antral (32.1%) and corpus (5.9%). H pylori density was higher in antrum than in corpus. Intestinal metaplasia was not found in the H pylori-infected group, nor was significant gastric atrophy. The scores for esophagitis were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the noninfected group (1.4 +/- 0.8) than in the H pylori-infected group (1.07 +/- 0.9), with significant negative correlation (r = 0.29; P<0.05) with the scores of gastric inflammation.Conclusions: The prevalence of H pylori infection was high among children with dyspepsia and associated with moderate/severe degrees of gastric inflammation. The high scores of esophagitis in the noninfected group point to 2 distinct groups of pathological conditions sharing similar clinical patterns.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of Gasterophilus nasalis larvae in Botucatu, the central west region of São Paulo State, Brazil, and to describe the lesions caused by the parasite. The climate of Botucatu is warm and rainy during the months of December through March and cool and dry during the months of May through August. The prevalence of G. nasalis was 16.84%, and the period of peak infestation corresponded to the months of cold and dry weather. The lesions detected at the sites of larval attachment were examined macro- and microscopically. Erosions and ulcerations of the gastric mucosa and proximal duodenum were the major macroscopic lesions detected. Microscopically, the lesion spectrum ranged from mild inflammatory reactions to extensive necrosis and ulceration. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)