836 resultados para East European literature.


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The configuration and the timing of assembly and break-up of Columbia are still matter of debate. In order to improve our knowledge about the Mesoproterozoic evolution of Columbia, a paleomagnetic study was carried out on the 1420 Ma Indiavai mafic intrusive rocks that crosscut the polycyclic Proterozoic basement of the SW Amazonian Craton, in southwestern Mato Grosso State (Brazil). Alternating field and thermal demagnetization revealed south/southwest ChRM directions with downward inclinations for sixteen analyzed sites. These directions are probably carried by SD/PSD magnetite with high coercivities and high unblocking temperatures as indicated by additional rock magnetic tests, including thermomagnetic data, hysteresis data and the progressive acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization. Different stable magnetization components isolated in host rocks from the basement 10 km NW away to the Indiavai intrusion, further support the primary origin of the ChRM. A mean of the site mean directions was calculated at Dm = 209.8 degrees, Im = 50.7 degrees (alpha(95) = 8.0 degrees, K = 22.1), which yielded a paleomagnetic pole located at 249.7 degrees E, 57.0 degrees S (A(95) = 8.6 degrees). The similarity of this pole with the recently published 1420 Ma pole from the Nova Guarita dykes in northern Mato Grosso State suggests a similar tectonic framework for these two sites located 600 km apart, implying the bulk rigidity of the Rondonian-San Ignacio crust at that time. Furthermore these data provide new insights on the tectonic significance of the 1100-1000 Ma Nova Brasilandia belt-a major EW feature that cuts across the basement rocks of this province, which can now be interpreted as intracratonic, in contrast to previous interpretation. From a global perspective, a new Mesoproterozoic paleogeography of Columbia has been proposed based on comparison of these 1420 Ma poles and a 1780 Ma pole from Amazonia with other paleomagnetic poles of similar age from Baltica and Laurentia, a reconstruction in agreement with geological correlations. (C) 2012 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La goutte et la feuille . Transfigurations de la beauté naturelle dans la littérature européenne : Chateaubriand , Hölderlin et Leopardi . La thèse se présente comme une étude morphologique de l'esthétique de la nature à la fin de 18 ans. Siècle. Le dénominateur commun est une étude comparative des paradigmes scientifiques et des images symboliques utilisés dans la littérature européenne . Sous ce point de vue la thèse identifie les formes originaires de la goutte et de la feuille comme un point de contact entre des moments culturels distincts, même si entrelacés. Un passage particulièrement important du travail est l'analyse structurelle du paysage . Le paysage est le point culminant d'accès aux secrets de l'écriture romantique. Le paysage commence avec la représentation classique du jardin édénique et se termine avec la forêt exotique américaine. Celle-ci est décrite par Chateaubriand, en tant qu’objet d’une KOINONIE stylistique à l’immensité sublime du désert et l'océan . Hölderlin place avec la beauté naturelle devient une harmonie secrète et sombre dans l'inconscient symbolique de l'âme humaine . Leopardi est l'auteur du désenchantement , et pourtant il est encore capable de pressentir empathiquement la mesure de l’imagination envers la beauté naturelle. Avec Léopards , cependant, s’accomplit la séparation finale entre l’EPOS de la beauté naturelle et l’ETHOS de la nature . Cette dernière est une grandeur morale, et au fait elle représente le moment de la dissolution nihiliste, notamment magnitude de l’esthétique typiquement romantique . Après Chateaubriand , Leopardi , et Hölderlin beauté naturelle ne seront plus transfigurant .


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This research primarily represents a contribution to the lobbying regulation research arena. It introduces an index which for the first time attempts to measure the direct compliance costs of lobbying regulation. The Cost Indicator Index (CII) offers a brand new platform for qualitative and quantitative assessment of adopted lobbying laws and proposals of those laws, both in the comparative and the sui generis dimension. The CII is not just the only new tool introduced in the last decade, but it is the only tool available for comparative assessments of the costs of lobbying regulations. Beside the qualitative contribution, the research introduces an additional theoretical framework for complementary qualitative analysis of the lobbying laws. The Ninefold theory allows a more structured assessment and classification of lobbying regulations, both by indication of benefits and costs. Lastly, this research introduces the Cost-Benefit Labels (CBL). These labels might improve an ex-ante lobbying regulation impact assessment procedure, primarily in the sui generis perspective. In its final part, the research focuses on four South East European countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia), and for the first time brings them into the discussion and calculates their CPI and CII scores. The special focus of the application was on Serbia, whose proposal on the Law on Lobbying has been extensively analysed in qualitative and quantitative terms, taking into consideration specific political and economic circumstances of the country. Although the obtained results are of an indicative nature, the CII will probably find its place within the academic and policymaking arena, and will hopefully contribute to a better understanding of lobbying regulations worldwide.


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Ce travail doctoral analyse le changement de l’image des Tartares dans la littérature européenne en langue allemande, anglaise, française et italienne du XXe siècle par l’étude de trois figures : la horde mongole, Gengis-khan et Khoubilaï-khan. Il soutient la thèse que, grâce à quelques facteurs historico-culturels comme la remise en question du concept de barbarie, l’essor des totalitarismes, l’ouverture de la Mongolie vers l’Occident, la redécouverte de l’Histoire secrète des Mongols et la fortune de Le divisament dou monde, au cours du XXe siècle, l’image littéraire des gengiskhanides de négative devient positive. Cette étude se compose d’une introduction, de trois chapitres et d’une conclusion. Dans l’introduction, on analyse la formation de l’image des Tartares et son évolution jusqu’à la fin du XIXe siècle, on retrace les facteurs historico-culturels qui la remettent au goût du jour et en provoquent le changement au XXe siècle et on présente le travail. Dans le premier chapitre, on se penche sur la prosopographie des Tartares dans les textes littéraires du XXe siècle, en la confrontant avec leur représentation dans l’art contemporain. Dans le deuxième chapitre, on étudie la façon des Tartares de se rapporter aux autres au sein de la société dans les textes littéraires du XXe siècle. Dans le troisième chapitre, on examine les lieux des gengiskhanides dans les textes littéraires du XXe siècle. Enfin, dans la conclusion, les données acquises au moyen de l’analyse conduite sont confrontées et interprétées. Le changement de l’image des Tartares va de pair avec une Europe qui, après avoir fait l’expérience de deux guerres mondiales, avoir assisté aux revendications de la décolonisation et avoir introjecté la thèse freudienne du « malaise dans la civilisation », remet en discussion sa façon de concevoir la barbarie et l’Altérité.


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Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden erstmals prähistorische Bevölkerungsstrukturen in der osteuropäischen Steppe von der Oberthrakischen Tiefebene bis zur Wolga populationsgenetisch untersucht. Mit Multiplex-PCR und 454-Sequencing wurden von 65 kupfer- und bronzezeitlichen Individuen die Hypervariable Region I und 30 Abschnitte der coding region der mitochondrialen DNA analysiert. Außerdem wurden bis zu 20 putativ selektierte autosomale SNPs und ein geschlechtsspezifischer Locus genotypsiert. Zu Vergleichszwecken wurden veröffentlichte prähistorische DNA-Daten aus Westeurasien und moderne DNA-Sequenzen herangezogen. Die Ergebnisse stützen die Annahme, dass frühneolithische Bauern aus Südosteuropa durch demische Diffusion an der Etablierung der Viehwirtschaft in der Steppe beteiligt waren. Die durchweg niedrigen FST-Werte zwischen der frühbronzezeitlichen Jamnaja-Kultur in der Steppe und den aufeinanderfolgenden neolithischen Kulturen Mitteleuropas sprechen für regelmäßige Kontakte. Die der Jamnaja-Kultur nachfolgende Katakombengrabkultur ist von einem hohen Anteil der in nord- und osteuropäischen Jäger/Sammler-Populationen verbreiteten Haplogruppe U4 geprägt. Niedrige FST-Werte zwischen den prähistorischen Steppenpopulationen und der heutigen Bevölkerung Mittel- und Osteuropas weisen auf genetische Kontinuität hin. Die nukleären Genotypenfrequenzen bestätigt dies. Der moderne europäische Genpool lässt sich nach aktuellem Kenntnisstand auf drei Wurzeln zurückführen: indigene Mesolithiker, frühe Bauern aus dem Nahen Osten und eine nordeurasische Komponente jungpalaeolithischen Ursprungs. Letztere könnte vielleicht über die nordpontische Population in das Erbgut spätneolithischer Europäer gelangt sein.


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Trichinellosis is an important parasitic zoonosis that is caused by the intracellular nematode Trichinella spp.. Infection of humans occurs through consumption of raw (or undercooked) meat containing infectious larvae. In Europe, meat from pork, horse, and wild boar have been identified as most important sources of Trichinella infections in humans. In Switzerland, both the domestic pig and wild boar population are considered free of Trichinella. Conversely, Swiss foxes, lynxs and recently a wolf were found to be infected, the species identified in these animals was always referred to as Trichinella britovi. Although this species rarely infects pork and, compared to Trichinella spiralis, only causes reduced pathogenic effects in humans, the basic presence of Trichinella in Switzerland cannot be neglegted. This fact has gained increasing importance since the responsible authorities in the European Union (EU) are preparing regulations for the official Trichinella-control in meat in order to improve food safety for consumers. These regulations will be implemented as a consequence of the recent association of east European countries with the EU. This new legislation particularly takes into account, that in the past by far most cases of human trichinellosis in the EU were due to consumption of imported east European meat.Within the framework of the bilateral agreements of Switzerland with the EU, the Swiss veterinary public health authorities will have to comply with the foreseen EU regulations. Although diagnostic methods for the direct demonstation of Trichinella in pork meat are already routine practice in several Swiss abattoirs, the implementation of a meat control program for Trichinella for the entire slaughter pig population of the country would lead to an enormous increase in costs for the administration and will require an increased infrastructure in veterinary services. In order to find a reduced testing format for monitoring Trichinella infections in Swiss pork, an infection risk-oriented survey strategy is currently evaluated. In the present article, this minimized survey strategy is discussed regarding its compatibility with the EU regulations laying down rules for the official control of meat for Trichinella.


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The European integration process mainly consists of the development of a European Single Market. Its political regulation is contradictory and conflicting as it is managed by a committee of the governments which - on a different level - operate against each other as representatives of competing nations. Beyond market and states the national citizens expect a culture of consent-orientated acknowledgement from a European civil society. This expectation has been very distinct in those countries which joined the European Union in 2004. In this contribution results are reported from a survey on representatives of Middle and East European networks of social work. They had been questioned about their experiences with aspects of the eastward expansion of the EU. It becomes apparent that the promises of the civil society are overdone and that it comes down to a balance of civil liberty, welfare state and the self-regulation of the civil society.


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From october 2000 to march 2003 the project has been coordinated by the institute of social work and welfare studies of the TU Dresden and financed by the European Commission (INCO-COPERNICUS-Programme). It was an international cooperation between the TU Dresden (Germany), the University of Internal Affairs and the National Technical University in Kharkiv (Ukraine), the research institute AREA in Valenciá (Spain) and the Belgorod Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia) which was established for improving the knowledge base of drug prevention activities by the East European partners. The overall aim of the project was the analysis and elaboration of approaches to drug and addiction prevention. Under consideration of the specific conditions within the East-European countries this work should contribute to the development of pluralistic approaches towards health promotion which are embedded into an intercultural, European horizon.


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We present the data of the 3rdresearch expedition of the European Dry Grasslands Group (EDGG), which was conducted in 2011 in two contrasting areas in NW Bulgarian mountains. The aim was to collect plot data for comparing Bulgarian dry grasslands with those of other parts of Europe in terms of syntaxonomy and biodiversity. We sampled 15 nested-plot series (0.0001–100 m²) and 68 normal plots(10 m²) covering the full variety of dry grassland types occurring in the Vratsa area (Balkan Mts.) and the Koprivshtitsa area (Sredna Gora Mt.). In the plots all vascular plants, terricolous non-vascular plants and a set of soil and other environmental parameters were determined. By applying modified TWIN-SPAN, we distinguished 10 floristically well characterised vegetation types at the association level. After comparison with the regional and European literature, we propose to place them within three classes and five orders: Festuco-Brometea with the orders Stipo pulcherrimae-Festucetalia pallentis (xerophilous dry grasslands of base-rich rocks; alliance Saturejion montanae), Brachypodietalia pinnate (meso-xeric, basiphilous grasslands; alliances Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnate and Chyrsopogono grylli-Danthonion calycinae),Calluno-Ulicetea with the order Nardetalia stricae (lowland to montane Nardus swards; alliance Violion caninae), and Koelerio-Corynephoretea with the orders Sedo-Scleranthetalia (open communities of skeleton-rich, acidic soils; alliance unclear) and Trifolioarvensis-Festucetalia ovinae(closed, meso-xeric, acidophilous grasslands; alliance Armerio rumelicae-Potentillion). The Violion caninae with the association Festuco rubrae-Genistelletum sagittalisis reported from Bulgaria for the first time, while the two occurring Koelerio-Corynephoretea communities are described as new associations (Cetrario aculeatae-Plantaginetum radicatae, Plantagini radicatae-Agrostietum capillaris). According to DCA the main floristic gradient was largely determined by soil conditions, differentiating the Festuco-Brometea communities on soils with high pH and high humus content from the Koelerio-Corynephoretea communities on acidic, humus-poor soils, while the Calluno-Ulicetea stands are the connecting link. At 10 m² Festuco-Brometea and Calluno-Ulicetea stands were richer in species across all investigated taxa and in vascular plants than Koelerio-Corynephoretea stands; the latter were richest in lichen species, while bryophyte richness did not differ significantly among syntaxa. Among the Bulgarian classes, the species-area relationships tended to be steepest in the Festuco-Brometea (i.e. highest beta diversity), but both alpha and beta diversity clearly fell behind the Festuco-Brometea communities in the Transylvanian Plateau, Romania, located less than 500 km north of the study region. Overall, our study contributes to a more adequate placement of the Bulgarian dry grasslands in the European syntaxonomic system and provides valuable data for large-scale analyses of biodiversity patterns


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Advertisement for any dental treatment was rare in Switzerland. Then the use of digital media became popular, particularly in the field of implant- and esthetic-dentistry. In parallel to the dental schools of public universities, private universities and companies built up centers for continuing education that issue specialists diplomas and M.Sc. degrees. Prosthodontics itself is characterized by many sub-disciplines that incorporated their own associations. These also offer graduate training curricula which diminish the significance of specialization in prosthodontics. Specialized prosthodontists do not have a financial benefit in Switzerland where dentistry is not supported by any insurance. In other European countries funding of prosthodontic treatment depends on their healthcare systems. There are four specialties in Dentistry recognized by the European Union (EU). Specialization in prosthodontics was introduced in Sweden already in 1982 and today it is declared in about 20 European countries, while for others no recognized program exists. Thus there are great variations with more recognized specialists in former east European countries. In Switzerland the prosthodontic specialization curriculum was developed and guided by the Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry, and only in 2001 it became fully acknowledged by the Federal Department of Health. The four Swiss Universities offer the 3-year program under the supervision of the society, while the government remains the executive body. In 2003 EPA tried to set up guidelines and quality standards for an EPA recognized specialization. In spite of these attempts and the Bologna Reform in Europe, it appears that the quality standards and the level of education still may differ significantly among European countries.


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Aim We used combined palaeobotanical and genetic data to assess whether Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Siberian spruce (Picea obovata), two major components of the Eurasian boreal forests, occupied separate glacial refugia, and to test previous hypotheses on their distinction, geographical delimitation and introgression. Location The range of Norway spruce in northern Europe and Siberian spruce in northern Asia. Methods Pollen data and recently compiled macrofossil records were summarized for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), late glacial and Holocene. Genetic variation was assessed in 50 populations using one maternally (mitochondrial nad1) and one paternally (chloroplast trnT–trnL) inherited marker and analysed using spatial analyses of molecular variance (SAMOVA). Results Macrofossils showed that spruce was present in both northern Europe and Siberia at the LGM. Congruent macrofossil and pollen data from the late glacial suggested widespread expansions of spruce in the East European Plain, West Siberian Plain, southern Siberian mountains and the Baikal region. Colonization was largely completed during the early Holocene, except in the formerly glaciated area of northern Europe. Both DNA markers distinguished two highly differentiated groups that correspond to Norway spruce and Siberian spruce and coincide spatially with separate LGM spruce occurrences. The division of the mtDNA variation was geographically well defined and occurred to the east of the Ural Mountains along the Ob River, whereas the cpDNA variation showed widespread admixture. Genetic diversity of both DNA markers was higher in western than in eastern populations. Main conclusions North Eurasian Norway spruce and Siberian spruce are genetically distinct and occupied separate LGM refugia, Norway spruce on the East European Plain and Siberian spruce in southern Siberia, where they were already widespread during the late glacial. They came into contact in the basin of the Ob River and probably hybridized. The lower genetic diversity in the eastern populations may indicate that Siberian spruce suffered more from past climatic fluctuations than Norway spruce.


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Vorwort von Horkheimer, Max und Ardorno, Theodor W. zu: Schmidt, Alfred: Der Begriff der Natur in der Lehre Marx. Frankfurt am Main 1962, Frankfurter Beiträge zur Soziologie Band 11. Mehrere Typoskripte und zwei Entwürfe, Typoskrip c mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen von Theodor W. Adorno, 2 Blatt; zweiter Entwurf mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen von Friedrich Pollock, 1 Blatt; Schmidt, Alfred: Gutachten über die Inauguraldissertation 'Die Rolle der Natur in der Marxschen Konzeption der Gesselschaft'. Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 4 Blatt; Typoskript, 7 Blatt; Pollock, Friedrich: Eigenhändige Notize und Korrekturvorschläge zur Dissertation von Alfred Schmidt, 24 Blatt; Vorlesungen über Autorität und Gesellschaft [Columbia University New York]; 1936-37 "Authority and Status in Modern Society"; 1937-38 "Authoritarian Thought and Institutions in Europe"; 1938-39 "Authoritarian Doctrines and modern European Institutions"; Einleitende Vorlesung über Autorität und Gesellschaft, 1936/37 (Max Horkheimer). Drei englsiche Fassungen, eine deutsche Fassung (GS 12, S.39-68); Zweite Vorlesung über Autorität und Gesellschaft (Max Horkheimer). Englische Fassung, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 27 Blatt; deutsche Fassung, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 20 Blatt (GS 12, S.39-68); "History" (Herbert Marcuse). Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 7 Blatt; "Empirical Research" (Paul Lazarfeld). Typoskript, 7 Blatt; "Economica" (Friedrich Pollock). Typoskript, 9 Blatt; "Authoritarian State" (Franz Neumann). Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 18 Blatt; Teilstück, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; "Education" (Leo Löwenthal ?). Typoskript, 6 Blatt; Einleitung in den psychologischen Teil (Fromm). Englische Fassung, Typoskript, 5 Blatt; Abschlußvorlesung: Zusammenfassung (Max Horkheimer). Englische Fassung, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 9 Blatt; deutsche Fassung, Typoskript, 5 Blatt (GS 12, S. 39-68); Teilstücke (Entwürfe ?) zu den Vorlesungen. Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 5 Blatt; Eigenhändige Notizen zu den Vorlesungen, 6 Blatt; Literaturlisten. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 3 Blatt; Vorlesungsankündigungen. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 4 Blatt; Typoskript, 2 Blatt; Ohne Namen: "Errors in Professor Horkheimers Lecture". Stichworte zu sprachlichen Fehlern Max Horkheimers, 4 Blatt; "Über Logik": Vorlesung von Max Horkheimer, 1939. Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen von Herbert Marcuse, 17 Blatt; Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 10 Blatt (GS 12, S. 69-74); Vorlesungsankündigungen der Institutsmitglieder (1941 ?); Horkheimer, Max: "The Social Psychology of Mass Movements"; Horkheimer, Max: "Modern Utopias and their Social Background"; Adorno, Theodor W.: "Sociology of Art"; Adorno, Theodor W.: "Sociology of Popular Music"; Marcuse, Herbert: "Social and Intelectual Foundations of Modern European Democracy"; Marcuse, Herbert: "The Development of Social Thought in der Modern Era"; Neumann, Franz: "History of Modern Political Thought"; Neumann, Franz: "Sociology of Legal Institutions"; Löwenthal, Leo: "Sociology of Modern Popular Literature"; Löwenthal, Leo: "Social Trends in European Literature since the Renaissance"; Kirchheimer, Otto: "Sociology of Political Institutions"; Kirchheimer, Otto: "Development of Criminological Thought". Typoskript, 13 Blatt; Typoskript, 7 Blatt; Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 14 Blatt;


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En este artículo se emplea el término "poética del horizonte" para denominar el conjunto de reglas que gobiernan la práctica literaria de un fenómeno moderno -el horizonte- presente en varias disciplinas de las humanidades (v.g. fenomenología, teoría del arte, teoría literaria). Con el doble propósito de establecer (i) una tipología y (ii) algunas de las semejanzas de familia más significativas del horizonte literario, este trabajo explora la función y el sentido de los horizontes en un caso concreto: la producción novelesca de José María de Pereda. El análisis detallado de este corpus permite concluir que el horizonte literario produce una topografía discursiva mediante la delimitación de sus literarias, y refleja el posicionamiento liminal del escritor en el campo literario.