944 resultados para EXPERT-SYSTEM


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In the mining optimisation literature, most researchers focused on two strategic-level and tactical-level open-pit mine optimisation problems, which are respectively termed ultimate pit limit (UPIT) or constrained pit limit (CPIT). However, many researchers indicate that the substantial numbers of variables and constraints in real-world instances (e.g., with 50-1000 thousand blocks) make the CPIT’s mixed integer programming (MIP) model intractable for use. Thus, it becomes a considerable challenge to solve the large scale CPIT instances without relying on exact MIP optimiser as well as the complicated MIP relaxation/decomposition methods. To take this challenge, two new graph-based algorithms based on network flow graph and conjunctive graph theory are developed by taking advantage of problem properties. The performance of our proposed algorithms is validated by testing recent large scale benchmark UPIT and CPIT instances’ datasets of MineLib in 2013. In comparison to best known results from MineLib, it is shown that the proposed algorithms outperform other CPIT solution approaches existing in the literature. The proposed graph-based algorithms leads to a more competent mine scheduling optimisation expert system because the third-party MIP optimiser is no longer indispensable and random neighbourhood search is not necessary.


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In this paper the issue of finding uncertainty intervals for queries in a Bayesian Network is reconsidered. The investigation focuses on Bayesian Nets with discrete nodes and finite populations. An earlier asymptotic approach is compared with a simulation-based approach, together with further alternatives, one based on a single sample of the Bayesian Net of a particular finite population size, and another which uses expected population sizes together with exact probabilities. We conclude that a query of a Bayesian Net should be expressed as a probability embedded in an uncertainty interval. Based on an investigation of two Bayesian Net structures, the preferred method is the simulation method. However, both the single sample method and the expected sample size methods may be useful and are simpler to compute. Any method at all is more useful than none, when assessing a Bayesian Net under development, or when drawing conclusions from an ‘expert’ system.


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The aim of this thesis is to develop a fully automatic lameness detection system that operates in a milking robot. The instrumentation, measurement software, algorithms for data analysis and a neural network model for lameness detection were developed. Automatic milking has become a common practice in dairy husbandry, and in the year 2006 about 4000 farms worldwide used over 6000 milking robots. There is a worldwide movement with the objective of fully automating every process from feeding to milking. Increase in automation is a consequence of increasing farm sizes, the demand for more efficient production and the growth of labour costs. As the level of automation increases, the time that the cattle keeper uses for monitoring animals often decreases. This has created a need for systems for automatically monitoring the health of farm animals. The popularity of milking robots also offers a new and unique possibility to monitor animals in a single confined space up to four times daily. Lameness is a crucial welfare issue in the modern dairy industry. Limb disorders cause serious welfare, health and economic problems especially in loose housing of cattle. Lameness causes losses in milk production and leads to early culling of animals. These costs could be reduced with early identification and treatment. At present, only a few methods for automatically detecting lameness have been developed, and the most common methods used for lameness detection and assessment are various visual locomotion scoring systems. The problem with locomotion scoring is that it needs experience to be conducted properly, it is labour intensive as an on-farm method and the results are subjective. A four balance system for measuring the leg load distribution of dairy cows during milking in order to detect lameness was developed and set up in the University of Helsinki Research farm Suitia. The leg weights of 73 cows were successfully recorded during almost 10,000 robotic milkings over a period of 5 months. The cows were locomotion scored weekly, and the lame cows were inspected clinically for hoof lesions. Unsuccessful measurements, caused by cows standing outside the balances, were removed from the data with a special algorithm, and the mean leg loads and the number of kicks during milking was calculated. In order to develop an expert system to automatically detect lameness cases, a model was needed. A probabilistic neural network (PNN) classifier model was chosen for the task. The data was divided in two parts and 5,074 measurements from 37 cows were used to train the model. The operation of the model was evaluated for its ability to detect lameness in the validating dataset, which had 4,868 measurements from 36 cows. The model was able to classify 96% of the measurements correctly as sound or lame cows, and 100% of the lameness cases in the validation data were identified. The number of measurements causing false alarms was 1.1%. The developed model has the potential to be used for on-farm decision support and can be used in a real-time lameness monitoring system.


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Video surveillance infrastructure has been widely installed in public places for security purposes. However, live video feeds are typically monitored by human staff, making the detection of important events as they occur difficult. As such, an expert system that can automatically detect events of interest in surveillance footage is highly desirable. Although a number of approaches have been proposed, they have significant limitations: supervised approaches, which can detect a specific event, ideally require a large number of samples with the event spatially and temporally localised; while unsupervised approaches, which do not require this demanding annotation, can only detect whether an event is abnormal and not specific event types. To overcome these problems, we formulate a weakly-supervised approach using Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence to detect rare events. The proposed approach leverages the sparse nature of the target events to its advantage, and we show that this data imbalance guarantees the existence of a decision boundary to separate samples that contain the target event from those that do not. This trait, combined with the coarse annotation used by weakly supervised learning (that only indicates approximately when an event occurs), greatly reduces the annotation burden while retaining the ability to detect specific events. Furthermore, the proposed classifier requires only a decision threshold, simplifying its use compared to other weakly supervised approaches. We show that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a popular real-world traffic surveillance dataset, while preserving real time performance.


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In this paper, pattern classification problem in tool wear monitoring is solved using nature inspired techniques such as Genetic Programming(GP) and Ant-Miner (AM). The main advantage of GP and AM is their ability to learn the underlying data relationships and express them in the form of mathematical equation or simple rules. The extraction of knowledge from the training data set using GP and AM are in the form of Genetic Programming Classifier Expression (GPCE) and rules respectively. The GPCE and AM extracted rules are then applied to set of data in the testing/validation set to obtain the classification accuracy. A major attraction in GP evolved GPCE and AM based classification is the possibility of obtaining an expert system like rules that can be directly applied subsequently by the user in his/her application. The performance of the data classification using GP and AM is as good as the classification accuracy obtained in the earlier study.


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The Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) a non destructive test procedure, has been in vogue for a long time now, for assessing the status of power and related transformers in service. An early indication of likely internal faults that may exist in Transformers has been seen to be revealed, to a reasonable degree of accuracy by the DGA. The data acquisition and subsequent analysis needs an expert in the concerned area to accurately assess the condition of the equipment. Since the presence of the expert is not always guaranteed, it is incumbent on the part of the power utilities to requisition a well planned and reliable artificial expert system to replace, at least in part, an expert. This paper presents the application of Ordered Ant Mner (OAM) classifier for the prediction of involved fault. Secondly, the paper also attempts to estimate the remaining life of the power transformer as an extension to the elapsed life estimation method suggested in the literature.


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In this paper we show the applicability of Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) techniques for pattern classification problem that arises in tool wear monitoring. In an earlier study, artificial neural networks and genetic programming have been successfully applied to tool wear monitoring problem. ACO is a recent addition to evolutionary computation technique that has gained attention for its ability to extract the underlying data relationships and express them in form of simple rules. Rules are extracted for data classification using training set of data points. These rules are then applied to set of data in the testing/validation set to obtain the classification accuracy. A major attraction in ACO based classification is the possibility of obtaining an expert system like rules that can be directly applied subsequently by the user in his/her application. The classification accuracy obtained in ACO based approach is as good as obtained in other biologically inspired techniques.


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The Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS), also called an expert system, is explained. It was then applied to choose the right composition and firing temperature of a ZnO based varistor. 17 refs.


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Production scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a real-time combinatorial optimization problem that has been proved to be NP-complete. Solving this problem needs on-line monitoring of plan execution and requires real-time decision-making in selecting alternative routings, assigning required resources, and rescheduling when failures occur in the system. Expert systems provide a natural framework for solving this kind of NP-complete problems.In this paper an expert system with a novel parallel heuristic approach is implemented for automatic short-term dynamic scheduling of FMS. The principal features of the expert system presented in this paper include easy rescheduling, on-line plan execution, load balancing, an on-line garbage collection process, and the use of advanced knowledge representational schemes. Its effectiveness is demonstrated with two examples.


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A fuzzy logic system is developed for helicopter rotor system fault isolation. Inputs to the fuzzy logic system are measurement deviations of blade bending and torsion response and vibration from a "good" undamaged helicopter rotor. The rotor system measurements used are flap and lag bending tip deflections, elastic twist deflection at the tip, and three forces and three moments at the rotor hub. The fuzzy logic system uses rules developed from an aeroelastic model of the helicopter rotor with implanted faults to isolate the fault while accounting for uncertainty in the measurements. The faults modeled include moisture absorption, loss of trim mass, damaged lag damper, damaged pitch control system, misadjusted pitch link, and damaged flap. Tests with simulated data show that the fuzzy system isolates rotor system faults with an accuracy of about 90-100%. Furthermore, the fuzzy system is robust and gives excellent results, even when some measurements are not available. A rule-based expert system based on similar rules from the aeroelastic model performs much more poorly than the fuzzy system in the presence of high levels of uncertainty.


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水泥回转窑是建材工业发展的方向,我国是水泥生产大国,而国内回转窑与发达国家相差甚大,尤其在热工控制方面。由于水泥回转窑具有时变、分布参数和非线性特性,是一个典型的复杂过程,因而水泥回转窑控制系统是一个很有意义且困难的研究方向,本论文在借鉴国内外同类研究的基础上,提出了模糊专家系统控制模型,进行了深入地研究,并且对该模型进行了计算机仿真,希望通过这项研究,提高我国在水泥回转窑先进智能技术的控制水平。主要研究内容有:对水泥回转窑的热工过程进行了详细分析,对其不同控制方法进行全面的综述,对水泥回转窑实现控制的人工智能方法进行了全面的综述,并介绍了国内外的研究现状;研究了对水泥回转窑控制的模糊控制模型、专家系统设计方法,以及利用模糊控制与专家系统相结合的方法对水泥回转窑进行安全而有效控制的方法:研究了专家系统的实时性问题,提出了静态排列专家系统的推理时间模型、优化排列专家系统的时间估计模型与排列准则;利用计算机仿真方法,实现对水泥回转窑这种复杂而昂贵系统控制进行实验研究,以较低的代价实现对其分析。本论文的主研究成果如下:1. 详细研究了水泥回转窑的技术发展与结构演化过程,分析了水泥回转窑的热工过程以及影响水泥生产的各种因素,总结了影响水泥生产质量的主要因素与次要因素,确定了控制水泥回转窑的主要并且可测量的过程参数。2. 用推理全成方法研究模糊控制模型,实现从模糊的角度研究水泥回转窑的控制:从专家 系统角度研究水泥回转窑的控制问题,并提取了有关的专家系统控制规则;在模糊控制与专家系统的基础上,将水泥回转窑的模糊控制与专家系统相结合,利用层次化的控制器结构,底层为模糊控制器,顶层为专家系统,实现了水泥回转窑的安全与有效控制。3. 从定量的角度研究了专家系统的推理时间问题,给出了三种相应的时间估计模型,这不仅可以分析水泥回转窑系统中的专家系统的实时性,而且也可以分析一般专家系统的推理时间和问题。4. 本文提出的计算机仿真工具,为三组数据分别进行计算机仿真,以此研究水泥回转窑控制策略的性能以及对其动态过程进行分析,为水泥回转窑这样的复杂且昂贵的控制系统研究提供有效的手段。


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Castellano: A lo largo de este proyecto se ha desarrollado un sistema de bajo coste para la tomade electrocardiogramas y posterior visualización de los mismos en un dispositivo Android. Además se ha creado un módulo inteligente capaz de realizar un diagnóstico de manera automática y razonada sobre los datos recogidos. El proyecto se ha realizado principalmente sobre tecnologías abiertas: Arduino como componente central del sistema electrónico, Android para visualizar datos en una plataforma móvil y CLIPS como motor sobre el cual se ha desarrollado el sistema experto que realiza el diagnóstico.


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A Bayesian probabilistic methodology for on-line structural health monitoring which addresses the issue of parameter uncertainty inherent in problem is presented. The method uses modal parameters for a limited number of modes identified from measurements taken at a restricted number of degrees of freedom of a structure as the measured structural data. The application presented uses a linear structural model whose stiffness matrix is parameterized to develop a class of possible models. Within the Bayesian framework, a joint probability density function (PDF) for the model stiffness parameters given the measured modal data is determined. Using this PDF, the marginal PDF of the stiffness parameter for each substructure given the data can be calculated.

Monitoring the health of a structure using these marginal PDFs involves two steps. First, the marginal PDF for each model parameter given modal data from the undamaged structure is found. The structure is then periodically monitored and updated marginal PDFs are determined. A measure of the difference between the calibrated and current marginal PDFs is used as a means to characterize the health of the structure. A procedure for interpreting the measure for use by an expert system in on-line monitoring is also introduced.

The probabilistic framework is developed in order to address the model parameter uncertainty issue inherent in the health monitoring problem. To illustrate this issue, consider a very simplified deterministic structural health monitoring method. In such an approach, the model parameters which minimize an error measure between the measured and model modal values would be used as the "best" model of the structure. Changes between the model parameters identified using modal data from the undamaged structure and subsequent modal data would be used to find the existence, location and degree of damage. Due to measurement noise, limited modal information, and model error, the "best" model parameters might vary from one modal dataset to the next without any damage present in the structure. Thus, difficulties would arise in separating normal variations in the identified model parameters based on limitations of the identification method and variations due to true change in the structure. The Bayesian framework described in this work provides a means to handle this parametric uncertainty.

The probabilistic health monitoring method is applied to simulated data and laboratory data. The results of these tests are presented.