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A vitamina D, atualmente, é relacionada também ao metabolismo da glicose e o desenvolvimento de órgãos. Fêmeas de camundongos suíços (F0) foram alimentadas por uma das dietas experimentais: SC (dieta padrão) ou VitD- (dieta sem vitamina D). A prole de machos foi estudada nas idades: nascimento, 10 dias, desmame e seis meses, nas gerações F1 e F2. Avaliou-se a biometria [Massa Corporal (MC), Comprimento nasoanal (CNA) e Pressão Arterial (PA)], urina de 24 horas, glicemia e Teste Oral de Tolerância à Glicose (TOTG). Durante a eutanásia, o sangue foi coletado para análise bioquímica e os tecidos foram removidos para análise estereológica, morfométrica e Western blotting (WB). Não houve diferença de MC ao nascimento. Ao desmame, o grupo F2-VitD- teve maior MC que F2-SC (P=0,03) e aos seis meses, os grupos F1 e F2-VitD- tiveram MC mais elevada (P<0,05 vs SC). A PA foi crescente na prole VitD-, sendo maior em F1-VitD- (P=0,001). A glicemia e TOTG foram alterados somente na F1-VitD-, seguida de esteatose hepática (+99%), hipertrofia da ilhota pancreática (+40%) e elevação do triglicerídeo sanguíneo (P<0,01). O WB de fígado mostrou elevação de FAS (+18%, P<0,01), no grupo com esteatose. Curiosamente, embora a F2-VitD- tenha apresentado elevação de MC, somente o colesterol total fora alterado (P<0,05). Quanto à nefrogênese, houve 50% mais glomérulos imaturos em F1-VitD- que F1-SC (P<0,0001). Porém, na F2 houve aumento somente de 20% (P<0,001). Aos 10 dias, F1-VitD- teve 150% mais glomérulos imaturos e 25% mais glomérulos maduros que SC-F1 (P<0,0001). O WB de rim mostrou que a prole F1-VitD- apresentou maior expressão de renina, ao desmame e aos seis meses, enquanto que a expressão de podocina foi reduzida (P=0,0004). Não houve diferença na análise de WT1. A restrição materna em vitamina D altera a morfologia do pâncreas e fígado, com resistência à insulina, altera a expressão renal de importantes fatores, assim como retarda a maturação glomerular estendendo o período da nefrogênese, principalmente na geração F1.


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Previous studies have shown that gonads were the second target organ of microcystins (MCs), and that MCs exposure exerted obvious toxic effects on male reproductive system of mammals. However, relevant molecular evidences are still lacking. Fas-signaling pathway plays a key role in toxicant-induced germ cell apoptosis. This study was to evaluate the responses of Fas/FasL system related genes and proteins in testes of rats injected intravenously with MCs. Enhanced apoptosis of germ cells in the testes of MCs-treated rats was detected by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxy-UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) associated with up-regulation of the Fas/FasL system. Both Fas and FasL protein expression were induced evidently from I h post-injection, and this high expression level maintained throughout the experiment. In addition, the activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3 protein was also observed, which were indicators of apoptosis. These results suggested the likely involvement of Fas/FasL system in the MCs-induced germ cell apoptosis. It is also suggested that MCs can cause damage to Sertoli cells directly. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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本实验室果蝇研究工作,主要集中在黑腹果蝇的新基因起源的研究。新基因起源的分子机制主要包括:外显子重排、基因复制、基因逆转座、移动元件介导、基因水平转移、基因从头起源、基因的断裂融合。为了阐述这些新基因的产生和它们所带来的物种适应性,我们对这些新近起源的基因进行了功能研究。但是,仅仅限于新基因所在物种的功能研究并不能完全解释新基因产生的进化原因,我们需要了解它是否能够给没有该基因的果蝇物种带来一定的适应性。例如一些生殖相关新基因,如果我们将它们转入没有该基因的果蝇,那是否能够给该果蝇带来生殖能力的提高?无论结果如何,这都为我们研究新基因的起源提供一个重要线索。由此,黑腹果蝇以外的其它果蝇物种中实现转基因成为该研究的重要技术环节。但是,实验室目前的转基因系统仅限于P转座子介导的黑腹果蝇转基因系统,因而我们需要建立一种新的转基因平台。而转座子Minos打破物种范围的转基因特性,以及它的转座特点为我们提供了选择。转座子Minos是从果蝇D. hydei中克隆出来长约1.8kb的Ⅱ型转座子,Tc1家族转座元件成员。Minos的转座机制与大部分转座子一样,在宿主基因组里面实行着剪切和粘贴的运作机制。Minos在转座时,偏向插入TA位点并且主要集中于内含子区域,这样可以减少对插入位置基因的影响。此外,Minos在黑腹果蝇中的转座效率约30%,并且拥有一套成熟的选择标记。因此,Minos成为我们解决非黑腹果蝇转基因技术难题的首选。 在本文的工作中,我们采用由希腊Savakis教授(希腊分子生物学与生物技术研究所)提供的Minos转基因系统,完成果蝇的转基因实验。在这套转基因系统中,非自主的转座子Minos和转座酶基因被克隆到了不同载体当中。其中Minos转座子序列中插入了由3xP3眼睛特异表达的启动子介导表达的eGFP报告基因,而转座酶基因则由热激蛋白hsp70启动子调控表达。实验过程中,我们在果蝇D. melanogaster 和D. yakuba的胚胎中分别同时显微注射入含有转座子和转座酶本实验室果蝇研究工作,主要集中在黑腹果蝇的新基因起源的研究。新基因起源的分子机制主要包括:外显子重排、基因复制、基因逆转座、移动元件介导、基因水平转移、基因从头起源、基因的断裂融合。为了阐述这些新基因的产生和它们所带来的物种适应性,我们对这些新近起源的基因进行了功能研究。但是,仅仅限于新基因所在物种的功能研究并不能完全解释新基因产生的进化原因,我们需要了解它是否能够给没有该基因的果蝇物种带来一定的适应性。例如一些生殖相关新基因,如果我们将它们转入没有该基因的果蝇,那是否能够给该果蝇带来生殖能力的提高?无论结果如何,这都为我们研究新基因的起源提供一个重要线索。由此,黑腹果蝇以外的其它果蝇物种中实现转基因成为该研究的重要技术环节。但是,实验室目前的转基因系统仅限于P转座子介导的黑腹果蝇转基因系统,因而我们需要建立一种新的转基因平台。而转座子Minos打破物种范围的转基因特性,以及它的转座特点为我们提供了选择。转座子Minos是从果蝇D. hydei中克隆出来长约1.8kb的Ⅱ型转座子,Tc1家族转座元件成员。Minos的转座机制与大部分转座子一样,在宿主基因组里面实行着剪切和粘贴的运作机制。Minos在转座时,偏向插入TA位点并且主要集中于内含子区域,这样可以减少对插入位置基因的影响。此外,Minos在黑腹果蝇中的转座效率约30%,并且拥有一套成熟的选择标记。因此,Minos成为我们解决非黑腹果蝇转基因技术难题的首选。 在本文的工作中,我们采用由希腊Savakis教授(希腊分子生物学与生物技术研究所)提供的Minos转基因系统,完成果蝇的转基因实验。在这套转基因系统中,非自主的转座子Minos和转座酶基因被克隆到了不同载体当中。其中Minos转座子序列中插入了由3xP3眼睛特异表达的启动子介导表达的eGFP报告基因,而转座酶基因则由热激蛋白hsp70启动子调控表达。实验过程中,我们在果蝇D. melanogaster 和D. yakuba的胚胎中分别同时显微注射入含有转座子和转座酶所在的质粒。转座酶在37度条件诱导下进行表达,协助Minos完成转座过程。在转基因果蝇的阳性筛选中,我们利用眼睛特异表达的绿色荧光蛋作为选择标记。并且,我们通过PCR实验进一步验证了转基因果蝇的真实性。本研究中,我们对转基因实验条件进行了初步优化。我们通过对黑腹果蝇白眼突变品系W1118和D. yakuba注射后胚胎进行保湿,对D. yakuba注射胚胎进行非退壳处理。在改进条件下W1118和D. yakuba的存活率分别为10%和3%左右。通过筛选转基因阳性果蝇,我们得出Minos在W1118和D. yakuba中的转座效率分别在32%和20%左右。我们的实验结果再一次证实了Minos在果蝇D. melanogaster中可行性。同时,该工作也初步完成了在果蝇D. yakuba 中的第一次Minos介导的转基因实验,为新基因的跨物种功能研究奠定了实验基础。在未来的工作计划中,我们将采用Minos转基因系统,把实验室目前研究的黑腹果蝇新基因导入其它物种果蝇进行功能研究。 水稻是一种重要的世界粮食作物,世界上过半的人口以水稻为主食。水稻相对别的粮食作物来讲具有较小的基因组,并且拥有较好的基因组注释,是一种理想的单子叶模式生物。植物转基因技术的发展推动着水稻功能基因组学的研究,目前水稻的转基因技术主要依赖于土壤细菌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)T-DNA介导的外源基因染色体插入。在自然状态下,农杆菌的T-DNA位于Ti致瘤质粒当中。它包括了一些转座元件和一些帮助T-DNA转座的毒性蛋白基因和调节基因。由于Ti质粒上的T-DNA太长,并且没有太多的酶切位点,因此自然状态的T-DNA不适合进行转基因实验。为了方便T-DNA的实际应用,研究人员创立了双载体转基因系统。T-DNA转座区被分离到出Ti载体,并且装载到另外一个适合实验操作的质粒当中,而毒性蛋白表达基因等则保留在Ti质粒上。因此,在进行T-DNA介导的转基因实验时,需要同时存在T-DNA载体和Ti质粒。 本文以“水稻注释计划数据库RAP-DB”的表达数据为参考,选择了60个高表达基因的启动子区域进行克隆。通过对T-DNA载体pCAMBIA1301 进行改造,去掉其原来的35S启动子,将预测的基因启动子克隆到该载体中并与报告基 摘要 因GUS 基因融合。通过分子克隆实验,我们得到了45个高表达基因的启动子载体。最终,为了测试这45个启动子的启动效率,我们会将它们转化到水稻愈伤组织中通过启动子融合的GUS基于表达情况来判断我们启动子的启动效率。


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穗发芽(PHS,preharvest sprouting)是影响禾本科作物生产的重要的灾害之一。收获时期如遇潮湿天气容易导致穗发芽发生。发生穗发芽的种子内部水解酶(主要是α-淀粉酶)活性急剧升高,胚乳贮藏物质开始降解,造成作物产量和品质严重降低。因此,选育低穗发芽风险的品种是当前作物育种工作中面临的重要任务。 青稞(Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare)主要分布于青藏高原,自古以来就是青藏高原人民的主要粮食。近年来,由于青稞丰富的营养成分和特有的保健品质、在燃料工业中的潜力以及在啤酒酿造工业中的利用前景,在发达国家日趋受到重视,掀起综合研究利用的热潮。我国拥有占全世界2/3 以上的青稞资源,具有发展青稞产业的得天独厚的条件。然而,由于青稞收获期间恰逢青藏高原雨季来临,常有穗发芽灾害发生,使青稞生产损失巨大。目前对青稞穗发芽研究很少,适用于育种的穗发芽抗性材料相对缺乏,不能很好的满足青稞穗发芽抗性育种的需要。本研究以青藏高原青稞为材料,对其穗发芽抗性的评价指标和体系进行构建,同时筛选青稞抗穗发芽品种并对其抗性进行评价,还利用分子生物学手段对青稞穗发芽抗性的分子机理进行了初步探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. 本试验以来自于我国青藏高原地区的青稞为材料,对休眠性测定的温度范围进行探讨,并对各种穗发芽抗性测定方法的对青稞的适用性进行评测。通过探讨温度对13 个不同基因型的青稞籽粒发芽和休眠性表达的影响,对筛选青稞抗穗发芽资源的温度条件进行探索,并初步分析了其休眠性表达的机理。在10,15,20,25,30℃的黑暗条件下,选用新收获的13 个青稞品种为材料进行籽粒发芽实验,以发芽指数(GI)评价其休眠性。结果发现,不同品种对温度敏感性不同,其中温度不敏感品种,在各温度条件下均表现很低的休眠性;而温度敏感品种,其休眠性表达受低温抑制,受高温诱导。15℃至25℃是进行青稞休眠性鉴定的较适宜的温度范围。通过对供试材料发芽后的α-淀粉酶活性,发现温度对青稞种子的休眠性表达的影响至少在一定程度上表现在对α-淀粉酶活性的调控上。随后,对分别在马尔康和成都进行种植的34 份青稞穗发芽指数(SI),穗发芽率(SR),籽粒发芽指数(GI)和α-淀粉酶活性(AA)进行了测定和分析,发现它们均受基因型×栽培地点的极显著影响,且四个参数之间具有一定相关性。GI 参数由于其变异系数较低,在不同栽培地点稳定性好,且操作简便,是较可靠和理想的穗发芽评价参数。SI 参数可作为辅助,区别籽粒休眠性相似的材料(基因型)或全面评价材料(基因型)的穗发芽抗性特征。AA 参数稳定性较差,并且检测方法复杂,因此不建议在育种及大量材料筛选和评价时使用。此外,青稞穗发芽抗性受环境影响较大,评价时应考虑到尽可能多的抗性影响因素及其在不同栽培条件下的变异。 2. 对来自青藏高原的青稞穗发芽抗性特征及其与其它农艺性状间的关系进行研究。通过测定穗发芽指数(SI)、籽粒发芽指数(GI)和α-淀粉酶活性(AA),表明113 份青稞材料的穗发芽抗性具有显著差异。SI、GI 和AA 参数的变幅分别为1.00~8.86、0.01~0.97 和0.00~2.76,其均值分别为4.72、0.63 和1.22。根据SI 参数,六个基因型,包括‘XQ9-5’,‘XQ33-9’,‘XQ37-5’,‘XQ42-9’,‘XQ45-7’和‘JCL’被鉴定为抗性品种。综合SI、GI 和AA 参数,可以发现青稞的穗发芽抗性机制包含颖壳等穗部结构的抗性和种子自身的抗性(即种子休眠性),且供试材料中未发现较强的胚休眠品种,除‘XQ45-7’外,所有品种在发芽第四天均能检测出α-淀粉酶活性。穗部结构和种子休眠的抗性机制因基因型不同而不同,在穗发芽抗性中可单独作用或共同作用。农家品种和西藏群体分别比栽培品种和四川群体的穗发芽抗性强,而在不同籽粒颜色的青稞中未发现明显差异。相关性检验发现,青稞的穗发芽抗性,主要是种子休眠性,与百粒重、开花期、成熟期、穗长、芒长和剑叶长呈显著负相关关系,与株高相关性不显著。农艺性状可以作为穗发芽抗性材料选育中的辅助指标。本试验为青稞穗发芽抗性育种研究提供了必要的理论基础和可供使用的亲本材料。 3. α-淀粉酶是由多基因家族编码的蛋白质,在植物种子萌发时高度表达,与植物种子的萌发能力密切相关。在大麦种子发芽时,高等电点α-淀粉酶的活性远大于低等电点的α-淀粉酶。为了研究不同穗发芽抗性青稞品种中编码高等电点α-淀粉酶Amy1 基因结构与抗性间的关系,我们以筛选得到的抗性品种‘XQ32-5’(TR1)、‘XQ37-5’(TR2)、‘XQ45-7’(TR3),易感品种‘97-15’(TS1)、‘9657’(TS2)以及强休眠大麦品种‘SAMSON’(SAM)为材料,对其Amy1 基因的编码区序列进行克隆和结构分析,并对它们推导的氨基酸序列进行比较。结果显示,青稞Amy1 基因具有三个外显子、两个内含子,编码区中有13 个核苷酸变异位点,均位于2、3 号外显子,2 个变异位点位于2 号外显子。SAM 和TS1 分别在2 号外显子相应位置有5 个相同的碱基(GAACT)的插入片段。相应α-淀粉酶氨基酸序列推导发现,所有核苷酸变异中有8 个导致相应氨基酸残基的改变,其余位点为同义突变。青稞Amy1 基因编码区序列品种间相似度高达99%以上,部分序列变异可能与其穗发芽抗性有关。随后,我们又通过SYBR Green 荧光定量技术对该基因在不同发芽时间(1d~7d)的相对表达水平进行了差异性检测。结果发现,7 天内不能检测到SAM 的Amy1 基因表达,5 个青稞品种间的Amy1 基因的相对表达量均随着发芽时间延长而上升,但上升方式有所不同。弱抗品种该基因表达更早,转录本增加速率更大,且在4~5 天可达到平台期。发芽7 天中,抗性品种总转录水平明显低于易感品种。本研究结果表明,青稞Amy1 基因的转录水平是与其穗发芽抗性高度相关。 我国青藏高原青稞,尤其是农家品种的穗发芽抗性具有丰富的变异,蕴藏着穗发芽抗性育种的宝贵资源。本研究为青稞穗发芽抗性育种建立了合理抗性评价体系,筛选出可供育种使用的特殊材料,阐明了农艺性状可辅助穗发芽抗性育种,同时还对穗发芽抗性与α-淀粉酶基因的结构和表达关系进行分析,为青稞穗发芽抗性资源筛选奠定了基础。 Preharvest sprouting (PHS) is a serious problem in crop production. It often takes place when encountering damp, cold conditions at harvest time and results in the decrease of grain quality and great loss of yield by triggering the synthesis of endosperm degrading enzymes (mostly the α-amylase). Therefore, PHS is regarded as an important criterion for crop breeding. In order to minimize the risk of PHS, resistant genotypes are highly required. Hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) is the staple food crop in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from of old, where is one of the origin and genetic diversity centers of hulless barley. Recently, interest in hulless barley has been sparked throughout the world due to the demonstrations of its great potential in health food industry and fuel alcohol production. Indeed, hulless barley can also be utilized to produce good quality malt if the appropriate malting conditions are used. In China, overcast and rainy conditions often occur at maturity of hulless barley and cause an adverse on its production and application. PHS resistant genotypes, therefore, are highly required for the hulless barley breeding programs. However, few investigations have been made so far on this issue. The objectives of this study were: 1) to assessment of methods used in testing preharvest sprouting resistance in hulless barley; 2) to evaluate the variability and characteristics of PHS resistance of hulless barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China; 3) to select potential parents for PHS resistance breeding; 4) to primarily study on the molecular mechanism of PHS resistance of hulless barley. Our results are as followed: 1. We investigated the temperature effects on seed germination and seed dormancy expression of hulless barley, discussed appropriate temperature range for screening of PHS resistant varieties, and analyzed the mechanism of seed dormancy expression of hulless barley. The dormancy level of 13 hulless barley were evaluated by GI (germination index) values calculating by seed germination tests at temperature of 10,15,20,25,30℃ in darkness. There were great differences in temperature sensitivity among these accessions. The insensitive accessions showed low dormancy at any temperature while the dormancy expression of sensitive accessions could be restrained by low temperature and induced by high temperature. The temperature range of 15℃ to 25℃ was workable for estimating of dormancy level of hulless barley according to our data. Analysis of α-amylase activity showed that the temperature effects on seed germination and the expression of seed dormancy be achieved probable via regulating of α-amylase activity. Furthermore, we evaluated the differences in sprouting index (SI), sprouting rate (SR), germination index (GI) and α-amylase activity (AA) between Maerkang and Chengdu among 34 accessions of hulless barley from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China. These PHS sprouting parameters were significantly affected by accession×location, and they had correlation between each other. GI was the most reliable parameter because of its low CV value, good repeatability and simple operation. SI could assist in differentiating between accessions of similar dormancy or overall evaluation of the resistance. AA was bad in repeatability and had relatively complex testing method, therefore, not appropriate for breeding and evaluation and screening of PHS resistant materials. Besides, since PHS resistance of hulless barley was greatly influenced by its growth environment, possibly much influencing factors and variations between cultivated conditions should be considered. 2. In this study, large variation was found among 113 genotypes of hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare) from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China, based on the sprouting index (SI), germination index (GI) and α-amylase activity (AA) which derived from sprouting test of intact spikes, germination test of threshed seeds and determination of α-amylase activity, respectively. The range of SI, GI and AA was 1.00~8.86, 0.01~0.97 and 0.00~2.76,the mean was 4.72, 0.63 and 1.22 espectively. Six resistant genotypes, including ‘XQ9-5’, ‘XQ33-9’, ‘XQ37-5’, ‘XQ42-9’, ‘XQ45-7’ and ‘JCL’, were identified based on SI. Integrating the three parameters, it was clear that both hulls and seeds involved in PHS resistance in intact spikes of hulless barley and there was no long-existent embryo dormancy found among the test genotypes. All the genotypes, except ‘XQ45-7’, had detectable α-amylase activity on the 4th day after germination. There was PHS resistance imposed by the hull and seed per se and the two factors can act together or independent of each other. Besides, landraces or Tibet hulless barley had a wider variation and relatively more PHS resistance when compared with cultivars or Sichuan hulless barley. No significant difference was found among hulless barley of different seed colors. The correlation analysis showed PHS resistance was negatively related to hundred grain weight, days to flowering, days to maturity, spike length, awn length and flag length but not related to plant height. This study provides essential information and several donor parents for breeding of resistance to PHS. 3. Alpha-amylase isozymes are encoded by a family of multigenes. They highly express in germinating seeds and is closely related to seed germination ability. In barley germinating seeds, the activity of high pI α-amylase is much higher than low pI α-amylase. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between preharvest sprouting resistance of hulless barley and the gene structure of Amy1 gene which encodes high pI α-amylase. The coding region and cDNA of Amy1 gene of three resistant accessions, including ‘XQ32-5’ (TR1), ‘XQ37-5’ (TR2), ‘XQ45-7’ (TR3), two susceptible accessions ‘97-15’ (TS1), ‘9657’ (TS2) and one highly dormant barley accession ‘SAMSON’ (SAM) was cloned. Analysis of their DNA sequences revealed there were three exons and two introns in Amy1 gene. Thirteen variable sites were in exon2 and exon3, 2 variable sites were in intron2. SAM and TS1 had a GAACT insert segment in the same site in intron2. Only 8 variable sites caused the change of amino acid residues. There were 99% of similarity between the tested hulless barley and some of the variable sites might be related with preharvest sprouting resistance. Then, we investigated the expression level of Amy1 gene in the 7-day germination test. Results of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that the relative expression trends of Amy1 gene were the same but had significant differences in the increase fashion between hulless barleys and no detectable expression was found in SAM. Susceptible accessions had earlier expression and faster increase and reached the maximum on day 4 ~ day 5. Besides, total transcripts level was found lower in resistant accessions than susceptible accessions. This study indicated that α-amylase activity was highly related to the transcription level of Amy1 gene which not correlated to missense mutation sites. In conclusion, hulless barley, especially the landraces from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China possesses high degree of variation in PHS performance, which indicates the potential of Tibetan hulless barley as a good source for breeding of resistance to PHS. This study provides several donor parents for breeding of resistance to PHS. Our results also demonstrate that agronomic traits may be used as assistants for PHS resistance selection in hulless barley. Besides, analysis of high pI α-amylase coding gene Amy1 revealed the relative high expression of was Amy1 one of the mainly reason of different PHS resistance level in hulless barley.


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2-(4-Aminophenyl)-5-aminopyrimidine (4) is synthesized via a condensation reaction of vinamidium salts and amidine chloride salts, followed by hydrazine palladium catalyzed reduction. A series of novel homo- and copolyimides containing pyrimidine unit are prepared from the diamine and 1,4-phenylenediamine (PDA) with pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) or 3,3',4,4'-biphenyl tertracarboxylic dianhydride (BPDA) via a conventional two-step thermal imidization method. The poly(amic acid) precursors had inherent viscosities of 0.97-4.38 dL/g (c = 0.5 g/dL, in DMAc, 30 degrees C) and all of them could be cast and thermally converted into flexible and tough polyimide films. All of the polyimides showed excellent thermal stability and mechanical properties. The glass transition temperatures of the resulting polyimides are in the range of 307-434 degrees C and the 10% weight loss temperature is in the range of 556-609 degrees C under air. The polyimide films possess strength at break in the range of 185-271 MPa, elongations at break in the range of 6.8-51%, and tensile modulus in the range of 3.5-6.46 GPa. The polymer films are insoluble in common organic solvents, exhibiting high chemical resistance.


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Ecdysone inducible gene. E75 is a primary target of ecdysone receptor (EcR). and is found to play a critical role in the molting process of arthropods In this study, a cDNA encoding the E75 of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis (FcE75) was cloned using RT-PCR and RACE techniques FcE75 cDNA was 3611 bp in length with an ORF of 2394 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcE75 had the highest sequence identity to E75 from a land crab Gecarcinus lateral's and E75 of the shrimp Metapenaeus crisis Quantitative real-time PCR revealed a prominently high expression of FcE75 mRNA in the whole body RNA extract of late premolt period (D3) juvenile shrimp. The role of E75 in the process of shrimp molting was investigated using the RNA interference technique Long double-stranded RNA corresponding to the FcE75 (dsE75) efficiently silenced the FcE75 transcript levels in juvenile F. chinensis. Further, injection with dsE75 completely arrested the molting process in experimental shrimp which eventually caused death Setogenic analysis of the uropods from molt-arrested shrimp, showed defective epidermal retraction, poor development of setae and new cuticle. These results indicate that E75 might be related to the molting process and is essential for proper molting and survival of shrimp This is the first report demonstrating the use of double stranded RNA to elucidate the possible role of E75 in the molting of decapod crustaceans (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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BACKGROUND: There is considerable interest in the development of methods to efficiently identify all coding variants present in large sample sets of humans. There are three approaches possible: whole-genome sequencing, whole-exome sequencing using exon capture methods, and RNA-Seq. While whole-genome sequencing is the most complete, it remains sufficiently expensive that cost effective alternatives are important. RESULTS: Here we provide a systematic exploration of how well RNA-Seq can identify human coding variants by comparing variants identified through high coverage whole-genome sequencing to those identified by high coverage RNA-Seq in the same individual. This comparison allowed us to directly evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of RNA-Seq in identifying coding variants, and to evaluate how key parameters such as the degree of coverage and the expression levels of genes interact to influence performance. We find that although only 40% of exonic variants identified by whole genome sequencing were captured using RNA-Seq; this number rose to 81% when concentrating on genes known to be well-expressed in the source tissue. We also find that a high false positive rate can be problematic when working with RNA-Seq data, especially at higher levels of coverage. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that as long as a tissue relevant to the trait under study is available and suitable quality control screens are implemented, RNA-Seq is a fast and inexpensive alternative approach for finding coding variants in genes with sufficiently high expression levels.


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Activation of CD4+ T cells results in rapid proliferation and differentiation into effector and regulatory subsets. CD4+ effector T cell (Teff) (Th1 and Th17) and Treg subsets are metabolically distinct, yet the specific metabolic differences that modify T cell populations are uncertain. Here, we evaluated CD4+ T cell populations in murine models and determined that inflammatory Teffs maintain high expression of glycolytic genes and rely on high glycolytic rates, while Tregs are oxidative and require mitochondrial electron transport to proliferate, differentiate, and survive. Metabolic profiling revealed that pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is a key bifurcation point between T cell glycolytic and oxidative metabolism. PDH function is inhibited by PDH kinases (PDHKs). PDHK1 was expressed in Th17 cells, but not Th1 cells, and at low levels in Tregs, and inhibition or knockdown of PDHK1 selectively suppressed Th17 cells and increased Tregs. This alteration in the CD4+ T cell populations was mediated in part through ROS, as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) treatment restored Th17 cell generation. Moreover, inhibition of PDHK1 modulated immunity and protected animals against experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, decreasing Th17 cells and increasing Tregs. Together, these data show that CD4+ subsets utilize and require distinct metabolic programs that can be targeted to control specific T cell populations in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.


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PURPOSE. A spontaneously arising retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell line (B6-RPE07) was cloned from a primary culture of mouse RPE cells and maintained in culture for more than 18 months. Morphologic and functional properties of this cell line have been characterized.

METHODS. The morphology of the B6-RPE07 cells was examined by phase-contrast light microscopy, electron microscopy, and confocal microscopy. Barrier properties were measured by the flux of fluorescence from the apical to the basolateral compartment of culture chambers. The abilities of the cells to bind/phagocytose photoreceptor outer segments (POS) were determined by confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, and flow cytometry. Cytokine/chemokine secretion was measured by cytometric bead array. The expression of visual cycle proteins was determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting.

RESULTS. In standard culture conditions, B6-RPE07 cells display cobblestone morphology. When cultured on three-dimensional (3D) collagen gel–coated membranes, B6-RPE07 cells exhibit a monolayer epithelial polarization with apical surface microvilli. Immunohistochemistry of B6-RPE07 cultures revealed a high expression of pan-cytokeratin. B6-RPE07 cells also expressed the retinal pigment epithelium-specific marker CRALBP, but not RPE65. Cell junction proteins ZO-1 and ß-catenin, but not claudin-1/3 or occludin-1, were observed in B6-RPE07 cells. B6-RPE07 cells are able to bind, phagocytose, and digest POS. Finally, B6-RPE07 cells produce high levels of IL-6 and CCL2.

CONCLUSIONS. This is the first report of a mouse RPE cell line with morphology, phenotype, and function similar to those of in vivo mouse RPE cells. This cell line will be a valuable resource for future RPE studies, in particular for in vivo gene modification and transplantation studies.


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Although the potential role of Pim2 as a cooperative oncogene has been well described in lymphoma, its role in leukemia has remained largely unexplored. Here we show that high expression of Pim2 is observed in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). To further characterize the cooperative role of Pim2 with promyelocytic leukemia/retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML/RAR alpha), we used a well-established PML-RAR alpha (PR alpha) mouse model. Pim2 coexpression in PR alpha-positive hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) induces leukemia in recipient mice after a short latency. Pim2-PR alpha cells were able to repopulate mice in serial transplantations and to induce disease in all recipients. Neither Pim2 nor PR alpha alone was sufficient to induce leukemia upon transplantation in this model. The disease induced by Pim2 overexpression in PR alpha cells contained a slightly higher fraction of immature myeloid cells, compared with the previously described APL disease induced by PR alpha. However, it also clearly resembled an APL-like phenotype and showed signs of differentiation upon all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment in vitro. These results support the hypothesis that Pim2, which is also a known target of Flt3-ITD (another gene that cooperates with PML-RAR alpha), cooperates with PR alpha to induce APL-like disease. (Blood. 2010; 115(22): 4507-4516)


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) bind to complementary sequences within the 3? untranslated region (UTR) of mRNAs from hundreds of target genes, leading either to mRNA degradation or suppression of translation. We found that a mutation in the seed region of miR-184 (MIR184) is responsible for familial severe keratoconus combined with early-onset anterior polar cataract, by deep sequencing of a linkage region known to contain the mutation. The mutant form fails to compete with miR-205 (MIR205) for overlapping target sites on the 3? UTRs of INPPL1 and ITGB4. Although these target genes and miR-205 are expressed widely, the phenotype is restricted to the cornea and lens because of the very high expression of miR-184 in these tissues. Our finding highlights the tissue-specificity of a gene network regulated by a miRNA. Awareness of the important function of miRNAs may aid identification of susceptibility genes and new therapeutic targets for treatment of both rare and common diseases.


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beta2-Adrenoceptor agonists (beta -agonists) are well known for their growth promoting and repartitioning effects in many species. Although the use of these compounds to increase muscle mass in stockfarming is prohibited within the EU, under directive 96/22/EC, significant illegal use still occurs. With legal and illegal synthesis of new structurally related compounds, the detection of traditional beta -agonists and new derivatives becomes increasingly problematical. This method describes the isolation and solubilisation of a beta2-adrenoceptor from a transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell line, using the detergent digitonin. The solubilised receptor retained its activity and was isolated from the cell membrane at a concentration of 550 +/- 100 fmol mg(-1) of solubilised protein. Competition analysis using the tritiated antagonist dihydroalprenolol revealed receptor affinity for five structurally different beta -agonists, with IC50 values ranging from 2.1 +/- 0.76 X 10(-7) M for salmeterol to 1.1 +/- 0.62 x 10(-5) M for ractopamine. This study has demonstrated that transfected cell lines with a high expression of beta2-adrenoceptors are a convenient source of active receptor material. Solubilised beta (2)-adrenoceptors could form the basis of a multi-analyte screening assay for use in routine screening.


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beta2-Adrenoceptor agonists (beta -agonists) are well known for their growth promoting and repartitioning effects in many species. Although the use of these compounds to increase muscle mass in stockfarming is prohibited within the EU, under directive 96/22/EC, significant illegal use still occurs. With legal and illegal synthesis of new structurally related compounds, the detection of traditional beta -agonists and new derivatives becomes increasingly problematical. This method describes the isolation and solubilisation of a beta2-adrenoceptor from a transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell line, using the detergent digitonin. The solubilised receptor retained its activity and was isolated from the cell membrane at a concentration of 550 +/- 100 fmol mg(-1) of solubilised protein. Competition analysis using the tritiated antagonist dihydroalprenolol revealed receptor affinity for five structurally different beta -agonists, with IC50 values ranging from 2.1 +/- 0.76 X 10(-7) M for salmeterol to 1.1 +/- 0.62 x 10(-5) M for ractopamine. This study has demonstrated that transfected cell lines with a high expression of beta2-adrenoceptors are a convenient source of active receptor material. Solubilised beta (2)-adrenoceptors could form the basis of a multi-analyte screening assay for use in routine screening.


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The skin secretions of frogs and toads (Anura) have long been a known source of a vast abundance of bioactive substances. In the past decade, transcriptome data of the granular glands of anuran skin has given new impetus to investigations of the putative constituent peptides. Alytes obstetricans was recently investigated and novel peptides with antimicrobial activity were isolated and functionally characterised. However, genetic data for the evolutionarily ancient lineage to which Alytes belongs (midwife toads; Alytidae) remains unavailable.

Here we present the first such genetic data for Alytidae, derived via the granular gland transcriptome of a closely-related species of midwife toad, Alytes maurus. First, we present nucleotide sequences of the entire peptide precursors for four novel antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). The two precursors resemble those from Bombinatoridae in both their structural architecture and amino acid sequence. Each precursor comprises two AMPs as tandem repeats, with a member of the alyteserin-1 family (alyteserin-1Ma: GFKEVLKADLGSLVKGIAAHVAN-NH2 or alyteserin-1Mb: GFKEVLKAGLGSLVKGIPAHVAN-NH2) followed by its corresponding member from the alyteserin-2 family (alyteserin-2Ma: FIGKLISAASGLLSHL-NH2 or alyteserin-2Mb: ILGAIIPLVSGLLSHL-NH2). Synthetic replicates of the four AMPs possessed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 9.5 to 300 µM, with the most potent being alyteserin-2Ma. Second, we also cloned the cDNA encoding an alytesin precursor, with the active alytesin exhibiting high sequence identity to bombesin-related peptides from other frogs. All putative mature peptide sequences were confirmed to be present in the skin secretion via LC/MS.

The close structural resemblance of the alyteserin genes that we isolated for A. maurus with those of Bombina provide independent molecular evidence for a close evolutionary relationship between these genera as well as more support for the convergent evolution of the AMP system within anurans. In contrast to the more evolutionarily conserved nature of neuropeptides (including alytesin, which we also isolated), the more variable nature of the AMP system together with the sporadic distribution of AMPs among anuran amphibians fuels in part our hypothesis that the latter system was co-opted secondarily to fulfil a function in the innate immune system, having originally evolved for defence against potential macropredators.


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Secretory factors that drive cancer progression are attractive immunotherapeutic targets. We used a whole-genome data-mining approach on multiple cohorts of breast tumours annotated for clinical outcomes to discover such factors. We identified Serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 1 (SPINK1) to be associated with poor survival in estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) cases. Immunohistochemistry showed that SPINK1 was absent in normal breast, present in early and advanced tumours, and its expression correlated with poor survival in ER+ tumours. In ER- cases, the prognostic effect did not reach statistical significance. Forced expression and/or exposure to recombinant SPINK1 induced invasiveness without affecting cell proliferation. However, down-regulation of SPINK1 resulted in cell death. Further, SPINK1 overexpressing cells were resistant to drug-induced apoptosis due to reduced caspase-3 levels and high expression of Bcl2 and phospho-Bcl2 proteins. Intriguingly, these anti-apoptotic effects of SPINK1 were abrogated by mutations of its protease inhibition domain. Thus, SPINK1 affects multiple aggressive properties in breast cancer: survival, invasiveness and chemoresistance. Because SPINK1 effects are abrogated by neutralizing antibodies, we suggest that SPINK1 is a viable potential therapeutic target in breast cancer.