163 resultados para EUN


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Programa de doctorado: Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en la Ingeniería.


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In this thesis, atomistic simulations are performed to investigate hydrophobic solvation and hydrophobic interactions in cosolvent/water binary mixtures. Many cosolvent/water binary mixtures exhibit non-ideal behavior caused by aggregation at the molecular scale level although they are stable and homogenous at the macroscopic scale. Force-field based atomistic simulations provide routes to relate atomistic-scale structure and interactions to thermodynamic solution properties. The predicted solution properties are however sensitive to the parameters used to describe the molecular interactions. In this thesis, a force field for tertiary butanol (TBA) and water mixtures is parameterized by making use of the Kirkwood-Buff theory of solution. The new force field is capable of describing the alcohol-alcohol, water-water and alcohol-water clustering in the solution as well as the solution components’ chemical potential derivatives in agreement with experimental data. With the new force field, the preferential solvation and the solvation thermodynamics of a hydrophobic solute in TBA/water mixtures have been studied. First, methane solvation at various TBA/water concentrations is discussed in terms of solvation free energy-, enthalpy- and entropy- changes, which have been compared to experimental data. We observed that the methane solvation free energy varies smoothly with the alcohol/water composition while the solvation enthalpies and entropies vary nonmonotonically. The latter occurs due to structural solvent reorganization contributions which are not present in the free energy change due to exact enthalpy-entropy compensation. It is therefore concluded that the enthalpy and entropy of solvation provide more detailed information on the reorganization of solvent molecules around the inserted solute. Hydrophobic interactions in binary urea/water mixtures are next discussed. This system is particularly relevant in biology (protein folding/unfolding), however, changes in the hydrophobic interaction induced by urea molecules are not well understood. In this thesis, this interaction has been studied by calculating the free energy (potential of mean force), enthalpy and entropy changes as a function of the solute-solute distance in water and in aqueous urea (6.9 M) solution. In chapter 5, the potential of mean force in both solution systems is analyzed in terms of its enthalpic and entropic contributions. In particular, contributions of solvent reorganization in the enthalpy and entropy changes are studied separately to better understand what are the changes in interactions in the system that contribute to the free energy of association of the nonpolar solutes. We observe that in aqueous urea the association between nonpolar solutes remains thermodynamically favorable (i.e., as it is the case in pure water). This observation contrasts a long-standing belief that clusters of nonpolar molecules dissolve completely in the presence of urea molecules. The consequences of our observations for the stability of proteins in concentrated urea solutions are discussed in the chapter 6 of the thesis.


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Opposing effects of ondansetron and tramadol on the serotonin pathway have been suggested which possibly increase tramadol consumption and emesis when co-administered. In a randomized, double-blinded study, 179 patients received intravenous ondansetron, metoclopramide, or placebo for emesis prophylaxis. Analgesic regimen consisted of tramadol intraoperative loading and subsequent patient-controlled analgesia. Tramadol consumption and response to antiemetic treatment were compared. Additionally, plasma concentrations of ondansetron and (+)O-demethyltramadol and CYP2D6 genetic variants were analyzed as possible confounders influencing analgesic and antiemetic efficacy. Tramadol consumption did not differ between the groups. Response rate to antiemetic prophylaxis was superior in patients receiving ondansetron (85.0%) compared with placebo (66.7%, P = .046), with no difference to metoclopramide (69.5%). Less vomiting was reported in the immediate postoperative hours in the verum groups (ondansetron 5.0%, metoclopramide 5.1%) compared with placebo (18.6%; P = .01). Whereas plasma concentrations of (+)O-demethyltramadol were significantly correlated to CYP2D6 genotype, no influence was detected for ondansetron. Co-administration of ondansetron neither increased tramadol consumption nor frequency of PONV in this postoperative setting. PERSPECTIVE: Controversial findings were reported for efficacy of tramadol and ondansetron when co-administered due to their opposing serotonergic effects. Co-medication of these drugs neither increased postoperative analgesic consumption nor frequency of emesis in this study enrolling patients recovering from major surgery.


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An influence of polymorphic cytochromes P450 (CYP) 2D6 genetic variants on antiemetic efficacy of ondansetron has been suggested. However, the role of CYP3A in ondansetron metabolism and efficacy has been unclear. In this study, we evaluated the hypothesis that genotype-dependent CYP2D6 and CYP3A activity selectively influences plasma concentrations of ondansetron enantiomers. Additionally, the effects of doubling the ondansetron dose on genotype-dependent plasma concentrations were investigated.


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To compare the intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (IVUS-VH) appearance of the polymeric struts of the first (Revision 1.0) and the second (Revision 1.1) generation bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS).


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OBJECTIVE: To identify systemic sclerosis (SSc) susceptibility loci via a genome-wide association study. METHODS: A genome-wide association study was performed in 137 patients with SSc and 564 controls from Korea using the Affymetrix Human SNP Array 5.0. After fine-mapping studies, the results were replicated in 1,107 SSc patients and 2,747 controls from a US Caucasian population. RESULTS: The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs3128930, rs7763822, rs7764491, rs3117230, and rs3128965) of HLA-DPB1 and DPB2 on chromosome 6 formed a distinctive peak with log P values for association with SSc susceptibility (P=8.16x10(-13)). Subtyping analysis of HLA-DPB1 showed that DPB1*1301 (P=7.61x10(-8)) and DPB1*0901 (P=2.55x10(-5)) were the subtypes most susceptible to SSc in Korean subjects. In US Caucasians, 2 pairs of SNPs, rs7763822/rs7764491 and rs3117230/rs3128965, showed strong association with SSc patients who had either circulating anti-DNA topoisomerase I (P=7.58x10(-17)/4.84x10(-16)) or anticentromere autoantibodies (P=1.12x10(-3)/3.2x10(-5)), respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of our genome-wide association study in Korean subjects indicate that the region of HLA-DPB1 and DPB2 contains the loci most susceptible to SSc in a Korean population. The confirmatory studies in US Caucasians indicate that specific SNPs of HLA-DPB1 and/or DPB2 are strongly associated with US Caucasian patients with SSc who are positive for anti-DNA topoisomerase I or anticentromere autoantibodies.


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Mucous membrane pemphigoid encompasses a group of autoimmune bullous diseases with a similar phenotype characterized by subepithelial blisters, erosions, and scarring of mucous membranes, skin, or both. Although knowledge about autoimmune bullous disease is increasing, there is often a lack of clear definitions of disease, outcome measures, and therapeutic end points. With clearer definitions and outcome measures, it is possible to directly compare the results and data from various studies using meta-analyses. This consensus statement provides accurate and reproducible definitions for disease extent, activity, outcome measures, end points, and therapeutic response for mucous membrane pemphigoid and proposes a disease extent score, the Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid Disease Area Index.


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A limiting factor in the accuracy and precision of U/Pb zircon dates is accurate correction for initial disequilibrium in the 238U and 235U decay chains. The longest-lived-and therefore most abundant-intermediate daughter product in the 235U isotopic decay chain is 231Pa (T1/2 = 32.71 ka), and the partitioning behavior of Pa in zircon is not well constrained. Here we report high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-Pb zircon data from two samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, which show evidence for incorporation of excess 231Pa during zircon crystallization. The most precise analyses from the two samples have consistent Th-corrected 206Pb/238U dates with weighted means of 11.9325 ± 0.0039 Ma (n = 9) and 11.920 ± 0.011 Ma (n = 4), but distinctly older 207Pb/235U dates that vary from 12.330 ± 0.048 Ma to 12.140 ± 0.044 Ma and 12.03 ± 0.24 to 12.40 ± 0.27 Ma, respectively. If the excess 207Pb is due to variable initial excess 231Pa, calculated initial (231Pa)/(235U) activity ratios for the two samples range from 5.6 ± 1.0 to 9.6 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 5.2 to 11.4 ± 5.8. The data from the more precisely dated sample yields estimated DPazircon/DUzircon from 2.2-3.8 and 5.6-9.6, assuming (231Pa)/(235U) of the melt equal to the global average of recently erupted mid-ocean ridge basaltic glasses or secular equilibrium, respectively. High precision ID-TIMS analyses from nine additional samples from Hole 735B and nearby Hole 1105A suggest similar partitioning. The lower range of DPazircon/DUzircon is consistent with ion microprobe measurements of 231Pa in zircons from Holocene and Pleistocene rhyolitic eruptions (Schmitt (2007; doi:10.2138/am.2007.2449) and Schmitt (2011; doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133330)). The data suggest that 231Pa is preferentially incorporated during zircon crystallization over a range of magmatic compositions, and excess initial 231Pa may be more common in zircons than acknowledged. The degree of initial disequilibrium in the 235U decay chain suggested by the data from this study, and other recent high precision datasets, leads to resolvable discordance in high precision dates of Cenozoic to Mesozoic zircons. Minor discordance in zircons of this age may therefore reflect initial excess 231Pa and does not require either inheritance or Pb loss.


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Gabbroic xenoliths and diverse megacrysts (e.g., clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and plagioclases), which correspond to the lithology ranging from gabbro-norite to gabbro, occur in the Pleisto-Holocene alkali basalts from Jeju Island, South Korea. The gabbroic xenoliths consist primarily of moderate-K2O plagioclase, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene and CaO-rich orthopyroxene; additionally, TiO2-rich amphibole (kaersutite) and Ti-Fe oxides might or might not be present. The plagioclase is the most dominant phase (approx. 60-70 vol.%). The xenoliths and megacrysts provide evidence for the modal metasomatism of the lower continental crust by the mafic magmas during the Pleistocene. The coarse grain size (up to 5 mm), moderate Mg# [=100xMg/(Mg+Fe(total)) atomic ratio] of pyroxenes (70-77) and textural features (e.g., poikilitic) indicate that the gabbroic xenoliths are consistent with a cumulus origin. The clinopyroxenes from these xenoliths are enriched in REE with smooth convex-upward MREE patterns, which are expected for cumulus minerals formed from a melt enriched in incompatible trace elements. The strikingly similar major and trace element variations and the patterns of constituent minerals clearly indicate a genetic link between the gabbroic xenoliths (plus megacrysts) and the host basalt, indicating that the xenoliths belong to the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. On the basis of the textural features, the mineral equilibria and the major and trace element variations, the xenoliths appear to have crystallized from basaltic melts at the reservoir-roof environment within the lower crust (4-7 kbars) above the present Moho estimates beneath Jeju Island, where the xenoliths represent wall rocks. Following the consolidation of the xenolith lithologies, volatile- and incompatible element-enriched melt/fluid, as metasomatic agents, infiltrated through the grain boundaries and/or cracks and reacted with the preexisting anhydrous phases, which produced the metasomatic amphiboles. This volatile-enriched melt/fluid could have evolved from the initially anhydrous compositions to the volatile-saturated compositions by the active fractional crystallization in the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. This process was significant in that it was a relatively young event and played an important role in the formation of the hydrous minerals and the metasomatization of the lower continental crust, which is a plume-impacted area along the Asian continental margin. The major and trace element analyses of the mineral phases from the xenoliths were performed to define the principal geochemical characteristics of the crustal lithosphere segment represented by the studied xenoliths.


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We characterize the textural and geochemical features of ocean crustal zircon recovered from plagiogranite, evolved gabbro, and metamorphosed ultramafic host-rocks collected along present-day slow and ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges (MORs). The geochemistry of 267 zircon grains was measured by sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe-reverse geometry at the USGS-Stanford Ion Microprobe facility. Three types of zircon are recognized based on texture and geochemistry. Most ocean crustal zircons resemble young magmatic zircon from other crustal settings, occurring as pristine, colorless euhedral (Type 1) or subhedral to anhedral (Type 2) grains. In these grains, Hf and most trace elements vary systematically with Ti, typically becoming enriched with falling Ti-in-zircon temperature. Ti-in-zircon temperatures range from 1,040 to 660°C (corrected for a TiO2 ~ 0.7, a SiO2 ~ 1.0, pressure ~ 2 kbar); intra-sample variation is typically ~60-15°C. Decreasing Ti correlates with enrichment in Hf to ~2 wt%, while additional Hf-enrichment occurs at relatively constant temperature. Trends between Ti and U, Y, REE, and Eu/Eu* exhibit a similar inflection, which may denote the onset of eutectic crystallization; the inflection is well-defined by zircons from plagiogranite and implies solidus temperatures of ~680-740°C. A third type of zircon is defined as being porous and colored with chaotic CL zoning, and occurs in ~25% of rock samples studied. These features, along with high measured La, Cl, S, Ca, and Fe, and low (Sm/La)N ratios are suggestive of interaction with aqueous fluids. Non-porous, luminescent CL overgrowth rims on porous grains record uniform temperatures averaging 615 ± 26°C (2SD, n = 7), implying zircon formation below the wet-granite solidus and under water-saturated conditions. Zircon geochemistry reflects, in part, source region; elevated HREE coupled with low U concentrations allow effective discrimination of ~80% of zircon formed at modern MORs from zircon in continental crust. The geochemistry and textural observations reported here serve as an important database for comparison with detrital, xenocrystic, and metamorphosed mafic rock-hosted zircon populations to evaluate provenance.