958 resultados para ESSENTIAL OIL


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In the present study, the composition of essential oil of leaves and inflorescences of jambu (Spilanthes oleracea. Jambuarana), under organic manuring and mineral fertilization, was stuhed. Jambu plants show important chemical properties and their production has been addressed for the extraction of the essential oils for cosmetics industries, due to their pharmacolopcal properties. The experimental area of treatments contained urea as mineral fertilizer (120 g m2), applied twice and organic fertilizer (8 kg m2), applied at the planting. Jambu leaves and flowers were harvested twice: the first at 90 days after seedling transplantation and at the opening of the flower buds. Branches were cut at 7 cm from the soil, thus new branches can bud for the accomplishment of the second crop which happened 40 days after the re-budhng. The essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass-spectrometry. According to our results the most representative compounds were trans-caryophyllene, germacrene-D, 1-dodecene, spathulenol and spilanthol (a compound presenting anesthetic properties) occurring in inflorescences. Fertilization procedure does not affect the content and the quality of the essential oil in Jambu plants. © 2012 Academic Journals Inc.


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Background: The current treatments for anxiety disorders and depression have multiple adverse effects in addition to a delayed onset of action, which has prompted efforts to find new substances with potential activity in these disorders. Citrus aurantium was chosen based on ethnopharmacological data because traditional medicine refers to the Citrus genus as useful in diminishing the symptoms of anxiety or insomnia, and C. aurantium has more recently been proposed as an adjuvant for antidepressants. In the present work, we investigated the biological activity underlying the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of C. aurantium essential oil (EO), the putative mechanism of the anxiolytic-like effect, and the neurochemical changes in specific brain structures of mice after acute treatment. We also monitored the mice for possible signs of toxicity after a 14-day treatment.Methods: The anxiolytic-like activity of the EO was investigated in a light/dark box, and the antidepressant activity was investigated in a forced swim test. Flumazenil, a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine binding, and the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 were used in the experimental procedures to determine the mechanism of action of the EO. To exclude false positive results due to motor impairment, the mice were submitted to the rotarod test.Results: The data suggest that the anxiolytic-like activity observed in the light/dark box procedure after acute (5 mg/kg) or 14-day repeated (1 mg/kg/day) dosing was mediated by the serotonergic system (5-HT1A receptors). Acute treatment with the EO showed no activity in the forced swim test, which is sensitive to antidepressants. A neurochemical evaluation showed no alterations in neurotransmitter levels in the cortex, the striatum, the pons, and the hypothalamus. Furthermore, no locomotor impairment or signs of toxicity or biochemical changes, except a reduction in cholesterol levels, were observed after treatment with the EO.Conclusion: This work contributes to a better understanding of the biological activity of C. aurantium EO by characterizing the mechanism of action underlying its anxiolytic-like activity. © 2013 Costa et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Purpose: This paper aims to evaluate in vitro antibacterial activity of oregano essential oil against foodborne pathogens as a starting point for the use of spice as a natural preservative in food. Design/methodology/approach: Disc and well-diffusion assays were performed to investigate antibacterial activity of oregano essential oil against six bacteria strains: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella Typhimurium. Three concentrations of oregano essential oil were employed: 1.0 percent, 2.0 percent and 5.0 percent. Bacterial growth inhibition was determinate as the diameter of the inhibition zones. Findings: Oregano essential oil showed antibacterial activity against spoilage microorganisms, at different concentrations, except for P. aeruginosa. There was a significant difference between methodologies only for the microorganism S. aureus. The results provided evidence of the existence of significant differences among the concentrations of oregano essential oil for each microorganism evaluated. Research limitations/implications: Although the research for this paper involved only oregano essential oil, it provided a starting-point for further investigations concerning spices as natural preservatives for food systems. Practical implications: Disc and well-assays were found to be simple and reproducible practical methods. Other spices, their essential oil and extracts might be researched against other micro-organisms. Furthermore, in situ studies need to be performed to evaluate possible interactions between essential oils and compounds naturally present in food against microbial strains. Social implications: The imminent adoption of measures to reduce the use of additives in foods and the reduction on using such compounds. Originality/value: This study provides insights that suggest a promising exploratory development of food natural preservative against spoilage microorganisms in food systems by the use of oregano essential oil. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Rhipicephalus sanguineus, commonly known as the brown dog tick, is one of the most widely distributed species of tick. In dogs, it can cause anemia and provide the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms such as Babesia canis, Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon canis, Anaplasma platys, and Mycoplasma haemocanis. To man, it can transmit the intracellular parasites Rickettsia rickettsii and Rickettsia conorii, the causative agents of the Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the Americas and Mediterranean and spotted fever in Europe and North Africa. Its control is performed by applying synthetic formulations composed of pyrethroids; however, continued use of these products results in environmental damage and acquisition of resistance. Alternatively, studies with botanical insecticides have been increasingly recurrent. Therefore, this study aimed to test the efficacy of essential oil of Tagetes patula, a ruderal species widely described in the literature for its insecticidal properties, in engorged females of R. sanguineus by the adults immersion test (AIT) and impregnated paper disk test (IPDT). The essential oil used, through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, revealed the presence of 55 compounds, being the 4-vinyl guaiacol and gamma terpinene the majority ones. The AIT compared to the IPDT was more efficient in inhibiting oviposition of tick; however, the eggs laid by the females submitted to saturated atmosphere with essential oil, from IPDT, not hatched, interrupted their development cycle. Besides being a pioneer work, the results presented here contributes to new researches, aiming the incorporation of essential oil in an acaricide for use in the environment. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Os óleos essenciais das folhas, ramos finos, galhos, cascas do caule e frutos de Croton palanostigma foram analisados por CG e CG-EM. Os componentes principais determinados no óleo das folhas foram linalol (25,4%), (E)-cariofileno (21,0%), metileugenol (17,2%) e β-elemeno (6,0%); no óleo dos ramos finos foram α-pineno (41,4%), limoneno (29,0%), sabineno (11,5%) e β-pineno (5,7%); no óleo dos galhos foram metileugenol (24,1%), (E)-metilisoeugenol (15,3%), α-pineno (11,2%) e (E)-cariofileno (8,5%); no óleo das cascas do caule foram a-pineno (31,6%), metileugenol (25,6%) e (E)-metilisoeugenol (23,7%); e no óleo dos frutos foram linalol (42,7%), metileugenol (16,3%) e β-elemeno (6,4%). Análise estatística mostrou que as folhas e os frutos apresentam significante similaridade entre si, assim como os galhos e as cascas do caule. Adicionalmente, o óleo obtido das cascas do caule possui elevada atividade larvicida sobre Artemia salina (CL50, 3,71 ± 0,01 mg mL-1).


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The leaves and thin branches of Lippia grandis Schauer, Verbenaceae, are used for flavoring of food in the Brazilian Amazon, as substitute for oregano. In this study the constituents of the essential oil were identified and the antioxidant capacity and larvicidal activity of the oil and methanol extract and its sub-fractions were evaluated. A sensory evaluation was determined in view of absence of toxicity. The oil showed a yield of 2.1% and its main constituents were thymol (45.8%), p-cymene (14.3%), γ-terpinene (10.5%), carvacrol (9.9%) and thymol methyl ether (4.8%), totalizing 85%. The DPPH radical scavenging activity showed values for the EC50 between 9.0 and 130.5 µg mL-1 and the TEAC/ABTS values varied from 131.1 to 336.0 mg TE/g, indicating significant antioxidant activity for the plant. The total phenolic content ranged from 223.0 to 761.4 mg GAE/g, contributing to the antioxidant activity observed. The crude extracts inhibited the bleaching of β-carotene and the oil showed the greatest inhibition (42.5%). The oil (LgO, 7.6±2.4 µg mL-1) showed strong larvicidal activity against the brine shrimp bioassay. The sensory evaluation was highly satisfactory in comparison to oregano. The results are very promising for the use of L. grandis in seasoning and antioxidant products.


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Os óleos essenciais da planta sub-aquática Conobea scoparioides (fresca e previamente seca) apresentaram rendimentos de 3,4 e 3,3%, respectivamente. Os principais constituintes identificados foram o éter metílico do timol (39,6 e 47,7%), timol (40,0 e 26,4%), α-felandreno (12,1 e 14,3%) e p-cimeno (1,5 e 1,7%), totalizando mais de 90% nos referidos óleos. A concentração de seqüestro do radical DPPH (CE50) dos óleos e extrato foi de 46,7 ± 3,6 µg mL-1 para a planta fresca (CsO-f), de 56,1 ± 2,4 µg mL-1 para a planta seca (CsO-d), e de 23,0 ± 2,2 µg mL-1 para o extrato metanólico (CsE-d). O valor do extrato é comparável ao BHT (19,8 ± 0,5 µg mL-1), usado como padrão antioxidante. O valor médio dos óleos é duas vezes menor, mas igualmente importante como agente antioxidante. O teor de Fenólicos Totais (TP, 124,6 ± 8,7 mg GAE per g) e o Trolox Equivalente (TEAC, 144,1 ± 4,9 mg TE per g) do extrato metanólico confirmaram a significativa atividade antioxidante de C. scoparioides. Da mesma forma, nos bioensaios com larva de camarão (Artemia salina) o valor médio da concentração letal dos óleos (CL50, 7,7 ± 0,3 µg mL-1) foi dez vezes maior que no extrato metanólico (CL50, 77,6 ± 7,1 µg mL-1) mostrando importante atividade biológica.


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O óleo essencial das folhas e ramos finos frescos e secos de Hyptis crenata forneceu os seguintes rendimentos, 1,4% e 0,9%. Os constituintes voláteis principais foram α-pineno (22,0%; 19,5%), 1,8-cineol (17,6%; 23,2%), β-pineno (17,0%: 13,8%), cânfora (4,7%; 11,6%), limoneno (5,4%; 4,4%) e γ-terpineno (3,5%; 2,4%), totalizando mais de 70% nos óleos. A atividade de seqüestro do radical DPPH para o extrato metanólico (CE50, 16,7 + 0,4 µg/mL) foi comparável ao do BHT (19,8 ± 0,5 µg/mL) mostrando uma significante atividade antioxidante. Os óleos apresentaram baixa atividade. O teor de fenólicos totais (TP, 373,0 + 15,9 mg GAE/g) e equivalente trolox (TEAC, 226,8 + 0,5 mg TE/g) confirmaram a atividade antioxidante do extrato metanólico, que pode ser atribuída à presença de compostos fenólicos polares. No teste com larvas de camarão as concentrações letais para o óleo e extrato metanólico foram 6,7 + 0,2 µg/mL e 13,0 + 3,7 µg/mL, respectivamente, fornecendo importante evidência de suas atividade biológicas.


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Os óleos essenciais das folhas e galhos finos de Pilocarpus microphyllus, coletado em solo mineralizado com ferro, na Serra de Carajás, Sudeste do Pará, Brasil, durante as estações chuvosa e seca, foram obtidos por hidrodestilação e analisados por GC-MS. Os principais compostos identificados foram 2-tridecanona, b-cariofileno, 2-pentadecanona, óxido de cariofileno e germacreno D. Seus teores percentuais variam com a estação, embora os maiores valores tenham sido detectados principalmente na estação chuvosa. Para 2-tridecanona e b-cariofileno os valores mais expressivos foram observados nos óleos de galhos finos, para o primeiro, e nos óleos das folhas, para o útimo. Para 2-pentadecanona, óxido de cariofileno e germacreno D, os valores mais altos foram, também, nos óleos das folhas. Em geral, os óleos das folhas se apresentaram muito distintos em relação aos galhos finos, assim como também no mesmo espécime.


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Um estudo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos do óleo essencial de copaíba sobre o desempenho e rendimento de abate de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 450 pintos, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 6 repetições de 15 aves. Os tratamentos consistiram em Controle (promotor comercial) e quatro níveis de óleo essencial de copaíba sendo estes 0,15 (0,15EO); 0,30 (0,30EO); 0,45 (0,45EO) e 0,60 mL (0,60EO) kg-1 de ração. Aos 21 dias de idade, as aves do tratamento com promotor apresentaram peso corporal superior ao das aves que receberam os tratamentos com 0,30; 0,45 e 0,60 mL de inclusão de óleo essencial (p < 0,05). Aos 40 dias de idade apenas as aves que receberam o tratamento com maior nível de inclusão de óleo essencial apresentaram menor peso corporal em relação ao tratamento com promotor de crescimento. O consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar e a viabilidade das aves, assim como o rendimento de carcaça, cortes comerciais e peso dos órgãos internos não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (p > 0.05). Conclui-se que o óleo essencial de copaíba pode ser usado na ração até o nível de 0,15 mL kg-1 sem afetar o desempenho das aves.


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Mentha x villosa Huds (Labiatae) is an aromatic herb widely used in folk medicine. Since the essential oil of the herb has many pharmacological activities, including antispasmodic effects, we determined whether the oil and its major constituent, piperitenone oxide (PO), have antinociceptive activity. The essential oil of M. x villosa (EOMV) and PO administered orally at 200 mg/kg (vehicle: 0.1% Tween 80 in water) significantly reduced the writhings induced by acetic acid from control values of 59.5 ± 3.1 s (N = 10) to 31.9 ± 2.8 s (N = 10) and 23.8 ± 3.4 s (N = 10), respectively. When administered at 100 and 200 mg/kg, EOMV reduced the paw licking time for the second phase of the formalin test from the control value of 20.6 ± 2.1 s (N = 13) to 5.3 ± 2.2 s (N = 12) and 2.7 ± 1.2 s (N = 18), respectively. At 100 and 200 mg/kg, PO reduced this second phase to 8.3 ± 2.7 s (N = 12) and 3.0 ± 1.2 s (N = 10), respectively. This effect of EOMV and PO was not reversed by naloxone. EOMV and PO had no significant effect on the first phase of the formalin test. As evaluated by the hot-plate and tail immersion test, EOMV and PO, at doses up to 200 mg/kg, showed no analgesic activity. These results show that EOMV and PO have antinociceptive activity and suggest that this effect is probably an indirect anti-inflammatory effect, which does not involve the central nervous system.


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Mentha piperita L. is an aromatic and medicinal species of the family Lamiaceae, known as mint or peppermint, and its leaves and branches produce essential oil rich in menthol. This study aimed to evaluate physiological indexes, macro- and micronutrients inthe shootsand essential oil of Mentha piperita L. grown in nutrient solution number 2 of Hoagland and Arnon (1950) with different N, P, K and Mg levels. Shoot length, dry mass of the different organs, total dry mass, leaf area, essential oil yield and composition, and macronutrient (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S) and micronutrient (Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn) contents in the shoot were evaluated. Plants treated with 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg had a tendency towards longer shoot, greaterroot and leaf blade dry masses, higher essential oil yield, higher menthol levels and lower menthone levels. The results showed that Mentha can be grown in nutrient solution by reducing 65% N, 50% P, 25% K and 100% Mg. This solution had better development compared to the other tested treatments. Therefore,we recommendMentha piperita L. to be grown with such nutrient levels.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The chemical composition of the essential oil isolated from the aerial parts of Melampodium divaricatum (Rich.) DC. (Asteraceae) was characterized by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses. (E)-Caryophyllene (56.0%), germacrene D (12.7%), and bicyclogermacrene (9.2%) were identified as the major oil components. The antimicrobial activity of the oil against seven standard strains of oral pathogens from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) was evaluated by determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) using the microdilution method. MIC Values below 100 mu g/ml were obtained against Streptococcus sobrinus (90 mu g/ml), Lactobacillus casei (30 mu g/ml), S. mutans (20 mu g/ml), and S. mitis (18 mu g/ml). In contrast, the MIC values of the major oil compound (E)-caryophyllene were higher than 400 mu g/ml against all pathogens, suggesting that the activity of the oil might depend on minor oil components and/or on synergistic effects. The M. divaricatum essential oil is a promising agent to include in anticariogenic oral rinse formulations for the control of oral pathogens.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)