366 resultados para EPICUTICULAR PHENOLICS
The leaves of all plants use elaborate and inducible defence systems to protect themselves. A wide variety of such defences are known and they include defence chemicals such as alkaloids, phenolics and terpenes, physical structures ranging from fibre cells to silica deposits, and a wide variety of defence proteins many of which target digestive processes in herbivores. It has long been known that the defence responses of plants under attack by insects are not restricted to the site of attack. Instead, if a leaf is damaged, defence can be triggered in other parts of the plant body, for example in distal leaves or even in roots and flowers. This raises the question of what are the organ-to-organ signals that coordinate this process. Several hypotheses have been proposed. These include the long-distance transfer of chemical signals through the plant vasculature, hydraulic signals that may transit through the xylem, and electrical signals that would move through living tissues such as the phloem. Much evidence for each of these scenarios has been published. In this thesis we took advantage of the fact that many plant defence responses are regulated by a signal transduction pathway based on a molecule called jasmonic acid. We used this molecule, one of its derivatives (jasmonoyl-isoleucine), and some of the genes it regulates as markers. Using these we investigated the possible role of the electrical signals in the leaf- to-leaf activation of the jasmonate pathway. We found that feeding insects stimulate easily detected electrical activity in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana and we used non-invasive surface electrodes to record this activity. This approach showed that jasmonate pathway activity and the electrical activity provoked by mechanical wounding occurred within identical spatial boundaries. Measurements of the apparent speed of surface potentials agreed well with previous velocity estimates for the speed of leaf-to-leaf signals that activate the jasmonate pathway. Using this knowledge we were able to investigate the effects of current injection into Arabidopsis leaves. This resulted in the strong expression of many jasmonate-regulated genes. All these results showed that electrical activity and the activation of jasmonate signalling were highly correlated. In order to test for possible causal links between the two processes, we conducted a small-scale reverse genetic screen on a series of T-DNA insertion mutants in ion channel genes and in other genes encoding proteins such as proton pumps. This screen, which was based on surface potential measurements, revealed that mutations in genes related to ionotropic glutamate receptors in animals had impaired electrical activity after wounding. Combining mutation of two of these glutamate-receptor-like genes in a double mutant reduced the response of leaves to current injection. When a leaf of this double mutant was wounded it failed to transmit a long-distance signal to a distal leaf. This result distinguished the double mutant from the wild-type plant and provides the first genetic evidence that electrical signalling is necessary to coordinate defence responses between organs in plants. - Les feuilles des plantes disposent de systèmes de défense inductibles très élaborés. Un grand nombre de ces systèmes de défenses sont connus et sont basés sur des composés chimiques comme les alcaloïdes, les composés phénoliques ou les terpènes, des systèmes physiques allant de la production de cellules fibreuses aux cristaux de silice ainsi qu'un grand nombre de protéines de défense ciblant le processus digestif des herbivores. Il est connu dépuis longtemps que la réponse défensive de la plante face à l'attaque pas un insecte n'est pas seulement localisée au niveau de la zone d'attaque. A la place, si une feuille est attaquée, les systèmes de défense peuvent être activés ailleurs dans la plante, comme par exemple dans d'autres feuilles, les racines ou même les fleurs. Ces observations soulèvent la question de la nature des signaux d'organes à organes qui régulent ces systèmes. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été formulées; une ou plusieures molécules pourraient être véhiculées dans la plante grâce au système vasculaire, un signal hydraulique transmis au travers du xylème ou encore des signaux électriques transmis par les cellules comme dans le phloème par exemple. De nombreuses études ont été publiées sur ces différentes hypothèses. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons choisi d'utiliser à notre avantage le fait que de nombreuses réponses de défense de la plante sont régulées par une même voie de signalisation utilisant l'acide jasmonique. Nous avons utilisé comme marqueurs cette molécule, un de ses dérivés (le jasmonoyl-isoleucine) ainsi que certains des gènes que l'acide jasmonique régule. Nous avons alors testé l'implication de la transmission de signaux électriques dans l'activation de la voie du jasmonate de feuille à feuille. Nous avons découvert que les insectes qui se nourrissent de feuilles d'Arabidopsis thaliana activent un signal électrique que nous avons pu mesurer grâce à une technique non invasive d'électrodes de surface. Les enregistrements ont montré que la génération de signaux électriques et l'activation de la voie du jasmonate avaient lieu aux mêmes endroits. La mesure de la vitesse de déplacement des impulsions électriques correspond aux estimations faites concernant l'activation de la voie du jasmonate. Grâce à cela, nous avons pu tester l'effet d'injection de courant électrique dans les feuilles d'Arabidopsis. La conséquence a été une forte expression de nombreux gènes de la voie du jasmonate, suggérant une forte corrélation entre l'activité électrique et l'activation de la voie du jasmonate. Afin de tester le lien de cause entre ces deux phénomènes, nous avons entrepris un criblage génétique sur une série de mutants d'insertion à l'ADN-T dans des gènes de canaux ioniques et d'autres gènes d'intérêt comme les gènes des pompes à protons. Ce criblage, basé sur la mesure de potentiels de surface, a permis de montrer que plusieurs mutations de gènes liés aux récepteurs au glutamate ionotropique présentent une baisse drastique de leurs activités électriques après une blessure mécanique des feuilles par rapport au type sauvage. Par la combinaison de deux mutations de ces récepteurs au glutamate en un double mutant, on obtient une réponse à la stimulation électrique encore plus faible. Quand une feuille du double mutant est blessée, elle est incapable de transmettre un signal à longue distance vers une feuille éloignée. Ce résultat permet de distinguer le double mutant de la plante sauvage et amène la première preuve génétique que l'activité électrique est nécessaire pour coordonner les réponses de défense entre les organes chez les plantes.
AIMS: To develop reporter constructs based on stable and unstable variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) for monitoring balanced production of antifungal compounds that are crucial for the capacity of the root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 to control plant diseases caused by soil-borne pathogenic fungi. METHODS AND RESULTS: Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 produces the three antifungal metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyoluteorin (PLT) and pyrrolnitrin (PRN). The gfp[mut3] and gfp[AAV] reporter genes were fused to the promoter regions of the DAPG, PLT and PRN biosynthetic genes. The reporter fusions were then used to follow the kinetics of expression of the three antifungal metabolites in a microplate assay. DAPG and PLT were found to display an inverse relationship in which each metabolite activates its own biosynthesis while repressing the synthesis of the other metabolite. PRN appears not to be involved in this balance. However, the microbial and plant phenolic metabolite salicylate was found to interfere with the expression of both DAPG and PLT. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained provide evidence that P. fluorescens CHA0 may keep the antifungal compounds DAPG and PLT at a fine-tuned balance that can be affected by certain microbial and plant phenolics. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: To our knowledge, the present study is the first to use stable and unstable GFP variants to study antibiotic gene expression in a biocontrol pseudomonad. The developed reporter fusions will be a highly valuable tool to study in situ expression of this bacterial biocontrol trait on plant roots, i.e. at the site of pathogen suppression.
Compatibility between Eucalyptus dunnii and the ectomycorrhizal fungi Hysterangium gardneri and Pisolithus sp. - from Eucalyptus spp. -, Rhizopogon nigrescens and Suillus cothurnatus - from Pinus spp.-, was studied in vitro. Pisolithus sp., H. gardneri and S. cothurnatus colonized the roots. Pisolithus sp. mycorrhizas presented mantle and Hartig net, while H. gardneri and S. cothurnatus mycorrhizas presented only mantle. S. cothurnatus increased phenolics level on roots. Pisolithus sp. and R. nigrescens decreased the level of these substances. The isolates from Eucalyptus seem to be more compatible towards E. dunnii than those from Pinus. The mechanisms involved could be related, at least in the cases of Pisolithus and Suillus, to the concentration of phenolics in roots.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de fungicida na morfologia e no teor da cera epicuticular, em duas cultivares de café, uma resistente à ferrugem (Obatã) e outra suscetível (Catuaí Vermelho). As plantas foram agrupadas por tratamento - com fungicida e sem fungicida -, coletando-se folhas do quinto e sexto nós, uma para estudo da morfologia e duas para avaliação do teor de cera. A aplicação do fungicida diminuiu o teor da cera e alterou sua morfologia, provocando rupturas e desaparecimento dos cristalóides, o que pode tornar a planta mais suscetível a doenças, pragas e estresse hídrico. As cultivares diferem quanto ao teor e morfologia da cera, o que pode estar relacionado com a resistência à ferrugem na cultivar Obatã.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes fontes de silício, utilizadas na micropropagação, nas características anatômicas de mudas de morangueiro (Fragaria x ananassa). Foram utilizados propágulos da cv. Oso Grande cultivados em meio Murashige e Skoog (MS), acrescido de 30 gL-1 de sacarose, 6 gL-1 de ágar e 1 mgL-1 de 6-benzilaminopurina. Os tratamentos consistiram da adição ao meio MS dos silicatos de cálcio, de sódio e de potássio, na dosagem de 1 gL-1. O tratamento testemunha foi o meio MS sem fonte de silício. Odelineamento experimental foi o inteiramente ao acaso, com dez repetições. Os propágulos foram mantidos por 45 dias em sala de crescimento, em condições controladas. Avaliaram-se características fitotécnicas e anatômicas dos propágulos in vitro. Verificou-se que o aumento da massa de matéria fresca e seca dos propágulos de morangueiro ocorreu na presença de silicato de sódio. Asuplementação do meio de cultura com silício proporcionou maior teor de clorofila. Aadição de silicato de sódio ao meio MS resultou em aumento da espessura dos tecidos do limbo foliar e da deposição de cera epicuticular e na formação de depósito de silício nas células.
The objective of this work was to analyze the epicuticular n-alkane profile of domesticated and wild peanut genotypes. Foliar epicuticular n-alkanes of four Arachis hypogaea genotypes and two wild species - A. monticola and A. stenosperma - were analyzed by gas chromatography. Chemical relationships between them were evaluated using the Dice coefficient and UPGMA method. Two clusters were formed: one with four A. hypogaea genotypes and the other with the two wild species. There is more similarity between the BR1 and LIGO-PE06 genotypes and between the BRS 151 L-7 and BRS Havana genotypes.
The objective of this work was to assess and characterize two clones, 169 and 685, of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and to evaluate the wine produced from these grapes. The experiment was carried out in São Joaquim, SC, Brazil, during the 2009 harvest season. During grape ripening, the evolution of physical-chemical properties, phenolic compounds, organic acids, and anthocyanins was evaluated. During grape harvest, yield components were determined for each clone. Individual and total phenolics, individual and total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity were evaluated for wine. The clones were also assessed regarding the duration of their phenological cycle. During ripening, the evolution of phenolic compounds and of physical-chemical parameters was similar for both clones; however, during harvest, significant differences were observed regarding yield, number of bunches per plant and berries per bunch, leaf area, and organic acid, polyphenol, and anthocyanin content. The wines produced from these clones showed significant differences regarding chemical composition. The clones showed similar phenological cycle and responses to bioclimatic parameters. Principal component analysis shows that clone 685 is strongly correlated with color characteristics, mainly monomeric anthocyanins, while clone 169 is correlated with individual phenolic compounds.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the biochemical composition of six berry types belonging to Fragaria, Rubus, Vaccinium and Ribes genus. Fruit samples were collected in triplicate (50 fruit each) from 18 different species or cultivars of the mentioned genera, during three years (2008 to 2010). Content of individual sugars, organic acids, flavonols, and phenolic acids were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, while total phenolics (TPC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), by using spectrophotometry. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) were performed to evaluate the differences in fruit biochemical profile. The highest contents of bioactive components were found in Ribes nigrum and in Fragaria vesca, Rubus plicatus, and Vaccinium myrtillus. PCA and CA were able to partially discriminate between berries on the basis of their biochemical composition. Individual and total sugars, myricetin, ellagic acid, TPC and TAC showed the highest impact on biochemical composition of the berry fruits. CA separated blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry as isolate groups, while classification of strawberry, black and red currant in a specific group has not occurred. There is a large variability both between and within the different types of berries. Metabolite fingerprinting of the evaluated berries showed unique biochemical profiles and specific combination of bioactive compound contents.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different combinations of grape cultivars and rootstocks on chemical characteristics of grape juices. Six treatments were evaluated, consisting of combinations between the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora grape cultivars and the 'IAC 766', 'IAC 313', and 'IAC 572' rootstocks. Approximately 10 L of juice were obtained per treatment. Analyses of color, total soluble solids content, pH, anthocyanins, total phenolics, total sugars, and quantification and identification of biogenic amines by HPLC were performed. Biogenic amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, and spermine, were found in all evaluated cultivars. By principal component analysis (PCA), treatments can be divided into two groups, according to the cultivar. Juices obtained from 'Isabel Precoce' are characterized by higher levels of total sugar content and soluble solids; however, juices from 'BRS Cora' are positively correlated with phenolic content, anthocyanins, and color and acidity parameters. The differences found by PCA for juices from the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora cultivars indicate that, regardless of the rootstock used, the most important factor in the chemical characterization of juices is the grape cultivar.
A eficiência na absorção de nutrientes pelos frutos pode sofrer interferências em função da estrutura morfológica presente. Assim, frente à importância do conhecimento da morfologia dos frutos para um manejo mais adequado dos pomares em termos de adubação foliar, ou de tratamentos pós-colheita para ampliar a vida útil dos mesmos, desenvolveu-se o presente estudo, cujo objetivo foi descrever a morfologia do pericarpo dos frutos de goiabeira. Para isto, amostras do pericarpo de goiabas (cv. Paluma) foram observadas ao microscópio ótico e eletrônico de varredura. Algumas das características observadas, como a presença de cutícula espessa, cêra epicuticular, três camadas subepidérmicas de células compactas e grande quantidade de esclereídeos, bem como a presença esporádica e dispersa de estômatos, podem constituir-se em barreiras para a absorção e movimentação de nutrientes e substâncias aplicadas aos frutos de goiabeira.
The objective of research was to analyse the potential of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps from satellite images, yield maps and grapevine fertility and load variables to delineate zones with different wine grape properties for selective harvesting. Two vineyard blocks located in NE Spain (Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah) were analysed. The NDVI was computed from a Quickbird-2 multi-spectral image at veraison (July 2005). Yield data was acquired by means of a yield monitor during September 2005. Other variables, such as the number of buds, number of shoots, number of wine grape clusters and weight of 100 berries were sampled in a 10 rows × 5 vines pattern and used as input variables, in combination with the NDVI, to define the clusters as alternative to yield maps. Two days prior to the harvesting, grape samples were taken. The analysed variables were probable alcoholic degree, pH of the juice, total acidity, total phenolics, colour, anthocyanins and tannins. The input variables, alone or in combination, were clustered (2 and 3 Clusters) by using the ISODATA algorithm, and an analysis of variance and a multiple rang test were performed. The results show that the zones derived from the NDVI maps are more effective to differentiate grape maturity and quality variables than the zones derived from the yield maps. The inclusion of other grapevine fertility and load variables did not improve the results.
En este trabajo se presenta un protocolo para la zonificación intraparcelaria de la viña con la finalidad de vendimia selectiva. Se basa en la adquisición de una imagen multiespectral detallada en el momento del envero, a partir de la cual se obtiene el índice de vegetación de la diferencia normalizada (NDVI). Este índice se clasifica en áreas de vigor alto y bajo mediante un proceso de clasificación no supervisada (algoritmo ISODATA). Las zonas resultantes se generalizan y se transfieren al monitor de cosecha de una máquina vendimiadora para realizar la recolección selectiva. La uva recolectada según este protocolo en parcelas control ha mostrado diferenciación en cuanto a parámetros de calidad como el pH, la acidez total, el contenido de polifenoles y el color. La imagen multiespectral utilizada fue adquirida por el satélite Quickbird-2. Los datos de calidad de la uva fueron muestreados según una malla regular de 5 filas por 10 cepas, procediendo a un test estadístico de rangos múltiples para analizar la separación de medias de las variables analizadas en cada zona de NDVI.
The survival of micropropagated plants during and after acclimatization is a limiting process to plant establishment. There is little information on how the anatomy of vegetative organs of Ficus carica can be affected by culture conditions and acclimatization. The present research aimed to study the effects of time on culture medium and substrates during the acclimatization of fig tree plantlets produced in vitro, characterizing some leaf anatomy aspects of plantlets cultured in vitro and of fig trees produced in field. Plantlets previously multiplied in vitro were separated and transferred into Wood Plant Medium (WPM) where they were kept for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. Different substrates were tested and studies on leaf anatomy were performed in order to compare among plantlets grown in vitro, plantlets under 20, 40 and 60 days of acclimatization, and field grown plants. Keeping plantlets for 30 days in WPM allowed better development in Plantmax during acclimatization. Field grown plants presented higher number of stomata, greater epicuticular wax thickness and greater leaf tissue production compared to in vitro ones. The leaf tissues of in vitro plantlets show little differentiation and have great stomata number compared with acclimatized plants, which reduce the number of stomata during the acclimatization process.
ABSTRACT Healthy eating is associated with the consumption of fruits, which are notable for their beneficial effects on human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the proximate composition, composition of fibers and components with antioxidant activity in soursops varieties Crioula, Lisa and Morada of physiological maturity (PM) and mature (M). The protein, lipid and moisture contents did not differ between soursop varieties, but the ash contents were higher in the Morada-PM (0.56%±0.03) and the Morada-M (0.82%±0.10) varieties. The Crioula-M variety showed higher levels of total dietary fibre (5.76%±0.12). The Lisa-M variety showed higher levels of insoluble dietary fibre (4.46%±0.00). The Lisa-M variety also showed a higher level of phenolic compounds (284.25 mg gallic acid/100 g of soursop pulp), differing significantly (p <0.05) from the Crioula-PM soursop (154.40 mg of gallic acid/100 g of soursop pulp). Under the DPPH• system, the soursops that showed highest antioxidant activity were the Crioula-M (EC50 of 156.40 g.g DPPH-1) and the Crioula-PM (EC50 of 162.41 g.g DPPH-1), which differed significantly from the Morada soursops. The results suggest that the consumption of soursops is useful for increasing concentrations of bioactive compounds and dietary fibre.
Lichens are symbiotic associations between fungi and algae and/or cyanobacteria. They produce common intracellular products including proteins, amino acids, polyols, carotenoids, polysaccharides and vitamins. The secondary metabolites found in lichens are phenolics which accumulate either on the cortex or on the cell walls of medullary hyphae and they are mainly acetyl-polimalonyl pathway derivatives. Polysaccharides, proteins and secondary metabolites produced by lichens have attracted the attention of investigators due their biological activities. This revision coments about the biosynthetic origin and structures of the principal classes of compounds produced by these organisms.