376 resultados para EORTC-QLQ-C30


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In a deep-sea sediment core recovered from a site lying well above the local lysocline, several organic geochemical proxies, and two different calcite dissolution indicators, are compared in order to evaluate the relationship between calcite dissolution and paleoproductivity over the past three glacial-interglacial cycles. The degree of foraminiferal break-up, and the CaCO3 particle size distribution, both point to significant periods of dissolution every 22 kyr during glacial stages and substages. These dissolution events are concomitant with periods of enhanced primary productivity, as indicated by the abundance of several biomarkers (alkenones, cholesterol, brassicasterol, keto-ol), used here to indicate changes in paleoproductivity. Dissolution fluctuations are highly coherent and in phase with the estimated paleoproductivity variations providing strong evidence that the observed dissolution is due to organic matter remineralization within the sediments rather, than to changes in CO32? concentration in the overlying water column.


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Purpose: To evaluate overall and relapse-free survival (RFS) in patients with nonmycosis fungoides (non-MF) primary cutaneous lymphoma (PCL). Methods: Thirty-eight patients with PCL excluding cases of MF treated between 1993 and 2006 were analyzed retrospectively. Survival statistics were estimated by the methods of Kaplan and Meier, and univariate and multivariate significance testing were performed by Cox regression analysis. Results: The median follow-up was 34.6 months (range, 2-138.3 months). The overall survival for the entire study population, at 5 and 10 years, was 97% and 78%, respectively. The RFS for the entire study population, at 5 and 10 years, was 30% and 22%, respectively. For those who received radiotherapy (RT) as a component of their initial therapy, the RFS at 5 and 10 years was 48% and 36%, respectively. Among those receiving RT who relapsed, the site of relapse was out-of-field in 82% of the cases. In our multivariate analysis, only RT as a component of the initial therapy and the absence of bulky disease had a statistically significant improvement in RFS (P = 0.01 and < 0.01, respectively). Conclusion: RT improves the local control and RFS of patients with non-MF PCL.


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Image : To assess the potential for sucralfate administered rectally to reduce the risk of late rectal morbidity in patients undergoing nonconformal radiotherapy (RT) for carcinoma of the prostate and to study the variables potentially contributing to late rectal morbidity and particularly to explore the relationship between acute and late toxicity. Image : Eighty-six patients with localized prostate carcinoma were randomized in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to a daily enema of 3 g of sucralfate in a 15-mL suspension or the same suspension without sucralfate. The enema began the first day of RT and was continued for 2 weeks after treatment completion. The primary end point of the study was acute Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) toxicity; however, the patients were followed for an additional 5 years on a 6-month basis. The evaluation included late RTOG/EORTC toxicity and a patient self-assessment questionnaire. Image : With a median follow-up of 5 years, the Kaplan-Meier probability of late Grade 2 RTOG/EORTC toxicity was 12% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2–22%) for placebo and 5% (95% CI 0–12%) for sucralfate (p = 0.26). The probability of late rectal bleeding was 59% (95% CI 45–73%) for placebo and 54% (95% CI 40–68%) for sucralfate. No statistically significant difference was found between the treatment arms for the peak incidence of any of the other patient self-assessment variables. Cox proportional hazards modeling indicated acute RTOG/EORTC toxicity of Grade 2 or greater was associated with a hazard ratio of 2.74 (95% CI 1.31–5.73) for the development of late toxicity of Grade 1 or greater. Substituting the patient self-assessment variables for acute RTOG/EORTC toxicity revealed that rectal pain of a moderate or severe grade during RT was the best predictor of the subsequent development of late toxicity, with a hazard ratio of 3.44 (95% CI 1.68–7). Image : The results of this study do not support the use of sucralfate administered rectally as a method for reducing the late toxicity of nonconformal RT for prostate cancer. There appears to be an association between the development of acute and subsequent late toxicity, although the nature of this association remains to be determined


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A noção de Economia relativa ao Hidrogénio no vocabulário dos líderes políticos e empresariais tem vindo a mudar sobretudo pela preocupação da poluição global, segurança energética e mudanças climáticas, para além do crescente domínio técnico dos cientistas e engenheiros. O interesse neste composto, que é o elemento mais simples e abundante no universo, está a crescer, devido aos avanços tecnológicos das células de combustível – as potenciais sucessoras das baterias dos aparelhos portáteis eletrónicos, centrais elétricas e motores de combustão interna. Existem métodos já bem desenvolvidos para produzir o hidrogénio. Contudo, destacase a eletrólise da água, não só por ser um método simples mas porque pode utilizar recursos energéticos renováveis, tais como, o vento ou os painéis fotovoltaicos, e aumentar a sua eficiência. Os desafios para melhorar a utilização deste método consistem em reduzir o consumo, a manutenção e os custos energéticos e aumentar a confiança, a durabilidade e a segurança. Mais ainda, consistem em rentabilizar o subproduto oxigénio pois é um gás industrial e medicinal muito importante. Neste trabalho, estudou-se a viabilidade económica da instalação de uma unidade de produção de hidrogénio e oxigénio puros por eletrólise da água, utilizando como fonte energética a energia solar, na empresa Gasoxmed – Gases Medicinais S.A., pretendendo num futuro próximo, comercializar o hidrogénio como fonte de energia, e por outro lado, aproveitar o subproduto oxigénio para utilização industrial. Projetou-se assim uma unidade utilizando um eletrolisador da marca Proton, modelo C30, com capacidade de produção gasosa de 3 kg/h (30 m3/h) de hidrogénio e 20 kg/h (15 m3/h) de oxigénio. Os gases produzidos são comprimidos num compressor da marca RIX a 200 bares para posterior armazenamento em cilindros pressurizados. Dimensionou-se ainda um sistema de miniprodução fotovoltaico com potência 250 kW para alimentar eletricamente a instalação. A realização do projeto na nova área de produção necessitará de 1.713.963€, os quais serão adquiridos por empréstimo bancário. Definiram-se todos os custos fixos associados ao projeto que perfazem um total de 62.554€/mês para os primeiros 5 anos (duração do crédito bancário) findo o qual diminuirão para 21.204€/mês. Da comercialização do hidrogénio, do oxigénio industrial e da eletricidade produzida no sistema de miniprodução de 250 kW, prevê-se um lucro mensal de 117.925€, perfazendo assim um total líquido mensal positivo de 55.371€ durante os primeiros 5 anos e a partir daí de 96.721€/mês, resultando uma amortização do investimento inicial no final do 3º ano.


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RESUMO - O cancro da mama é uma preocupação da saúde pública a nível mundial, pela sua incidência, mortalidade e custos económicos associados. As terapias utilizadas no seu tratamento, embora eficazes, conduzem a alterações de todas as dimensões da Qualidade de Vida (QdV) da mulher com cancro da mama. A garantia de uma qualidade de serviço prestado deve ser uma prioridade das organizações de saúde, sendo a QdV uma medida de resultado. Partindo do pressuposto que em Portugal existe uma diferença potencial na forma como as mulheres com cancro da mama recebem o apoio por parte da fisioterapia, importa saber se a fisioterapia tem ou não influência na QdV da mulher com cancro da mama, o que, no caso de ser afirmativo, poderá constituir uma mais-valia para a qualidade do serviço prestado em oncologia. O Objectivo deste trabalho é construir um modelo de análise no sentido de responder à questão inicial de investigação: “Será que a fisioterapia contribui para a melhoria da Qualidade de Vida das mulheres com cancro da mama submetidas a cirurgia e outras terapias oncológicas?”. Neste sentido o trabalho de projecto dividiu-se por etapas. Inicialmente foi realizado um enquadramento teórico, através de uma revisão de literatura e da realização de entrevistas exploratórias, permitindo desta forma ter um conhecimento actual das temáticas que definem as variáveis e o objecto de estudo. Na etapa seguinte, foi feita uma análise crítica sobre o conhecimento actual do tema em estudo, que permitiu definir as variáveis a estudar, escolher o instrumento de medida a utilizar, ter conhecimento dos procedimentos a seguir. Após a definição do objectivo geral (avaliar se a fisioterapia tem influência na QdV das mulheres submetidas a cirurgia e outras terapias oncológicas) e dos objectivos específicos, iniciou-se o delineamento da metodologia tida como adequada para responder às questões de investigação levantadas (tipo de estudo, as variáveis, a unidade de análise, os métodos e técnicas de recolha de dados, os procedimentos e a metodologia de tratamento de dados). No âmbito do trabalho de projecto está definida a colocação em campo de um caso de estudo efectivo que permita dar um contributo real no delineamento da metodologia. Neste trabalho optou-se pela realização de um estudo piloto, que se enquadra nos procedimentos da metodologia e que teve por objectivo retirar algumas conclusões sobre: a aplicabilidade do instrumento de medida; os tempos definidos para a recolha de dados; as características sociodemográficas e clínicas da amostra; as questões de investigação levantadas. O estudo piloto consistiu num estudo pré-experimental, com uma amostra de 35 indivíduos, submetidos a cirurgia a cancro da mama e a outras terapias oncológicas. Foram avaliadas as dimensões do bem-estar físico e actividades quotidianas, bem-estar psicológico, relações sociais, sintomas e características sociodemográficas/clínicas, no início do tratamento individual de fisioterapia e no momento de alta. Utilizou-se como instrumento de medida o questionário EORTC QLQ–30 e o seu questionário complementar EORTC QLQ–23. Tendo sido construída uma ficha para recolha de dados sociodemográficos e clínicos. A significância estatística foi aceite para valores de p<0,05. Para comparação entre grupos e evolução dentro de cada grupo aplicou-se o teste t-student e o teste de Mann-Whitney. A análise dos resultados do estudo piloto permitiu verificar que: - O instrumento de medida proposto (questionário EORTC QLQ30 e BR23) mostrou ser de fácil aplicação, não tendo existido dificuldade por parte das doentes no seu preenchimento. Não houve problemas no cálculo dos scores e na sua interpretação; - Parte considerável das mulheres com cancro da mama será submetida a protocolos que se poderão prolongar por vários meses após a cirurgia (ex: QT+RT+HT). Esta realidade leva-nos a propor que sejam realizados vários momentos de avaliação, para que possam ser avaliadas as dimensões da QdV ao longo dos diferentes protocolos de tratamentos. Pensamos que o ideal seria a realização de 4 momentos de avaliação (3 a 4 semanas após a cirurgia, 3 meses, 6 meses e 9 meses após cirurgia). Sugerimos também que o estudo proposto seja realizado com uma amostra de maior dimensão; - O estudo piloto como recorreu a uma metodologia pré-experimental (ausência de grupo de controlo e apenas dois momentos de avaliação), não permite a consistência dos resultados; no entanto os resultados obtidos podem constituir um indicador de que a fisioterapia tem influência nas diferentes dimensões da QdV da mulher com cancro da mama submetida a cirurgia e a outras terapias oncológicas, podendo constituir uma mais-valia para a qualidade do serviço prestado em oncologia. Os resultados do estudo piloto permitiram redefinir a metodologia tida como adequada para responder à questão de investigação inicial. Apresentamos de seguida a mesma: Estudo quase-experimental, sendo a amostra constituída por dois grupos de 60 mulheres cada, submetidas a cirurgia a cancro da mama e a outras terapias oncológicas. O grupo experimental será submetido a tratamentos individuais de fisioterapia. Serão avaliadas as dimensões do bem-estar físico e actividades quotidianas, bem-estar psicológico, relações sociais e sintomas. A recolha de dados será realizada 3 semanas, 3 meses, 6 meses e 9 meses após a cirurgia. Como instrumento de medida será utilizado o questionário EORTC QLQ–30 e o seu questionário complementar EORTC QLQ–23, serão também recolhidos dados sociodemográficos e clínicos. A significância estatística será aceite para valores de p<0,05. Para comparação entre grupos e evolução dentro de cada grupo serão utilizados testes paramétricos e não paramétricos. A realização de um estudo que seguisse a metodologia acima referida permitiria uma maior consistência dos resultados, podendo eventualmente existir a confirmação de que a fisioterapia pode ter influência na QdV da mulher submetida a cirurgia a cancro da mama e a outras terapias oncológicas. A evidência de que a fisioterapia tem influência na QdV da mulher com cancro da mama, e o facto de a QdV ser um indicador da qualidade do serviço prestado em oncologia, poderão constituir um agente facilitador para a mudança na gestão de recursos humanos em organizações de saúde com a valência de oncologia, levando a uma alteração dos padrões de prática na área da fisioterapia em oncologia em Portugal, que poderá conduzir a uma melhor qualidade de serviço prestado ao doente oncológico. ----- ABSTRACT - Breast Cancer is a worldwide public health concern due to the incidence, mortality and economic costs associated. Although effective, therapies used in its treatment lead to changes in all Quality of Life (QoL) dimensions of a woman suffering from Breast Cancer. QoL is an outcome measure, and the insurance of quality of care provided should be a priority to health organizations. Taking into consideration that in Portugal there is a potential difference in the way women with Breast Cancer are provided with physical therapy, it is important to know whether physical therapy does or does not influence the QoL of women with breast cancer. If it does, it will lead to a health care quality improvement to cancer patients. The goal of the following study is to build an analysis model in order to answer the initial investigation question: “Does Physical Therapy contribute to enhance the Quality of Life of women with breast cancer who underwent surgery and other oncology treatments?” The project was divided in different stages. Initially, a literature revision was elaborated and exploratory interviews were held, which allowed an actual knowledge of the themes that define the variables and the object of study. The next stage included a critical analysis of the theme, which allowed the definition of variables of study, the choice of instrument of measure and the acquisition of some knowledge on how to proceed. After the definition of the general goal (to evaluate the influence of physical therapy on the QoL of women with breast cancer who underwent surgery and other oncology treatments) and specific goals, the choice of a right methodology took place, in order to answer the investigation questions (type of study, variables, unit analysis, methods and techniques on data collection, procedures and data treatment). In the scope of the project, it is decided to put out on the field an effective case-study which assures a real contribution on the choice of te methodology. In this particular work, there was a pilot study, included in the methodology procedures, with the goal of obtaining conclusions on the applicability of the instrument of measure; the length of time to collect data, the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample; the investigation questions. The pilot study consisted on a one group pretest-postest design, with a sample of 35 individuals who underwent surgery and other oncology treatments. Dimensions such as physical well-being and everyday life activities, psychological well-being, social relationships, symptoms and socio-demographical/clinical characteristics were assessed at the beginning of physical therapy individual treatment and at the moment of release. The instrument of measure used was the EORTC QLQ–30 questionnaire and its complementary questionnaire EORTC QLQ–23. A chart was made in order to collect socio-demographic and clinical data. Statistic significance was accepted for values of p<0,05. To compare between groups and to detect the evolution within each group, the t-student test and the Mann-Whitney test were applied. The outcome analysis of the pilot study allowed to verify that: - The instrument of measure proposed (EORTC QLQ30 and BR23) was easy to apply, and the subjects did not show any difficulty in filling it up. There was also no problem on calculating the scores or interpreting them; - A considerable part of the women with breast cancer will be submitted to protocols that may occur throughout several months after surgery (e.g., QT+RT+HT). This reality leads us to suggest several moments of assessment of the QoL dimensions in various moments of the different protocol treatments. We consider that the ideal number of evaluations would be 4 (3/4 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months after surgery). We also suggest the use of a larger sample; - Since the pilot study resorted to a one group pretest-postest design (there is an absence of control group and only two moments of assessment), there is no consistency of outcome. However, the results obtained indicate that physical therapy influences the dimensions of QoL on women with breast cancer who underwent surgery and other oncology treatments, which may be an asset to the quality of care provided to cancer patients. The outcome of the pilot study allowed to redefine the methodology given as adequate to answer the initial investigation question. Our suggestion is as follows: quasi-experimental design, with a sample of 120 subjects (2 groups of 60 women) with breast cancer who underwent surgery and other oncology treatments. The experimental group will be submitted to individual treatments of physical therapy. Dimensions such as physical well-being and everyday life activities, psychological well-being, social relationships and symptoms will be assessed. The collection of data will occur at 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months after surgery. The instrument of measure is the EORTC QLQ–30 questionnaire and its complementary questionnaire EORTC QLQ–23, and social-demographic and clinical information will also be collected. The statistic significance will be accepted for values of p<0,05. Parametric and non-parametric tests will be used to compare between groups and to detect the evolution within each group. Carrying out a study that followed the methodology discussed above would allow a better consistency of results, possibly enabling the confirmation that physical therapy influences the QoL of women with breast cancer who underwent surgery and other oncology treatments. The evidence that physical therapy influences the QoL of women with breast cancer, and the fact that QoL is an indicator of quality of care provided to cancer patients, may work as a facilitating agent in the change of human resources management in health organizations associated to oncology, which will lead to a change in oncology physical therapy practice patterns in Portugal, guiding to a health care quality improvement to cancer patients.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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O presente trabalho surge na continuação do trabalho realizado pela autora Ana Sofia Louro na sua dissertação de Doutoramento. Após análise efetuada ao seu trabalho e pesquisa bibliográfica, é notória a necessidade de melhor se compreender os efeitos resultantes de esforços de compressão na aderência, para que se possa comparar com o verificado nas situações de tração, levando a uma melhor compreensão das diferentes variáveis e do seu papel nas diferentes situações. Para tal estudo, utilizaram-se os provetes remanescentes do trabalho da autora, e foi traçado um plano de ensaios que permitisse compreender os fenómenos da ligação. Os provetes visam simular uma ligação viga-pilar, na medida em que é um dos locais onde ocorrem maiores solicitações na ligação entre os dois materiais. Os provetes foram executados com betões C30/37 e C50/60, e os varões com aço do tipo A500NR SD com 16 e 25 mm de diâmetro, de modo a obter resultados representativos das construções em Portugal. Durante os ensaios ocorreram problemas de encurvadura nos provetes com betões de maior resistência. Ainda assim, quando analisados os resultados de compressão e comparados com os ensaios de tração, foi possível verificar e concluir que a resistência do betão continua a assumir o papel de maior importância na ligação uma vez que a variação da resistência do betão conduziu a diferenças mais relevantes nas restantes variáveis.


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FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade é um fator de risco para muitas complicações médicas; a pesquisa médica demonstrou que as alterações hemodinâmicas, morfológicas e funcionais estão correlacionadas com a duração e gravidade da obesidade. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo determinou a influência do tempo de exposição à obesidade induzida por dieta com alto teor de gordura no colágenos tipo I e III miocárdico. MÉTODOS: Ratos machos com trinta dias de idade, da raça Wistar, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: um grupo de controle (C) alimentado com ração padrão e um grupo de ratos obesos (Ob) alternadamente alimentados com uma de quatro dietas palatáveis ricas em gordura. Cada dieta foi mudada diariamente, e os ratos foram mantidos em suas respectivas dietas por 15 (C15 e Ob15) e 30 (C30 e Ob30) semanas consecutivas. A obesidade foi determinada pelo índice de adiposidade. RESULTADOS: O grupo Ob15 foi similar ao grupo C15 em relação à expressão de colágeno miocárdico tipo I; contudo, a expressão no grupo Ob30 foi menor do que no grupo C30. O tempo de exposição à obesidade foi associado com uma redução de colágeno do tipo I no grupo Ob30, quando comparado com o Ob15. A obesidade não afetou a expressão do colágeno tipo III. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo mostrou que o tempo de exposição à obesidade por 30 semanas induzida por uma dieta rica em gordura insaturada causou uma redução na expressão do colágeno miocárdico tipo I em ratos obesos. No entanto, nenhum efeito foi observado em relação à expressão do colágeno miocárdico tipo III


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PURPOSE: Several studies observed a female advantage in the prognosis of cutaneous melanoma, for which behavioral factors or an underlying biologic mechanism might be responsible. Using complete and reliable follow-up data from four phase III trials of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Melanoma Group, we explored the female advantage across multiple end points and in relation to other important prognostic indicators. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients diagnosed with localized melanoma were included in EORTC adjuvant treatment trials 18832, 18871, 18952, and 18961 and randomly assigned during the period of 1984 to 2005. Cox proportional hazard models were used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs for women compared with men, adjusted for age, Breslow thickness, body site, ulceration, performed lymph node dissection, and treatment. RESULTS: A total of 2,672 patients with stage I/II melanoma were included. Women had a highly consistent and independent advantage in overall survival (adjusted HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.83), disease-specific survival (adjusted HR, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.88), time to lymph node metastasis (adjusted HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.96), and time to distant metastasis (adjusted HR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.81). Subgroup analysis showed that the female advantage was consistent across all prognostic subgroups (with the possible exception of head and neck melanomas) and in pre- and postmenopausal age groups. CONCLUSION: Women have a consistent and independent relative advantage in all aspects of the progression of localized melanoma of approximately 30%, most likely caused by an underlying biologic sex difference.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of psychodynamic interventions in cancer care. METHODS: Between 2006 and 2009, each consecutive outpatient of the Oncology Center of the University Hospital of Lausanne was invited to participate in a trial evaluating the effects of psychological support. Accepting patients were randomly assigned to an immediate intervention or a delayed intervention [4-month waiting list]. Patients who declined support were asked to participate in an observational group [OG]. Socio-demographic and medical data, anxiety, and depression [HADS], psychological distress [SCL-90], alexithymia [TAS] and quality of life [EORTC] were recorded at baseline, and at 1, 4, 8, and 12-months follow-up. RESULTS: Of the 1973 approached patients, 1057 were excluded, 530 refused, and 386 were included with 196 of them participating in the OG. Of the patients in the intervention group [IG] [N = 190], 94 were randomized to the immediate intervention and 96 to the delayed intervention group (dIG). IG patients were younger, predominantly female, and had more psychological symptoms compared with those in the OG. Although patients of the IG and OG showed significant improvement in quality of life from baseline to 12-months follow-up, other outcomes [anxiety, depression, psychological distress, and alexithymia] remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was not effective with regards to psychometric outcome. The results have to be interpreted in light of the study design [untargeted intervention], the low levels of psychiatric symptoms, dropout of symptomatic patients, and the high prevalence of alexithymia.


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BACKGROUND: Cilengitide is a selective integrin inhibitor that is well tolerated and has demonstrated biologic activity in patients with recurrent malignant glioma. The primary objectives of this randomized phase 2 trial were to determine the safety and efficacy of cilengitide when combined with radiation and temozolomide for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme and to select a dose for comparative clinical testing. METHODS: In total, 112 patients were accrued. Eighteen patients received standard radiation and temozolomide with cilengitide in a safety run-in phase followed by a randomized phase 2 trial with 94 patients assigned to either a 500 mg dose group or 2000 mg dose group. The trial was designed to estimate overall survival benefit compared with a New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy (NABTT) Consortium internal historic control and data from the published European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial EORTC 26981. RESULTS: Cilengitide at all doses studied was well tolerated with radiation and temozolomide. The median survival was 19.7 months for all patients, 17.4 months for the patients in the 500 mg dose group, 20.8 months for patients in the 2000 mg dose group, 30 months for patients who had methylated O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) status, and 17.4 months for patients who had unmethylated MGMT status. For patients aged ≤70 years, the median survival and survival at 24 months was superior to what was observed in the EORTC trial (20.7 months vs 14.6 months and 41% vs 27%, respectively; P = .008). CONCLUSIONS: Cilengitide was well tolerated when combined with standard chemoradiation and may improve survival for patients newly diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme regardless of MGMT methylation status. The authors concluded that, from an efficacy and safety standpoint, future trials of this agent in this population should use the 2000 mg dose. Cancer 2012. © 2012 American Cancer Society.


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Mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase family genes 1 or 2 (IDH1/2) have been discovered by high through put sequencing approaches inglioma and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and related myeloproliferativeneoplasms. In both diseases, the discovery of IDH mutations has identifieda prognostically new subtype with distinct pathogenetic evolution. Ingliomas mutations are mostly found in IDH1 (>90%). They are infrequent inprimary glioblastoma (GBM) (<10%), but common in secondary GBM thatevolve from lower grade glioma (60−90%). Mutations in IDH1 precede p53mutations or 1p/19q co-deletions in sporadic low grade glioma, hence arean early evant. Co-deletions of 1p/19q, characteristic for oligodenroglioma,are highly associated with IDH1/2 mutations, while they are mutuallyexclusive with EGFR amplifications, a hall mark of primary GBM. IDH1 or 2mutations are associated with younger patient age, but absent in childhoodgliomas, and have a better prognosis that seems to be consistent in gradeII through IV gliomas. In myeloid malignancies mutations are more likelyin IDH2 and are found in de novo and secondary AML (12−18%) andpre-leukemic clonal malignancies (5% chronic; 20% transformed). IDH1/2mutations are strongly associated with NPM1 mutations that are found in30% of novo cytogenetically normal AML. In CN-AML with mutated NPM1,without FLT3 internal tandem duplication (ITD) IDH mutations constitutean adverse prognostic factor. Mutations in the metabolic enzymes IDH1 or2 result in a neomorphic reaction, generating high levels of the metabolite2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG). IDH mutations are mutually exclusive with TET2mutations in myeloid malignancies that led to the discovery that high levelsof 2-HG inhibit the a-KG dependent dioxygenase TET2. TET2 is involved inepigenetic regulation and mediates demethylation of DNA. This mechanismis in accordance with the association of a methylator phenotype with loss offunction of TET2 by mutation or indirectly by mutation of IDH1/2 in myeloidmalignancies and gliomas, respectively.Metabolism meets Epigenetics. These discoveries will have importantclinical implications: IDH1/2 mutants may serve as unique targets fortherapy. Further, the high concentrations of the onco-metabolite 2-HGgenerated by IDH1/2 mutants, may serve as biomarker in the serum ofpatients with myeloid malignancies and may be amenable by magneticresonance spectroscopy in glioma patients.


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At least 10% of glioblastoma relapses occur at distant and even contralateral locations. This disseminated growth limits surgical intervention and contributes to neurological morbidity. Preclinical data pointed toward a role for temozolomide (TMZ) in reducing radiotherapy-induced glioma cell invasiveness. Our objective was to develop and validate a new analysis tool of MRI data to examine the clinical recurrence pattern of glioblastomas. MRIcro software was used to map the location and extent of initial preoperative and recurrent tumors on MRI of 63 patients in the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 26981/22981/National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) CE.3 study into the same stereotaxic space. This allowed us to examine changes of site and distance between the initial and the recurrent tumor on the group level. Thirty of the 63 patients were treated using radiotherapy, while the other patients completed a radiotherapy-plus-TMZ treatment. Baseline characteristics (median age, KPS) and outcome data (progression-free survival, overall survival) of the patients included in this analysis resemble those of the general study cohort. The patient groups did not differ in the promoter methylation status of methyl guanine methyltransferase (MGMT). Overall frequency of distant recurrences was 20%. Analysis of recurrence patterns revealed no difference between the groups in the size of the recurrent tumor or in the differential effect on the distance of the recurrences from the preoperative tumor location. The data show the feasibility of groupwise recurrence pattern analysis. An effect of TMZ treatment on the recurrence pattern in the EORTC 26981/22981/NCIC CE.3 study could not be demonstrated.


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Background: Response evaluation in gastrointestinal stromal tumors is difficult. Computed tomography and size-based assessments have been found inadequate to draw prognostic conclusions in patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). Density criteria (CHOI) have recently been shown to better define prognostic subsets of patients evaluated with CT. Still, positron emission tomography (PET) might be better at identifying responders with good outcome early, as shown for first and recently second-line treatment in GIST (Prior et al.; J Clin Oncol 2009). We wanted to evaluate the role of PET in third- and fourth-line TKI treatment of GIST. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients with GIST who had received third- or fourth-line treatment with TKI and had undergone PET for response evaluation. Patient needed to have a baseline and at least one subsequent PET. Results of the first "early" PET after treatment start have been used throughout this analysis and EORTC PET Study Group criteria applied. Results: Twelve treatment courses were evaluable, seven with Nilotinib in third- and five with Sorafenib in fourth-line treatment, in 8 patients, median age 60 y (range 36−78 y), who had all failed prior Imatinib and Sunitinib treatment due to disease progession. Baseline and follow-up PET were performed within a median of 34 days (range 9−84 days). Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 262 days in patients responding to PET versus 76 days in patients with stable or progressing disease (p = 0.15). Conclusions: This small series suggests that PET retains its value for outcome prediction in third- and fourth-line TKI treatment of GIST. This could be of particular clinical value in these vulnerable patients with large tumour masses. Early PET may help in stopping ineffective, but toxic therapy and help switching to a more effective therapy. PET should be evaluated further in this patient population.