191 resultados para ELL


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Inkjet printing is proposed as a means to create the resistively loaded elements of a frequency selective surface (FSS) which suppresses radar backscatter when placed above a metal ground plane. Spectral transmission and reflection measurements from 9 to 18 GHz show that the dot density of the printed features and the volume ratio of an aqueous vehicle and nano-silver (Ag) ink mixture can be selected to obtain surface resistances in the range 1.2-200 Ω/sq.


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Numerosos estudos sugerem que na ocorrência de acontecimentos de vida negativos e/ou stressantes, o suporte social desempenha um papel preponderante na sua resolução adequada (Lewis, Byrd, & Ollendick, 2012). A ocorrência de acontecimentos de vida stressantes tende a influenciar a dinâmica individual e familiar do indivíduo (Rydell, 2010; Harland, Reijneveld, Brugman, Verloove-Vanhorick, & Verhulst, 2002; Taggart, Taylor, & Mccrum-gardner, 2010). Porém, dos elementos que compõem a rede de suporte social das mulheres, o suporte disponibilizado pela família é considerado como o principal de entre os apoios recebidos (Ell, 1996). Os objetivos principais da presente investigação são: analisar os tipos de apoio social, e investigar as relações entre a presença de acontecimentos de vida stressantes, a perceção de apoio social e a coesão e adaptabilidade familiares numa amostra de 33 mães de crianças utentes dos serviços de psicologia clínica. Especificamente, procuramos estudar a relação entre as características da rede de suporte social e os acontecimentos de vida stressantes recentes nas participantes; investigar as características do funcionamento familiar e a sua relação com os acontecimentos vitais stressantes, e estudar eventuais relações entre as características da rede de suporte social e a sua relação com a perceção das mães relativamente à adaptabilidade e coesão familiares. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a existência de uma relação entre o funcionamento familiar (determinado pela coesão e adaptabilidade) e a rede de suporte social das participantes. Porém, não foram encontradas relações estatisticamente significativas entre o funcionamento familiar e a ocorrência de acontecimentos de vida negativos e ainda entre a rede de suporte social e a presença de acontecimentos de vida negativos. Por outro lado, o suporte tangível/ material associa-se significativamente a este tipo de acontecimentos. Os resultados encontrados permitem-nos sugerir que o funcionamento familiar desempenha um papel relevante no aumento da rede de suporte social do indivíduo.


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Background: T reatment o f chronic hepatitis C i s evolving, a nd direct acting antivirals ( DAAs) are now a dded to p egylated interferon-α ( Peg- INF-α) and ribavirin (RBV) for the treatment o f hepatitis C v irus ( HCV) genotype 1 infection. DAAs c ause d ifferent side effects and can even worsen RBV induced hemolytic anemia. T herefore, identifying host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy will remain crucial for individualized treatment. Recent d ata showed associations between R BV induced h emolytic anemia and genetic polymorphisms o f concentrative nucleoside transporters s uch as C NT3 (SLC28A3) and i nosine t riphosphatase (ITPA). T o analyze t he association of genetic variants of SLC28 transporters and ITPA with RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment o utcome. Methods: I n our study, 173 patients f rom t he S wiss Hepatitis C C ohort Study and 2 2 patients from Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver study 24 (61% HCV g enotype 1, 3 9% genotypes 2 o r 3) were analyzed for SLC28A2 single nucleotide p olymorphism (SNP) rs11854484, SLC28A3 rs56350726 and SLC28A3 rs10868138 as well as ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101. RBV serum levels during treatment were measured in 49 patients. Results: SLC28A2 r s11854484 genotype TT was associated with significantly higher dosage- and body weight-adjusted RBV levels as compared to genotypes TC and CC (p=0.04 and p=0.02 at weeks 4 and 8, respectively). ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101 were associated with h emolytic a nemia both in genotype as w ell as i n allelic a nalyses. SLC28A3 rs56350726 genotype TT (vs. AT/AA, RR=2.1; 95% CI 1.1-4.1) as well as the T allele (vs. A; RR=1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.2) were associated with increased SVR rates. The combined analysis of overall ITPA activity and SLC28 v ariants together revealed n o significant a dditive effects on either treatment-related anemia or SVR. Conclusions: T he newly identified association between RBV serum levels a nd SLC28A2 rs11854484 genotype as well as the replicated association of ITPA and SLC28A3 g enetic p olymorphisms w ith RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment r esponse underpin the need for further studies on host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy f or individualized treatment of chronic hepatitis C.


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Background a nd Aims: T he international E EsAI study g roupis currently developing the first activity index (EEsAI) specificfor Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). Goal: To develop, evaluateand validate the EEsAI.Methods: T he d evelopment comprises three phases: 1.Selection of candidate items; 2. Evaluation of the activity indexin a f irst patient cohort; and 3. V alidation in a s econd EoEpatient cohort. Focus group interviews with patients were usedin p hase 1 to generate p atient r eported outcomes ( PRO)according to guidelines o f regulatory authorities ( FDA andEMA), whereas the section of biologic items was developed byDelphi r ounds of i nternational E oE experts from E urope andNorth America.Results: The EEsAI has a modular composition to assess thefollowing components o f EoE activity: p atient reportedoutcomes, endoscopic activity, histologic activity, laboratoryactivity, a nd quality of life. D efinitions f or all aspects o fendoscopic and histologic appearance were established byconsensus rounds among EoE experts. Symptom assessmenttools were created that take into account d ifferent foodconsistencies as w ell as f ood avoidance and specificprocessing strategies. T he EEsAI is evaluated in a c ohort ofadult EoE patients since March 2011.Conclusions: After successful validation, the EEsAI will allowto standardize outcome assessment in E oE t rials which w illlikely lead to its wide applicability.


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Electrostatic forces between membranes containing charged lipids were assumed to play an important role in influencing interactions between membranes long before quantitative measurements of such forces were available. ~ur measurements were designed to measure electrostatic forces between layers of lecithin charged with lipi~s carrying ionizable head groups. These experiments have shown that the interactions between charged lipid bila.yere are dominated by electrostatic forces only at separations greater than 30 A. At smaller separations the repulsion between charged bilayers is dominated by strong hydration forces. The net repulsive force between egg lecithin bilayers containing various amounts of cherged lipids (phosphatidylglycerol (PG) 5,10 ano 50 mole%, phosphatidyli. nosi tol (PI) 10 mole% and sodium oleate (Na-Ol) 3,5 and 10 mole%, where mole% gives the ratio of the number of moles' of .charged lipid to the total number of moles of all lipids present in the sample) was stuoied with the help ('If the osmotic streas technique described by LeNeveu et aI, (1977). Also, the forces between pure PG were j_nvestigated in the same manner. The results have been plotted showing variation of force as a function of bilay- _ er separation dw• All curVes 90 obtained called force curves, were found to be similar in sha.pe, showing two distinct regions, one when dw<.30 A is a region cf very rapid iiivariation of force with separation ( it is the region dominated by hydre,tion force) and second when dw> 40 A is a region of very slow variation of force with separB.tion ( it is the region dominated by the electrostatic force). Between these two regions there exists a transition area in which, in most systems studied, a phase separation of lipids into fractions containing different amounts of charged groups, was observed. A qualitative analysis showed that our results were v/ell described by the simple electrostatic double -le.yer theory. For quantitative agreement between measured and calculated force curves however, the charge density for the calculations had to be taken as half of that given by the number density of charged lipids present in the lecithin bilayers. It is not clear at the moment what causes such low apparent degree of ionization among the charged head groups, and further study is needed in this area.


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This thesis applies x-ray diffraction to measure he membrane structure of lipopolysaccharides and to develop a better model of a LPS bacterial melilbrane that can be used for biophysical research on antibiotics that attack cell membranes. \iVe ha'e Inodified the Physics department x-ray machine for use 3.'3 a thin film diffractometer, and have lesigned a new temperature and relative humidity controlled sample cell.\Ve tested the sample eel: by measuring the one-dimensional electron density profiles of bilayers of pope with 0%, 1%, 1G :VcJ, and 100% by weight lipo-polysaccharide from Pse'udo'lTwna aeTuginosa. Background VVe now know that traditional p,ntibiotics ,I,re losing their effectiveness against ever-evolving bacteria. This is because traditional antibiotic: work against specific targets within the bacterial cell, and with genetic mutations over time, themtibiotic no longer works. One possible solution are antimicrobial peptides. These are short proteins that are part of the immune systems of many animals, and some of them attack bacteria directly at the membrane of the cell, causing the bacterium to rupture and die. Since the membranes of most bacteria share common structural features, and these featuret, are unlikely to evolve very much, these peptides should effectively kill many types of bacteria wi Lhout much evolved resistance. But why do these peptides kill bacterial cel: '3 , but not the cells of the host animal? For gramnegative bacteria, the most likely reason is that t Ileir outer membrane is made of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which is very different from an animal :;ell membrane. Up to now, what we knovv about how these peptides work was likely done with r !10spholipid models of animal cell membranes, and not with the more complex lipopolysa,echaricies, If we want to make better pepticies, ones that we can use to fight all types of infection, we need a more accurate molecular picture of how they \vork. This will hopefully be one step forward to the ( esign of better treatments for bacterial infections.


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Abstract A total of 378 grade 9 students participated in this study to address the problem that although metaphorical literacy and thought are expected and necessary for success in junior and senior high school and beyond, metaphorical concepts and thought are not required to be explicitly taught to these students. The students were from 20 different classes from 4 levels: English language learners (ELL), school to work (SSTW), applied, and academic. All were from 7 secondary schools within a board in southern Ontario. Nine classes made up the control group and 11 classes made up the treatment group. All classes were given 3 pretests and the posttest. The treatment group was given Socratic lessons and direct instruction on metaphorical thought and expressions during 1 semester and in conjunction with their other classroom material. The pretest scores (TOLD, Peabody, preproverbs concrete, and preproverbs abstract) did not reveal any effect of gender, but the academic students had higher scores than the applied students. The SSTW student results are more variable: (a) for the TOLD test, SSTW scores were between those of the academic and applied students; (b) for Peabody scores, SSTW students’ scores are the same as academic and are greater than applied; (c) for preproverbs concrete and preproverbs abstract, the SSTW scores are not different from the applied scores. The postproverbs concrete and postproverbs abstract scores for the treatment groups also showed no effect of gender but revealed that all students who received the treatment did better on their post scores. The positive changes of the treatment group illustrate a measured movement from literal understanding to abstract understanding using direct Socratic instruction and proverbs as a medium.


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Le gène MLL (Mixed-Lineage Leukemia), un homologue du gène trithorax de la Drosophile, localisé à la bande chromosomique 11q23, est fréquemment réarrangé dans plusieurs types de leucémies, essentiellement suite à des translocations chromosomiques. Dans les différentes translocations chromosomiques, la partie N-terminale de MLL est fusionnée avec les séquences d’un gène partenaire. Malgré le grand nombre de partenaires de fusion rapportés, peu de fusions MLL ont été bien caractérisées sur le plan moléculaire. De plus, l’impact pronostique de plusieurs fusions moins fréquentes n’est pas bien établi. L’objectif de mon projet est de caractériser plusieurs translocations MLL qui ont été détectées dans 39 spécimens leucémiques collectés par la Banque de cellules leucémiques du Québec (www.bclq.gouv.qc.ca), et d’établir une corrélation entre les résultats de la cytogénétique et différents paramètres biologiques et cliniques des leucémies respectives. L’identification des gènes partenaires de fusion (GPF) dans notre série (30 échantillons étudiés), a révélé la fusion de MLL à un gène partenaire très récurrent dans 26 leucémies: MLLT3(AF9), AFF1(AF4), MLLT4(AF6), MLLT1(ENL), ELL; à un GPF modérément commun dans 1 leucémie : MLLT6(AF17); et à un partenaire rare de MLL dans 3 leucémies : GAS7 et AF15/CASC5 (2 cas). Nous avons poursuivi notre travail avec la caractérisation des points de cassure de deux fusions, soit MLL-ELL associée à un syndrome myéloprolifératif (une association rare), et MLL-GAS7 (une fusion rare de MLL), associée à une leucémie aiguë myéloïde. L’analyse des transcrits de fusion par RT-PCR et séquençage a révélé respectivement la fusion de l’exon 9 de MLL à l’exon 2 de ELL et des exons 7 ou 8 de MLL (deux transcrits) à l’exon 2 de GAS7. Ce travail permettra d’effectuer des études fonctionnelles et des projets de recherche translationnelle en utilisant ces spécimens de leucémies avec différents réarrangements de MLL, bien caractérisés sur le plan clinique et moléculaire.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise a pour objet une recherche de leptons lourds de quatrième génération avec les données prises par le détecteur ATLAS au LHC dans les collisions pp à $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV et avec une luminosité intégrée de 1.02 fb$^{-1}$. Le processus étudié est la production au singulet de leptons lourds neutres de quatrième génération (N) par la voie du courant chargé suivi de la désintégration du celui-ci en un électron et un boson W : $ pp \to W \to N e \to e W e \to e e \nu_{\ell} \ell $ ($\ell$ = $e$ ou $\mu$), et dépend d'un paramètre de mélange $\xi^{2}$ avec un lepton léger. L'analyse passe par plusieurs étapes, soit l'utilisation de FeynRules pour construire le modèle pour ensuite générer des événements par MadGraph Comme hypothèse de référence, on a choisi une masse de 100 GeV pour le lepton lourd neutre et $\xi_{Ne}^2$ = 0.19, donnant une section efficace de 0.312 pb pour une énergie au centre de masse de 7 TeV. Puisque la génération du signal s'est faite de manière privée à Montréal et non par la collaboration ATLAS, les résultats ne peuvent pas être reconnus officiellement. Sur la base de la simulation, avec des données correspondant à 1 fb$^{-1}$, la limite supérieure attendue à un niveau de confiance de $95\%$ sur la section efficace du signal est de 0.145 pb avec 0.294 pb pour un écart type($\sigma$) et 0.519 pb pour 2$\sigma$. La limite supérieure attendue à un niveau de confiance de $95\%$ sur $\xi_{Ne}^{2}$ de 0.09 pour une masse de 100 GeV.


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Recopilaci??n de ponencias y comunicaciones realizadas dentro de un proyecto establecido en el Seminario Provincial de profesores de Personas Adultas, celebrado en Murcia en 1995. La idea fundamental es extraer conclusiones e informaci??n necesaria para conocer logros, carencias y necesidades por alcanzar y, de esta forma, iniciar nuevas din??micas de trabajo y planteamientos. La publicaci??n analiza el dise??o de un proceso de comunicaci??n en la realidad de la ense??anza-aprendizaje de las personas adultas de nivel I, conocimiento compartido de la lengua escrita y hablada con sus estrategias de adquisici??n y desarrollo.


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Vam estar parlant durant més d’una hora i al final, després d’haver-me mostrat les pàgines que visitava, els programes que utilitzava, d’on baixava les pel·lícules que després retocava i la música que escoltava, els fòrums on aprenia a fer coses noves i com, li vaig preguntar si utilitzava tot aquell coneixement a l’institut. Ell, no sense cert laconisme, em va contestar que no. Però jo vaig insistir: per què?, i ell, de forma breu i amb paciència, va tancar la conversa: “perquè no ho requereix”. (...)


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La història dels mestres i el seu magisteri és més convulsa que no ens pensem. Les revolucions i involucions que ha patit durant el segle XX en són una bona mostra. Salomó Marquès, catedràtic de Pedagogia de la Universitat de Girona, és un bon coneixedor del fenomen. Ell ha estudiat el model d'escola republicana i ha resseguit els camins dels mestres exiliats. Exiliats a l'estranger, però també a l'interior. La història que explica és la d'una escola que no va poder ser i a al qual encara, malauradament, creu que no hem arribat


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Una conferència pot començar de moltes maneres. Josep Call va triar iniciar-ne una amb un elogi als seus col•laboradors, perquè sense ells —va dir— la recerca que fa no hauria estat possible. Fins aquí no se’ns hauria de fer estrany, si no fos perquè allò que Call volia explicar és que la capacitat de compartir activament i de pensar plegats és una de les bases de la intencionalitat compartida, la tesi que van venir a defensar i el tret que, segons ell, ens diferencia dels primats. Call va ser el segon convidat de la Butaca Jaume Casademont, en una sessió que es va dur a terme al Casino de Girona