996 resultados para ELISA MPB70
The identification of arthropod bloodmeals is important in many epidemiological studies, as, the understanding of the life cycle of vectors and the patogens they transmit, as well as helping to define arthropods' control strategies. The precipitin test has been used for decades, but ELISA is slowly becoming more popular. To compare the two tests for sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to detect small insect bloodmeals, Aedes aegypti or Ae. fluviatilis mosquitoes were fed either on feline, canine or human hosts. Mosquitoes were frozen at 6, 12, 24, 48 or 72 h after feeding. Precipitin test showed better specificity and accuracy and ELISA test showed higher sensitivity. Better results with both tests were achieved when mosquitoes were frozen within 48 h from feeding.
In order to improve the specificity and sensitivity of the techniques for the human anisakidosis diagnosis, a method of affinity chromatography for the purification of species-specific antigens from Anisakis simplex third-stage larvae (L3) has been developed. New Zealand rabbits were immunized with A. simplex or Ascaris suum antigens or inoculated with Toxocara canis embryonated eggs. The IgG specific antibodies were isolated by means of protein A-Sepharose CL-4B beads columns. IgG anti-A. simplex and -A. suum were coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. For the purification of the larval A. simplex antigens, these were loaded into the anti-A. simplex column and bound antigens eluted. For the elimination of the epitopes responsible for the cross-reactions, the A. simplex specific proteins were loaded into the anti-A. suum column. To prove the specificity of the isolated proteins, immunochemical analyses by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were carried out. Further, we studied the different responses by ELISA to the different antigenic preparations of A. simplex used, observing their capability of discriminating among the different antisera raised in rabbits (anti-A. simplex, anti-A. suum, anti-T. canis). The discriminatory capability with the anti-T. canis antisera was good using the larval A. simplex crude extract (CE) antigen. When larval A. simplex CE antigen was loaded into a CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B coupled to IgG from rabbits immunized with A. simplex CE antigen, its capability for discriminate between A. simplex and A. suum was improved, increasing in the case of T. canis. The best results were obtained using larval A. simplex CE antigen loaded into a CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B coupled to IgG from rabbits immunized with adult A. suum CE antigen. When we compared the different serum dilution and antigenic concentration, we selected the working serum dilution of 1/400 and 1 µg/ml of antigenic concentration.
A dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA) was standardized using excretory-secretory antigens of Toxocara canis for the rapid immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis. Thirty patients with clinical signs of toxocariasis, 20 cases with other parasitic diseases, and 40 healthy subjects were tested. A total of 0.2 ng of antigen per dot, serum dilution of 1:160 and dilution conjugate of 1:1000 were found optimal. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were 100 and 95%, respectively. Comparable sensitivity of dot-ELISA and the standard ELISA was obtained, but only 3 cross-reactions occurred in the dot-ELISA, compared with 6 in the standard ELISA. Dot-ELISA is simple to perform, rapid, and low cost. Large-scale screening studies should be done to evaluate its usefulness under field conditions.
Significant advances were made in the diagnosis of filariasis in the 1990s with the emergence of three new alternative tools: ultrasound and tests to detect circulating antigen using two monoclonal antibodies, Og4C3 and AD12-ICT-card. This study aimed to identify which of these methods is the most sensitive for diagnosis of infection. A total of 256 individuals, all male and carrying microfilariae (1-15,679 MF/mL), diagnosed by nocturnal venous blood samples, were tested by all three techniques. The tests for circulating filarial antigen concurred 100% and correctly identified 246/256 (96.69%) of the positive individuals, while ultrasound detected only 186/256 (73.44%). Of the circulating antigen tests, ICT-card was the most convenient method for identification of Wuchereria bancrofti carriers. It was easy to perform, practical and quick.
Anisakis simplex is a nematode parasite that can infect humans who have eaten raw or undercooked seafood. Larvae invading the gastrointestinal mucosa excrete/secrete proteins that are implicated in the pathogenesis of anisakiasis and can induce IgE-mediated symptoms. Since Ani s 1 is a potent secreted allergen with important clinical relevance, its measurement could assess the quality of allergenic products used in diagnosis/immunotherapy of Anisakis allergy and track the presence of A. simplex parasites in fish foodstuffs. An antibody-based ELISA for quantification of Ani s 1 has been developed based on monoclonal antibody 4F2 as capture antibody and biotin-labelled polyclonal antibodies against Ani s 1 as detection reagent. The dose-response standard curves, obtained with natural and recombinant antigens, ranged from 4 to 2000 ng/ml and were identical and parallel to that of the A. simplex extract. The linear portion of the dose-response curve with nAni s 1 was between 15 and 250 ng/ml with inter-assay and intra-assays coefficients of variation less than 20% and 10%, respectively. The assay was specific since there was no cross-reaction with other extracts (except Ascaris extracts) and was highly sensitive (detection limit of 1·8 ng/ml), being able to detect Ani s 1 in fish extracts from codfish and monkfish.
Toxoplasma gondii causes posterior uveitis and the specific diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. The presence of anti-T. gondii secretory IgA (sIgA) antibodies in patients' tears has been reported and an association was found between ocular toxoplasmosis and the anti-T. gondii sIgA isotype in Brazilian patients. The purpose of this study was to provide an objective validation of the published ELISA test for determining the presence of anti-T. gondii sIgA in the tears of individuals with ocular toxoplasmosis. Tears from 156 patients with active posterior uveitis were analysed; 82 of them presented characteristics of ocular toxoplasmosis (standard lesion) and 74 patients presented uveitis due to other aetiologies. Cases of active posterior uveitis were considered standard when a new inflammatory focus satellite to old retinochoroidal scars was observed. The determination of anti-T. gondii sIgA was made using an ELISA test with crude tachyzoite antigenic extracts. Tears were collected without previous stimulation. Detection of sIgA showed 65.9% sensitivity (95% CI = 54.5-74.4), 71.6% specificity (95% CI = 59.8-81.2), a positive predictive value of 72% (95% CI = 60.3-81.5) and a negative predictive value of 65.4% (95% CI = 54.0-75.4). sIgA reactivity was higher in the tears of patients with active posterior uveitis due to T. gondii (p < 0.05). The test is useful for differentiating active posterior uveitis due to toxoplasmosis from uveitis caused by other diseases.
The levels of total of IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 were evaluated in 54 patients with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) before, during and after treatment using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with Mexo and recombinant Pb27 (rPb27) as the antigens. Mexo was effective in distinguishing PCM patients from individuals in the negative control group (NC) based on total IgG and rPb27 performed worse than Mexo when these two groups were compared. IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 could not be used to clearly distinguish PCM patients from those in the NC group using either antigen. There was no clear relationship between antibody levels and the period of treatment. The majority of patients presented with decreased antibody levels during treatment, with no statistically significant differences among the different periods of treatment. Only IgG4 presented a negative correlation between its levels and clinical improvement during treatment. In total, 65% of untreated PCM patients showed reactivity against IgG4 when the Mexo antigen was used and this reactivity decreased over the course of treatment. There was a tendency towards decreasing antibody levels during treatment, but these antibody levels did not necessarily clear after the treatment was stopped. Mexo was useful for PCM diagnosis using total IgG; however, more studies are necessary before this antigen can be used in measuring the levels of total IgG and its subclasses for monitoring patients during treatment.
The aim of this work was to evaluate a dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA) using excretory-secretory antigens from the larval stages of Toxocara canis for the diagnosis of toxocariasis. A secondary aim was to establish the optimal conditions for its use in an area with a high prevalence of human T. canis infection. The dot-ELISA test was standardised using different concentrations of the antigen fixed on nitrocellulose paper strips and increasing dilutions of the serum and conjugate. Both the dot-ELISA and standard ELISA methods were tested in parallel with the same batch of sera from controls and from individuals living in the problem area. The best results were obtained with 1.33 µg/mL of antigen, dilutions of 1/80 for the samples and controls and a dilution of 1/5,000 for the anti-human IgG-peroxidase conjugate. All steps of the procedure were performed at room temperature. The coincidence between ELISA and dot-ELISA was 85% and the kappa index was 0.72. The dot-ELISA test described here is rapid, easy to perform and does not require expensive equipment. Thus, this test is suitable for the serological diagnosis of human T. canis infection in field surveys and in the primary health care centres of endemic regions.
ELISA in situ can be used to titrate hepatitis A virus (HAV) particles and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) has been shown to be a fast method to quantify the HAV genome. Precise quantification of viral concentration is necessary to distinguish between infectious and non-infectious particles. The purpose of this study was to compare cell culture and RT-PCR quantification results and determine whether HAV genome quantification can be correlated with infectivity. For this purpose, three stocks of undiluted, five-fold diluted and 10-fold diluted HAV were prepared to inoculate cells in a 96-well plate. Monolayers were then incubated for seven, 10 and 14 days and the correlation between the ELISA in situ and RT-PCR results was evaluated. At 10 days post-incubation, the highest viral load was observed in all stocks of HAV via RT-PCR (10(5) copies/mL) (p = 0.0002), while ELISA revealed the highest quantity of particles after 14 days (optical density = 0.24, p < 0.001). At seven days post-infection, there was a significant statistical correlation between the results of the two methods, indicating equivalents titres of particles and HAV genome during this period of infection. The results reported here indicate that the duration of growth of HAV in cell culture must be taken into account to correlate genome quantification with infectivity.
In a recent issue of Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, published in Rio de Janeiro in February 2014 (109: 87-92), Adami et al. have published a survey reporting Mansonella parasite prevalence in the Amazon Region. This report makes a useful contribution to the existing knowledge of filarial parasite distribution within the Amazon area, parasite prevalence rates in relation to age and occupation and provides observations on the possible clinical impact of Mansonella ozzardi. Their publication also provides an account of what appears to be a novel ELISA that has recently been used in the Simuliidae and Onchocerciasis Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We are concerned that the publication of this ELISA may have created an excessively positive impression of the effectiveness of the onchocerciasis recrudescence serological surveillance tools that are presently available for use in the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus. In this letter we have, thus, sought to highlight some of the limitations of this ELISA and suggest how continuing insecurities concerning the detection of antibodies to Onchocerca volvulus within the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus might be minimised.
Com a finalidade de fazer uma avaliação da frequência do antígeno de superfície da hepatite viral do tipo B (AgHBs) nos portadores HIV e grávidas atendidos no Laboratório Elisa-Blot do Hospital Agostinho Neto em 2006 e 2007, foi feito um estudo descritivo retrospectivo, com base na recolha de dados entre 1 de Janeiro de 2006 a 31 de Dezembro de 2007. Os dados foram recolhidos com base em fichas e no banco de dados informático, existentes no Laboratório Elisa-Blot do Hospital Agostinho Neto. Os dados foram colectados segundo as variáveis de tempo, pessoa e lugar. Os resultados demonstraram uma frequência do AgHBs durante o período de estudo de 4,96% (25/504). Esse valor corresponde a 11% (15/135) dos portadores do HIV e 3% em grávidas com sorologia positiva para HBsAg. Em relação ao perfil dos portadores do HIV, estes tinham uma idade média de 40,6 anos, a maioria do sexo feminino e residentes no concelho da Praia. As grávidas tinham uma idade média de 28,4 anos, a maioria residente também no concelho da Praia. As análises também demonstraram que o perfil dos casos com sorologia positiva para o AgHBs nos portadores do HIV era na sua maioria do sexo masculino com uma proporção de 60% durante o período de estudo. A maior ocorrência ocorreu na faixa etária 30 a 49 anos com uma proporção de 67% e 50% relativamente ao período de estudo. O concelho da Praia foi o que apresentou maior proporção com 67% e 58% em 2006 e 2007 respectivamente. Em relação as grávidas a maior proporção de positividade do AgHBs ocorreu também na faixa etária 30 a 49 anos com 75% e 67% e no concelho da Praia com uma proporção de 50% e 67% referentes aos anos 2006 e 2007 respectivamente.
RESUME Les maladies cardio-vasculaires représentent la cause la plus importante de mortalité et de morbidité dans les pays occidentaux. La thérapie génique offre une nouvelle approche au traitement de ces maladies. L'expression de gènes protecteurs dans le myocarde par des technologies de transfert génique peut améliorer la fonction ventriculaire lors de l'insuffisance cardiaque ou stimuler la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux dans la maladie coronarienne. Etant donné qu'une majorité des maladies cardiaques sont des maladies chroniques, l'expression durable du gène thérapeutique introduit dans le coeur est souhaitable dans de nombreux cas. Malheureusement, l'utilité des vecteurs de transfert génique les plus utilisés en thérapie génique cardiovasculaire est limitée par une performance faible (ADN plasmidique) et une courte durée d'expression (adénovirus). Récemment, des vecteurs de transfert génique dérivés des lentivirus, une sous-famille des rétrovirus, ont retenu l'attention de la communauté scientifique en raison de leur capacité à exprimer des gènes à long terme. Contrairement aux vecteurs rétroviraux traditionnels, les vecteurs lentiviraux transduisent des gènes même dans des cellules qui ne se divisent pas, ce qui est le cas des cardiomyocytes adultes. Ces vecteurs présentent un profil de biosécurité comparable à celui des vecteurs rétroviraux traditionnels. Nous avons donc décidé de tester l'utilité des vecteurs lentiviraux pour le transfert génique dans des cardiomyocytes de rat adulte in vitro et in vivo. Plusieurs versions de vecteurs lentiviraux contenant différent promoteurs ont été construites. Ces vecteurs contenant le gène marqueur EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) ont été testés dans des cardiomyocytes de rat in vitro, ainsi que dans des coeurs de rat in vivo. Le but de ces expériences était de déterminer la durée de l'expression du transgène après injection intramyocardique chez le rat. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé une technique ELISA pour détecter la protéine EGFP dans des extraits de tissu cardiaque. Les résultats ont montré que la protéine EGFP était encore présente à des niveaux significatifs jusqu'à dix semaines après l'injection de vecteurs lentiviraux, alors que l'expression transgénique obtenue avec un vecteur adénoviral traditionnel a été plus limitée dans le temps. Ces résultats démontrent la capacité des vecteurs lentiviraux à exprimer des gènes d'intérêt de manière performante et stable dans le cur de rat adulte in vivo. SUMMARY Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of morbidity and mortality in Western countries. Gene therapy offers a new approach to these diseases. Expression of therapeutic genes in the myocardium by gene transfer technologies can improve ventricular function in heart failure and stimulate neovascularization in coronary disease. Chronic heart diseases likely require sustained expression of the therapeutic gene within the heart itself. Unfortunately, the most commonly used vectors in cardiovascular gene therapy, i.e. plasmid DNA and recombinant adenovirus vectors, are limited by poor DNA uptake and transient transgene expression, respectively. Recently, lentivirus-derived vectors have attracted much interest because of their ability to achieve long-term transgene expression. In contrast to traditional retroviral vectors, lentiviral vectors are also able to transduce non- dividing cells, while presenting a comparable biosafety profile. Adult cardiomyocytes are terminally differentiated cells that do not divide under normal conditions. For these reasons, we have decided to evaluate the efficiency of lentiviral vectors for gene-transduction of adult cardiomyocytes both in vitro and in vivo. We constructed various types of lentiviral vectors containing various promoters. Vectors encoding EGFP as a reporter gene were tested in rat cardiomyocytes in vitro and in rat hearts in vivo. The aim of the experiments involved in this thesis work was to determine the duration of the expression of the transgene after rat intramyocardial injection using a quantitative assay. Therefore, an ELISA technique was set up to measure the EGFP protein in rat heart tissue extracts. Our results showed that the EGFP protein was still present at significant levels at ten weeks after lentiviral vector injection, whereas the duration of expression with adenoviral vectors was shorter. These results demonstrate that lentiviral vectors efficiently deliver genes and achieve sustained transgene expression in adult rat cardiomyocytes in vivo.