997 resultados para E7 Transforming Protein


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Retinoblastoma (RB-1) is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes a 105-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein. To date, RB genes have been isolated only from metazoans. We have isolated a cDNA from maize endosperm whose predicted protein product (ZmRb) shows homology to the "pocket" A and B domains of the Rb protein family. We found ZmRb behaves as a pocket protein based on its ability to specifically interact with oncoproteins encoded by DNA tumor viruses (E7, T-Ag, E1A). ZmRb can interact in vitro and in vivo with the replication-associated protein, RepA, encoded by the wheat dwarf virus. The maize Rb-related protein undergoes changes in level and phosphorylation state concomitant with endoreduplication, and it is phosphorylated in vitro by an S-phase kinase from endoreduplicating endosperm cells. Together, our results suggest that ZmRb is a representative of the pocket protein family and may play a role in cell cycle progression. Moreover, certain plant monopartite geminiviruses may operate similarly to mammalian DNA viruses, by targeting and inactivating the retinoblastoma protein, which otherwise induces G1 arrest.


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Bone morphogenic protein-1 (BMP-1) was originally identified as one of several BMPs that induced new bone formation when implanted into ectopic sites in rodents. BMP-1, however, differed from other BMPs in that it its structure was not similar to transforming growth factor beta. Instead, it had a large domain homologous to a metalloendopeptidase isolated from crayfish, an epidermal growth-factor-like domain, and three regions of internal sequence homology referred to as CUB domains. Therefore, BMP-1 was a member of the "astacin families" of zinc-requiring endopeptidases. Many astacins have been shown to play critical roles in embryonic hatching, dorsal/ventral patterning, and early developmental decisions. Here, we have obtained amino acid sequences and isolated cDNA clones for procollagen C-proteinase (EC, an enzyme that is essential for the processing of procollagens to fibrillar collagens. The results demonstrate that procollagen C-proteinase is identical to BMP-1.


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In tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)-stimulated T-cell responses are depressed transiently, whereas antibody levels are increased. Lymphoproliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from Pakistani tuberculosis (TB) patients to both mycobacterial and candidal antigens were suppressed by approximately 50% when compared to healthy purified protein derivative (PPD)-positive household contacts. Production of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) in response to PPD also was depressed by 78%. Stimulation with PPD and the 30-kDa alpha antigen of MTB (30-kDa antigen) induced greater secretion of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), but not interleukin 10 (IL-10) or tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), by PBMCs from TB patients compared to healthy contacts. The degree of suppression correlated with the duration of treatment; patients treated for <1 month had significantly lower T-cell blastogenesis and IFN-gamma production and higher levels of TGF-beta than did patients treated for >1 month. Neutralizing antibody to TGF-beta normalized lymphocyte proliferation in response to PPD, partially restored blastogenesis to candidal antigen, and significantly increased PPD-stimulated production of IFN-gamma in TB patients but not in contacts. Neutralizing antibody to IL-10 augmented, but did not normalize, T-cell responses to both PPD and candida in TB patients and candidal antigen in contacts. TGF-beta, produced in response to MTB antigens, therefore plays a prominent role in down-regulating potentially protective host effector mechanisms and looms as an important mediator of immunosuppression in TB.


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Septic shock is a cytokine-mediated process typically caused by a severe underlying infection. Toxins generated by the infecting organism trigger a cascade of events leading to hypotension, to multiple organ system failure, and frequently to death. Beyond supportive care, no effective therapy is available for the treatment of septic shock. Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator generated late in the sepsis pathway leading to hypotension; therefore, NO represents a potential target for therapy. We have previously demonstrated that transforming growth factor (TGF) beta1 inhibits inducible NO synthase (iNOS) mRNA and NO production in vascular smooth muscle cells after its induction by cytokines critical in the sepsis cascade. Thus, we hypothesized that TGF-beta1 may inhibit iNOS gene expression in vivo and be beneficial in the treatment of septic shock. In a conscious rat model of septic shock produced by Salmonella typhosa lipopolysaccharide (LPS), TGF-beta1 markedly reduced iNOS mRNA and protein levels in several organs. In contrast, TGF-beta1 did not decrease endothelium-derived constitutive NOS mRNA in organs of rats receiving LPS. We also performed studies in anesthetized rats to evaluate the effect of TGF-beta1 on the hemodynamic compromise of septic shock; after an initial 25% decrease in mean arterial pressure, TGF-beta1 arrested LPS-induced hypotension and decreased mortality. A decrease in iNOS mRNA and protein levels in vascular smooth muscle cells was demonstrated by in situ hybridization and NADPH diaphorase staining in rats treated with TGF-beta1. Thus these studies suggest that TGF-beta1 inhibits iNOS in vivo and that TGF-beta1 may be of future benefit in the therapy of septic shock.


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Although transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily ligands play critical roles in diverse developmental processes, how cells transduce signals from these ligands is still poorly understood. Cell surface receptors for these ligands have been identified, but their cytoplasmic targets are unknown. We have identified three Caenorhabditis elegans genes, sma-2, sma-3, and sma-4, that have mutant phenotypes similar to those of the TGF-beta-like receptor gene daf-4, indicating that they are required for daf-4-mediated developmental processes. We show that sma-2 functions in the same cells as daf-4, consistent with a role in transducing signals from the receptor. These three genes define a protein family, the dwarfins, that includes the Mad gene product, which participates in the decapentaplegic TGF-beta-like pathway in Drosophila [Sekelsky, J. J., Newfeld, S. J., Raftery, L. A., Chartoff, E. H. & Gelbart, W. M. (1995) Genetics 139, 1347-1358]. The identification of homologous components of these pathways in distantly related organisms suggests that dwarfins may be universally required for TGF-beta-like signal transduction. In fact, we have isolated highly conserved dwarfins from vertebrates, indicating that these components are not idiosyncratic to invertebrates. These analyses suggest that dwarfins are conserved cytoplasmic signal transducers.


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Orally administered antigens induce a state of immunologic hyporesponsiveness termed oral tolerance. Different mechanisms are involved in mediating oral tolerance depending on the dose fed. Low doses of antigen generate cytokine-secreting regulatory cells, whereas high doses induce anergy or deletion. We used mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor (TCR) derived from an encephalitogenic T-cell clone specific for the acetylated N-terminal peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) Ac-1-11 plus I-Au to test whether a regulatory T cell could be generated from the same precursor cell as that of an encephalitogenic Th1 cell and whether the induction was dose dependent. The MBP TCR transgenic mice primarily have T cells of a precursor phenotype that produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) with little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). We fed transgenic animals a low-dose (1 mg x 5) or high-dose (25 mg x 1) regimen of mouse MBP and without further immunization spleen cells were tested for cytokine production. Low-dose feeding induced prominent secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta, whereas minimal secretion of these cytokines was observed with high-dose feeding. Little or no change was seen in proliferation or IL-2/IFN-gamma secretion in fed animals irrespective of the dose. To demonstrate in vivo functional activity of the cytokine-secreting cells generated by oral antigen, spleen cells from low-dose-fed animals were adoptively transferred into naive (PLJ x SJL)F1 mice that were then immunized for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Marked suppression of EAE was observed when T cells were transferred from MBP-fed transgenic animals but not from animals that were not fed. In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals with MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant induced IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells in vitro and experimental encephalomyelitis in vivo. Despite the large number of cells reactive to MBP in the transgenic animals, EAE was also suppressed by low-dose feeding of MBP prior to immunization. These results demonstrate that MBP-specific T cells can differentiate in vivo into encephalitogenic or regulatory T cells depending upon the context by which they are exposed to antigen.


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Transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) is a multifunctional factor that regulates proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. TGF-beta mediates its effects by binding to and activating cell surface receptors that possess serine/threonine kinase activity. However, the intracellular signaling pathways through which TGF-beta receptors act remain largely unknown. Here we show that TGF-beta activates a 78-kDa protein (p78) serine/threonine kinase as evidenced by an in-gel kinase assay. Ligand-induced activation of the kinase was near-maximal 5 min after TGF-beta addition to the cells and occurred exclusively on serine and threonine residues. This kinase is distinct from TGF-beta receptor type II, as well as several cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinases of similar size, including protein kinase C, Raf, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, and ribosomal S6 kinase. Indeed, these kinases can be separated almost completely from p78 kinase by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. Furthermore, using different cell lines, we demonstrate that p78 kinase is activated only in cells for which TGF-beta can act as a growth inhibitory factor. These data raise the interesting possibility that protein serine/threonine kinases contribute to the intracellular relay of biological signals originating from receptor serine/threonine kinases such as the TGF-beta receptors.


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Type I and II receptors for the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) are transmembrane serine/threonine kinases that are essential for TGF-beta signaling. However, little is known about their in vivo substrates or signal transduction pathways. To determine the substrate specificity of these kinases, we developed combinatorial peptide libraries synthesized on a hydrophilic matrix that is easily accessible to proteins in aqueous solutions. When we subjected these libraries to phosphorylation by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, we obtained the optimal peptide sequence RRXS (I/L/V), in perfect agreement with the substrate sequence deduced from mutagenesis and crystal structure analyses. By using the same libraries, we showed that the optimal substrate peptide for both the type I and II TGF-beta receptors was KKKKKK(S/T)XXX. Since the two kinases are thought to play different roles in intracellular signal transduction, it was a surprise to find that they have almost identical substrate specificity. Our method is direct, sensitive, and simple and provides information about the kinase specificity for all the amino acid residues at each position.


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The human hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBx protein is a small transcriptional activator that is essential for virus infection. HBx is thought to be involved in viral hepatocarcinogenesis because it promotes tumorigenesis in transgenic mice. HBx activates the RAS-RAF-mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling cascade, through which it activates transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kappa B, and stimulates cell DNA synthesis. We show that HBx stimulates cell cycle progression, shortening the emergence of cells from quiescence (G0) and entry into S phase by at least 12 h, and accelerating transit through checkpoint controls at G0/G1 and G2/M. Compared with serum stimulation, HBx was found to strongly increase the rate and level of activation of the cyclin-dependent kinases CDK2 and CDC2, and their respective active association with cyclins E and A or cyclin B. HBx is also shown to override or greatly reduce serum dependence for cell cycle activation. Both HBx and serum were found to require activation of RAS to stimulate cell cycling, but only HBx could shorten checkpoint intervals. HBx therefore stimulates cell proliferation by activating RAS and a second unknown effector, which may be related to its reported ability to induce prolonged activation of JUN or to interact with cellular p53 protein. These data suggest a molecular mechanism by which HBx likely contributes to viral carcinogenesis. By deregulating checkpoint controls, HBx could participate in the selection of cells that are genetically unstable, some of which would accumulate unrepaired transforming mutations.


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Articular cartilage chondrocytes have the unique ability to elaborate large amounts of extracellular pyrophosphate (PPi), and transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) appears singular among cartilage regulatory factors in stimulating PPi production. TGF beta caused a time and dose-dependent increase in intracellular and extracellular PPi in human articular chondrocyte cultures. TGF beta and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) antagonistically regulate certain chondrocyte functions. IL-1 beta profoundly inhibited basal and TGF beta-induced PPi elaboration. To address mechanisms involved with the regulation of PPi synthesis by IL-1 beta and TGF beta, we analyzed the activity of the PPi-generating enzyme NTP pyrophosphohydrolase (NTPPPH) and the PPi-hydrolyzing enzyme alkaline phosphatase. Human chondrocyte NTPPPH activity was largely attributable to plasma cell membrane glycoprotein 1, PC-1. Furthermore, TGF beta induced comparable increases in the activity of extracellular PPi, intracellular PPi, and cellular NTPPPH and in the levels of PC-1 protein and mRNA in chondrocytes as well as a decrease in alkaline phosphatase. All of these TGF beta-induced responses were completely blocked by IL-1 beta. Thus, IL-1 beta may be an important regulator of mineralization in chondrocytes by inhibiting TGF beta-induced PPi production and PC-1 expression.


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Sézary syndrome (SzS), the leukemic form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, is characterized by clonal proliferation of CD4+ T cells and immune dysfunctions, raising the possibility of cytokine-related abnormalities. We previously described a decreased response to the growth-inhibitory effects of transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) in SzS T cells accompanied by apparent loss of surface type II TGF-beta receptor (TGF beta RII). To specifically determine if defects exist in TGF beta RII protein expression and/or transport in SzS patients, we developed a sensitive flow cytometric method to detect TGF beta RII on the surface and intracellularly in the CD4+ T cells. Our results indicate that unlike normal CD4+ T cells, CD4+ T cells from 9 of 12 SzS patients expressed little, if any, surface TGF beta RII in response to mitogen stimulation. At the intracellular level, however, pools of TGF beta RII were comparable to those in normal CD4+ T cells. This indicates that defective trafficking of this inhibitory cytokine receptor may contribute significantly to the development of this disease.


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We have previously shown beneficial effects of dietary protein restriction on transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) expression and glomerular matrix accumulation in experimental glomerulonephritis. We hypothesized that these effects result from restriction of dietary L-arginine intake. Arginine is a precursor for three pathways, the products of which are involved in tissue injury and repair: nitric oxide, an effector molecule in inflammatory and immunological tissue injury; polyamines, which are required for DNA synthesis and cell growth; and proline, which is required for collagen production. Rats were fed six isocaloric diets differing in L-arginine and/or total protein content, starting immediately after induction of glomerulonephritis by injection of an antibody reactive to glomerular mesangial cells. Mesangial cell lysis and monocyte/macrophage infiltration did not differ with diet. However, restriction of dietary L-arginine intake, even when total protein intake was normal, resulted in decreased proteinuria, decreased expression of TGF-beta 1 mRNA and TGF-beta 1 protein, and decreased production and deposition of matrix components. L-Arginine, but not D-arginine, supplementation to low protein diets reversed these effects. These results implicate arginine as a key component in the beneficial effects of low protein diet.


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The transient expression of the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) regulates the transcription of a variety of growth-control genes, including c-fos, c-myc, and the gene for transforming growth factor beta 1 via discrete promoter sequences termed retinoblastoma control elements (RCE). Previous analyses have shown that Sp1 is one of three RCE-binding proteins identified in nuclear extracts and that Rb functionally interacts with Sp1 in vivo, resulting in the "superactivation" of Sp1-mediated transcription. By immunochemical and biochemical criteria, we report that an Sp1-related transcription factor, Sp3, is a second RCE-binding protein. Furthermore, in transient cotransfection assays, we report that Rb "superactivates" Sp3-mediated RCE-dependent transcription in vivo and that levels of superactivation are dependent on the trans-activator (Sp1 or Sp3) studied. Using expression vectors carrying mutated Rb cDNAs, we have identified two portions of Rb required for superactivation: (i) a portion of the Rb "pocket" (amino acids 614-839) previously determined to be required for physical interactions between Rb and transcription factors such as E2F-1 and (ii) a novel amino-terminal region (amino acids 140-202). Since both of these regions of Rb are targets of mutation in human tumors, our data suggest that superactivation of Sp1/Sp3 may play a role in Rb-mediated growth suppression and/or the induction of differentiation.


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One of the more intriguing aspects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) is its ability to function as both a mitogenic factor for certain mesenchymal cells and a potent growth inhibitor of lymphoid, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Data are presented indicating that c-myc may play a pivotal role in both the mitogenic and antiproliferative actions of TGF beta 1. In agreement with previous studies using C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts constitutively expressing an exogenous c-myc cDNA, we show that AKR-2B fibroblasts expressing a chimeric estrogen-inducible form of c-myc (mycER) are able to form colonies in soft agar in the presence of TGF beta 1 only when c-myc is activated by hormone. Whereas these findings support a synergistic role for c-myc in mitogenic responses to TGF beta 1, we also find that c-myc can antagonize the growth-inhibitory response to TGF beta 1. Mouse keratinocytes (BALB/MK), which are normally growth-arrested by TGF beta 1, are rendered insensitive to the growth-inhibitory effects of TGF beta 1 upon mycER activation. This ability of mycER activation to block TGF beta 1-induced growth arrest was found to occur only when the fusion protein was induced with hormone in the early part of G1. Addition of estradiol late in G1 had no suppressive effect on TGF beta 1-induced growth inhibition.


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This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr Marius Sudol for the hYAP plasmids (obtained through Addgene), Dr Pete Zammit for the pMSCV-IRES-eGFP plasmid, Dr Robert Judson for subcloning the hYAP cDNAs into the pMSCV-IRES-eGFP plasmid, Dr Lynda Erskine for the provision of mouse embryo samples, and Professor Jimmy Hutchison and the Orthopaedics Department at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for the provision of human tissue samples. The authors are also grateful to Denise Tosh and Susan Clark for excellent technical support. This work was funded by Arthritis Research UK (grant 19429).