992 resultados para Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)


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Electrowetting is one of the most effective methods to enhance wettability. A significant change of contact angle for the liquid droplet can result from the surface microstructures and the external electric field, without altering the chemical composition of the system. During the electrowetting process on a rough surface, the droplet exhibits a sharp transition from the Cassie-Baxter to the Wenzel regime at a low critical voltage. In this paper, a theoretical model for electrowetting is put forth to describe the dynamic electrical control of the wetting behavior at the low voltage, considering the surface topography. The theoretical results are found to be in good agreement with the existing experimental results. (c) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2008.


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YBaCuO-coated conductors offer great potential in terms of performance and cost-saving for superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL). A resistive SFCL based on coated conductors can be made from several tapes connected in parallel or in series. Ideally, the current and voltage are shared uniformly by the tapes when quench occurs. However, due to the non-uniformity of property of the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes, the currents and the voltages of the tapes are different. In this paper, a numerical model is developed to investigate the current and voltage sharing problem for the resistive SFCL. This model is able to simulate the dynamic response of YBCO tapes in normal and quench conditions. Firstly, four tapes with different Jc 's and n values in E-J power law are connected in parallel to carry the fault current. The model demonstrates how the currents are distributed among the four tapes. These four tapes are then connected in series to withstand the line voltage. In this case, the model investigates the voltage sharing between the tapes. Several factors that would affect the process of quenches are discussed including the field dependency of Jc, the magnetic coupling between the tapes and the relative positions of the tapes. © 2010 IEEE.


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A SPICE simulation model of a novel cascode switch that combines a high voltage normally-on silicon carbide (SiC) junction field effect transistor (JFET) with a low voltage enhancement-mode gallium nitride field effect transistor (eGaN FET) has been developed, with the aim of optimising cascode switching performance. The effect of gate resistance on stability and switching losses is investigated and optimum values chosen. The effects of stray inductance on cascode switching performance are considered and the benefits of low inductance packaging discussed. The use of a positive JFET gate bias in a cascode switch is shown to reduce switching losses as well as reducing on-state losses. The findings of the simulation are used to produce a list of priorities for the design and layout of wide-bandgap cascode switches, relevant to both SiC and GaN high voltage devices. © 2013 IEEE.


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The unexpected decrease in measured responsivity observed in a specific GaN Schottky barrier photodetector (PD) at high reverse bias voltage was investigated and explained. Device equivalent transforms and small signal analysis were performed to analyse the test circuit. On this basis, a model was built which explained the responsivity decrease quantitatively. After being revised by this model, responsivity curves varying with bias voltage turned out to be reasonable. It is proved that the decrease is related to the dynamic parallel resistance of the photodiode. The results indicate that with a GaN Schottky PD, the choice of load resistance is restricted according to the dynamic parallel resistance of the device to avoid responsivity decay at high bias voltage.


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We report a 75dB, 2.8mW, 100Hz-10kHz envelope detector in a 1.5mm 2.8V CMOS technology. The envelope detector performs input-dc-insensitive voltage-to-currentconverting rectification followed by novel nanopower current-mode peak detection. The use of a subthreshold wide- linear-range transconductor (WLR OTA) allows greater than 1.7Vpp input voltage swings. We show theoretically that this optimal performance is technology-independent for the given topology and may be improved only by spending more power. A novel circuit topology is used to perform 140nW peak detection with controllable attack and release time constants. The lower limits of envelope detection are determined by the more dominant of two effects: The first effect is caused by the inability of amplified high-frequency signals to exceed the deadzone created by exponential nonlinearities in the rectifier. The second effect is due to an output current caused by thermal noise rectification. We demonstrate good agreement of experimentally measured results with theory. The envelope detector is useful in low power bionic implants for the deaf, hearing aids, and speech-recognition front ends. Extension of the envelope detector to higher- frequency applications is straightforward if power consumption is inc


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Protein engineering over the past four years has made rhodopsin-based genetically encoded voltage indicators a leading candidate to achieve the task of reporting action potentials from a population of genetically targeted neurons in vivo. Rational design and large-scale screening efforts have steadily improved the dynamic range and kinetics of the rhodopsin voltage-sensing domain, and coupling these rhodopsins to bright fluorescent proteins has supported bright fluorescence readout of the large and rapid rhodopsin voltage response. The rhodopsin-fluorescent protein fusions have the highest achieved signal-to-noise ratios for detecting action potentials in neuronal cultures to date, and have successfully reported single spike events in vivo. Given the rapid pace of current development, the genetically encoded voltage indicator class is nearing the goal of robust spike imaging during live-animal behavioral experiments.


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Dynamic switching spectroscopy piezoresponse force microscopy is developed to separate thermodynamic and kinetic effects in local bias-induced phase transitions. The approaches for visualization and analysis of five-dimensional data are discussed. The spatial and voltage variability of relaxation behavior of the a-c domain lead zirconate-titanate surface suggest the interpretation in terms of surface charge dynamics. This approach is applicable to local studies of dynamic behavior in any system with reversible bias-induced phase transitions ranging from ferroelectrics and multiferroics to ionic systems such as batteries, fuel cells, and electroresistive materials. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3590919]


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Reactive power has become a vital resource in modern electricity networks due to increased penetration of distributed generation. This paper examines the extended reactive power capability of DFIGs to improve network stability and capability to manage network voltage profile during transient faults and dynamic operating conditions. A coordinated reactive power controller is designed by considering the reactive power capabilities of the rotor-side converter (RSC) and the grid-side converter (GSC) of the DFIG in order to maximise the reactive power support from DFIGs. The study has illustrated that, a significant reactive power contribution can be obtained from partially loaded DFIG wind farms for stability enhancement by using the proposed capability curve based reactive power controller; hence DFIG wind farms can function as vital dynamic reactive power resources for power utilities without commissioning additional dynamic reactive power devices. Several network adaptive droop control schemes are also proposed for network voltage management and their performance has been investigated during variable wind conditions. Furthermore, the influence of reactive power capability on network adaptive droop control strategies has been investigated and it has also been shown that enhanced reactive power capability of DFIGs can substantially improve the voltage control performance.


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Natural gas (NG) network and electric network are becoming tightly integrated by microturbines in the microgrid. Interactions between these two networks are not well captured by the traditional microturbine (MT) models. To address this issue, two improved models for single-shaft MT and split-shaft MT are proposed in this paper. In addition, dynamic models of the hybrid natural gas and electricity system (HGES) are developed for the analysis of their interactions. Dynamic behaviors of natural gas in pipes are described by partial differential equations (PDEs), while the electric network is described by differential algebraic equations (DAEs). So the overall network is a typical two-time scale dynamic system. Numerical studies indicate that the two-time scale algorithm is faster and can capture the interactions between the two networks. The results also show the HGES with a single-shaft MT is a weakly coupled system in which disturbances in the two networks mainly influence the dc link voltage of the MT, while the split-shaft MT is a strongly coupled system where the impact of an event will affect both networks.


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Static timing analysis provides the basis for setting the clock period of a microprocessor core, based on its worst-case critical path. However, depending on the design, this critical path is not always excited and therefore dynamic timing margins exist that can theoretically be exploited for the benefit of better speed or lower power consumption (through voltage scaling). This paper introduces predictive instruction-based dynamic clock adjustment as a technique to trim dynamic timing margins in pipelined microprocessors. To this end, we exploit the different timing requirements for individual instructions during the dynamically varying program execution flow without the need for complex circuit-level measures to detect and correct timing violations. We provide a design flow to extract the dynamic timing information for the design using post-layout dynamic timing analysis and we integrate the results into a custom cycle-accurate simulator. This simulator allows annotation of individual instructions with their impact on timing (in each pipeline stage) and rapidly derives the overall code execution time for complex benchmarks. The design methodology is illustrated at the microarchitecture level, demonstrating the performance and power gains possible on a 6-stage OpenRISC in-order general purpose processor core in a 28nm CMOS technology. We show that employing instruction-dependent dynamic clock adjustment leads on average to an increase in operating speed by 38% or to a reduction in power consumption by 24%, compared to traditional synchronous clocking, which at all times has to respect the worst-case timing identified through static timing analysis.


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In distributed energy production, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are often connected to the grid via frequency converters, such as voltage source line converters. The price of the converter may constitute a large part of the costs of a generating set. Some of the permanent magnet synchronous generators with converters and traditional separately excited synchronous generators couldbe replaced by direct-on-line (DOL) non-controlled PMSGs. Small directly networkconnected generators are likely to have large markets in the area of distributed electric energy generation. Typical prime movers could be windmills, watermills and internal combustion engines. DOL PMSGs could also be applied in island networks, such as ships and oil platforms. Also various back-up power generating systems could be carried out with DOL PMSGs. The benefits would be a lower priceof the generating set and the robustness and easy use of the system. The performance of DOL PMSGs is analyzed. The electricity distribution companies have regulations that constrain the design of the generators being connected to the grid. The general guidelines and recommendations are applied in the analysis. By analyzing the results produced by the simulation model for the permanent magnet machine, the guidelines for efficient damper winding parameters for DOL PMSGs are presented. The simulation model is used to simulate grid connections and load transients. The damper winding parameters are calculated by the finite element method (FEM) and determined from experimental measurements. Three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) is carried out. The results from the simulation model and 3D FEA are compared with practical measurements from two prototype axial flux permanent magnet generators provided with damper windings. The dimensioning of the damper winding parameters is case specific. The damper winding should be dimensioned based on the moment of inertia of the generating set. It is shown that the damper winding has optimal values to reach synchronous operation in the shortest period of time after transient operation. With optimal dimensioning, interferenceon the grid is minimized.


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La fonction des canaux ioniques est finement régulée par des changements structuraux de sites clés contrôlant l’ouverture du pore. Ces modulations structurales découlent de l’interaction du canal avec l’environnement local, puisque certains domaines peuvent être suffisamment sensibles à des propriétés physico-chimiques spécifiques. Les mouvements engendrés dans la structure sont notamment perceptibles fonctionnellement lorsque le canal ouvre un passage à certains ions, générant ainsi un courant ionique mesurable selon le potentiel électrochimique. Une description détaillée de ces relations structure-fonction est cependant difficile à obtenir à partir de mesures sur des ensembles de canaux identiques, puisque les fluctuations et les distributions de différentes propriétés individuelles demeurent cachées dans une moyenne. Pour distinguer ces propriétés, des mesures à l’échelle de la molécule unique sont nécessaires. Le but principal de la présente thèse est d’étudier la structure et les mécanismes moléculaires de canaux ioniques par mesures de spectroscopie de fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique. Les études sont particulièrement dirigées vers le développement de nouvelles méthodes ou leur amélioration. Une classe de toxine formeuse de pores a servi de premier modèle d’étude. La fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique a aussi été utilisée pour l’étude d’un récepteur glutamate, d’un récepteur à la glycine et d’un canal potassique procaryote. Le premier volet porte sur l’étude de la stœchiométrie par mesures de photoblanchiment en temps résolu. Cette méthode permet de déterminer directement le nombre de monomères fluorescents dans un complexe isolé par le décompte des sauts discrets de fluorescence suivant les événements de photoblanchiment. Nous présentons ici la première description, à notre connaissance, de l’assemblage dynamique d’une protéine membranaire dans un environnement lipidique. La toxine monomérique purifiée Cry1Aa s’assemble à d’autres monomères selon la concentration et sature en conformation tétramérique. Un programme automatique est ensuite développé pour déterminer la stœchiométrie de protéines membranaires fusionnées à GFP et exprimées à la surface de cellules mammifères. Bien que ce système d’expression soit approprié pour l’étude de protéines d’origine mammifère, le bruit de fluorescence y est particulièrement important et augmente significativement le risque d’erreur dans le décompte manuel des monomères fluorescents. La méthode présentée permet une analyse rapide et automatique basée sur des critères fixes. L’algorithme chargé d’effectuer le décompte des monomères fluorescents a été optimisé à partir de simulations et ajuste ses paramètres de détection automatiquement selon la trace de fluorescence. La composition de deux canaux ioniques a été vérifiée avec succès par ce programme. Finalement, la fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique est mesurée conjointement au courant ionique de canaux potassiques KcsA avec un système de fluorométrie en voltage imposé. Ces enregistrements combinés permettent de décrire la fonction de canaux ioniques simultanément à leur position et densité alors qu’ils diffusent dans une membrane lipidique dont la composition est choisie. Nous avons observé le regroupement de canaux KcsA pour différentes compositions lipidiques. Ce regroupement ne paraît pas être causé par des interactions protéine-protéine, mais plutôt par des microdomaines induits par la forme des canaux reconstitués dans la membrane. Il semble que des canaux regroupés puissent ensuite devenir couplés, se traduisant en ouvertures et fermetures simultanées où les niveaux de conductance sont un multiple de la conductance « normale » d’un canal isolé. De plus, contrairement à ce qui est actuellement suggéré, KcsA ne requiert pas de phospholipide chargé négativement pour sa fonction. Plusieurs mesures indiquent plutôt que des lipides de forme conique dans la phase cristalline liquide sont suffisants pour permettre l’ouverture de canaux KcsA isolés. Des canaux regroupés peuvent quant à eux surmonter la barrière d’énergie pour s’ouvrir de manière coopérative dans des lipides non chargés de forme cylindrique.


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Salient pole brushless alternators coupled to IC engines are extensively used as stand-by power supply units for meeting in- dustrial power demands. Design of such generators demands high power to weight ratio, high e ciency and low cost per KVA out- put. Moreover, the performance characteristics of such machines like voltage regulation and short circuit ratio (SCR) are critical when these machines are put into parallel operation and alterna- tors for critical applications like defence and aerospace demand very low harmonic content in the output voltage. While designing such alternators, accurate prediction of machine characteristics, including total harmonic distortion (THD) is essential to mini- mize development cost and time. Total harmonic distortion in the output voltage of alternators should be as low as possible especially when powering very sophis- ticated and critical applications. The output voltage waveform of a practical AC generator is replica of the space distribution of the ux density in the air gap and several factors such as shape of the rotor pole face, core saturation, slotting and style of coil disposition make the realization of a sinusoidal air gap ux wave impossible. These ux harmonics introduce undesirable e ects on the alternator performance like high neutral current due to triplen harmonics, voltage distortion, noise, vibration, excessive heating and also extra losses resulting in poor e ciency, which in turn necessitate de-rating of the machine especially when connected to non-linear loads. As an important control unit of brushless alternator, the excitation system and its dynamic performance has a direct impact on alternator's stability and reliability. The thesis explores design and implementation of an excitation i system utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of brushless al- ternators, using an additional auxiliary winding, wound for 1=3rd pole pitch, embedded into the stator slots and electrically iso- lated from the main winding. In the third harmonic excitation system, the combined e ect of two auxiliary windings, one with 2=3rd pitch and another third harmonic winding with 1=3rd pitch, are used to ensure good voltage regulation without an electronic automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and also reduces the total harmonic content in the output voltage, cost e ectively. The design of the third harmonic winding by analytic methods demands accurate calculation of third harmonic ux density in the air gap of the machine. However, precise estimation of the amplitude of third harmonic ux in the air gap of a machine by conventional design procedures is di cult due to complex geome- try of the machine and non-linear characteristics of the magnetic materials. As such, prediction of the eld parameters by conven- tional design methods is unreliable and hence virtual prototyping of the machine is done to enable accurate design of the third har- monic excitation system. In the design and development cycle of electrical machines, it is recognized that the use of analytical and experimental methods followed by expensive and in exible prototyping is time consum- ing and no longer cost e ective. Due to advancements in com- putational capabilities over recent years, nite element method (FEM) based virtual prototyping has become an attractive al- ternative to well established semi-analytical and empirical design methods as well as to the still popular trial and error approach followed by the costly and time consuming prototyping. Hence, by virtually prototyping the alternator using FEM, the important performance characteristics of the machine are predicted. Design of third harmonic excitation system is done with the help of results obtained from virtual prototype of the machine. Third harmonic excitation (THE) system is implemented in a 45 KVA ii experimental machine and experiments are conducted to validate the simulation results. Simulation and experimental results show that by utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of the ma- chine for excitation purposes during loaded conditions, triplen harmonic content in the output phase voltage is signi cantly re- duced. The prototype machine with third harmonic excitation system designed and developed based on FEM analysis proved to be economical due to its simplicity and has the added advan- tage of reduced harmonics in the output phase voltage.


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The generation of flow and current vortices in the dayside auroral ionosphere has been predicted for two processes ocurring at the dayside magnetopause. The first of these mechanisms is time-dependent magnetic reconnection, in “flux transfer events” (FTEs); the second is the action of solar wind dynamic pressure changes. The ionospheric flow signature of an FTE should be a twin vortex, with the mean flow velocity in the central region of the pattern equal to the velocity of the pattern as a whole. On the other hand, a pulse of enhanced or reduced dynamic pressure is also expected to produce a twin vortex, but with the central plasma flow being generally different in speed from, and almost orthogonal to, the motion of the whole pattern. In this paper, we make use of this distinction to discuss recent observations of vortical flow patterns in the dayside auroral ionosphere in terms of one or other of the proposed mechanisms. We conclude that some of the observations reported are consistent only with the predicted signature of FTEs. We then evaluate the dimensions of the open flux tubes required to explain some recent simultaneous radar and auroral observations and infer that they are typically 300 km in north–south extent but up to 2000 km in longitudinal extent (i.e., roughly 5 hours of MLT). Hence these observations suggest that recent theories of FTEs which invoke time-varying reconnection at an elongated neutral line may be correct. We also present some simultaneous observations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind dynamic pressure (observed using the IMP8 satellite) and the ionospheric flow (observed using the EISCAT radar) which are also only consistent with the FTE model. We estimate that for continuously southward IMF ( ≈ 5 nT) these FTEs contribute about 30 kV to the mean total transpolar voltage (∼30%).


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This paper investigates small-signal stability of a distribution system with distributed generator and induction motor load, as a dynamic element. The analysis is carried out over a distribution test system with different types of induction motor loads. The system is linearised by the perturbation method. Eigenvalues and participation factors are calculated to see the modal interaction of the system. The study indicates that load voltage dynamics significantly influence the damping of a newly identified voltage mode. This mode has frequency of oscillation between the electromechanical and subsynchronous oscillation of power systems. To justify the validity of the modal analysis time domain simulation is also carried out. Finally, significant parameters of the system that affect the damping and frequency of the oscillation are identified.