952 resultados para Dynamic data set visualization
Interactive visual representations complement traditional statistical and machine learning techniques for data analysis, allowing users to play a more active role in a knowledge discovery process and making the whole process more understandable. Though visual representations are applicable to several stages of the knowledge discovery process, a common use of visualization is in the initial stages to explore and organize a sometimes unknown and complex data set. In this context, the integrated and coordinated - that is, user actions should be capable of affecting multiple visualizations when desired - use of multiple graphical representations allows data to be observed from several perspectives and offers richer information than isolated representations. In this paper we propose an underlying model for an extensible and adaptable environment that allows independently developed visualization components to be gradually integrated into a user configured knowledge discovery application. Because a major requirement when using multiple visual techniques is the ability to link amongst them, so that user actions executed on a representation propagate to others if desired, the model also allows runtime configuration of coordinated user actions over different visual representations. We illustrate how this environment is being used to assist data exploration and organization in a climate classification problem.
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) constitute a family of zinc-dependent proteases involved in the extracellular matrix degradation. MMP-2 and MMP9 are overexpressed in several human cancer types, including melanoma, thus the development of new compounds to inhibit MMPs' activity is desirable. Molecular dynamic simulation and molecular properties calculations were performed on a set of novel beta-N-biaryl ether sulfonamide-based hydroxamates, reported as MMP-2 and MMP-9 inhibitors, for providing data to develop an exploratory analysis. Thermodynamic, electronic, and steric descriptors have significantly discriminated highly active from moderately and less active inhibitors of MMP-2 whereas apparent partition coefficient at pH 1.5 was also significant for the MMP-9 data set. Compound 47 was considered an outlier in all analysis, indicating the presence of a bulky substituent group in R3 is crucial to this set of inhibitors for the establishment of molecular interactions with the S1 subsite of both enzymes, but there is a limit. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Dimensionality reduction is employed for visual data analysis as a way to obtaining reduced spaces for high dimensional data or to mapping data directly into 2D or 3D spaces. Although techniques have evolved to improve data segregation on reduced or visual spaces, they have limited capabilities for adjusting the results according to user's knowledge. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to handling both dimensionality reduction and visualization of high dimensional data, taking into account user's input. It employs Partial Least Squares (PLS), a statistical tool to perform retrieval of latent spaces focusing on the discriminability of the data. The method employs a training set for building a highly precise model that can then be applied to a much larger data set very effectively. The reduced data set can be exhibited using various existing visualization techniques. The training data is important to code user's knowledge into the loop. However, this work also devises a strategy for calculating PLS reduced spaces when no training data is available. The approach produces increasingly precise visual mappings as the user feeds back his or her knowledge and is capable of working with small and unbalanced training sets.
This thesis presents several data processing and compression techniques capable of addressing the strict requirements of wireless sensor networks. After introducing a general overview of sensor networks, the energy problem is introduced, dividing the different energy reduction approaches according to the different subsystem they try to optimize. To manage the complexity brought by these techniques, a quick overview of the most common middlewares for WSNs is given, describing in detail SPINE2, a framework for data processing in the node environment. The focus is then shifted on the in-network aggregation techniques, used to reduce data sent by the network nodes trying to prolong the network lifetime as long as possible. Among the several techniques, the most promising approach is the Compressive Sensing (CS). To investigate this technique, a practical implementation of the algorithm is compared against a simpler aggregation scheme, deriving a mixed algorithm able to successfully reduce the power consumption. The analysis moves from compression implemented on single nodes to CS for signal ensembles, trying to exploit the correlations among sensors and nodes to improve compression and reconstruction quality. The two main techniques for signal ensembles, Distributed CS (DCS) and Kronecker CS (KCS), are introduced and compared against a common set of data gathered by real deployments. The best trade-off between reconstruction quality and power consumption is then investigated. The usage of CS is also addressed when the signal of interest is sampled at a Sub-Nyquist rate, evaluating the reconstruction performance. Finally the group sparsity CS (GS-CS) is compared to another well-known technique for reconstruction of signals from an highly sub-sampled version. These two frameworks are compared again against a real data-set and an insightful analysis of the trade-off between reconstruction quality and lifetime is given.
Dynamic changes in ERP topographies can be conveniently analyzed by means of microstates, the so-called "atoms of thoughts", that represent brief periods of quasi-stable synchronized network activation. Comparing temporal microstate features such as on- and offset or duration between groups and conditions therefore allows a precise assessment of the timing of cognitive processes. So far, this has been achieved by assigning the individual time-varying ERP maps to spatially defined microstate templates obtained from clustering the grand mean data into predetermined numbers of topographies (microstate prototypes). Features obtained from these individual assignments were then statistically compared. This has the problem that the individual noise dilutes the match between individual topographies and templates leading to lower statistical power. We therefore propose a randomization-based procedure that works without assigning grand-mean microstate prototypes to individual data. In addition, we propose a new criterion to select the optimal number of microstate prototypes based on cross-validation across subjects. After a formal introduction, the method is applied to a sample data set of an N400 experiment and to simulated data with varying signal-to-noise ratios, and the results are compared to existing methods. In a first comparison with previously employed statistical procedures, the new method showed an increased robustness to noise, and a higher sensitivity for more subtle effects of microstate timing. We conclude that the proposed method is well-suited for the assessment of timing differences in cognitive processes. The increased statistical power allows identifying more subtle effects, which is particularly important in small and scarce patient populations.
Cultural content on the Web is available in various domains (cultural objects, datasets, geospatial data, moving images, scholarly texts and visual resources), concerns various topics, is written in different languages, targeted to both laymen and experts, and provided by different communities (libraries, archives museums and information industry) and individuals (Figure 1). The integration of information technologies and cultural heritage content on the Web is expected to have an impact on everyday life from the point of view of institutions, communities and individuals. In particular, collaborative environment scan recreate 3D navigable worlds that can offer new insights into our cultural heritage (Chan 2007). However, the main barrier is to find and relate cultural heritage information by end-users of cultural contents, as well as by organisations and communities managing and producing them. In this paper, we explore several visualisation techniques for supporting cultural interfaces, where the role of metadata is essential for supporting the search and communication among end-users (Figure 2). A conceptual framework was developed to integrate the data, purpose, technology, impact, and form components of a collaborative environment, Our preliminary results show that collaborative environments can help with cultural heritage information sharing and communication tasks because of the way in which they provide a visual context to end-users. They can be regarded as distributed virtual reality systems that offer graphically realised, potentially infinite, digital information landscapes. Moreover, collaborative environments also provide a new way of interaction between an end-user and a cultural heritage data set. Finally, the visualisation of metadata of a dataset plays an important role in helping end-users in their search for heritage contents on the Web.
A sensitivity analysis has been performed to assess the influence of the inertial properties of railway vehicles on their dynamic behaviour. To do this, 216 dynamic simulations were performed modifying, one at a time, the masses, moments of inertia and heights of the centre of gravity of the carbody, the bogie and the wheelset. Three values were assigned to each parameter, corresponding to the percentiles 10, 50 and 90 of a data set stored in a database of railway vehicles. After processing the results of these simulations, the analyzed parameters were sorted by increasing influence. It was also found which of these parameters could be estimated with a lesser degree of accuracy for future simulations without appreciably affecting the simulation results. In general terms, it was concluded that the most sensitive inertial properties are the mass and the vertical moment of inertia, and the least sensitive ones the longitudinal and lateral moments of inertia.
Topology control is an important technique to improve the connectivity and the reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by means of adjusting the communication range of wireless sensor nodes. In this paper, a novel Fuzzy-logic Topology Control (FTC) is proposed to achieve any desired average node degree by adaptively changing communication range, thus improving the network connectivity, which is the main target of FTC. FTC is a fully localized control algorithm, and does not rely on location information of neighbors. Instead of designing membership functions and if-then rules for fuzzy-logic controller, FTC is constructed from the training data set to facilitate the design process. FTC is proved to be accurate, stable and has short settling time. In order to compare it with other representative localized algorithms (NONE, FLSS, k-Neighbor and LTRT), FTC is evaluated through extensive simulations. The simulation results show that: firstly, similar to k-Neighbor algorithm, FTC is the best to achieve the desired average node degree as node density varies; secondly, FTC is comparable to FLSS and k-Neighbor in terms of energy-efficiency, but is better than LTRT and NONE; thirdly, FTC has the lowest average maximum communication range than other algorithms, which indicates that the most energy-consuming node in the network consumes the lowest power.
La gran cantidad de datos que se registran diariamente en los sistemas de base de datos de las organizaciones ha generado la necesidad de analizarla. Sin embargo, se enfrentan a la complejidad de procesar enormes volúmenes de datos a través de métodos tradicionales de análisis. Además, dentro de un contexto globalizado y competitivo las organizaciones se mantienen en la búsqueda constante de mejorar sus procesos, para lo cual requieren herramientas que les permitan tomar mejores decisiones. Esto implica estar mejor informado y conocer su historia digital para describir sus procesos y poder anticipar (predecir) eventos no previstos. Estos nuevos requerimientos de análisis de datos ha motivado el desarrollo creciente de proyectos de minería de datos. El proceso de minería de datos busca obtener desde un conjunto masivo de datos, modelos que permitan describir los datos o predecir nuevas instancias en el conjunto. Implica etapas de: preparación de los datos, procesamiento parcial o totalmente automatizado para identificar modelos en los datos, para luego obtener como salida patrones, relaciones o reglas. Esta salida debe significar un nuevo conocimiento para la organización, útil y comprensible para los usuarios finales, y que pueda ser integrado a los procesos para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Sin embargo, la mayor dificultad es justamente lograr que el analista de datos, que interviene en todo este proceso, pueda identificar modelos lo cual es una tarea compleja y muchas veces requiere de la experiencia, no sólo del analista de datos, sino que también del experto en el dominio del problema. Una forma de apoyar el análisis de datos, modelos y patrones es a través de su representación visual, utilizando las capacidades de percepción visual del ser humano, la cual puede detectar patrones con mayor facilidad. Bajo este enfoque, la visualización ha sido utilizada en minería datos, mayormente en el análisis descriptivo de los datos (entrada) y en la presentación de los patrones (salida), dejando limitado este paradigma para el análisis de modelos. El presente documento describe el desarrollo de la Tesis Doctoral denominada “Nuevos Esquemas de Visualizaciones para Mejorar la Comprensibilidad de Modelos de Data Mining”. Esta investigación busca aportar con un enfoque de visualización para apoyar la comprensión de modelos minería de datos, para esto propone la metáfora de modelos visualmente aumentados. ABSTRACT The large amount of data to be recorded daily in the systems database of organizations has generated the need to analyze it. However, faced with the complexity of processing huge volumes of data over traditional methods of analysis. Moreover, in a globalized and competitive environment organizations are kept constantly looking to improve their processes, which require tools that allow them to make better decisions. This involves being bettered informed and knows your digital story to describe its processes and to anticipate (predict) unanticipated events. These new requirements of data analysis, has led to the increasing development of data-mining projects. The data-mining process seeks to obtain from a massive data set, models to describe the data or predict new instances in the set. It involves steps of data preparation, partially or fully automated processing to identify patterns in the data, and then get output patterns, relationships or rules. This output must mean new knowledge for the organization, useful and understandable for end users, and can be integrated into the process to support decision-making. However, the biggest challenge is just getting the data analyst involved in this process, which can identify models is complex and often requires experience not only of the data analyst, but also the expert in the problem domain. One way to support the analysis of the data, models and patterns, is through its visual representation, i.e., using the capabilities of human visual perception, which can detect patterns easily in any context. Under this approach, the visualization has been used in data mining, mostly in exploratory data analysis (input) and the presentation of the patterns (output), leaving limited this paradigm for analyzing models. This document describes the development of the doctoral thesis entitled "New Visualizations Schemes to Improve Understandability of Data-Mining Models". This research aims to provide a visualization approach to support understanding of data mining models for this proposed metaphor visually enhanced models.
Abstract. Speckle is being used as a characterization tool for the analysis of the dynamics of slow-varying phenomena occurring in biological and industrial samples at the surface or near-surface regions. The retrieved data take the form of a sequence of speckle images. These images contain information about the inner dynamics of the biological or physical process taking place in the sample. Principal component analysis (PCA) is able to split the original data set into a collection of classes. These classes are related to processes showing different dynamics. In addition, statistical descriptors of speckle images are used to retrieve information on the characteristics of the sample. These statistical descriptors can be calculated in almost real time and provide a fast monitoring of the sample. On the other hand, PCA requires a longer computation time, but the results contain more information related to spatial–temporal patterns associated to the process under analysis. This contribution merges both descriptions and uses PCA as a preprocessing tool to obtain a collection of filtered images, where statistical descriptors are evaluated on each of them. The method applies to slow-varying biological and industrial processes.
A novel algorithm for performing registration of dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI data of the breast is presented. It is based on an algorithm known as iterated dynamic programming originally devised to solve the stereo matching problem. Using artificially distorted DCE-MRI breast images it is shown that the proposed algorithm is able to correct for movement and distortions over a larger range than is likely to occur during routine clinical examination. In addition, using a clinical DCE-MRI data set with an expertly labeled suspicious region, it is shown that the proposed algorithm significantly reduces the variability of the enhancement curves at the pixel level yielding more pronounced uptake and washout phases.
We have recently developed a principled approach to interactive non-linear hierarchical visualization [8] based on the Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM). Hierarchical plots are needed when a single visualization plot is not sufficient (e.g. when dealing with large quantities of data). In this paper we extend our system by giving the user a choice of initializing the child plots of the current plot in either interactive, or automatic mode. In the interactive mode the user interactively selects ``regions of interest'' as in [8], whereas in the automatic mode an unsupervised minimum message length (MML)-driven construction of a mixture of GTMs is used. The latter is particularly useful when the plots are covered with dense clusters of highly overlapping data projections, making it difficult to use the interactive mode. Such a situation often arises when visualizing large data sets. We illustrate our approach on a data set of 2300 18-dimensional points and mention extension of our system to accommodate discrete data types.
A visualization plot of a data set of molecular data is a useful tool for gaining insight into a set of molecules. In chemoinformatics, most visualization plots are of molecular descriptors, and the statistical model most often used to produce a visualization is principal component analysis (PCA). This paper takes PCA, together with four other statistical models (NeuroScale, GTM, LTM, and LTM-LIN), and evaluates their ability to produce clustering in visualizations not of molecular descriptors but of molecular fingerprints. Two different tasks are addressed: understanding structural information (particularly combinatorial libraries) and relating structure to activity. The quality of the visualizations is compared both subjectively (by visual inspection) and objectively (with global distance comparisons and local k-nearest-neighbor predictors). On the data sets used to evaluate clustering by structure, LTM is found to perform significantly better than the other models. In particular, the clusters in LTM visualization space are consistent with the relationships between the core scaffolds that define the combinatorial sublibraries. On the data sets used to evaluate clustering by activity, LTM again gives the best performance but by a smaller margin. The results of this paper demonstrate the value of using both a nonlinear projection map and a Bernoulli noise model for modeling binary data.
This research explores Bayesian updating as a tool for estimating parameters probabilistically by dynamic analysis of data sequences. Two distinct Bayesian updating methodologies are assessed. The first approach focuses on Bayesian updating of failure rates for primary events in fault trees. A Poisson Exponentially Moving Average (PEWMA) model is implemnented to carry out Bayesian updating of failure rates for individual primary events in the fault tree. To provide a basis for testing of the PEWMA model, a fault tree is developed based on the Texas City Refinery incident which occurred in 2005. A qualitative fault tree analysis is then carried out to obtain a logical expression for the top event. A dynamic Fault Tree analysis is carried out by evaluating the top event probability at each Bayesian updating step by Monte Carlo sampling from posterior failure rate distributions. It is demonstrated that PEWMA modeling is advantageous over conventional conjugate Poisson-Gamma updating techniques when failure data is collected over long time spans. The second approach focuses on Bayesian updating of parameters in non-linear forward models. Specifically, the technique is applied to the hydrocarbon material balance equation. In order to test the accuracy of the implemented Bayesian updating models, a synthetic data set is developed using the Eclipse reservoir simulator. Both structured grid and MCMC sampling based solution techniques are implemented and are shown to model the synthetic data set with good accuracy. Furthermore, a graphical analysis shows that the implemented MCMC model displays good convergence properties. A case study demonstrates that Likelihood variance affects the rate at which the posterior assimilates information from the measured data sequence. Error in the measured data significantly affects the accuracy of the posterior parameter distributions. Increasing the likelihood variance mitigates random measurement errors, but casuses the overall variance of the posterior to increase. Bayesian updating is shown to be advantageous over deterministic regression techniques as it allows for incorporation of prior belief and full modeling uncertainty over the parameter ranges. As such, the Bayesian approach to estimation of parameters in the material balance equation shows utility for incorporation into reservoir engineering workflows.
The social media classification problems draw more and more attention in the past few years. With the rapid development of Internet and the popularity of computers, there is astronomical amount of information in the social network (social media platforms). The datasets are generally large scale and are often corrupted by noise. The presence of noise in training set has strong impact on the performance of supervised learning (classification) techniques. A budget-driven One-class SVM approach is presented in this thesis that is suitable for large scale social media data classification. Our approach is based on an existing online One-class SVM learning algorithm, referred as STOCS (Self-Tuning One-Class SVM) algorithm. To justify our choice, we first analyze the noise-resilient ability of STOCS using synthetic data. The experiments suggest that STOCS is more robust against label noise than several other existing approaches. Next, to handle big data classification problem for social media data, we introduce several budget driven features, which allow the algorithm to be trained within limited time and under limited memory requirement. Besides, the resulting algorithm can be easily adapted to changes in dynamic data with minimal computational cost. Compared with two state-of-the-art approaches, Lib-Linear and kNN, our approach is shown to be competitive with lower requirements of memory and time.