961 resultados para Dwarf forests
Summary: Effect of vegetation and site preparation on the restocking of Scots pine and birch in dwarf-schrub and Vaccinium vitis-idaea type peatland forests
Tiivistelmä: Vanhoilta metsäojitusalueilta valuvan veden ominaisuudet
Selostus: Kasvunsääteiden vaikutukset tavanomaisen, paljasjyväisen ja kääpiökauran kasvuun ja sadonmuodostukseen
Iowa’s three million acres of forest land provide environmental benefits to all Iowans in terms of soil erosion control, air quality, and water quality. In 2013, more than 6.5 million trees died. Within those trees there were more than 125 million board feet of wood, compared to 98 million board feet of wood harvested. This level of mortality is the highest level reported from US Forest Service inventories in twenty years. This is disturbing when considering more than 18,000 Iowans are employed in the wood products and manufacturing industry, generating nearly $4 billion in annual sales, more than $900 million in annual payroll and more than $25 million to private woodland owners annually from the sale of timber.