995 resultados para Drunk driving--Ontario--Halton (Regional municipality).


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In 1997, Brazil approved law n(cr) 9478, establishing new rules for sharing petroleum royalties with Brazilian municipalities. The goal of this paper is to evaluate whether royalties distributed under the new law have contributed for the development of benefited municipalities. For that the difference-indifferences estimator (diff-in-diff) is used, which compares the evolution of the economic product into the municipality affected by the new law with the unaffected ones, by exploring the new legislation as an exogenous change. The data refer to the municipal gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate before and after the event. Results are surprising, showing that royalty receivers grew less than municipalities that did not receive such resources. The difference is small but statistically significant. In general, an increase of one real in royalties per capita reduces the growth rate of the municipal product in 0.002 percentile points. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O presente trabalho pretende dedicar-se a discussão dos elementos que compõem a economia criativa, para tanto, utiliza diferentes conceitos de criatividade, indústrias criativas e cidades criativas. O termo economia criativa surgiu em 2001 com o livro de John Howkins, mas a idéia básica foi apresentada no estudo Creative Nation realizado pelo governo australiano em 1994. A partir de então, diversos países têm adotado o conceito como instrumento de fomento ao desenvolvimento econômico e social. Assim, a associação da economia criativa a uma economia voltada ao desenvolvimento está ligada, portanto, ao reconhecimento de que a criatividade humana pode ser um ativo econômico (REIS, 2012). Diferentes países e regiões podem utilizar essa abordagem com o objetivo de alcançar efeitos positivos sobre o emprego e como ferramenta para a promoção da inclusão social. A discussão é recente no Brasil, um dos estudos pioneiros foi desenvolvido pela Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN), intitulado “A Cadeia da Indústria Criativa no Brasil”. A partir desse trabalho e do banco de dados da Secretaria de Turismo, Trabalho e Renda – SETGER da prefeitura de Vitória foi possível desenvolver um estudo espacial dos empreendimentos criativos para Vitória -ES. Concluiu-se, então, que a desconcentração dos empreendimentos criativos nas diferentes regiões do município deve ser um dos objetivos buscados para que a cidade se transforme em um espaço mais colaborativo e coeso.


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Relevant market definition is still a key element of economic analysis of competition in the gasoline market. It is particularly difficult to handle when competition is local and market power is geographically constrained like is the case in the gasoline market. We analyse how the application of the hypothetical monopolist or Small but Significant Non-Transitory Increase in Prices (SSNIP) test performs for defining isochrones using only information on prices and distance among competitors. We conclude that geographic information systems can be very successfully used to define more precisely relevant geographic market in the gasoline retailing. The application to the Spanish gasoline market concludes that geographic relevant market is composed by 5-6 minutes of travel time. Localised market power should be taken into account when analysing the adverse effects of mergers and entry regulations in gasoline retailing. Only drawing small enough isochrones will drive competition in local markets because it is just close rivals that compete effectively with each other.


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The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration


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The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration


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The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration


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The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration


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This work deals with the elaboration of flood hazard maps. These maps reflect the areas prone to floods based on the effects of Hurricane Mitch in the Municipality of Jucuarán of El Salvador. Stream channels located in the coastal range in the SE of El Salvador flow into the Pacific Ocean and generate alluvial fans. Communities often inhabit these fans can be affected by floods. The geomorphology of these stream basins is associated with small areas, steep slopes, well developed regolite and extensive deforestation. These features play a key role in the generation of flash-floods. This zone lacks comprehensive rainfall data and gauging stations. The most detailed topographic maps are on a scale of 1:25 000. Given that the scale was not sufficiently detailed, we used aerial photographs enlarged to the scale of 1:8000. The effects of Hurricane Mitch mapped on these photographs were regarded as the reference event. Flood maps have a dual purpose (1) community emergency plans, (2) regional land use planning carried out by local authorities. The geomorphological method is based on mapping the geomorphological evidence (alluvial fans, preferential stream channels, erosion and sedimentation, man-made terraces). Following the interpretation of the photographs this information was validated on the field and complemented by eyewitness reports such as the height of water and flow typology. In addition, community workshops were organized to obtain information about the evolution and the impact of the phenomena. The superimposition of this information enables us to obtain a comprehensive geomorphological map. Another aim of the study was the calculation of the peak discharge using the Manning and the paleohydraulic methods and estimates based on geomorphologic criterion. The results were compared with those obtained using the rational method. Significant differences in the order of magnitude of the calculated discharges were noted. The rational method underestimated the results owing to short and discontinuous periods of rainfall data with the result that probabilistic equations cannot be applied. The Manning method yields a wide range of results because of its dependence on the roughness coefficient. The paleohydraulic method yielded higher values than the rational and Manning methods. However, it should be pointed out that it is possible that bigger boulders could have been moved had they existed. These discharge values are lower than those obtained by the geomorphological estimates, i.e. much closer to reality. The flood hazard maps were derived from the comprehensive geomorphological map. Three categories of hazard were established (very high, high and moderate) using flood energy, water height and velocity flow deduced from geomorphological and eyewitness reports.


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[cat] Utilitzem un conjunt de mètriques del paisatge per estudiar l'evolució a llarg termini seguida en una típica zona costanera del Mediterrani des de 1850 fins a 2005, que mostren una greu deterioració del medi ambient entre 1950 i 2005. Les principals forces motores d'aquesta degradació del paisatge han estat el creixement urbà experimentat a les antigues zones agrícoles situades a les planes litorals, juntament amb l'abandonament i la reforestació dels vessants dels pujols interceptats per àrees residencials de baixa densitat, carreteres i altres infraestructures lineals. Duem a terme una anàlisi estadística de redundància (RDA) amb la finalitat d'identificar els que considerem com alguns agents rectors socioeconòmics i polítics d'última instància d'aquests impactes ambientals. Els resultats confirmen les nostres hipòtesis interpretatives, que són que: 1) els canvis en les cobertes i usos del sòl determinen canvis en les propietats dels paisatge, tant estructurals com funcionals; 2) aquests canvis no es produeixen per atzar, sinó que estan relacionats amb factors geogràfics i forces socioeconòmiques i polítiques.


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[cat] Utilitzem un conjunt de mètriques del paisatge per estudiar l'evolució a llarg termini seguida en una típica zona costanera del Mediterrani des de 1850 fins a 2005, que mostren una greu deterioració del medi ambient entre 1950 i 2005. Les principals forces motores d'aquesta degradació del paisatge han estat el creixement urbà experimentat a les antigues zones agrícoles situades a les planes litorals, juntament amb l'abandonament i la reforestació dels vessants dels pujols interceptats per àrees residencials de baixa densitat, carreteres i altres infraestructures lineals. Duem a terme una anàlisi estadística de redundància (RDA) amb la finalitat d'identificar els que considerem com alguns agents rectors socioeconòmics i polítics d'última instància d'aquests impactes ambientals. Els resultats confirmen les nostres hipòtesis interpretatives, que són que: 1) els canvis en les cobertes i usos del sòl determinen canvis en les propietats dels paisatge, tant estructurals com funcionals; 2) aquests canvis no es produeixen per atzar, sinó que estan relacionats amb factors geogràfics i forces socioeconòmiques i polítiques.


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Two tills are readily identi-f i able in central Southern Ontario, a very stony, loose deposit o-f variable matrix (Dummer till) and a moderately stony, fissile and compact deposit that is more homogeneous (drumlinized till). The quantity o-f Precambr i an, Paleozoic and Shadow Lake Formation (Paleozoic) rock types were determined and corresponding isopleth maps drawn. The changes in lithology content occurred in the direction o-f transport, there-fore, compositional isopleths o-f till may be considered equipotential lines for the reconstruction of glacier flow paths. Areal gradations of drift lithology indicated that the prime agents of dispersal were ice and glacial meltwaters. The down-ice abundance trend of till components indicated a dispersal pattern showing the concentration of a given lithology type peaking within a few kilometres of the source followed by a rapid decline and thereafter, a more gradual decrease with increasing distance. Within the esker deposits, igneous rocks may form the major component and can extend further onto the limestone plain than in the adjacent till. Evidence is presented that indicates the "style" of dispersal was one in which glacial ice may have been strongly influenced by local bedrock topography and the regional structural trends. The ice tended to follow pre-existing valleys and lows, depositing till composed mainly of local bedrock. Gradations in Paleozoic clast content showed that the local bedrock lithology became the primary till component within 3 km of down-ice transport. Evidence is presented that indicated the last glaciation may have occurred as a relatively thin ice mass, followed by stagnation and recession. No evidence of a lateglacial re-advance was found within the study area. Because of the lack of a contact between the Dummer and drumlinized till, and because of results showing gradation of the Dummer till into the drumlinized till (as indicated by lithology content and grain size), it is suggested that no re-advance occurred.


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Rocks correlated with the Hough Lake and Quirke Lake Groups of the Huronian Supergroup form part of a northeasterly trending corridor that separates 1750 Ma granitic intrusive rocks of the Chief Lake batholith from the 1850 Ma mafic intrusive rocks of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. This corridor is dissected by two major structural features; the Murray Fault Zone (MFZ) and the Long Lake Fault (LLF). Detailed structural mapping and microstructural analysis indicates that the LLF, which has juxtaposed Huronian rocks of different deformation style and metamorphism grade, was a more significant plane of dislocation than the MFZ. The sense of displacement along the LLF is high angle reverse in which rocks to the southeast have been raised relative to those in the northwest. South of the LLF Huronian rocks underwent ductile defonnation at amphibolite facies conditions. The strain was constrictional, defined by a triaxial strain ellipsoid in which X > Y > z. Calculations of a regional k value were approximately 1.3. Penetrative ductile defonnation resulted in the development of a preferred crystallographic orientation in quartz as well as the elongation of quartz grains to fonn a regional southeast-northwest trending, subvertical lineation. Similar lithologies north of the LLF underwent dominantly brittle deformation under greenschist facies conditions. Deformation north of the LLF is characterized by the thrusting of structural blocks to form angular discordances in bedding orientation which were previously interpreted as folds. Ductile deformation occurred between 1750 and 1238 Ma and is correlated with a regional period of south over north reverse faulting that effected much of the southern Sudbury region. Post dating the reverse faulting event was a period of sedimentation as a conglomerate unit was deposited on vertically bedded Huronian rocks. Rocks in the study area were intruded by both mafic and felsic dykes. The 1238 Ma mafic dykes appear to have been offset during a period of dextral strike slip displacement along the major fault'). Indirect evidence indicates that this event occurred after the thrusting at 950 to 1100 Ma associated with the Grenvillian Orogeny.


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Structures related to ductile siMple shear parallel to the Bankf ield-Tonbill Fault, define a 5km wide zone, the Barton Bay Deformation Zone. Structures present within this zone Include; simple shear fabrics S, C and C , asymmetric Z shaped folds with rotated axes, boudinage and pinch and swell structures and a subhorlzontal extension llneation. The most highly deformed rock is a gabbro mylonite which occurs in the fault zone. The deformation of this gabbro has been traced in stages from a protomylonite to an ultramylonite In which feldspar and chlorite grainslze has been reduced from over 100 microns to as little as 5 microns. Evidence from the mylonite and the surrounding structure indicates that deformation within the Barton Bay Deformation Zone is related to a regional simple shear zone, the Bankf ield-Tombill Fault. Movement along this shear zone was in a south over north oblique strike slip fashion with a dextral sense of displacement.


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330 km 2 of the easter-n part of the Archean Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake metavolcanic - metasedimentary belt have been mapped and sampled. A large number of rocks ~.vere analyzed for the major and trace constituents including the rare-earth elements (REE). The Stormy Lake - Kawashegamuk Lake area may be subdivided into four major lithological groups of supracrustal rocks 1) A north-facing mafic assemblage, consisting of pillowed tholeiitic basalts and gabbro sills characterized by flat REE profiles, is exposed in the south part of the map area and belongs to a 8000 m thick homoclinal assemblage outside the map area. Felsic pyroclastic rocks believed to have been issued from a large central vent conformably overlie the tholeiites. 2) A dominantly epiclastic group facing to the north consists of terrestrial deposits interpreted to be an alluvial fan deposit ; a submarine facies is represented by turbiditic sediments. 3) The northeastern part of the study area consists of volcanic rocks belonging to two mafic - felsic cycles facing to the southuest ; andesitic flows with fractionated REE patterns make up a large part of the upper cycle, whereas the lower cycle has a stronger chemical polarity being represented by tholeiitic flows, with flat REE, which a r e succeeded by dacitic and rhyolitic pyroclasti cs. iii 4) A thick monotonous succession of tholeiitic pillmled basalt f lows and gabbro sills with flat REE represent the youngest supracrustal rocks. TIle entire belt underwent folding, faulting and granitic plutonism during a tectono-thermal event around 2700 Ma ago. Rocks exposed in the map area were subjected to regional greenschist facies metamorphism, but higher metamorphic grades are present near late granitic intrusions. Geochemical studies have been useful in 1) distinguishing the various rock units ; 2) relating volcanic and intrusive rocks 3) studying the significance of chemical changes due to post magmatic processes 4) determining the petrogenesis of the major volcanic rock types. In doing so, two major volcanic suites have been recognized : a) a tholeiitic suite, mostly represented by mafic rocks, was derived from partial melting of upper mantle material depleted in Ti, K and the light REE ; b) a calc-alkalic suite which evolved from partial melting of amphibolite in the lower crust. The more differentiated magma types have been produced by a multistage process involving partial melting and fractional crystallization to yield a continuum of compos i t i ons ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. A model for the development of the eastern part of the Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake belt has been proposed.