992 resultados para Drummond, Roberto, 1933-1902. Hilda Furacão


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In the present note Phyllodistomum spatula Odhner, 1902 is recorded for the first time from Brazil and in a New host Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) (Pisces, serrasalmidae), and Plyllodistomum spatulaeforme Odhner, 1902 is considered its synonym.


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Cette étude examine deux copies de la "Vie et Passion de Jésus Christ" conservées par la Cinémathèque suisse avec une première préoccupation de type philologique qui conduit à prendre la mesure de l'autonomisation de chacun des "tableaux" composant le film et de l'hétérogénéité de ce dernier. Puis les constats émis à propos du support matériel sont articulés avec une réflexion d'ordre esthétique qui dégage l'importance de l'"effet-tableau" inscrivant cette production filmique dans une généalogie plus large. Le cinéma étant alors le lieu de convergences entre diverses séries culturelles, l'article envisage les liens entre la production Pathé et une pratique jusqu'ici peu discutée dans ce contexte, celle du tableau vivant. This article is a study of two copies of the "Life and Passion of Jesus Christ" held at the Cinemathèque suisse. Our first, broadly philological, concern is to recognise the degree of autonomy of each of the "tableaus" that make up the film, thus establishing the latter's heterogeneous composition. Secondly, adopting a more aesthetic approach, we discuss the importance of the tableau-effect, placing this kind of film production in a wider genealogical context. Given that cinema was at the time a meeting place for different cultural sequences, this article the examines the links between Pathe films and the "tableau vivant", a practice that until now has been rarely discussed in this regard.


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Aedes (Ochlerotatu) rhyacophilus Costa Lima i resurrected from the synonymy with Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis (Rondani). Lectotype and paralectotypes are designated Larval, pupal and both sexes of adult stages are redescribed and illustrated. Bionomics include a picture of a brreding place. Diagnostic characters for distinguishing rhyacophilus from other species of the Scapularis Group are provided. Some data about known distribution are presented.


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A new species of a trichurid nematode Trichuris travassosi n. sp., recovered from a wild rodent in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is described and compared to T. myocastoris (Enigk, 1933) and their differentiation was on the basis of detailed morphometrical study. Oryzomys nigripes (Olfers, 1818) is a new host record for the genus. The denomination spicular prepuce is proposed to designate the structure previously named spicular sheath and, conversely, spicular sheath to indicate the cuticle that convers the spicule.


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Este trabajo analiza las formas que adopta la crisis de la identidad, elemento esencial de la literatura posmoderna, en las principales novelas de Roberto Bolaño (La literatura nazi en América, Estrella distante, Los detectives salvajes, Amuleto, Nocturno de Chile y 2666), tanto a nivel temático como estructural. Dicha crisis se convierte en el eje vertebrador de motivos como el doble, el viaje o la locura, y de una concepción novelística que cuestiona sus propios mecanismos, dando lugar a una “estética de la fragmentariedad”, a relatos polifónicos y múltiples que a partir de las simetrías se integran en una estructura globalizadora.


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This study was undertaken to determine the accuracy of splenic palpation for the diagnosis of splenomegaly, and to determine whether the frequency of individuals with a palpable spleen in an endemic area can be considered as an index of morbidity of schistosomiasis. For the clinical diagnosis of splenomegaly, two criteria have been tested: (A) presence of a palpable spleen and (B) presence of a palpable spleen whose border could be felt more than 4 cm below the costal margin. In an area of high prevalence of the disease (66.3%) 285 individuals aged 18 years or more have been submitted to abdominal ultrasonography and physical examination. Splenomegaly was defined as a splenic length greater than 120 mm by ultrasound and the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of criterion A were 72.2%, 90.5%, 35.1% and 97.8%. The values for criterion B were 27.8%, 98%, 50% and 95%, respectively. In an non endemic area, 517 individuals were submitted to the same protocol and 22 individuals had a palpable spleen, but no patient fulfilled criterion B for splenomegaly, and only one met the ultrasonographic criterion for splenomegaly. The authors concluded that abdominal palpation is a poor method for the diagnosis of splenomegaly.


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Didymocystis wedli a parasite from the gills of Thunnus albacares from the coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, is described by use of light and scanning electron microscopy. This is the first report of this species in Brazil and South America. New data are presented on the surface topography as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy.


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The ultrastructure of the male reproductive system of Didymocystis wedli was studied for the first time, demonstrating spermiogenesis and spermatogenesis at different cell stages. The spermatozoa morphology was compared with that of other Digenea species. It was observed that the different cells of the spermatogenesis process follow the classic pattern reported for the majority of the parasitic platyhelminthes. During spermiogenesis, rootlet fibers, electrondense bodies and median cytoplasmic process were not observed. The mature spermatozoa of D. wedli were filiform, presenting nucleus, mitochondrion and two 9+1 axonemes, with a biflagellate distal extremity.


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A combined clinical and sonographic classification of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni to be used in field-based studies is proposed herein. Seven hundred forty one individuals out of 892 (83%), living in an area endemic for schistosomiasis in Brazil, have been ubmitted to clinical and ultrasound examinations. Based on two stool examinations the overall prevalence for schistosomiasis in this area was 73%. Abdominal palpation was performed with patients in dorsal decubit, during deep breath, by two experienced physicians and a portable ultrasound was used for the evaluation of liver fibrosis, portal collaterals and spleen size. Four groups of individuals were identified using data obtained by abdominal palpation and ultrasound examination: (1) palpable spleen and intense periportal thickening in 9 individuals (1.2%); (2) spleen not palpable and intense periportal thickening in 15 (2%); (3) palpable spleen with light to moderate periportal thickening in 32 (4.3%), and (4) palpable spleen with a normal liver on ultrasound in 30 (4%). The definition of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis in field-based studies as the finding of Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the stools in an individual with splenomegaly is not acceptable anymore. Abdominal ultrasound should be combined with clinical examination to accurately identify hepatosplenics in endemic areas for schistosomiasis.


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Eimeria jirkamoraveci sp. n. is described from faeces of two specimens of the toad-headed, side-necked turtle Batrachemys heliostemma collected at Iquitos in Peru. Oocysts are ovoid to almost spherical, 10.6 (8-12) × 8.9 (7-10) mum, without micropyle, polar granule and oocyst residuum. One conically stretched end and three blunt conical tubercles at the opposite end of oocyst give it mitra-like appearance. Sporocysts are elongated, ellipsoidal, 7.2 (6-8) × 4.1 (4-4.5) mum, with a small, knob-like Stieda body and sporocyst residuum composed of fine granules. To avoid possible conspecificity, the described new species is thoroughly compared with the most similar coccidium, E. mitraria, collected from its type host, Chinemys reevesii.


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From 2002 to 2005, a program of active search for patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and schistosomal myeloradiculopathy has been implemented in the state of Minas Gerais by the local Health Department. The state was divided in 28 regional health centers and the local representatives have been trained to identify and direct patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and neuroschistosomiasis to a reference center in Belo Horizonte, the capital of the state of Minas Gerais. Seventy five patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and 54 with schistosomal myeloradiculopathy have been referred and examined in the reference center in a period of time of 3 years. Schistosomal myeloradiculopathy should be emphasized because the number of cases reported is increasing rapidly and when timely diagnosed and treated, they respond promptly to treatment. Left untreated, they die or become invalid for life. In our view, the time has come for more active investigation of the different aspects of morbidity caused by schistosomiasis mansoni in Brazil.