916 resultados para Dower, John D
Background - Medical image perception research relies on visual data to study the diagnostic relationship between observers and medical images. A consistent method to assess visual function for participants in medical imaging research has not been developed and represents a significant gap in existing research. Methods - Three visual assessment factors appropriate to observer studies were identified: visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and stereopsis. A test was designed for each, and 30 radiography observers (mean age 31.6 years) participated in each test. Results - Mean binocular visual acuity for distance was 20/14 for all observers. The difference between observers who did and did not use corrective lenses was not statistically significant (P = .12). All subjects had a normal value for near visual acuity and stereoacuity. Contrast sensitivity was better than population norms. Conclusion - All observers had normal visual function and could participate in medical imaging visual analysis studies. Protocols of evaluation and populations norms are provided. Further studies are necessary to understand fully the relationship between visual performance on tests and diagnostic accuracy in practice.
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An important disconnect in the news driven view of the business cycle formalized by Beaudry and Portier (2004), is the lack of agreement between different—VAR and DSGE—methodologies over the empirical plausibility of this view. We argue that this disconnect can be largely resolved once we augment a standard DSGE model with a financial channel that provides amplification to news shocks. Both methodologies suggest news shocks to the future growth prospects of the economy to be significant drivers of U.S. business cycles in the post-Greenspan era (1990-2011), explaining as much as 50% of the forecast error variance in hours worked in cyclical frequencies
Emotional reactions in the course of transplantation are often explored through negative emotions (e.g. stress, guilt) or depression and its evaluation. However the emotional reactions in the course of transplantation describing positive and negative emotional experiences have not been comprehensively described. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted shortly after registration on the waiting list with 15 lung patients waiting for an organ coming from a deceased donor. In a qualitative analysis, focussing on the emotional experience of transplantation, a very rich discourse was underlined. The described emotions in the interviews of the patients were related to specific situations, stakes and existential questions. All these emotions help to describe more precisely the very intimate experience of a difficult and stressful situation while awaiting transplantation. It also helps to better understand the impact of the paradoxical situation of transplantation when a person is waiting for an organ, which will improve quality of life and will allow to survive, but which also depends on the end of the life of a donor.
O padrão de agrupamento espacial de três espécies arbóreas, Caryocar brasiliense, Pterodon pubescens e Sclerolobium paniculatum, e duas espécies de palmeiras, Syagrus comosa e S. flexuosa, nativas do cerrado, foi investigado usando três métodos de variância entre parcelas. Os dados foram coletados em uma área de cerrado sensu strictu da Fazenda Água Limpa da Universidade de Brasília, em Brasília, DF, em 128 parcelas contíguas de 5 x 8 m cada. Em cada parcela, foram procurados todos os indivíduos das espécies, anotando o número encontrado e suas alturas. Os dados foram tabelados e analisados usando as técnicas de variância entre blocos de parcelas (BQV), variância móvel entre blocos de parcelas (TTLQV) e variância entre parcelas pareadas (PQV), tanto para todos os indivíduos encontrados quanto para somente os indivíduos lenhosos maiores do que 130 cm em altura. O número total de indivíduos encontrado foi 138 para C. brasiliense, 34 para P. pubescens, 82 para S. paniculatum, oito para S. comosa e 36 para S. flexuosa. Todas as espécies apresentaram um padrão agrupado de distribuição espacial em pelo menos uma das metodologias e três das cinco espécies tiveram resultados semelhantes em todos os métodos. O padrão para C. brasiliense foi semelhante ao encontrado para esta mesma espécie em outra região do cerrado, utilizando a mesma metodologia, com uma distância de aproximadamente 350 m entre grupos.