960 resultados para Double cantilever beam test
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In engineering projects, it’s fundamental to determine the active loads in components in order to guarantee acceptable values of safety and reliability according to project specifications. On the other hand, force measurement methods might be very complex and impracticable in some cases and, so that, load cells with eletric resistance strain gages can be applied as a simple and accurate option to measure the required load. The main purpose of this paper is to present the development of a load cell that measures uniaxial forces using electric resistance strain gages without being influenced by the location of the loading in a cantilever beam. For that, it was taken as basis a secondary purpose which is to present a general study of basic and wide concepts about transducers, load cells and extensometers primarily. Information such as: loading and measurements types, characteristics of the presented devices as well as factors that influence its functioning, the most common kinds of Wheatstone bridge links, the main points of a load cell project, cements used to fix extensometers and, finally, the project itself with the tests of the built transducer are presented. By the end of this paper, all the results are shown and analyzed, concluding about the designed load cell and the work itself
An excitation force that is not influenced by the system's states is said to be an ideal energy source. In real situations, a direct and feedback coupling between the excitation source and the system must always exist. This manifestation of the law of conversation of energy is known as Sommerfeld Effect. In the case of obtaining a mathematical model for such system, additional equations are usually necessary to describe the vibration sources and their coupling with the mechanical system. In this work, a cantilever beam and a non-ideal electric DC motor that is fixed to the beam free end is analyzed. The motor has an unbalanced mass that provides excitation to the system proportional to the current applied to the motor. During the motor's coast up operation, as the excitation frequency gets closer to the beam first natural frequency and if the drive power increases further, the DC motor speed remains constant until it suddenly jumps to a much higher value (simultaneously the vibration amplitude jumps to a much lower value) upon exceeding a critical input power. It was found that the Sommerfeld effect depends on some system parameters and the motor operational procedures. These parameters are explored to avoid the resonance capture in Sommerfeld effect. Numerical simulations and experimental tests are used to help insight this dynamic behavior.
Am Mainzer Mikrotron können Lambda-Hyperkerne in (e,e'K^+)-Reaktionen erzeugt werden. Durch den Nachweis des erzeugten Kaons im KAOS-Spektrometer lassen sich Reaktionen markieren, bei denen ein Hyperon erzeugt wurde. Die Spektroskopie geladener Pionen, die aus schwachen Zweikörperzerfällen leichter Hyperkerne stammen, erlaubt es die Bindungsenergie des Hyperons im Kern mit hoher Präzision zu bestimmen. Neben der direkten Produktion von Hyperkernen ist auch die Erzeugung durch die Fragmentierung eines hoch angeregten Kontinuumszustands möglich. Dadurch können unterschiedliche Hyperkerne in einem Experiment untersucht werden. Für die Spektroskopie der Zerfallspionen stehen hochauflösende Magnetspektrometer zur Verfügung. Um die Grundzustandsmasse der Hyperkerne aus dem Pionimpuls zu berechnen, ist es erforderlich, dass das Hyperfragment vor dem Zerfall im Target abgebremst wird. Basierend auf dem bekannten Wirkungsquerschnitt der elementaren Kaon-Photoproduktion wurde eine Berechnung der zu erwartenden Ereignisrate vorgenommen. Es wurde eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation entwickelt, die den Fragmentierungsprozess und das Abbremsen der Hyperfragmente im Target beinhaltet. Diese nutzt ein statistisches Aufbruchsmodell zur Beschreibung der Fragmentierung. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht für Wasserstoff-4-Lambda-Hyperkerne eine Vorhersage der zu erwartenden Zählrate an Zerfallspionen. In einem Pilotexperiment im Jahr 2011 wurde erstmalig an MAMI der Nachweis von Hadronen mit dem KAOS-Spektrometer unter einem Streuwinkel von 0° demonstriert, und koinzident dazu Pionen nachgewiesen. Es zeigte sich, dass bedingt durch die hohen Untergrundraten von Positronen in KAOS eine eindeutige Identifizierung von Hyperkernen in dieser Konfiguration nicht möglich war. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurde das KAOS-Spektrometer so modifiziert, dass es als dedizierter Kaonenmarkierer fungierte. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Absorber aus Blei im Spektrometer montiert, in dem Positronen durch Schauerbildung abgestoppt werden. Die Auswirkung eines solchen Absorbers wurde in einem Strahltest untersucht. Eine Simulation basierend auf Geant4 wurde entwickelt mittels derer der Aufbau von Absorber und Detektoren optimiert wurde, und die Vorhersagen über die Auswirkung auf die Datenqualität ermöglichte. Zusätzlich wurden mit der Simulation individuelle Rückrechnungsmatrizen für Kaonen, Pionen und Protonen erzeugt, die die Wechselwirkung der Teilchen mit der Bleiwand beinhalteten, und somit eine Korrektur der Auswirkungen ermöglichen. Mit dem verbesserten Aufbau wurde 2012 eine Produktionsstrahlzeit durchgeführt, wobei erfolgreich Kaonen unter 0° Streuwinkel koninzident mit Pionen aus schwachen Zerfällen detektiert werden konnten. Dabei konnte im Impulsspektrum der Zerfallspionen eine Überhöhung mit einer Signifikanz, die einem p-Wert von 2,5 x 10^-4 entspricht, festgestellt werden. Diese Ereignisse können aufgrund ihres Impulses, den Zerfällen von Wasserstoff-4-Lambda-Hyperkernen zugeordnet werden, wobei die Anzahl detektierter Pionen konsistent mit der berechneten Ausbeute ist.
El uso de materiales compuestos para el refuerzo, reparación y rehabilitación de estructuras de hormigón se ha convertido en una técnica muy utilizada en la última década. Con independencia de la técnica del refuerzo, uno de los principales condicionantes del diseño es el fallo de la adherencia entre el hormigón y el material compuesto, atribuida generalmente a las tensiones en la interfaz de estos materiales. Las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón y de los materiales compuestos son muy distintas. Los materiales compuestos comúnmente utilizados en ingeniería civil poseen alta resistencia a tracción y tienen un comportamiento elástico y lineal hasta la rotura, lo cual, en contraste con el ampliamente conocido comportamiento del hormigón, genera una clara incompatibilidad para soportar esfuerzos de forma conjunta. Esta incompatibilidad conduce a fallos relacionados con el despegue del material compuesto del sustrato de hormigón. En vigas de hormigón reforzadas a flexión o a cortante, el despegue del material compuesto es un fenómeno que frecuentemente condiciona la capacidad portante del elemento. Existen dos zonas potenciales de iniciación del despegue: los extremos y la zona entre fisuras de flexión o de flexión-cortante. En el primer caso, la experiencia a través de los últimos años ha demostrado que se puede evitar prolongando el refuerzo hasta los apoyos o mediante el empleo de algún sistema de anclaje. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones para evitar el segundo caso de despegue aún se encuentran lejos de poder prever el fallo de forma eficiente. La necesidad de medir la adherencia experimentalmente de materiales FRP adheridos al hormigón ha dado lugar a desarrollar diversos métodos por la comunidad de investigadores. De estas campañas experimentales surgieron modelos para el pronóstico de la resistencia de adherencia, longitud efectiva y relación tensión-deslizamiento. En la presente tesis se propone un ensayo de beam-test, similar al utilizado para medir la adherencia de barras de acero, para determinar las características de adherencia del FRP al variar la resistencia del hormigón y el espesor del adhesivo. A la vista de los resultados, se considera que este ensayo puede ser utilizado para investigar diferentes tipos de adhesivos y otros métodos de aplicación, dado que representa con mayor realidad el comportamiento en vigas reforzadas. Los resultados experimentales se trasladan a la comprobación del fallo por despegue en la región de fisuras de flexión o flexión cortante en vigas de hormigón presentando buena concordancia. Los resultados condujeron a la propuesta de que la limitación de la deformación constituye una alternativa simple y eficiente para prever el citado modo de fallo. Con base en las vigas analizadas, se propone una nueva expresión para el cálculo de la limitación de la deformación del laminado y se lleva a cabo una comparación entre los modelos existentes mediante un análisis estadístico para evaluar su precisión. Abstract The use of composite materials for strengthening, repairing or rehabilitating concrete structures has become more and more popular in the last ten years. Irrespective of the type of strengthening used, design is conditioned, among others, by concrete-composite bond failure, normally attributed to stresses at the interface between these two materials. The mechanical properties of concrete and composite materials are very different. Composite materials commonly used in civil engineering possess high tensile strength (both static and long term) and they are linear elastic to failure, which, in contrast to the widely known behavior of concrete, there is a clear incompatibility which leads to bond-related failures. Bond failure in the composite material in bending- or shear-strengthened beams often controls bearing capacity of the strengthened member. Debonding failure of RC beams strengthened in bending by externally-bonded composite laminates takes place either, at the end (plate end debonding) or at flexure or flexure-shear cracks (intermediate crack debonding). In the first case, the experience over the past years has shown that this can be avoided by extending laminates up to the supports or by using an anchoring system. However, recommendations for the second case are still considered far from predicting failure efficiently. The need to experimentally measure FRP bonding to concrete has induced the scientific community to develop test methods for that purpose. Experimental campaigns, in turn, have given rise to models for predicting bond strength, effective length and the stress-slip relationship. The beam-type test proposed and used in this thesis to determine the bonding characteristics of FRP at varying concrete strengths and adhesive thicknesses was similar to the test used for measuring steel reinforcement to concrete bonding conditions. In light of the findings, this test was deemed to be usable to study different types of adhesives and application methods, since it reflects the behavior of FRP in strengthened beams more accurately than the procedures presently in place. Experimental results are transferred to the verification of peeling-off at flexure or flexure-shear cracks, presenting a good general agreement. Findings led to the conclusion that the strain limitation of laminate produces accurate predictions of intermediate crack debonding. A new model for strain limitation is proposed. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation based on a statistical analysis among existing models is carried out in order to assess their accuracy.
En el presente documento se analiza el uso de ensayos beam-test, análogos a los empleados comúnmente para medir la adherencia de barras, en el estudio de la adherencia FRP-Hormigón. Los resultados se trasladan a la comprobación del despegue en la zona entre fisuras de flexión en vigas de hormigón reforzadas con materiales compuestos de propiedades mecánicas similares. Finalmente se presenta una comparación con los modelos más relevantes de la literatura especializada.
The adhesives used for applications in marine environments are subject to particular chemical conditions, which are mainly characterised by an elevated chlorine ion content and intermittent wetting/drying cycles, among others.These conditions can limit the use of adhesives due to the degradation processes that they experience. In this work, the chemical degradation of two different polymers, polyurethane and vinylester, was studied in natural seawater under immersion for different periods of time.The diffusion coefficients and concentration profiles of water throughout the thickness of the adhesiveswere obtained.Microstructural changes in the polymer due to the action of water were observed by SEM, and the chemical degradation of the polymer was monitored with the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The degradation of the mechanical properties of the adhesive was determined by creep tests withMixed Cantilever Beam (MCB) specimens at different temperatures. After 180 days of immersion of the specimens, it was concluded that the J-integral value (depending on the strain) implies a loss of stiffness of 51% and a decrease in the failure load of 59% for the adhesive tested.
O uso de materiais inteligentes em problemas de controle de vibração tem sido investigado em diversas pesquisas ao longo dos últimos anos. Apesar de que diferentes materiais inteligentes estão disponíveis, o piezelétrico tem recebido grande atenção devido à facilidade de uso como sensores, atuadores, ou ambos simultaneamente. As principais técnicas de controle usando materiais piezoelétricos são os ativos e passivos. Circuitos piezelétricos passivos são ajustados para uma frequência específica e, portanto, a largura de banda efetiva é pequena. Embora os sistemas ativos possam apresentar um bom desempenho no controle de vibração, a quantidade de energia externa e hardware adicionado são questões importantes. As técnicas SSD (Synchronized Switch Damping) foram desenvolvidas como uma alternativa aos controladores passivos e controladores ativos de vibração. Elas podem ser técnicas semi-ativas ou semi-passivas que introduzem um tratamento não linear na tensão elétrica proveniente do material piezelétrico e induz um aumento na conversão de energia mecânica para energia elétrica e, consequentemente, um aumento no efeito de amortecimento. Neste trabalho, o controle piezoelétrico semi-passivo de uma pá piezelétrica engastada é apresentado e comparado com outros controladores. O modelo não linear electromecânico de uma pá com piezocerâmicas incorporados é determinado com base no método variacional-assintótico (VAM). O sistema rotativo acoplado não linear é resolvido no domínio do tempo, utilizando um método de integração alfa-generalizado afim de garantir a estabilidade numérica. As simulações são realizadas para uma vasta gama de velocidades de rotação. Em primeiro lugar, um conjunto de resistências (variando desde a condição de curto-circuito para a condição de circuito aberto) é considerada. O efeito da resistência ótima (que resulta em máximo amortecimento) sobre o comportamento do sistema é investigado para o aumento da velocidade de rotação. Mais tarde, a técnica SSDS é utilizada para amortecer as oscilações da pá com o aumento da velocidade de rotação. Os resultados mostram que a técnica SSDS pode ser um método útil para o controle de vibrações de vigas rotativas não lineares, tais como pás de helicóptero.
Energy dissipation and fatigue properties of nano-layered thin films are less well studied than bulk properties. Existing experimental methods for studying energy dissipation properties, typically using magnetic interaction as a driving force at different frequencies and a laser-based deformation measurement system, are difficult to apply to two-dimensional materials. We propose a novel experimental method to perform dynamic testing on thin-film materials by driving a cantilever specimen at its fixed end with a bimorph piezoelectric actuator and monitoring the displacements of the specimen and the actuator with a fibre-optic system. Upon vibration, the specimen is greatly affected by its inertia, and behaves as a cantilever beam under base excitation in translation. At resonance, this method resembles the vibrating reed method conventionally used in the viscoelasticity community. The loss tangent is obtained from both the width of a resonance peak and a free-decay process. As for fatigue measurement, we implement a control algorithm into LabView to maintain maximum displacement of the specimen during the course of the experiment. The fatigue S-N curves are obtained.
With the continued miniaturization and increasing performance of electronic devices, new technical challenges have arisen. One such issue is delamination occurring at critical interfaces inside the device. This major reliability issue can occur during the manufacturing process or during normal use of the device. Proper evaluation of the adhesion strength of critical interfaces early in the product development cycle can help reduce reliability issues and time-to-market of the product. However, conventional adhesion strength testing is inherently limited in the face of package miniaturization, which brings about further technical challenges to quantify design integrity and reliability. Although there are many different interfaces in today's advanced electronic packages, they can be generalized into two main categories: 1) rigid to rigid connections with a thin flexible polymeric layer in between, or 2) a thin film membrane on a rigid structure. Knowing that every technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, multiple testing methods must be enhanced and developed to be able to accommodate all the interfaces encountered for emerging electronic packaging technologies. For evaluating the adhesion strength of high adhesion strength interfaces in thin multilayer structures a novel adhesion test configuration called “single cantilever adhesion test (SCAT)” is proposed and implemented for an epoxy molding compound (EMC) and photo solder resist (PSR) interface. The test method is then shown to be capable of comparing and selecting the stronger of two potential EMC/PSR material sets. Additionally, a theoretical approach for establishing the applicable testing domain for a four-point bending test method was presented. For evaluating polymeric films on rigid substrates, major testing challenges are encountered for reducing testing scatter and for factoring in the potentially degrading effect of environmental conditioning on the material properties of the film. An advanced blister test with predefined area test method was developed that considers an elasto-plastic analytical solution and implemented for a conformal coating used to prevent tin whisker growth. The advanced blister testing with predefined area test method was then extended by employing a numerical method for evaluating the adhesion strength when the polymer’s film properties are unknown.
A MEMS, silicon based device with a cantilever oscillationsand an integrated magnet is presented for magnetic to electrical transduction. The cantilever structure can be configured either as an energy harvester to harvest power from an AC power line or as an AC current sensor. The positioning of the transducer with respect to the AC conductor is critical in both scenarios. For the energy scavenger, correct positioning is required to optimize the harvested power. For the current sensor, it is necessary to optimise the sensitivity of the sensor. This paper considers the effect of the relative position of the transducer with respect to the wire on the resulting electromagnetic forces and torques driving the device. It is shown here that the magnetic torque acting on a cantilever beam with an integrated magnet and in the vicinity of an alternating electromagnetic field is a very significant driver of the cantilever oscillations.
Double-ceramic-layer(DCL) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) of La2Zr2O7 (LZ) and yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) were deposited by electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD). The composition, crystal structure, surface and cross-sectional morphologies and cyclic oxidation behavior of the DCL coating were studied. Both the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) prove that LZ and YSZ have good chemical applicability to form a DCL coating. The thermal cycling test at 1373 K in an air furnace indicates the DCL coating has a much longer lifetime than the single layer LZ coating. and even longer than that of the single layer YSZ coating. The failure of the DCL coating is a result of both the bond coat oxidation and the thermal strain between bond coat and ceramic layer generated by the thermal expansion mismatch.
With high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy measurements, the density of states (DOS) near the Fermi level (E-F) of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 having different degrees of Fe/Mo antisite disorder has been investigated with varying temperature. The DOS near E-F showed a systematic depletion with increasing degree of disorder, and recovered with increasing temperature. Altshuler-Aronov (AA) theory of disordered metals well explains the dependences of the experimental results. Scaling analysis of the spectra provides experimental indication for the functional form of the AA DOS singularity.