949 resultados para Dor miofascial


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It is an exploratory and descriptive study made by a quantitative approach, developed among February and May 2010, aiming to assess the pain of patients underwent abdominal surgeries in a University Hospital, in Natal/RN; to identify the local and intensity of the pain based on Numerical Estimative Scale; to analyze the pain related to the sensorial-discriminative, motivational-affective and cognitive-assessment dimensions, using the McGill Questionnaire pain; to establish a relation between the pain process and age, gender, religion, and king of surgery; to identify the medicines efficiency used to control postoperative pain. The sample was composed by 253 patients underwent abdominal surgeries. The results showed a total of 63.63% females between 38 and 47 years of age (21.34%); illiterates (21.73%); married (64.03%), living in Natal and surroundings (67.97%) and Catholics (74.30%). In their first assessment, 84.19% showed postoperative pain; the pain was considered light in 18.97% of them, moderate in 21.74% and severe in 43.48%. The mean number of descriptors chosen through the McGill Questionnaire Pain was 10.78 (DP= 6.09) and pain rating 23.65 (DP= 15.93). The descriptors selected with higher frequency were: sickening pain (69.01%), tired (65.25%), thin (62.44%), bored (58.69%), ardor (46.48%), pointed (38.50%) and colic (35.21%). In their second assessment, 57.71% of patients didn t relate any postoperative pain and 42.29% were still complaining about the pain. After taking analgesic medication, just 41.90% of patients who had complete pain relief. The Pharmacological groups most used were: simple analgesic (37.86%), weak opioids (32.98%), AINES (19.85%) and strong opioid (9.31%). It was not found a significant postoperative pain variation related to the sexes, religion and kind of surgery. It was concluded there were a high level in the number of patients with postoperative pain, mainly in a severe scale. Less than half of patients had the pain relief. Then, it was observed there was not coherence between the pain intensity and the analgesic it was used. To solve or relieve this kind of problems is necessary a permanent education to the health professionals who works in this area


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Quasi-experimental study, with prospective data, comparative with quantitative approach, performed in a reference hospital, aiming to identify the effectiveness of the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and McGill Pain Questionnaire, used simultaneously, to evaluate a group of patients with oncologic pain (Experimental Group); to identify the effectiveness of the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) to evaluate a group of patients with oncologic pain (Control Group); to identify the resolution of pain according to prescribed medication, considering the result of the rating scales, and to compare it between the two groups of patients in the study. The population consisted of 100 patients, with both the experimental and control groups being composed of 50 people, with data collected from February to April 2010. The results show that in the experimental group, 32% of the patients were aged 60 to 69, 80% were female; 30% had a primary tumor in the breast, 58% had metastasis, and on 70% the disease was localized. In the first pain evaluation, 26% identified it as light; 46%, moderate; and 28%, severe; with an average of 5.50. In the second pain evaluation, 2% reported no pain; 70%, light; 26%, moderate. and 2%, severe, with an average of 3.30. On those with moderate pain, 60% used non-opioid medicine, 25% under severe pain were medicated with non-opioids and 41.67% with weak opioids. Regarding the Pain Management Index (PMI), 44.0% were rated as "-1". In the control group, 28% were aged 40 to 49, and 54% were male; 20% had primary tumor in the breast and genital-urinary system, consecutively; 56% presented metastasis; on 64% the disease was localized. In the first pain evaluation, 14% considered it light; 42%, moderate; and 44%, severe; with an average of 6.26. In the second pain evaluation, 18% did not signal pain; on 38% pain was light; 40%, moderate; and 4%, severe; with an average of 3.0. Regarding medicine therapy, 71.43% with moderate pain used non-opioids, 22.73% with severe pain used non-opioids and 27.27% weak opioids. Considering PMI, 42% were rated "-1"; and 42%, rated "0". We conclude that, despite the importance of pain as the 5th vital sign, it is still under-identified and under-treated by professionals. Nevertheless, studied oncologic patients had a tendency to report pain more easily when evaluated with the NRS instrument than with the combined use of NRS and MPQ. We believe, however, that the combination of these two instruments represents a more effective evaluation of pain, as it allows comprehension of its quantitative and qualitative aspects. We recommend, however, the replication of this study on a larger population, for a longer span of time, and consequently generating more evaluations, so this can confirm or deny the hypothesis that NRS and MPQ can, together, better evaluate pain on the oncologic patient


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work, Florbela Espanca poetry is analyzed. The objective is to prove that the loving thematic in her poetry tissues a connection among wish, love and sorrow. The psychoanalitic boarding is the basis to elucidate this connection,which begans with the sight, since mythology, passing by the portuguese literature begining periods and repeating itself in Florbela contemporanian poets. If Florbela poetry corroborates the portuguese literature tradiction, otherwise, it exposes the subject human being face, being a wishful creature


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work analyzes deverbal nominalizations with the sufix dor in Brazilian Portuguese, under the perspective of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, the Construction Grammar. The aim is to determine the general features of interpretation that characterize this deverbal construction and its use in formal writing. Based on the cognitive assumption that grammatical structure is motivated, explained, and determined by the structure of cognitive patterns, created from our experience in the world, and by the communicative function of language, the dor deverbal is treated as a polysemic grammatical construction. In the composition of V+dor, the relation rootsuffix is focused, through a characterization of the syntactic-semantic nature of the verb and the values of the suffix. Among the different values conventionally related to the XDOR construction, the agentive is considered as the prototypical sense. The relation between the other values and the prototype is explained by cognitive abilities and discourse motivations. The deverbal construction X-DOR is also interpreted as a valency noun that, like an action nominal, retains the argument structure of the deriving predicate. It is also intended to demonstrate the textual function of this deverbal construction, as a device of information condensing and anaphoric recovery. The data were taken from Veja magazine and the approach is qualitative (explicative), with quantitative support


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The Patellofemoral pain syndrome is defined as a fore or retro patellar pain and it has multifactorial etiology, where the bad patellar alignment is the most acceptable hypothesis. However proximal factors to the knee, as the debility of the muscles of the hip, have been demonstrated as a contributing factor to the appearing of that syndrome. Purpose: To evaluate if exists a relation between the hip muscles performance and the development of the SDPF. Methods: Thirty women took part in this study. They were divided in two groups; a control group (fifteen asymptomatic subjects) and an experimental group (fifteen subjects with the diagnosis of SDPF). The muscle performance was evaluated in an isokinetic dynamometer, where it was verified the peak torque (PT), PT to body weight, PT time and the agonist/antagonist relation. It was also analyzed the electromyographic activity of the middle gluteus. The data was analyzed by the not paired t test at a significance level of 5%. Results:. Didn t have significant difference to the PT of the abductor muscles (p = 0,46) and lateral rotators of the hip (p = 0,17) between groups. Also didn t have significant difference to the PT values by the body weight, to these muscle groups either (p = 0,10 e p = 0,11, respectively). Didn t have significant difference between the amplitude of the signal (p = 0,05) and the onset of medium gluteus (p = 0,25) between the groups. Conclusion: In the experimental conditions realized, the study didn t demonstrate a relation between performance the hip muscles behavior and the development of the SDPF


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Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is described as anterior or retropatellar pain knee in the absence of other pathologies and is frequently associated with dysfunction of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO). However, several studies have demonstrated the inability to selectively activate this muscle through exercise. To evaluate the effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) selective VMO in women with syndrome. We evaluated thirty-eight women: twenty in the control group (24.15 ± 2.60 years) and eighteen diagnosed with PFPS (25.56 ± 3.55 years). Both groups were evaluated before and after a protocol of electro stimulation. To measure for comparing groups before and after treatment, we assessed the extensor torque concentric and eccentric knee through an isokinetic dynamometer, the intensity (Root Mean Square - RMS) and the onset of activation (onset) of VMO compared to the vastus lateralis (VL) in two types of exercise: open and closed kinetic chain. . Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0, with a significance level of 5%. Results: Our data showed an increase in the intensity of activation (RMS) of the VMO muscle after NMES in both study groups. During concentric contraction the RMS of the VMO before the NMES was 105.69 ± 32.26 μV and after a single intervention was 122.10 ± 39.62 μV (p = 0.048) for the control group. In the group with PPS, we found a similar behavior, with RMS of the VMO before NMES of 96.25 ± 18.83 μV and 139.80 ± 65.88 μV after the intervention (p = 0.0001). However, there was no evidence in the RMS value of VL muscle. The onset was calculated by subtracting the onset of VL by the onset of VMO. For the group with PFPS, the onset before the intervention was -0.007 ± 0.14 ms, indicating a delay of the VMO relative to VL, and after NMES was 0.074 ± 0.09 ms (p = 0.016), showing an activation previous VMO to VL. The same occurred for the control group. We also observed that NMES increased knee extensor power during the concentric contraction in both groups. Before the intervention the mean power was 28.97 ± 9.01 W for the PPS group and after NMES was 34.38 ± 7.61 W (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: We observed an increase in electromyographic activity of the VMO and also an anticipatory effect of this muscle


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor crônica é um desafio para a Medicina atual. Novos métodos e medicamentos têm sido propostos com o intuito de controlar os sintomas álgicos. A via de administração subaracnóidea tem se mostrado como uma alternativa viável e segura, embora necessite continuamente ser objeto de estudo de muitos pesquisadores. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão dos medicamentos disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico já consagrados pelo uso e os que se mostram promissores na atualidade para a prática clínica diária. CONTEÚDO: Nesta revisão são avaliados vários fármacos que apresentam ação analgésica quando utilizada via neuroeixo. Opióides, anestésicos locais, agonistas alfa2-adrenérgicos, antagonistas dos aminoácidos excitatórios e inibitórios, acetilcolina, inibidores da acetilcolinesterase, bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio, adenosina, serotonina, antidepressivos tricíclicos e inibidores da síntese de prostaglandinas são analisados no que concerne aos seus efeitos farmacológicos, incluindo os indesejáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Muitos avanços foram registrados no controle dos sintomas álgicos após a utilização das substâncias citadas por via raquidiana, onde certamente algumas serão aproveitadas e enriquecerão o arsenal terapêutico e outras relegadas temporária ou definitivamente. Entretanto, ainda serão necessários muitos estudos clínicos e experimentais para que estes conhecimentos possam ser incorporados e utilizados com segurança pelos profissionais que lidam com o tratamento da dor crônica.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As pesquisas recentes têm focalizado a plasticidade bioquímica e estrutural do sistema nervoso decorrente da lesão tissular. Os mecanismos envolvidos na transição da dor aguda para crônica são complexos e envolvem a interação de sistemas receptores e o fluxo de íons intracelulares, sistemas de segundo mensageiro e novas conexões sinápticas. O objetivo deste artigo foi discutir os novos mecanismos que envolvem a sensibilização periférica e central. CONTEÚDO: A lesão tissular provoca aumento na resposta dos nociceptores, chamada de sensibilização ou facilitação. Esses fenômenos iniciam-se após a liberação local de mediadores inflamatórios e a ativação de células do sistema imune ou de receptores específicos no sistema nervoso periférico e central. CONCLUSÕES: As lesões do tecido e dos neurônios resultam em sensibilização de nociceptores e facilitação da condução nervosa central e periférica.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A laqueadura laparoscópica (LL) é um dos procedimentos mais dolorosos e a intensidade da dor varia com a técnica selecionada, sendo mais intensa com a técnica de oclusão das tubas uterinas com anel. As pacientes submetidas à LL referem dor em cólica no período PO e a N-butilescopolamina e a dipirona sódica, por suas propriedades anti-espasmódicas e analgésicas, associadas às propriedades antiinflamatórias do cetoprofeno, podem ser opção para profilaxia e tratamento de dor. O objetivo deste foi estudar a eficácia da N-butilescopolamina e da dipirona sódica associadas ao cetoprofeno, na prevenção de dor PO em pacientes submetidas à LL, com duas técnicas diferentes - diatermia e pinçamento com anel. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 50 pacientes, estado físico ASA I e II, com idade entre 23 e 47 anos. As pacientes foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: G1 - oclusão das tubas uterinas com anéis, G2 - oclusão das tubas uterinas com diatermia. Todas as pacientes receberam N-butilescopolamina (20 mg) e dipirona sódica (2500 mg) e cetoprofeno (100 mg), por via venosa, imediatamente antes da indução da anestesia. A dor foi avaliada pelo critério de escala numérica verbal, variando de 0 a 10, sendo 0 ausência de dor e 10 o máximo de dor, a cada 10 minutos na primeira hora, na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA) e na 1ª, 2ª, 3ª e 4ª horas após a alta da SRPA. Dor com intensidade maior que 3 era tratada com tramadol (100 mg), por via venosa. A avaliação da dor foi realizada sem que se soubesse a que grupo pertencia a paciente. Para análise estatística, testes t de Student, Mann-Whitney e Friedman. RESULTADOS: Ambos os grupos foram idênticos com relação à idade, ao peso, à altura, à duração da cirurgia e anestesia. As pacientes do G1 apresentaram maior escore de dor que as do G2, em todos os momentos do estudo. Valores estatisticamente significativos: 80% das pacientes de G1 e 16% de G2 necessitaram de tramadol em algum momento do estudo. CONCLUSÕES: A N-butilescopolamina e a dipirona sódica associadas ao cetoprofeno mostraram ser alternativa de analgesia pós-operatória quando a laqueadura é realizada com a técnica de diatermia.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a intensidade de dor e o nível de funcionalidade em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca nos períodos pré-operatório, 7º pós-operatório e alta hospitalar, relacionando-os entre si. Relacionar funcionalidade com: sexo, faixa etária, primeira cirurgia cardíaca ou reoperação, uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), tipo de cirurgia e acompanhamento fisioterapêutico. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 41 pacientes que realizaram cirurgia cardíaca eletiva por toracotomia médio-esternal (TME) no HC da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu/UNESP. A intensidade de dor foi avaliada pela escala de VAS e a funcionalidade, pela escala MIF (medida de independência funcional) no domínio físico. RESULTADOS: A intensidade de dor mais elevada foi no 7º pós-operatório comparado com os momentos pré-operatório e alta. No pré-operatório, não houve índice de dor; na alta, a intensidade mediana foi 3 (dor moderada). Os níveis mais elevados de perda funcional ocorreram no 7º pós-operatório, quando comparados com os escores totais do pré-operatório e da alta. Verificou-se correlação significativa entre dor e funcionalidade, demonstrando que o decréscimo do nível de dor entre o 7º pós-operatório e a alta contribuiu para a elevação dos níveis funcionais. CONCLUSÃO: As avaliações realizadas no pré-operatório proporcionaram resultados preditivos a serem alcançados. As avaliações realizadas no 7º pós-operatório e na alta possibilitaram a classificação dos pacientes de acordo com perdas e ganhos, indicando aqueles que necessitavam de maior cuidado e treinamento em suas capacidades.


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A dor inguinal crônica pós-herniorrafia é uma situação preocupante, pois aproximadamente 10% dos pacientes submetidos à hernioplastia inguinal apresenta os sintomas, que com frequência limita a capacidade física. A etiopatogênese está relacionada a uma periostite do púbis (dor somática) e mais frequentemente à lesão nervosa (dor neuropática). É importante distinguir clinicamente entre os dois tipos de dor, pois o tratamento pode ser diferente. O médico deve estabelecer uma rotina diagnóstica e de tratamento, sendo que a maior parte dos pacientes necessitarão de terapêutica cirúrgica. A prevenção desta condição é de grande importância e pode levar a uma menor incidência da síndrome. Algumas medidas são fundamentais, como evitar pontos ou clipes no periósteo do púbis, usar criteriosamente as próteses e identificar os nervos da região inguinal. Esta última medida é certamente a mais importante na prevenção da dor crônica e implica em conhecimento profundo da anatomia e o uso de uma técnica aprimorada.