998 resultados para Doped manganese oxide


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We report the structural and magnetic properties of Co2MnO 4, partially substituted by Bi at the octahedral site. Bismuth enhances ferromagnetism due to a decrease of the Co2+-Co2+ antiferromagnetic interactions and an increase of the Mn3+-Mn 4+ exchanges. Spurious phases (magnetic and/or nonmagnetic oxides) can easily form because of the large differences between the ionic radii of Bi3+ and Co3+, hiding or altering the intrinsic physical properties of the main BixCo2-xMnO4 phase. An easy way to eliminate the secondary phases is using acid reagents. Short-time etching of Bi0.1Co1.9MnO4 using nitric acid was successfully used, keeping most of the properties of the initial compound, with no alteration of the crystallographic structure. Final stoichiometry was respected (∼Bi0.08Co1.82MnO4), meaning that the material after etching definitely contains bismuth elements in its structure and the observed properties are intrinsic to the oxide spinel. Additional experiments were performed as a function of the synthesis conditions, showing that an optimal pH value of 7 allowed the best magnetic response of the non-doped material. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Spin incommensurability (IC) has been recently experimentally discovered in the hole-doped Ni-oxide chain compound Y2-xCaxBaNiO5 [G. Xu et al., Science 289, 419 (2000)]. Here a two orbital model for this material is studied using computational techniques. Spin IC is observed in a wide range of densities and couplings. The phenomenon originates in antiferromagnetic correlations across holes dynamically generated to improve hole movement, as it occurs in the one-dimensional Hubbard model and in recent studies of the two-dimensional extended t-J model. The close proximity of ferromagnetic and phase-separated states in parameter space is also discussed.


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The contents of this paper represent attempts to deposit the metal, manganese from sodium manganate solutions. The source of manganese was limited to the nodulized product from roasting rhodochrosite and was therefore chiefly manganese oxide.


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This monograph forms the fourth part of the tenth volume of the scientific results of the voyage of the German exploring ship Valdivia in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, made during the years 1898-1899. These volumes are published under the editorship of Prof. Chun, the zoologist of Leipzig, who was leader of the expedition ; and Prof. E. Philippi with the cooperation of Sir John Murray. The nature of the materials brought up at various points during the voyage is well illustrated by a series of plates, similar to those accompanying the Challenger volumes. Among the concretions from the Agulhas Bank were found phosphatic nodules containing 33 per cent, of calcium carbonate, 28 of calcium phosphate, 14.6 of calcium sulphate, and 4.8 of magnesium carbonate, with some ferric oxide, alumina, and silica. These nodules were dredged at a depth of 155 metres. Off the coast of Namibia, a large quantity of manganese nodules were also dredged. Their chemical analysis performed at the Mineralogical Institute of the University Jena show similar composition as the nodules recovered by the "Challenger" at station 253 in the Pacific Ocean.


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Concentrically ringed manganese nodules, similar in form to many found on modern ocean and sea floors, occur in a very fine grained argillaceous sandstone bed of the Permian Park City Formation near Dillon, Montana. They are enriched in many rare elements and contain us much as 2.5 percent zinc, l.3 percent nickel, and 0.22 percent cobalt. The manganese minerals are chalcophanite and todorokite. The nodules probably formed in a shallow marine oxidizing environment on the western side of the Permian sedimentary basin. The occurrence of an appreciable amount of fluorite in the bed suggests that the water was saline.


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Iron-manganese concretions, closely related to lacustrine ores and deep sea manganese nodules, are presently forming in different parts of Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland. They can be divided according to physical form into three distinct groups: (1) round pea-shaped concretions, (2) ring-shaped concrections, and (3) flat sheets and crusts of concretionary material. A definite correlation was found to exist between the form i.e. type of concretions and their chemical composition (Mn/Fe ratio). Trace element concentrations were generally rather high, although not as high as in deep sea manganese nodules. X-ray and DTA was used to study the mineralogy and crystal structure of the concretions. Surface concentrations and geographical distribution of the concretions were estimated on the basis of samples, diving observations and echo-grams.


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Concretions of iron and manganese oxides and hydrous oxidesóobjects commonly called manganese nodulesóare widely distributed not only on the deep-sea floor but also in shallow marine environments1. Such concretions were not known to occur north of Cape Mendocino in the shallow water zones bordering the North-East Pacific Ocean until the summer of 1966 when they were recovered by one of us (J. W. M.) in dredge samples from Jervis Inlet, a fjord approximately 50 miles north-west of Vancouver, British Columbia.


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This paper is based upon data collected during the summers of 1912 and 1913. Mr. A. O. Hayes and Prof. van Ingen of Princeton University, while making a study of the general geology, stratigraphy, and palaeontology of the shores of Conception Bay, Newfoundland, came upon the manganiferous rocks of the Lower Cambrian exposed at Manuels, Topsail, Brigus, and other places. The following summer, of 1913, the writer as a member of the Princeton Newfoundland Expedition undertook a more detailed study of these deposits. In this paper therefore there has been an attempt to present as comprehensive a study of the manganese of southeastern Newfoundland. It is primarily chemical in its nature and the analyses herewith presented are from samples taken from the principal manganese-bearing beds.


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Analyses are given for the core and outer colliform shell of a manganese nodule collected at a depth of 5000 m in the Indian Ocean, and for the red clay that encloses the nodules. Trace elements determined include rare earths, Nb, Ta, Th, and V. The cores of the nodules were once composed of basaltic rock, but now are phillipsite and nontronite. The outer shell is composed of manganite, with admixed quartz, phillipsite, and some geothite. The correlations established between the redox potentials and the concentration coefficients for 12 elements indicate that Eh plays a greater role in the formation of the manganiferous shells than coprecipitation properties.


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The following analyses were made some years ago, principally with the object of ascertaining the state of oxidation of the manganese in the nodules. The nodules examined came from three different localities, two of them oceanic and the third littoral. Samples marked I., II., and III. are from nodules brought up in the trawl on board the "Challenger," on 13th March 1874, in lat. 42° 42' S., long. 134° 10' E. The depth of the water was 2600 fathoms, and the temperature of the bottom water 0·2° C. The density of the bottom water was 1·02570 at 15·56° C. Being from a high southern latitude, and therefore near the source of surface aeration, the water is highly charged with atmospheric gases, especially oxygen. It contained, per litre, 18·4 c.c. of mixed nitrogen and oxygen, of which 31·81 per cent, was oxygen, and 27·33 c.c, or 53·7 milligrammes, loosely-bound carbonic acid. The position of the station is about 400 miles south-west of the nearest part of the Australian coast, and about 500 miles west of Tasmania. It was the deepest water observed in the Antarctic voyage between the Cape of Good Hope and Melbourne. The haul was a very abundant one, and a few notes which I made at the time may be interesting: -"The water was found unexpectedly deep, the bottom being red clay, with some Foraminifera.