174 resultados para Domo de Pitanga
This dissertation deals with sedimentological and structural framework of the siliciclastic rock of the Serra do Martins Formation (FSM) in the Portalegre, Martins and Santana plateau, located to the south of Potiguar Basin, in the southwest and central Rio Grande do Norte state. This formation, regarded as of Oligo-Miocene age based on intrusive relations of the Miocene Macau volcanics, has a still disputable age due to the lack of appropriate bio and/or chronostratigraphic markers. The FSSM deposits crop out along 650 to 750 m high plateau, as a remanescent sedimentary cover directly overlying topographically uplifted pre-cambrian crystalline rocks. During the last decades, these deposits were interpreted according to a Tertiary paleoclimatic evolutionary model, associated to pedogenetic processes. The sedimentological characterization of the FSM was done through a detailed study of its facies, petrography and diagenetic features. The facies study was based on description of field relations, textures and structures, the piling up of the strata and their lateral variations. The FSM was deposited by an anastomosing to coarse-meandering fluvial system, including deposits of lag, cannel-fill, ouver-bank and flood plain. The petrographic composition of the sediments, coupled to their facies and paleocurrent directions, suggest a rather distal sourcearea, to the south of the present plateau. The diagenetic study identified an incipient grain mechanical compaction, pronounced dissolution of the framework, matrix and/or cement components, intense precipitation of kaolinite, silic and, eventually, iron oxides, besides mechanical infiltration of the clays. Most of these events, regarded in the literature as associated to near-surface conditions (eo or telodiagenesis), indicate the FSM sediments were never deeply buried. Topographic relations along longitudinal and transversal sections reaching the Potiguar Basin to the north identified regional dips that allow to discuss stratigraphic correlations between the FSM and the basin formations. The sedimentological features of the different units and the intrusive relations of the Macau volcanics were also considered in these correlations,which support the Oligo-Miocene age previously accepted for the FSM. Concerning the tectonic framework of the FSM, this work investigated the pre-cambrian to cretaceous heritage and the cenozoic deformation, allowing the recognition of pre-, sin and post-FSM structures. The crystalline basement, belonging to the Seridó Belt, displays NE and WNW foliation trends related to the Brasiliano-age ductile shear zones. In this terrain, brittle-ductile and brittle NE- and NW-trending structures, associated with extensional joints filled with pegmatites and quartz veins, are related to an E-W compression by the end of Brasiliano Cycle. The E-W joints and NE-trending fractures were reactivated by N-S to N-S to NW extension during late Jurassic to Cretaceous times, controlling the emplacement of the Rio Ceará-Mirim basic dyke swarm and the opening of the Potiguar rift basin
The increasingly design requirements for modern engineering applications resulted in the development of new materials with improved mechanical properties. Low density, combined with excellent weight/strength ratio as well as corrosion resistance, make the titanium attractive for application in landing gears. Fatigue control is a fundamental parameter to be considered in the development of mechanical components. The aim of this research is to analyze the fatigue behavior of anodized Ti-6Al-4V alloy and the influence of shot peening pre treatment on the experimental data. Axial fatigue tests (R = 0.1) were performed, and a significant reduction in the fatigue strength of anodized Ti-6Al-4V was observed. The shot peening superficial treatment, which objective is to create a compressive residual stress field in the surface layers, showed efficiency to increase the fatigue life of anodized material. Experimental data were represented by S-N curves. Scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) was used to observe crack origin sites.
The tendency of the aircraft industry is to enhance customer value by improving performance and reducing environmental impact. In view of availability, aluminum alloys have a historically tendency to faster insertion due to their lower manufacturing and operated production infrastructure. In landing gear components, wear and corrosion control of many components is accomplished by surface treatments of chrome electroplating on steel or anodizing of aluminum. One of the most interesting environmentally safer and cleaner alternatives for the replacement of hard chrome plating or anodizing is tungsten carbide thermal spray coating, applied by the high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) process. However, it was observed that residual stresses originating from these coatings reduce the fatigue strength of a component.An effective process as shot peening treatment, considered to improve the fatigue strength, pushes the crack sources beneath the surface in most of medium and high cycle cases, due to the compressive residual stress field induced. The objective of this research is to evaluate a tungsten carbide cobalt (WC-Co) coating applied by the high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) process, used to replace anodizing. Anodic films were grown on 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy by sulfuric acid anodizing, chromic acid anodizing and hard anodizing. The influence on axial fatigue strength of anodic films grown on the aluminum alloy surface is to degrade the stress-life performance of the base material. Three groups of specimens were prepared and tested in axial fatigue to obtain S-N curves: base material, base material coated by HVOF and base material shot peened and coated.Experimental results revealed increase in the fatigue strength of Al 7050-T7451 alloy associated with the WC 17% Co coating. on the other hand, a reduction in fatigue life occurred in the shot peened and coated condition. Scanning electron microscopy technique and optical microscopy were used to observe crack origin sites, thickness and coating/substrate adhesion. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Brazilian Myrtaceae comprises several genera of trees and shrubs used for ornamental and fruit production. In addition to the well known Guava, Pitanga and Jaboticaba, other species could be used for fruitculture, due the value and quality of their fruits and adaptation to some climate conditions mainly the subtropical one. Nine species of Eugenia were evaluated at Jaboticabal, located at 48° W and 21° S in São Paulo state in a germplasm bank. The average rain by year is 1431 mm and the temperature 22,2° C at an altitude of 575 m. The species are Eugenia klozschiana Berg. (Pero-do-campo), E. stipitata Mc Vaugh (Araça-boi), E. tomentosa Camb. (Cabeludinha), E. dysentherica DC. (Cagaita), E. brasiliensis Berg. (Grumixama), E.pitanga (Pitanga-anã), E. luchsnathiana Berg. (Pitomba), E. uvalha Camb. (Uvaia) and E. involucrata DC. (Cereja-do-rio-grande). The evaluations comprised tree development, fruit quality and leaf and flower morphological studies. The main results are: the trees of Pera-do-campo and Pitanga-anã are small shrubs of 1 to 2 m height, Araça-boi and Cabeludinha are small trees, 3 to 5 m high, and the other species are tall trees, with 5 to 10 m height. The species adapted well to the subtropical conditions, except for Araça-boi, which is native to the Amazonian region and exhibited a severe fungus disease infection. In relation to fruit quality, all the species had edible fruit, some were sweet and juicy, Cabeludinha, Grumixama, Pitomba, Cereja-do-rio grande and Pitanga-anã, while others had high acidity (Araça-boi, Pera-do-campo, Cagaita and Uvaia and were more suitable for processing. Simple, single leaves were characteristic of all species, but with different sizes and shapes., With the addition of color, smell and other characteristics, leaf size and shape were useful for comparative classification. Flower components and structure are described also.
The purpose of this paper is to present preliminary aspects of the petrography and chemistry of intrusive rocks (sills and dykes) from the eastern portion of the Parana Basin in the State of Säo Paulo. Data from 80 samples of the region show a subaphyric and subophitic nature and have plagioclase (25-50%), augite (3-39%), pigeonite (0-10%) and magnetite (4-20%) as an essential minerals. Apatite and quartz are present as accessory minerals. The geochemical data of intrusive rocks show a basic to intermediate composition (48% < SiO 2 < 56%) and a high Ti nature (TiO 2 > 2%). Based on the minor and trace composition of the intrusive rocks, two different magma types were recognized, named Paranapanema and Pitanga. The spatial distribution of these magma types is not alleatory in the studied region. The intrusive rocks of Pitanga magma type are displayed in the Campinas-Paulinia region, while the Paranapanema magma type cover a large region above that one, between Rio Claro and Cajuru. Furthermore, the chemical composition of the lava flows of the Serra Geral Formation, sampled in this work, reveals a magma of Urubici type. So, the intrusive rocks of the eastern portion of the of State Säo Paulo are not the extension of the lava flows, or they aren't a portions which don't reach the surface.
Brazil has a wide diversity of food sources of carotenoids. The updated Brazilian database consists of more than 270 items of fruits, vegetables and their prepared and processed products. The database demonstrates variations due to variety, maturity, production technique, climate and processing. Many of these foods are not found in the US and European databases. Good to rich sources (>20 μg/g) of β-carotene are: acerola, bocaiúva, mango 'Extreme' and tucumã. Sources of both α-carotene and β-carotene are buriti, carrot, Cucurbita moschata 'Menina Brasileira', 'Baianinha' and 'Goianinha', and red palm oil. Commercially produced and uncultivated or semi-cultivated leafy vegetables, C. maxima 'Jerimum Caboclo' and the hybrid Tetsukabuto, cooked broccoli are sources of lutein and β-carotene. The edible Tropaeolum majus flower is especially rich in lutein. Although many fruits have β-cryptoxanthin as principal carotenoid (e.g. caja, nectarine, peach, orange-fleshed papaya, tree tomato), the levels are below 20 μg/g. Good to rich sources of lycopene are guava and guava products, papaya, pitanga and pitanga juice, tomato and tomato products, and watermelon. Sources of zeaxanthin are rare; although the principal carotenoid of piqui, the amount is low, lower than that found in buriti.
The possible development of thermal events in the central portion of São Paulo state was described based on apatite fission track analysis. Using apatites of sedimentary rocks of the Paraná Basin, modeling the thermal history was made possible due to the homogeneity of the data. Every thermal history begins with a total annealing of fission tracks, related to the Serra Geral magmatism, evolving into a cooling period. In addition to cooling after the magmatism (Early Cretaceous) two other periods of cooling were also detected, registered in the Late Cretaceous/ Paleocene and Eocene, driven as much by uplift with tectonic denudation as by faulting. The nearest portion of the edge of the basin (external to the Dome of Pitanga), registered a period of warming over the Paleocene that can be attributed to the increase in the geothermal gradient. The periods of cooling have a regional and temporal relationship with the tectonic events that occurred in the southeastern Brazil and were described in the crystalline basement. The period of warming, registered in the Late Cretaceous/ Paleocene, has local occurrence and can be found only in the southern portion of the studied area.
The petrographic and geochemical characterization of flood basalts of Serra Geral Formation are here presented. The investigated areas are situated in four different regions of São Paulo state: Jaú, Ribeirão Preto, Franca and Fernandópolis. They represent almost the total area of outcrops of basalts in the São Paulo State. The petrographical data reveals that these rocks are constituted mainly by plagioclase (30-40%), pyroxenes, augite and pigeonita (20-30%) and magnetite (5-15%), and show a intergranular texture and its varieties intersertal, hialophitic and pilotaxitic. The geochemical data show a basic and tholeiitic affinity of the studied basalts, with high-Ti content (TiO2 > 1.8%), typical of the northern region of Paraná Basin. Three different magma-types were recognized: Paranapanema, Urubici and Pitanga. The first magma-type is concentrated in the Fernandópolis region, the second in the Franca region, and the Pitanga occurs in the Ribeirão Preto and Jaú regions. The distribution patterns of these magma-types and the detailed study of geochemical data showed that they are, probably, generated by a melting of a continental lithospheric mantle.
The basalts of the Formação Serra Geral in Parana Basin in the Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso states cover an area of 180,000 km2. They rest on the Botucatu sandstones and they are recovered by the sedimentary rocks of Bauru and Caiuá Groups. The mineralogical composition of these rocks are plagioclase (40%-55%), clinopyroxenes (19%-40%; augite and pigeonite), opaque minerals (2%-10%; magnetite and ilmenite) and olivine (1.5%). Geochemical data show two different types of basalts, named ATi-Pitanga (2.6% < TiO2 < 4.2%; 396 ppm < Sr < 438 ppm) and BTi-Ribeira (1.7% TiO2 <2.4%, 246 ppm < Sr < 286 ppm). In general, ATi-Pitanga have gently higher La/Yb(n) (6,1 ± 1,5ppm) than those BTi-Ribeira (5.6 ± 1,7ppm). The geochemical differences between ATi-Pitanga and BTi-Ribeira probably are related to different degrees of partial melt of a same mantle source, or to different mantle sources. The field relations show that BTi-Ribeira is displaced towards the north-western margin of the Paraná Basin and the thickness of lava flows increases towards the Paraná Graben, suggesting that ATi-Pitaga overlies BTi-Ribeira.
There has been little research on geochemistry and isotopic compositions in tholeiites of the Northern region from the Paraná Continental Flood Basalts (PCFB), one of the largest continental provinces of the world. In order to examine the mantle sources involved in the high-Ti (Pitanga and Paranapanema) basalt genesis, we studied Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic systematics, and major, minor and incompatible trace element abundances. The REE patterns of the investigated samples (Pitanga and Paranapanema magma type) are similar (parallel to) to those of Island Arc Basalts' REE patterns. The high-Ti basalts investigated in this study have initial (133Ma) 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70538-0.70642, 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51233-0.51218, 206Pb/204Pb of 17.74-18.25, 207Pb/204Pb of 15.51-15.57, and 208Pb/204Pb of 38.18-38.45. These isotopic compositions do not display any correlation with Nb/Th, Nb/La or P2O5/K2O ratios, which also reflect that these rocks were not significantly affected by low-pressure crustal contamination. The incompatible trace element ratios and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of the PCFB tholeiites are different to those found in Tristan da Cunha ocean island rocks, showing that this plume did not play a substantial role in the PCFB genesis. This interpretation is corroborated by previously published osmium isotopic data (initial γOs values range from+1.0 to+2.0 for high-Ti basalts), which also preclude basalt generation by melting of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The geochemical composition of the northern PCFB may be explained through the involvement of fluids and/or small volume melts related to metasomatic processes. In this context, we propose that the source of these magmas is a mixture of sublithospheric peridotite veined and/or interlayered with mafic components (e.g., pyroxenites or eclogites). The sublithospheric mantle (dominating the osmium isotopic compositions) was very probably enriched by fluids and/or magmas related to the Neoproterozoic subduction processes. This sublithospheric mantle region may have been frozen and coupled to the base of the Parana basin lithospheric plate above which the Paleozoic subsidence and subsequent Early Cretaceous magmatism occurred. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)