966 resultados para Dividends - Taiwan


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Burkholderia mimosarum strain LMG 23256T is an aerobic, motile, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod that can exist as a soil saprophyte or as a legume microsymbiont of Mimosa pigra (giant sensitive plant). LMG 23256T was isolated from a nodule recovered from the roots of the M. pigra growing in Anso, Taiwan. LMG 23256T is highly effective at fixing nitrogen with M. pigra. Here we describe the features of B. mimosarum strain LMG 23256T, together with genome sequence information and its annotation. The 8,410,967 bp high-quality-draft genome is arranged into 268 scaffolds of 270 contigs containing 7,800 protein-coding genes and 85 RNA-only encoding genes, and is one of 100 rhizobial genomes sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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The thesis finds a significant negative association between family ownership and dividend payout in the Indonesian market. . It is revealed that the market does not disregard the existence of family ownership in reacting to dividend announcements. It documents dividend-paying family firms are associated with lower abnormal accruals as as a proxy of earnings management.


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Submissions have closed on exposure draft legislation intending to amend thetest for payment of dividends under s 254T of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).Until 2010, a dividend could only be paid out of profits of a company. Sincethen, the dividends provision has been repealed and replaced with a newprovision, which allows a company to pay dividends if it satisfies an “assetsgreater than liabilities”, “fair and reasonable to shareholders” and “no materialprejudice to creditors” test. This article first examines why the profits test wasomitted from s 254T, before examining the current dividends provision,identifying the shortcomings of the 2010 reforms and critically evaluating theprovisions proposed to replace the current s 254T. The article then considersinternational developments, with a focus on New Zealand and a look at SouthAfrica, as examples of dividends tests in overseas jurisdictions, beforeproposing how to address the current confusion and uncertainty. The articleconcludes that the proposed amendments to s 254T will only partly addressexisting problems. Thus, comprehensive reform in this area of the Australiancorporation’s law is recommended.


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Objectives: The aims of this study were to develop Taiwan's Child Health Literacy Test and to undertake a nation-wide survey in order to determine the current status of Taiwanese sixth graders' health literacy, and to understand the association between health literacy, healthy behavior, and health status. absp Methods: Taiwan's Child Health Literacy Test was developed through the process of concept clarification, a qualitative pilot, a development pilot, and a field test. In the field test, 162,609 sixth graders (56.9%) from 2,235 schools (83.3%) nationwide completed the questionnaire. We also collected the students' dates of birth, BMIs, self-reported health and healthy behaviors. absp Results: The final test consisted of 32 questions with item discrimination of 0.55-1.89 and item difficulty of-1.7-0.41 according to IRT; Cronbach's a was 0.87. Based on this information, the test was deemed appropriate for basic health literacy screening among children. Nation-wide, the average score for sixth graders' health literacy was 23.97 points (total score 32 points), with a correct rate of 74.9%. Those who were "good" in self-reported health scored highest in health literacy (M = 24.29). Health literacy was significantly positively related to healthy behavior (r = .25, p< .05), and negatively to risky behavior (r =-.28, p< .05). absp Conclusions: This study was the first curriculum-based child health literacy test developed from the viewpoints of both teachers and pupils in Taiwan through a rigorous procedure. The nationwide survey results may serve as a reference for decision-makers at the national health education level.


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 A qualitative research aimed to explore decision-making on birth choices following a caesarean delivery in Taiwan. Safety and risk management were the major influences for both Taiwanese women’s and obstetricians’ decisions. Biased information provision regarding birth options and over-medicalisation of the birth environment contributed to women seeking repeat caesarean delivery.


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Signaling models have contributed to the corporate finance literature by formalizing "the informational content of dividends" hypothesis. However, these models are under criticism of empirical literature, as weak evidences were found supporting one of the main predicitions: the positive relation between changes in dividends and changes in earnings. We claim thaht the failure to verify this prediction does not invalidate the signaling approach. The models developed up to now assume or derive utility functions with the single-crossing property. We show thaht signaling is possible in the absence of this property and, in this case, changes in dividend and changes in earnings can be positively or negatively related.


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Esta tese investiga se a composição do endividamento dos bancos afeta sua política de dividendos. Identificou-se que investidores sensíveis a informações (investidores institucionais) são alvos de sinalização através de dividendos por parte dos bancos. Utilizando uma base de dados exclusiva de bancos brasileiros, foi possível identificar vários tipos de credores, especificamente, investidores institucionais, empresas não financeiras e pessoas físicas, que são alvos potenciais de sinalização por dividendos. Adicionalmente, a existência de vários bancos de capital fechado, controlados e geridos por um pequeno grupo de acionistas, em que a sinalização direcionada a acionistas é implausível, permite inferir que bancos que utilizam mais fundos de investidores sensíveis a informações (institucionais) pagam mais dividendos, controlando por diversas características. Durante a crise financeira, este comportamento foi ainda mais pronunciado. Esta relação reforça o papel dos dividendos como uma forma custosa e crível de comunicar sobre a qualidade dos ativos dos bancos. A hipótese de que os dividendos podem ser utilizados como uma forma de expropriação dos depositantes por parte dos acionistas é refutada, uma vez que, se fosse esse o caso, observar-se-ia esse maiores dividendos em bancos com depositantes menos sensíveis a informação. Além disso, foi verificada uma relação negativa entre o pagamento de dividendos e o custo de captação (juros pagos em certificados de depósito bancário) e uma relação positiva de dividendos com o tamanho e com os lucros passados, e que os bancos de capital fechado pagam mais dividendos do que os de capital aberto, uma descoberta que também se alinha com a ideia de que os depositantes seriam os alvos da sinalização por dividendos. Finalmente, encontrou-se também uma relação negativa entre dividendos e adequação de capital do bancos, o que indica que pressões regulatórias podem induzir os bancos a pagar menos dividendos e que o pagamento de dividendos é negativamente relacionado com o crescimento da carteira de crédito, o que é consistente com a ideia de que os bancos com maiores oportunidades de investimento retêm seus lucros para aumentar seu patrimônio líquido e sua capacidade de conceder crédito.


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The conventional wisdom is that the aggregate stock price is predictable by the lagged pricedividend ratio, and that aggregate dividends follow approximately a random-walk. Contrary to this belief, this paper finds that variation in the aggregate dividends and price-dividend ratio is related to changes in expected dividend growth. The inclusion of labor income in a cointegrated vector autoregression with prices and dividends allows the identification of predictable variation in dividends. Most of the variation in the price-dividend ratio is due to changes in expected returns, but this paper shows that part of variation is related to transitory dividend growth shocks. Moreover, most of the variation in dividend growth can be attributed to these temporary changes in dividends. I also show that the price-dividend ratio (or dividend yield) can be constructed as the sum of two distinct, but correlated, variables that separately predict dividend growth and returns. One of these components, which could be called the expected return state variable, predicts returns better than the price-dividend ratio does.


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The signaling models have contributed to the literature of corporate finance by the formalization of "the informational content of dividends hypothesis". However, these models are under criticism of empirical works, as weak evidences were found supporting one of the main predictions: the positive relation between changes in dividends and changes in earnings. We claim that the failure to verify this prediction does not invalidate the signaling approach. The mo deIs developed up to now assume or derive utility functions with the single-crossing property. We show that signaling is possible in the absence of this property and, in this case, changes in dividend and changes in earnings can be positively or negatively related.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes técnicas de redução de umidade sobre a composição química, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e degradação ruminal da matéria seca da silagem de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cv. Taiwan A-148. Os tratamentos (A, Controle; B, 20,0; C, 30,0; D, 40,0% de sabugo de milho; E, emurchecimento por 12 horas; F, emurchecimento por 24 horas; e G, esmagamento + emurchecimento por 24 horas) foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Os tratamentos da silagem B e E não foram eficientes em reduzir a umidade excessiva da forragem. O emurchecimento por 24 horas aumentou o teor de MS, sem influir no teor de PB e na DIVMS. Os tratamentos C e D favoreceram o desenvolvimento da população de clostrídeos, aumentaram a concentração de N-NH3 e reduziram a concentração de ácido lático e a DIVMS das silagens. O tratamento G aumentou o teor de MS e reduziu a concentração de N-NH3 e DIVMS. A adiçao de sabugo de milho (tratamentos B, C e D) reduziu a degradação ruminal da MS das silagens. O sabugo de milho reduziu a umidade, mas apresentou efeitos negativos na qualidade da silagem, enquanto o esmagamento e/ou emurchecimento foram procedimentos que mostraram bons resultados em relação à conservação do material ensilado.


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Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), was cut after nine weeks of regrowth and mixed with 10, 20, 30 and 40% of sugar cane bagasse (SCB) with the objective of reducing the moisture content of the ensiled mass. Willing of the grass for eight and twelve hours was used as a comparative treatment. Initial dry matter of the grass (13%) increased in the forage mass to 17, 23, 24 and 27% by the addition of 10, 20, 30 and 40% of the SCB respectively. Wilting for eight and twelve hours increased initial dry matter to 18 and 24% respectively. Buffering capacity of elephant grass was reduced by the addition of 40% of SCB. Clostridium spores in the ensiled mass tended to be lower due to the effect of the two pre-treatments. Initial dry matter and number of spores of Clostridium were negatively correlated although without statistic significance. The addition of SCB reduced (P < 0.0.5) soluble carbohydrates and crude protein percentages in the ensiled mass. It was concluded that wilting is more effective than the addition of SCB in the practice of ensiling elephant grass.


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Includes bibliography


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Incluye Bibliografía