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A 250-mum-diameter fiber of ytterbium-doped ZBLAN (fluorine combined with Zr, Ba, La, Al, and Na) has been cooled from room temperature. We coupled 1.0 W of laser light from a 1013-nm diode laser into the fiber. We measured the temperature of the fiber by using both fluorescence techniques and a microthermocouple. These microthermocouple measurements show that the cooled fiber can be used to refrigerate materials brought into contact with it. This, in conjunction with the use of a diode laser as the light source, demonstrates that practical solid-state laser coolers can be realized. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
Large (>1600 mum), ingestively masticated particles of bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers.) leaf and stem labelled with Yb-169 and Ce-144 respectively were inserted into the rumen digesta raft of heifers grazing bermuda grass. The concentration of markers in digesta sampled from the raft and ventral rumen were monitored at regular intervals over approximately 144 h. The data from the two sampling sites were simultaneously fitted to two pool (raft and ventral rumen-reticulum) models with either reversible or sequential flow between the two pools. The sequential flow model fitted the data equally as well as the reversible flow model but the reversible flow model was used because of its greater application. The reversible flow model, hereafter called the raft model, had the following features: a relatively slow age-dependent transfer rate from the raft (means for a gamma 2 distributed rate parameter for leaf 0.0740 v. stem 0.0478 h(-1)), a very slow first order reversible flow from the ventral rumen to the raft (mean for leaf and stem 0.010 h(-1)) and a very rapid first order exit from the ventral rumen (mean of leaf and stem 0.44 h(-1)). The raft was calculated to occupy approximately 0.82 total rumen DM of the raft and ventral rumen pools. Fitting a sequential two pool model or a single exponential model individually to values from each of the two sampling sites yielded similar parameter values for both sites and faster rate parameters for leaf as compared with stem, in agreement with the raft model. These results were interpreted as indicating that the raft forms a large relatively inert pool within the rumen. Particles generated within the raft have difficulty escaping but once into the ventral rumen pool they escape quickly with a low probability of return to the raft. It was concluded that the raft model gave a good interpretation of the data and emphasized escape from and movement within the raft as important components of the residence time of leaf and stem particles within the rumen digesta of cattle.
A broadband uniplanar quasi-yagi antenna: Parameter study in application to a spatial power combiner
We detail the automatic construction of R matrices corresponding to (the tensor products of) the (O-m\alpha(n)) families of highest-weight representations of the quantum superalgebras Uq[gl(m\n)]. These representations are irreducible, contain a free complex parameter a, and are 2(mn)-dimensional. Our R matrices are actually (sparse) rank 4 tensors, containing a total of 2(4mn) components, each of which is in general an algebraic expression in the two complex variables q and a. Although the constructions are straightforward, we describe them in full here, to fill a perceived gap in the literature. As the algorithms are generally impracticable for manual calculation, we have implemented the entire process in MATHEMATICA; illustrating our results with U-q [gl(3\1)]. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Objectives: To compare the population modelling programs NONMEM and P-PHARM during investigation of the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in paediatric liver-transplant recipients. Methods: Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM and P-PHARM on retrospective data from 35 paediatric liver-transplant patients receiving tacrolimus therapy. The same data were presented to both programs. Maximum likelihood estimates were sought for apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F). Covariates screened for influence on these parameters were weight, age, gender, post-operative day, days of tacrolimus therapy, transplant type, biliary reconstructive procedure, liver function tests, creatinine clearance, haematocrit, corticosteroid dose, and potential interacting drugs. Results: A satisfactory model was developed in both programs with a single categorical covariate - transplant type - providing stable parameter estimates and small, normally distributed (weighted) residuals. In NONMEM, the continuous covariates - age and liver function tests - improved modelling further. Mean parameter estimates were CL/F (whole liver) = 16.3 1/h, CL/F (cut-down liver) = 8.5 1/h and V/F = 565 1 in NONMEM, and CL/F = 8.3 1/h and V/F = 155 1 in P-PHARM. Individual Bayesian parameter estimates were CL/F (whole liver) = 17.9 +/- 8.8 1/h, CL/F (cutdown liver) = 11.6 +/- 18.8 1/h and V/F = 712 792 1 in NONMEM, and CL/F (whole liver) = 12.8 +/- 3.5 1/h, CL/F (cut-down liver) = 8.2 +/- 3.4 1/h and V/F = 221 1641 in P-PHARM. Marked interindividual kinetic variability (38-108%) and residual random error (approximately 3 ng/ml) were observed. P-PHARM was more user friendly and readily provided informative graphical presentation of results. NONMEM allowed a wider choice of errors for statistical modelling and coped better with complex covariate data sets. Conclusion: Results from parametric modelling programs can vary due to different algorithms employed to estimate parameters, alternative methods of covariate analysis and variations and limitations in the software itself.
Co-sintering aid has been added to Ce1.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) by treating a commercial powder with Co(NO3)(2) (COCGO), X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements of lattice parameter indicated that the Co was located on the CGO particle surface after calcination at 650 degreesC. After heat treatment at temperatures above 650 degreesC, the room temperature lattice parameter of CGO was found to increase, indicating redistribution of the Gd. Compared to CGO, the lattice parameter of CGO + 2 cation% Co (2CoCGO) was lower for a given temperature (650-1100 degreesC), A.C. impedance revealed that the lattice conductivity of 2CoCGO was enhanced when densified at lower temperatures, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that, even after sintering for 4 h at 980 degreesC, most of the Co was located at grain boundaries. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
In this paper we investigate the construction of state models for link invariants using representations of the braid group obtained from various gauge choices for a solution of the trigonometric Yang-Baxter equation. Our results show that it is possible to obtain invariants of regular isotopy (as defined by Kauffman) which may not be ambient isotopic. We illustrate our results with explicit computations using solutions of the trigonometric Yang-Baxter equation associated with the one-parameter family of minimal typical representations of the quantum superalgebra U-q,[gl(2/1)]. We have implemented MATHEMATICA code to evaluate the invariants for all prime knots up to 10 crossings.
One of the most efficient approaches to generate the side information (SI) in distributed video codecs is through motion compensated frame interpolation where the current frame is estimated based on past and future reference frames. However, this approach leads to significant spatial and temporal variations in the correlation noise between the source at the encoder and the SI at the decoder. In such scenario, it would be useful to design an architecture where the SI can be more robustly generated at the block level, avoiding the creation of SI frame regions with lower correlation, largely responsible for some coding efficiency losses. In this paper, a flexible framework to generate SI at the block level in two modes is presented: while the first mode corresponds to a motion compensated interpolation (MCI) technique, the second mode corresponds to a motion compensated quality enhancement (MCQE) technique where a low quality Intra block sent by the encoder is used to generate the SI by doing motion estimation with the help of the reference frames. The novel MCQE mode can be overall advantageous from the rate-distortion point of view, even if some rate has to be invested in the low quality Intra coding blocks, for blocks where the MCI produces SI with lower correlation. The overall solution is evaluated in terms of RD performance with improvements up to 2 dB, especially for high motion video sequences and long Group of Pictures (GOP) sizes.
Motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) is one of the most efficient solutions to generate side information (SI) in the context of distributed video coding. However, it creates SI with rather significant motion compensated errors for some frame regions while rather small for some other regions depending on the video content. In this paper, a low complexity Infra mode selection algorithm is proposed to select the most 'critical' blocks in the WZ frame and help the decoder with some reliable data for those blocks. For each block, the novel coding mode selection algorithm estimates the encoding rate for the Intra based and WZ coding modes and determines the best coding mode while maintaining a low encoder complexity. The proposed solution is evaluated in terms of rate-distortion performance with improvements up to 1.2 dB regarding a WZ coding mode only solution.
We present new populational growth models, generalized logistic models which are proportional to beta densities with shape parameters p and 2, where p > 1, with Malthusian parameter r. The complex dynamical behaviour of these models is investigated in the parameter space (r, p), in terms of topological entropy, using explicit methods, when the Malthusian parameter r increases. This parameter space is split into different regions, according to the chaotic behaviour of the models.
The advances made in channel-capacity codes, such as turbo codes and low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, have played a major role in the emerging distributed source coding paradigm. LDPC codes can be easily adapted to new source coding strategies due to their natural representation as bipartite graphs and the use of quasi-optimal decoding algorithms, such as belief propagation. This paper tackles a relevant scenario in distributedvideo coding: lossy source coding when multiple side information (SI) hypotheses are available at the decoder, each one correlated with the source according to different correlation noise channels. Thus, it is proposed to exploit multiple SI hypotheses through an efficient joint decoding technique withmultiple LDPC syndrome decoders that exchange information to obtain coding efficiency improvements. At the decoder side, the multiple SI hypotheses are created with motion compensated frame interpolation and fused together in a novel iterative LDPC based Slepian-Wolf decoding algorithm. With the creation of multiple SI hypotheses and the proposed decoding algorithm, bitrate savings up to 8.0% are obtained for similar decoded quality.
This chapter addresses the resolution of dynamic scheduling by means of meta-heuristic and multi-agent systems. Scheduling is an important aspect of automation in manufacturing systems. Several contributions have been proposed, but the problem is far from being solved satisfactorily, especially if scheduling concerns real world applications. The proposed multi-agent scheduling system assumes the existence of several resource agents (which are decision-making entities based on meta-heuristics) distributed inside the manufacturing system that interact with other agents in order to obtain optimal or near-optimal global performances.
In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns at the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. In the same way, distributed generation has gained increasing importance in the operation and planning of power systems. Grid operators and utilities are taking new initiatives, recognizing the value of demand response and of distributed generation for grid reliability and for the enhancement of organized spot market´s efficiency. Grid operators and utilities become able to act in both energy and reserve components of electricity markets. This paper proposes a methodology for a joint dispatch of demand response and distributed generation to provide energy and reserve by a virtual power player that operates a distribution network. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32 bus distribution network with 32 medium voltage consumers.
Distributed Energy Resources (DER) scheduling in smart grids presents a new challenge to system operators. The increase of new resources, such as storage systems and demand response programs, results in additional computational efforts for optimization problems. On the other hand, since natural resources, such as wind and sun, can only be precisely forecasted with small anticipation, short-term scheduling is especially relevant requiring a very good performance on large dimension problems. Traditional techniques such as Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) do not cope well with large scale problems. This type of problems can be appropriately addressed by metaheuristics approaches. This paper proposes a new methodology called Signaled Particle Swarm Optimization (SiPSO) to address the energy resources management problem in the scope of smart grids, with intensive use of DER. The proposed methodology’s performance is illustrated by a case study with 99 distributed generators, 208 loads, and 27 storage units. The results are compared with those obtained in other methodologies, namely MINLP, Genetic Algorithm, original Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Evolutionary PSO, and New PSO. SiPSO performance is superior to the other tested PSO variants, demonstrating its adequacy to solve large dimension problems which require a decision in a short period of time.