912 resultados para Disability Creation Process


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When referring to the value that IS adds to business and provides to consumers, we often (implicitly or explicitly) pertain to monetary value. However, perspectives exist regarding the notion of value which go beyond the monetary significance and maintain a direct influence on businesses and their performance. This paper explores the concept of value, its importance in IS, and the importance of understanding of how IS stakeholders perceive value. The paper focuses on the challenge of studying value in IS -although value manifests in properties of an information system, it can only be experienced and perceived subjectively through sense perception, experience and judgement of the system stakeholders. To address this challenge, the paper suggests the existence of a clearly shifting trend in the perception of IS technology and comments on the social impacts of end-users (consumers) being absorbed into the value-creation process for an information system in the music industry.


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The traditional interpretation of a brand, and the means by which an organisation communicates its brand, might be considered a product of a modernist managerial paradigm, with its focus on consistency, control, and coherence (Brown 1995, 1999; Firat and Shultz 1997). With the emergence of postmodernism, this logic has been challenged by one of flexibility and openness, since consumers are no longer willing to commit or conform to any unified and consistent idea, system, or narrative. In order to explain this change in the management of brands, this paper will examine the Australian cultural brand, Next Wave, as a paradigmatic example. Next Wave offers an innovative brand management model founded on the interaction between the organisation and the content provider, i.e., the artist. Based on both aesthetic and conceptual experimentations, Next Wave is a dynamic brand in which shape and content are continually redefined in an interactive and mutual relationship between the artist and the organisation. Therefore, it can be argued that paradoxically, the organisation does not own its own brand. In fact, the ownership exists only from a legal point of view (as a trademark); the real artificer of the brand is the artist. Since it is not possessed nor controlled at all by the organisation, but is always subject to continuous evolutions and redefinitions, the Next Wave brand can be considered as a postmodern brand that is not strictly tied to marketing rules, but involves the target as an active participant in the brand creation process.


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This paper conceptually links entrepreneurship and innovation through a structured and comprehensive examination of the levels of activities that may be (or should be) found within the modern university. By doing so, we believe a fertile ground for testing insightful new hypothesis will be opened for exploration. The authors explore several literatures and introduce three novel theoretical models to help examine innovation and entrepreneurship within the domain of university knowledge transfer. Predicated upon our generalized conceptual assertion that innovation is a function of new knowledge and entrepreneurial capacity, we pose four research questions: 1) what is innovation and entrepreneurship in the university context, 2) how might it be studied, fostered and evaluated, 3) how do the domains of individually driven entrepreneurship and organizational entrepreneurship interact and converge within the university innovation value creation process and 4) how does entrepreneurship ultimately impact upon innovation with respect to creating value from all areas of research and activities provided by the modern university? It is expected that the models offered will allow for both theoretical and empirical testing of these questions.


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One privilege enjoyed by new-media authors is the opportunity to realize representations of Self that are rich textual worlds in themselves and also to engage the wider world, with a voice, a smile, imagery, and sound. Still, closer investigation of multimedia composition practices reveals levels of complexity with which the verbal virtuoso is unconcerned. This article argues that while technology-afforded multimedia tools make it comparatively easy to author a vivid text, it is a multiplicatively more complicated matter to vividly realize and publicize an authorial intention. Based on analysis of the digital story creation process of a youth named “Steven,” the authors attempt to demonstrate the operation of two forces upon which the successful multimodal realization of the author's intention may hinge: “fixity” and “fluidity.” The authors show how, within the process of digital self-representation, these forces can intersect to influence multimodal meaning making, and an author's life, in consequential ways.


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Various issues related to the multimedia information retrieval and media access are discussed. The feasible solutions for automatic signal-based analysis of media content are analyzed. The extent of user involvement in the content creation process is emphasized. The applications driving the creation and usage of context and metadata are also elaborated.


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This chapter takes a look at the task of creating multimedia authoring tools for the amateur media creator, and the problems unique to the undertaking. It argues that a deep understanding of both the media creation process, together with insight into the precise nature of the relative strengths of computers and users, given the domain of application, is needed before this gap can be bridged by software technology. These issues are further demonstrated within the context of a novel media collection environment, including a real- world example of an occasion filmed in order to automatically create two movies of distinctly different styles. The authors hope that such tools will enable amateur videographers to produce technically polished and aesthetically effective media, regardless of their level of expertise.


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Sport is an important economic and social driver of regional development around the world. Both organisations and individuals are involved in creating innovative ways of fostering regional development through entrepreneurial practices in sport. The aim of this paper is to develop a conceptualisation of sports entrepreneurship that focuses on the role of innovation and regional development in the sports context. Different sport entrepreneurship schools of thought are discussed with a focus on developing theory based on the venture creation process. Three key components of sports entrepreneurship (opportunity recognition, dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial competence) are examined that lead to a focus on how sports entrepreneurial traits are innovative and encourage regional development. Entrepreneurial sport ventures are then stated which leads to the managerial and theoretical implications of the sports entrepreneurship construct being discussed.


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This article reports the findings of a field study of a new venture electronic network enterprise from a business-to-business perspective. Network theory and the literatures of process innovation management and strategic marketing are used to generate theory about how new venture electronic network enterprises are created, and the roles champions play in their creation. Network champion roles and their relationships with other network participants are not well understood. The case study reveals how (a) network champions have both direct and indirect involvement in creating and commercializing new venture electronic networks, (b) champions within the venture rather than network champions strategically encourage or discourage supplier and buyer firms in joining, and (c) the accumulated knowledge of all champions, rather than the network champion alone, enhances successful implemented strategies. The findings provide researchers with a theoretical understanding of the role of the network champion in creating new ventures. Network champions filling multiple roles appear necessary for the successful creation of new hightech ventures.


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The admiration of people for automobiles has been known and revealed for many years all over the world. Being through academic studies, proprietor declaration and admirers, the automobile is an object of desire, admiration, love, passion, dream, pride and accomplishment which, with all of this, promotes various types of feelings with the identification, discrimination, expression and the projection of identity. This research was based on the theories about consumers¿ behaviors, self-concept and extended self. It'll be approached in a qualitative and exploratory way the personal behavior of the consumers who personalizes their automobile, the consumer Tuning. The Objective of this project is to explore how the ¿Tuners¿ use a personalized car to construct their social identity. Supplementary, was explored which factors commence and initiated the extension process of self-automobile and also, how they connect with their object and why this relationship is establish this way. Seven people were interviewed of the male sex between 19 and 33 years old, living in the stated of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, during the period of September and October of the year 2007. The results observed were that the cars, like objects, can literally broaden its owner¿s personality. The creation process, sustentation and nutrition of the ¿Self¿ through the car can be observed in the personalization of their own cars, with this, using like the middle and end. It was also observed that the begin of the personalization phenomenon of automobiles in Brazil is began, mainly, in the 21 century with the diffuser of the culture, the cinema, evince even more, processes that already existent in the extension of the personalized cars. Observing that a personalized automobile tents to be in a free way, like a distance, when possible, from intransigence of models or imposition of the ways to be accomplished. Definitively, stories like: ¿My car is just a useful way to travel which I use only when necessary¿ will not be found in this research.


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Marcas, passagens e condensações: (des) encaminhamentos de um processo de gravura é uma pesquisa em Poéticas Visuais que articula questões provenientes de uma prática artística com base na gravura e uma produção textual. Investigam-se as possibilidades de potencializar o vazio e o cheio através da gravação de matrizes com instrumentos de corte e da gravação com fogo. Os procedimentos operatórios de cortar, queimar e condensar originaram a impressão das matrizes sobre suportes de papéis e de parafina. As imagens dessa produção gráfica resultaram em uma série de obras denominadas de Carbonizados, Sílex e Luas Negras, cujas ações instauradoras propiciaram diferentes etapas de gravação e impressão: marcas, passagens e condensações que foram analisadas a partir dos conceitos operatórios identificados no processo de criação. O estudo conduz a aproximações com obras de artistas contemporâneos e articula referenciais na História da Arte e na fenomenologia, propiciando o inter-relacionamento da prática com a teoria e vice-versa.


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This paper presents a case study from the Society for the Defense of Sexual and Migrate Rivers Amazônia - Sodireitos, whose central problem is to understand how it the works the social entrepreneur of the NGO Sodireitos in defense of sexual rights and migrate rivers in Amazônia. The central objective is to analyze the practices Social Entrepreneurship at the NGO Sodireitos on sexual rights and migrate rivers. The method adopted examined the entire creation process at the NGO the present day. Primary and secondary dates were used allowing the viewing of the dynamic intervention Social Sodireitos practiced by the fields of human rights and migrate rivers. Categories of analyses were given, and possible perceive in works of the strong Sodireitos flags that converge to social entrepreneurship as a guideline in the search for a model of human development, social and mainstay vel.


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This paper presents a case study from the Society for the Defense of Sexual and Migrate Rivers Amazônia - Sodireitos, whose central problem is to understand how it the works the social entrepreneur of the NGO Sodireitos in defense of sexual rights and migrate rivers in Amazônia. The central objective is to analyze the practices Social Entrepreneurship at the NGO Sodireitos on sexual rights and migrate rivers. The method adopted examined the entire creation process at the NGO the present day. Primary and secondary dates were used allowing the viewing of the dinamic intervention Social Sodireitos practiced by the fields of human rights and migrate rivers. Categories of analyses were given, and possible perceive in works of the strong Sodireitos flags that converge to social entrepreneurship as a guideline in the search for a model of human development, social and mainstay vel


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This research started with an investigation about the theatrical speaking. Through an empirical methodology that analyzed a practical experience of creating a play and bibliographical research, the actress/researcher investigated ways to manipulate musical parameters as tools in the creation process of the actor s voice. The actress/researcher attempted to connect theory and practice, moved by the desire to find a vocal expression in theater that unfolds as living and transforming movement. This dissertation also contains the report of pedagogical experiences, in which the actress/researcher explored strategies to teach the appropriation of musical parameters in the construction of the vocal work of the actor. Considering that speaking in theater is closer to singing than everyday speech, she concluded that the actor may compose music as a music composer does in the elaborating process of building vocal scores. Therefore, she demonstrated that it is of fundamental importance a musical training in the development of the actor.


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The term body without organs is present in a poem by the french writer, actor and director Antonin Artaud, written in 1947 and titled: To Have Done with the Judgement of God. I aim, in this work, from what we call investigative scenic writing, to problematize this term and its possible relations with the theater and also with some aspects of the Hindu myths. I unite the idea of the body without organs with the body in trance present in the stories of an Indian master named Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These ideas, along with the development of practices that come from some principles of Theatre Anthropology, are incentives for a creation process that highlights the work of preparation and creation of corporeal work of the actor. The relationship between the concepts and the practice raise discussions about where I stand as an actor-researcher in process


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This dissertation has as aim the praxis of co-management of the health service of CAPS II OESTE of Natal-RN, where health workers, family members got to materialize guidelines and principles of psychiatric Brazilian reform in real possibilities of subjectivity construction, whereas they changed social relations in daily life. The path chosen to record was from testimonials and contributions of those who meant their done. Redeeming this story from social representations of the majority of their builders was an instigating, delicate and rewarding task, emphasizing the living memory, rebuilt in a line of time which could not be found in simple documentary collections. Mainly, by knowing that service routine was intense and had as characteristic the singular mobility itself from a creation process and therefore not always its dynamic allowed adequate records. At the same time, from this occurred the field and bibliographic research which allowed the detailed information from the prior milestones and motivated to the practice here reported. The rereading of concepts in an interface with the reports of the interviewees enabled the verification that the model of mental health advocated by psychiatric reform was understood. Once noticed the presence of the beliefs and values of people in motivating energy for the progress of reform, it has gone to fetch theoretical subsidies of administrative order to understand how they saw this building and that uniqueness has been printed. The theoretical way and praxis have tracked here has allowed to analyze how occurred such a process of production and subjectivity and collectives that when organize enabled themselves for analysis and intervention, including in crisis situations. Therefore, it was revealed that ethical and multi-disciplinarity, the humanitarian sense, the coresponsibility, co-production and horizontal management were the key factors for spread from a changing protagonist. One can thus conclude that co-management from that collective has been multi-disciplinary weaving a cross