839 resultados para Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus-toxicus
To determine the relationship between the spatial dinoflagellate cyst distribution and oceanic environmental conditions, 34 surface sediments from the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea have been investigated for their dinoflagellate cyst content. Multivariate ordination analyses identified sea-surface temperature, chlorophyll-a , nitrate concentration, salinity, and bottom oxygen concentration as the main factors affecting dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the region. Based on the relative abundance data, two associations can be distinguished that can be linked with major oceanographic settings. (1) An offshore eastern Mediterranean regime where surface sediments are characterized by oligotrophic, warm, saline surface water, and high oxygen bottom water concentrations (Impagidinium species, Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Pyxidinopsis reticulata and Operculodinium israelianum). Based on the absolute abundance, temperature is positively related to the cyst accumulation of Operculodinium israelianum. Temperature does not form a causal factor influencing the accumulation rate of the other species in this association. Impagidinium species and Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus show a positive relationship between cyst accumulation and nitrate availability in the upper waters. (2) Species of association 2 have highest relative abundances in the Western Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Sicily/NW Ionian Sea, and/or the distal ends of the Po/Nile/Rhône River plumes. At these stations, surface waters are characterized by (relative to the other regime) higher productivity associated with lower sea-surface temperature, salinity, and lower bottom water oxygen concentrations (Selenopemphix nephroides, Echinidinium spp., Selenopemphix quanta, Quinquecuspis concreta, Brigantedinium spp. and Lingulodinium machaerophorum). Based on both the absolute and relative abundances, Selenopemphix nephroides is suggested to be a suitable indicator to trace changes in the trophic state of the upper waters. The distribution of Lingulodinium machaerophorum is related to the presence of river-influenced surface waters, notably the Nile River. We suggest that this species might form a suitable marker to trace past variations in river discharge, notably from the Nile.
Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 are responsible for a change in the carbonate chemistry of seawater with associated pH drops (acidification) projected to reach 0.4 units from 1950 to 2100. We investigated possible indirect effects of seawater acidification on the feeding, fecundity, and hatching success of the calanoid copepod Acartia grani, mediated by potential CO2-induced changes in the nutritional characteristics of their prey. We used as prey the autotrophic dinoflagellate Heterocapsa sp., cultured at three distinct pH levels (control: 8.17, medium: 7.96, and low: 7.75) by bubbling pure CO2 via a computer automated system. Acartia grani adults collected from a laboratory culture were acclimatized for 3 d at food suspensions of Heterocapsa from each pH treatment (ca. 500 cells/ml; 300 ?g C/l). Feeding and egg production rates of the preconditioned females did not differ significantly among the three Heterocapsa diets. Egg hatching success, monitored once per day for the 72 h, did not reveal significant difference among treatments. These results are in agreement with the lack of difference in the cellular stoichiometry (C : N, C : P, and N : P ratios) and fatty acid concentration and composition encountered between the three tested Heterocapsa treatments. Our findings disagree with those of other studies using distinct types of prey, suggesting that this kind of indirect influence of acidification on copepods may be largely associated with interspecific differences among prey items with regard to their sensitivity to elevated CO2 levels.