942 resultados para Dimensões da cultura de segurança


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Cidadania, justiça e “pacificação” em favelas cariocas traz um diagnóstico empírico da condição do exercício da cidadania nas favelas do Cantagalo, do Vidigal e do Complexo do Alemão, no Rio de Janeiro, cobrindo algumas das dimensões da cidadania, com ênfase no acesso à justiça. O livro é resultado de extensa pesquisa de campo realizada nestas favelas entre os anos de 2010 e 2013, incluindo dados gerados a partir de entrevistas estruturadas (survey) e semiestruturadas (entrevistas individuais e grupais), discutidos à luz de teorias e outros estudos sociológicos e sociais, refletindo acerca dos efeitos que a política pública de segurança destinada a estas áreas (as Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora) têm provocado nas dimensões da cidadania abordadas no estudo. O leitor encontrará, ao longo da publicação, o mapeamento do perfil destas favelas e dos seus moradores, enfatizando a negociação de identidades e a sociabilidade nesses espaços, passando pela identificação da cultura jurídica dos moradores, das categorias jurídicas por eles acionadas, e de percepções, vivências e atitudes que manifestam com relação a dimensões diversas como qualidade de vida, consumo de bens e serviços, lazer, conflitos, direitos, instituições de justiça, segurança, moradia, educação, saúde, entre outras. As evidências empíricas e as discussões analíticas aqui reunidas permitem constatar a continuidade do déficit de cidadania dos moradores das favelas cariocas, e caracterizar demandas por justiça não atendidas, seja pela precariedade de infraestrutura, urbanização e serviços que chegam até essas localidades, seja pela persistência dos estigmas da marginalidade social, ou pelo desconhecimento de direitos e das instituições de garantias desses direitos. A conclusão geral é de que a política de pacificação traz alguns benefícios aos moradores, sobretudo no aspecto da previsibilidade do seu cotidiano, reduzindo o medo e aumentando o sentimento de tranquilidade nas favelas – apesar de gerar novos conflitos. Já nos aspectos de desenvolvimento social e integração da favela à cidade, a política deixa a desejar. O epílogo é enfático nesse ponto, “a ruptura das dicotomias favela × bairro, morro x asfalto, tão marcantes na paisagem e no imaginário cariocas, parece estar se processando apenas no plano formal, enquanto isso a cidade segue partida em seus aspectos simbólico e social.


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Este estudo é dedicado à compreensão dos fatores culturais e de confiança que dificultam o alinhamento por processos na área de Tecnologia da Informação e Telecomunicações de uma empresa de economia mista. Visa compreender e traduzir o modo como a cultura dessa organização impacta nos resultados alcançados pelo modelo de gestão por processos vigente. Fazendo uso de referencial teórico das áreas de estudo de cultura organizacional, cultura nacional e confiança nas organizações, este estudo buscou alinhar estes conhecimentos por meio de um viés ainda pouco explorado no ambiente acadêmico. Aqui fizemos uso do conceito de cultura como um meio e não como um fim em si, associando classificação da cultura em dimensões, os traços da cultura brasileira e os estudos de “confiança” numa mescla ordenada de conceitos capaz de nos responder à questão de pesquisa. Esta pesquisa representa o resultado de um esforço de imersão nas rotinas da organização e descrição dos seus elementos culturais por meio de observação e entrevistas no ambiente estudado. Por fim, este trabalho se destina a contribuir ao aprimoramento dos processos para atingir melhores resultados na TIC.


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Os riscos fazem parte da vida das pessoas quaisquer que sejam suas profissões ou atividades. No caso dos policiais estes riscos são ampliados devido às situações as quais estão sujeitos e em particular no caso dos peritos criminais federais, que além dos relacionados às suas atividades policiais tem outras que são inerentes à perícia. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo identificar os principais riscos de segurança no ambiente de trabalho dos peritos criminais da Polícia Federal. A pesquisa, sob seu ponto de vista metodológico foi classificada quanto à sua natureza como aplicada; no tocante à abordagem do problema se classifica como qualitativa e quanto aos seus objetivos trata-se de pesquisa descritiva. A respeito dos procedimentos técnicos a pesquisa foi classificada como bibliográfica, pesquisa de levantamento e estudo de caso com aplicação na perícia criminal federal. Para tanto foram utilizados instrumentos de coleta de dados online os quais foram disponibilizados para peritos criminais de todas as áreas e unidades de federação. Os dados demonstraram que apesar de existirem diversos riscos relacionados com a atividade-fim pericial há outros com potencial para se transformarem em acidentes, principalmente os relacionados com questões policiais como abordagens, missões e operações. Os riscos foram mapeados por áreas da perícia utilizando-se como base a NR-5 que trata dos mapas de riscos. Com a pesquisa provocou-se a discussão a respeito dos riscos a que estão sujeitos os peritos e com isso criou-se uma conscientização da necessidade de tratamento dos mesmos. Com a participação dos peritos de todas as áreas de formação e unidades da federação, conseguiu-se numa perspectiva qualitativa identificar os principais riscos por grupos (físicos, químicos, biológicos, ergonômicos e de acidentes). Conclui-se que se faz necessário, em caráter de urgência, maior aprofundamento e discussões a respeitos dos riscos, bem como a criação de procedimentos mínimos a serem adotados para que os mesmos não se concretizem. A visão necessária para tratar estes riscos não pode ficar restrita a área pericial, mas precisa ser estendida para toda a Polícia Federal, e precisa ser inserida na filosofia, práticas e processos que permitam criar uma verdadeira cultura de gestão estratégica de riscos.


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Esse trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a influência da cultura no estilo de liderança em equipes de operações especiais, usando como referência teórica principal as pesquisas de Geert Hofstede sobre dimensões culturais. Buscamos entender como os elementos da cultura nacional e da cultura organizacional influenciam o estilo de liderança comparando equipes de operações especiais do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos. As unidades brasileiras estudadas foram o Batalhão de Operações Especiais (BOPE) da Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro e a Coordenadoria de Recursos Especiais (CORE) da Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro. A equipe de operações especiais estudada nos Estados Unidos foi a SWAT. Os resultados apontam para a influência da cultura organizacional, e não da cultura nacional, no estilo de liderança.


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Afinal, o que os gestores entendem por resiliência? É o questionamento que pautou este estudo e para respondê-lo desenvolvemos uma pesquisa empírica com 17 gestores de empresas de diversos portes, aqui no Rio de Janeiro, por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, realizada durante os meses de janeiro a junho de 2015. As respostas colhidas foram submetidas à Análise do Discurso posibilitando identificar na prática discursiva, figuras de linguagem, ethos do entrevistado, seleção lexical predominante, intertextualidade e temas de fundo, e relacioná-los aos elementos do corpus discursivo acadêmico, o que permitiu a constituição das categorias analíticas sobre: resiliência humana e resiliência organizacional. A análise concluiu que, para os gestores, embora o conceito de resiliência humana ainda seja influenciado pelos conceitos de elasticidade e invulnerabilidade, que informaram a construção do conceito de resiliência nos estudos iniciais no campo da Psicologia, a resiliência é um processo dinâmico cujo resultado é a adaptação bem sucedida e a transformação do indivíduo. A resiliência organizacional é personificada na resiliência dos indivíduos, especificamente, na dos gestores cujos comportamentos, individuais e coletivos, contribuem ou impedem a resiliência organizacional, com destaque para a revelação a respeito de como a resiliência influencia o processo de tomada de decisão, tanto por sua presença como por sua ausência. Este estudo é relevante na medida que suas revelações consubstanciam implicações para a academia e para as empresas. Para a academia a influência da resiliência no processo decisório sinaliza um denominador comum diante do qual as pesquisas acadêmicas podem partir, viabilizando a elaboração de proposições epistemológicas, metodológicas e praxiólogicas que ampliem, de forma realista, as possibilidades de acesso, por indivíduos e organizações, de um repertório de respostas produtivas às adversidades. Para as empresas as revelações deste estudo implicam em maior foco das iniciativas de desenvolvimento, tanto organizacional quanto de pessoas, no alinhamento de estrutura, processos e gestão de ativos intangíveis relacionados ao exercício da liderança, que resultem no delineamento de uma cultura organizacional favorável e compatível com um contexto viabilizador da resiliência organizacional.


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This present study analyses the relationship between national culture and entrepreneurship, in order to contribute in understanding the impact and the influence of Brazilian culture under the business practices of foreign entrepreneur on the tourism area of Rio Grande do Norte state. Researchers in entrepreneurship field, such as Schumpeter (2005), Weber (2006), McClelland (1972), Murphy, Liao, Welsch (2006), Peyrefitte (1999), Blanchflower (1988), Filion (2000), among others, and in the national culture, high-lighting Caldas and Woods (1999), Hofstede (1997) and Barros and Prates (1996), are put together to create a starting point to this present research, that reaches out for a differential approach, in order to create a correlation between Brazilian culture and the foreign entrepreneur, who chose Rio Grande do Norte state to live and invest. It was observed that in the case of the Switzerland entrepreneur, where the cultural difference is more strong, either in Hofstede's perspective than in Brazilian s authors, the management practices are more negatively affected. The rationalization adopted by the entrepreneur and the employee s logic are in battle in a day-to-day operation of the company. In the case of the Argentinean entrepreneur, the cultural difference exists, but it does not impact as much, because of her personal characteristics and the similarities of Latin culture than surfaces the differences. Finally, this study showed the necessity of analyzing the enterprising regarding the cultural issue, in a way to highlight the different rationalities in different atmospheres where it is practiced the enterprise


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The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles


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This dissertation approaches the children's sexual tourism and adolescents in the seafront of Natal/RN, in the Childhood and youth perspective and military policeman. It analyzes the sexual tourism as development source and of exploration, analyzing your dimensions in reality of Natal/RN, taking as empiric universe your urban seafront and the Independent Company of Tourist Protection, through the cash military policeman. That discussion contemplates theoretical elements, ruled mainly in Pierre Bourdieu theoretical analyses and Michel Foucault, ally to an empiric picture that possesses great specific as the Praia do Meio, Ponta Negra, Alagamar and Praia da Redinha, where they were applied techniques of observation no systematic, rising and bibliographical revision and glimpses semi-structured the white public composed of twenty-five military policemen close to and of fifteen children and adolescents. Along the text several discussions they are accomplished aiming at the understanding of the reality of the tourism-sexual childhood-juvenile, through the study on the body, of the sexuality, of the habitus, of the stigmatization, of the public safety and of the paper military policeman in this context. For the understanding of this reality the Subject's Bus of military policemen speech was proceeded and of children and adolescents, aiming at the understanding that each segment possesses of the other, and the analysis of the speech policeman military produce the perception of considering the childhood and youth that practices the sex tourism, as people originating from of families no restructured and that live social inequalities; while the other segment notices the military policeman as arbitrary and violent system.


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This dissertation aims to understand the importance of the National School Feeding as a strategy for ensuring the promotion of food and nutrition security in the municipality of Macaíba / RN, taking into account the implementation of the Law School Feeding, 11,947, 2009. The program was extended to all public basic education, youth and adults, in addition to ensuring that 30% of transfers from FNDE, were intended for the purchase of products from family farms. The survey was conducted with 160 students from public schools and farmers nesting Quilombo dos Palmares II, who produce on their land vegetables, fruits and cereals for their own consumption, for sale in local markets, in addition to providing for PNAE. The reciprocity between neighbors, such as mutual aid and sharing of common goods was noticeable in this group of farmers, since it was necessary to meet weekly deliveries of products to schools. As students, we applied a test of acceptability in two schools located in rural and in urban areas, to learn the opinion of ourselves in relation to school food consumed. It was concluded that to be most effective program in the region, there must be a better match in school menus, so that it can be attractive to students and to ensure greater use of fresh food, the main ingredient of same, practice of nutrition education in schools, to teach students the importance of food to health. In relation to local management, noted the need for adjustments bureaucratic as hiring staff for the departments, in order to be more agile in releasing payments to farmers, in addition to hiring assistants general services for schools, one Since the cooks exert dual role, the cooking while being responsible for cleaning the entire school environment. Government investments in the rural sector would be extremely valuable for farmers, since they need financial resources to purchase inputs, irrigation projects for gardens, availability of land for planting, transportation to facilitate the delivery of its products to schools and technical assistance more frequently


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The subject of public safety is part of the academic and popular discussions, due to several factors that act in society culminating in an increasing criminality. The importance of the evaluation of public policies in this context consists in a possible control tool, monitoring and necessary adjustments to the government to make the necessary changes. Given this reality, it is thought the research problem: how Mossoró (RN) city has implemented his public security policy? In general guideline of the research, we work with the following hypothesis: the own formulation of the National Policy of Public Safety there are elements that hinder the implementation of a public policy of municipal security in Mossoró. The objective of this research is to evaluate the existing security public policy in the city of Mossoró, by the elements that facilitate and/or hamper its implementation, through the actions of municipal government in the activities of the Mossoro Civil Guard (GCM). For this, a review of the implementation process was conducted, specifically its subprocesses of selection, training, and logistical or operational. Was used bibliographical research, documental primary and secondary, and field research, with conducting of interviews. It was found that with a staff of 197 guards, and with five years of creation, the actions developed by this institution refer to an early implementation of the municipal security policy. The guard has the basic pattern selection, part of function relocation and part of public tender. The formation occurs in an introductory way, however, not complete and specific, for the function performance. Its operability is limited by the number of existing effective and by the physical structure that has not matching the demand yet, which touches on the municipal budgetary reality of direct resource intended to safety. It was found the absence of a municipal plan of public security with principles, guidelines and goals that could direct the actions of the guard. It is concluded that despite of the implementation of the GCM Mossoró have not achieved, within the parameters of efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness have played their actions, projects and programs, it could trigger a process of opening for construction of a municipal security policy. As well as break with the paradigm of municipal actions just meant for surveillance of public property, interaction affirmative for the prevention of violence and crime


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This thesis is a result of a research on Natal/RN as a tourist destination. We understand that cities are chosen as tourist destinations beyond its cartographic localization, from other dimensions of meanings that, in its set, constitute images. These images are, probably, very different of the images constructed by native and resident populations, who possess relations of identity with the place. The knowledge of the meanings that others attribute to this city as tourist destination, bring us near to the symbolic bonds established by individuals or social groups on the act of their choices, as well as bring us near to the interaction process city-tourists where the expectations are confirmed or not. The images divulgated by the media also participate of the complex formation of the tourist image that is being constructed and available for the different public, in different social contexts. The tourism constitutes a symbolic asset of the modern society, being considered by the studious, as one of the most expressive phenomena of the modernity, for involving each year displacement and the interaction of thousand of people of different cultures in the entire world. All this people s mobilization points to practical social related to personal motivations, to the entailed desired to the idea to travel and to exceed borders. It is already consensus that tourism is a phenomenon of economic growth, generating jobs, income, professional, qualification, bringing improvements for the host cities. Since 1995, in Brazil, the tourism as a sector of the economy, passed to be considered one of the national priorities, and in this perspective, the national politics of the tourism invested in infrastructure of Brazilian cities with high tourist potential, objecting to increase the flows of Brazilian and foreign tourists. Owing to this fact, the country still invests in programs of tourist marketing, mainly divulging the images of the natural beauties of Brazil abroad. And for Brazilians, the campaigns appeal to rescue the feeling to be Brazilian, associating the idea to travel and know its country. Natal city possesses an excellent positioning in the tourist marketing, being predominantly divulgated in national and international level, for its naturalistic singularity, where the images of its natural enchantments as warm water beaches, white dunes, warm weather, constant breeze and an always blue sky are shown as the favorite scene on this city. From what was viewed above that the choice of a tourist destination articulates from a determined imaginary of a place, already constructed or in process of construction, we consider the knowledge of this imaginary a basic learning for the population of the city and especially, for educators, in the formation of professionals in this area and for tourism managers, elaborators of public politics. Based on this estimative, we developed this research that had as a general objective to identify the images that illustrate Natal city as a tourist destination - our objective of study, particularly the meanings and senses attributed by the tourist marketing (hotel s folders) and by the tourists that visited the city during this study. The discussions and reflections that had guided this research had been given from the theoretical link between imaginary and social representation, also considering some interfaces between the fields of communication and symbol. From the studied authors, Baczko (1985) clarifies that the study of social imaginary is directed for the mechanisms and structures of the social life, especially for the intervention accomplishes and efficient of the representations and symbols in the practical collectives, as well as in its direction and orientation . Following this same thought, Moscovici (1978) says that the social representation are produced in communicational and symbolic contexts, and these representations once that already constituted circulate socially as almost tangible entities. Based on this fundament and on the analyze of Barthes (1990), particularly in the approach given to the reading of photographic image, we could observe on hotel s folders that each page evidences senses and meanings of functionality of internal and external spaces, pointing to the way of leisure offered by the keepers of city which is the hotels. About, the leisure that they offer, it is directed to young public, giving meaning to the young myth of personalized leisure tourism on children, young and adults images. The image about security that hotels offer and the singular image of Natal city as a paradise place, provide an idealization of pleasure through the sun, dunes, and beaches and also due to the hospitability of the natives who are assigned as educated . For the tourist that participated on this research, Natal city is tied only by the imaginary of leisure and nature which constitute the emotional link of the relation media-city-tourist. And with such force and fullness of directions the city discloses without tensions and contradictions as a place protected by a mythical and sacred aura. The study also demonstrates us that the potiguar culture remains (almost) forgotten, due to the silenced in this imaginary. In this perspective, we highlight that this culture silence is very close related to the disvalue of education in its general meaning. We defend that the imaginary apprehended constitutes a new reading and a new looking and understanding the tourist reality that comes historically consolidating in this city. In this direction, we glimpse that this study and its future dismemberments can collaborate with the process of rescue the cultural values of the potiguar people, in the way that the meaning of tourist may be redefined, and the tourist image of the city can be also disclosed for its identities particularities of its culture


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This work focalize the institutional and educational evaluation, aiming to investigate the Municipal System Institutional Evaluation Performance of Teresina City Piauí (2001-2005), and to reflect about Institutional System Performance and its contribution to compose a new learning evaluation practice. In this sense, classifies elements about the evaluation practice in two Elementary Education municipal public schools, involving Education Municipal Bureau technicians as managers, pedagogues, teachers and students. Based on the ethnographic studies principles in the educational area, the work employs investigative procedures like document analysis, interviews with groups and individuals and also participator s comments. Intending to comprehend the complexity produced by the institutional and education evaluation processes, the wok reveals the Institutional Evaluation legal and educational political basis and the several positions assumed by the Learning Evaluation, as a classification tool or as a learning enhancement. This work points, as results, to a evaluation culture bipolarity carried out by the Municipal Education System as a explicit control and regulation toll, related to the classification and learning in a interaction process that operates both in the pressure and the reflection, as a culture practice established between excellence of logic and learning. The evaluation history has been construct on the evaluation actions dialectics, joint simultaneously between the Institutional Evaluation Performance and the learning evaluation. The senses, meanings and actions bipolarity is a interaction process product sustained between the institutional evaluation, under the scholar ranking application, and the learning evaluation. In this relativity, the teacher evaluation practice is found, ruled by interesting, thoughts and actions on the school evaluation, allowing a higher security and support to the learning results. Grounded in the researched reality, its possible to say that the teacher s evaluation practice is diversified, with different characteristics, when it is done in the learning search and in the learning intention. In the first case, reflects, rearranges and constructs new actions that lead the student to produce learning. In the second, shows the will, the wish of learning, but is a weak action, producing a not really significant learning and development; as a result, remains the mark approach as a determinant in the student future. The work s hope is to contribute not just to rethink these two evaluations dimensions the institutional and the learning ones but also to organize the school and to improve the pedagogic process


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a eficiência da cabina do trator, de dois tipos de ponta de pulverização e de duas posições da barra do pulverizador montado em trator em aplicações de herbicidas na cultura de cana-de-açúcar, como medidas de proteção coletiva para a atividade de tratorista, separadamente ou combinadas; e classificar a segurança dessas condições de trabalho com as 46 recomendações de herbicidas registradas. As exposições dérmica e respiratória do tratorista foram quantificadas em aplicações com o pulverizador equipado com barra traseira ou central, associadas com pontas com indução de ar, modelo Turbo TeeJet Air Induction® (TTI-11004VP), e sem indução de ar, modelo Turbo Floodjet® (TF-VP3), e o trator sem e com cabina. Foram calculadas as margens de segurança (MS) para 46 recomendações de aplicação de herbicidas nessas condições de trabalho. Pelos valores de MS calculados, as condições de trabalho foram classificadas como seguras (MS > 1) ou inseguras (MS < 1). A condição de trabalho mais segura para o tratorista é a associação de pulverizador de barra central, trator com cabina e pontas TTI. Nas aplicações com o pulverizador de barra central sem a cabina, das 46 recomendações de herbicidas, são seguras para o tratorista as de imazapyr, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, imazapic, glyphosate, amicarbazone, hexazinone, sulfentrazone, clomazone, oxadiazon, isoxaflutole, pendimethalin, flazasulfuron, tebuthiuron, ethoxysulfuron e acetoclor. Com o uso da cabina, também são seguras as de metribuzin e s-metalochlor. Nas aplicações com o pulverizador de barra traseira sem a cabina, das 46 recomendações de herbicidas, são seguras as de imazapyr, trifloxysulfuron-sodium, imazapic, glyphosate, amicarbazone, hexazinone, sulfentrazone, clomazone, oxadiazon, isoxaflutole, pendimethalin, flazasulfuron e tebuthiuron. Com a associação da cabina, também são seguras para o tratorista a aplicação do ethoxysulfuron com as pontas TF e a do metribuzin e s-metalochlor com as pontas TTI.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho classificar em seguras ou inseguras as condições de trabalho de aplicação da formulação comercial de paraquat a 0,5% e de abastecimento dos tanques em operação de repasse em cultura de cana-de-açúcar com os pulverizadores costal manual, costal pressurizado e Pulmipur manual; determinar o efeito das variações na operação de repasse em quatro usinas de açúcar e álcool com o pulverizador costal pressurizado sobre as exposições dos trabalhadores ao paraquat; determinar a eficácia de equipamentos de proteção individual nessas condições de trabalho; e avaliar a intensidade da deriva e a eficácia de acessórios protetores de deriva. As exposições dérmicas e respiratórias dos trabalhadores foram avaliadas e utilizadas para calcular a margem de segurança (MS). Os valores de MS foram utilizados para classificar essas condições de trabalho em seguras (MS > 1) ou em inseguras (MS < 1). Para avaliar a deriva das aplicações na cultura e a eficácia dos protetores de deriva, foram estudados os tratamentos: formulação comercial de paraquat a 0,5% na calda, aplicada com o costal manual, sem e com o chapéu de proteção de deriva; com o costal pressurizado, sem e com a planilha de proteção de deriva; formulação comercial de paraquat pura com o Pulmipur; formulação comercial de glyphosate a 1% com o costal pressurizado e com a planilha, e puro com o Pulmipur; e testemunha sem aplicação. As duas atividades com o Pulmipur proporcionam as maiores exposições dérmicas, devido ao manuseio da formulação, e são inseguras sem o uso dos EPIs e seguras com estes. As atividades com o pulverizador costal manual ou pressurizado são seguras com ou sem os EPIs. As grandes diferenças nas EDs dos trabalhadores se devem às diferenças no tempo de trabalho diário e no número de trabalhadores nas equipes entre as usinas de açúcar e álcool. O protetor de deriva tipo chapéu é eficaz no controle da deriva na aplicação do paraquat, e a planilha, não.


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This study examines the relationship of the types of organizational culture perceived in a business hotel with the nature of the link between individual and organization. This linkage between commitment and organizational culture has been little explored, both national and international, requiring more studies. Thus, the survey was conducted in Soleil Suite Hotel, located on the beach of Ponta Negra, city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The independent variable of the proposed model was represented by the types of organizational culture, while the dependent variable was represented by the four dimensions of commitment. It was used in addition to the correspondence analysis, the arithmetic mean, the Pearson s correlation and the simple regression analysis. The results indicated the existence of relationship of the types of organizational culture with the kind of commitment shown by the officials, where the cultures of Group and Innovative, capable of generating an environment dedicated to the work as a team, the development and professional growth of the employees, as well as the creativity and individual freedom of each one to try new things, encourage the dominance of the dimensions Affective, Affiliative and Normative of the tie person-organization