970 resultados para Digital medical images


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Presentado en la mesa redonda "Innovar en gestión de información: plataformas tecnológicas para creación de contenidos compartidos" de las XIII Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía (Granada, 5 y 6 Noviembre 2015).


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This final year project presents the design principles and prototype implementation of BIMS (Biomedical Information Management System), a flexible software system which provides an infrastructure to manage all information required by biomedical research projects.The BIMS project was initiated with the motivation to solve several limitations in medical data acquisition of some research projects, in which Universitat Pompeu Fabra takes part. These limitations,based on the lack of control mechanisms to constraint information submitted by clinicians, impact on the data quality, decreasing it.BIMS can easily be adapted to manage information of a wide variety of clinical studies, not being limited to a given clinical specialty. The software can manage both, textual information, like clinical data (measurements, demographics, diagnostics, etc ...), as well as several kinds of medical images (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc ...). Moreover, BIMS provides a web - based graphical user interface and is designed to be deployed in a distributed andmultiuser environment. It is built on top of open source software products and frameworks.Specifically, BIMS has been used to represent all clinical data being currently used within the CardioLab platform (an ongoing project managed by Universitat Pompeu Fabra), demonstratingthat it is a solid software system, which could fulfill requirements of a real production environment.


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PURPOSE: Signal detection on 3D medical images depends on many factors, such as foveal and peripheral vision, the type of signal, and background complexity, and the speed at which the frames are displayed. In this paper, the authors focus on the speed with which radiologists and naïve observers search through medical images. Prior to the study, the authors asked the radiologists to estimate the speed at which they scrolled through CT sets. They gave a subjective estimate of 5 frames per second (fps). The aim of this paper is to measure and analyze the speed with which humans scroll through image stacks, showing a method to visually display the behavior of observers as the search is made as well as measuring the accuracy of the decisions. This information will be useful in the development of model observers, mathematical algorithms that can be used to evaluate diagnostic imaging systems. METHODS: The authors performed a series of 3D 4-alternative forced-choice lung nodule detection tasks on volumetric stacks of chest CT images iteratively reconstructed in lung algorithm. The strategy used by three radiologists and three naïve observers was assessed using an eye-tracker in order to establish where their gaze was fixed during the experiment and to verify that when a decision was made, a correct answer was not due only to chance. In a first set of experiments, the observers were restricted to read the images at three fixed speeds of image scrolling and were allowed to see each alternative once. In the second set of experiments, the subjects were allowed to scroll through the image stacks at will with no time or gaze limits. In both static-speed and free-scrolling conditions, the four image stacks were displayed simultaneously. All trials were shown at two different image contrasts. RESULTS: The authors were able to determine a histogram of scrolling speeds in frames per second. The scrolling speed of the naïve observers and the radiologists at the moment the signal was detected was measured at 25-30 fps. For the task chosen, the performance of the observers was not affected by the contrast or experience of the observer. However, the naïve observers exhibited a different pattern of scrolling than the radiologists, which included a tendency toward higher number of direction changes and number of slices viewed. CONCLUSIONS: The authors have determined a distribution of speeds for volumetric detection tasks. The speed at detection was higher than that subjectively estimated by the radiologists before the experiment. The speed information that was measured will be useful in the development of 3D model observers, especially anthropomorphic model observers which try to mimic human behavior.


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Aquest treball tracta sobre la realització d’una aplicació per a dispositius Android que permeti visualitzar imatges mèdiques. Amb la col·laboració del parc Taulí de Sabadell s’han realitzat tasques de recerca de requeriments com l’elaboració d’una entrevista o la realització d’una maqueta de paper que s’ha sotmès a una avaluació heurística en un procés iteratiu. Finalment, s’ha implementat una aplicació on es poden visualitzar imatges mèdiques, fer accions sobre elles com canviar el color o fer zoom i accedir a informació del pacient.


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Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire à été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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This paper presents a method based on articulated models for the registration of spine data extracted from multimodal medical images of patients with scoliosis. With the ultimate aim being the development of a complete geometrical model of the torso of a scoliotic patient, this work presents a method for the registration of vertebral column data using 3D magnetic resonance images (MRI) acquired in prone position and X-ray data acquired in standing position for five patients with scoliosis. The 3D shape of the vertebrae is estimated from both image modalities for each patient, and an articulated model is used in order to calculate intervertebral transformations required in order to align the vertebrae between both postures. Euclidean distances between anatomical landmarks are calculated in order to assess multimodal registration error. Results show a decrease in the Euclidean distance using the proposed method compared to rigid registration and more physically realistic vertebrae deformations compared to thin-plate-spline (TPS) registration thus improving alignment.


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Introducción: Teniendo en cuenta el envejecimiento de la población y la alta prevalencia de las lesiones del manguito rotador no es de extrañar que esta patología se convierta en un problema de salud pública. Se sabe que el aumento en el tamaño de una lesión se asocia con la aparición de síntomas, pero no existen herramientas que permitan predecir la evolución del tamaño de una lesión. Con esto en mente se desarrollo una línea de investigación para estudiar el mecanismo de falla que inicia con la realización de un modelo tridimensional de un tendón del musculo supraespinoso sano. Materiales y métodos: Se caracterizo el tendón del músculo supraespinoso aplicando cargas uniaxiales a 7 complejos humero-tendón-escápula cadavéricos. Con los datos obtenidos se alimento un modelo tridimensional lineal isotrópico analizando la concentración de esfuerzos de von Misses Resultados: Del ensayo uniaxial se obtuvieron curvas esfuerzo-deformación homogéneas para el 20% de la deformación inicial, obteniendo un modulo de Young (14.4±2.3MPa) y un coeficiente de Poisson (0.14) con una concentración de esfuerzos de en la zona central de la cara articular del tendón, cercana a su inserción. Encontramos una disminución del 5% en los esfuerzos al retirar el acromion del modelo. Conclusiones: Se caracterizó de manera exitosa y se obtuvo un modelo tridimensional del tendón. La distribución de esfuerzos es compatible con la reportada en la literatura. El acromion no tiene mayor importancia en la magnitud de los esfuerzos en nuestro modelo. Este es el punto de partida para estudiar el mecanismo de falla.


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Modern medical imaging techniques enable the acquisition of in vivo high resolution images of the vascular system. Most common methods for the detection of vessels in these images, such as multiscale Hessian-based operators and matched filters, rely on the assumption that at each voxel there is a single cylinder. Such an assumption is clearly violated at the multitude of branching points that are easily observed in all, but the Most focused vascular image studies. In this paper, we propose a novel method for detecting vessels in medical images that relaxes this single cylinder assumption. We directly exploit local neighborhood intensities and extract characteristics of the local intensity profile (in a spherical polar coordinate system) which we term as the polar neighborhood intensity profile. We present a new method to capture the common properties shared by polar neighborhood intensity profiles for all the types of vascular points belonging to the vascular system. The new method enables us to detect vessels even near complex extreme points, including branching points. Our method demonstrates improved performance over standard methods on both 2D synthetic images and 3D animal and clinical vascular images, particularly close to vessel branching regions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The vascular segmentation is important in diagnosing vascular diseases like stroke and is hampered by noise in the image and very thin vessels that can pass unnoticed. One way to accomplish the segmentation is extracting the centerline of the vessel with height ridges, which uses the intensity as features for segmentation. This process can take from seconds to minutes, depending on the current technology employed. In order to accelerate the segmentation method proposed by Aylward [Aylward & Bullitt 2002] we have adapted it to run in parallel using CUDA architecture. The performance of the segmentation method running on GPU is compared to both the same method running on CPU and the original Aylward s method running also in CPU. The improvemente of the new method over the original one is twofold: the starting point for the segmentation process is not a single point in the blood vessel but a volume, thereby making it easier for the user to segment a region of interest, and; the overall gain method was 873 times faster running on GPU and 150 times more fast running on the CPU than the original CPU in Aylward


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The visualization of three-dimensional(3D)images is increasigly being sed in the area of medicine, helping physicians diagnose desease. the advances achived in scaners esed for acquisition of these 3d exames, such as computerized tumography(CT) and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI), enable the generation of images with higher resolutions, thus, generating files with much larger sizes. Currently, the images of computationally expensive one, and demanding the use of a righ and computer for such task. The direct remote acess of these images thruogh the internet is not efficient also, since all images have to be trasferred to the user´s equipment before the 3D visualization process ca start. with these problems in mind, this work proposes and analyses a solution for the remote redering of 3D medical images, called Remote Rendering (RR3D). In RR3D, the whole hedering process is pefomed a server or a cluster of servers, with high computational power, and only the resulting image is tranferred to the client, still allowing the client to peform operations such as rotations, zoom, etc. the solution was developed using web services written in java and an architecture that uses the scientific visualization packcage paraview, the framework paraviewWeb and the PACS server DCM4CHEE.The solution was tested with two scenarios where the rendering process was performed by a sever with graphics hadwere (GPU) and by a server without GPUs. In the scenarios without GPUs, the soluction was executed in parallel with several number of cores (processing units)dedicated to it. In order to compare our solution to order medical visualization application, a third scenario was esed in the rendering process, was done locally. In all tree scenarios, the solution was tested for different network speeds. The solution solved satisfactorily the problem with the delay in the transfer of the DICOM files, while alowing the use of low and computers as client for visualizing the exams even, tablets and smart phones


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Brazilian Cartography presents great deficiency in cartographic products updating. This form, Remote Sensins techniques together Digital Processing Images - DPI, are contributing to improve this problem. The Mathematical Morphology theory was used in this work. The principal function was the pruning operator. With its were extracted the interest features that can be used in cartographic process updating. The obtained results are positives and showed the use potential of mathematical morphology theory in cartography, mainly in updating.


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Aging is associated with decline in muscle mass and strength and reduced bone density. Age-related bone loss is a primary factor in osteoporosis and all individuals are potential candidates for osteoporosis because bone loss with aging occurs in men and women, but less studied in men. To examine the appropriateness of hindlimb elevation, by tail suspension as a model for diminished mechanical loading, and to determine the influence of age on bone responsiveness to skeletal unloading, we use dual X ray absorptiometry (DXA) and digital radiographic images to analyze the response of the femur from mature rats to biomechanical loads. Femurs from male Wistar rats (9-mo-old) were scanned using DXA and DIGORA and measures obtained in ephipyseal and diaphyseal regions of interest. The mechanical testing was divided into compression load to fracture the head and a three-point bending load to fracture the femur middiaphysis. In femoral epiphysis from hindlimb unload (HU), animals presented significant differences between mineral bone content and density assessed by DXA. Detailed regions of femoral epiphysis (head, throcanteric fossa, throcanter and metaphysis) presented significant lower values from radiographic density. Only compressive load necessary to fracture the femoral head neck was also significantly diminished in HU animals. Disuse induced, as in elderly patients, deterioration of the trabecular bone architecture with critical effect on bone fragility. Rats with 21 days of hindlimb unloading can simulate disuse, suggesting that certain sub-regions of their aging bones are more susceptible to fracture, while other, i.e. diaphyses, are not.