954 resultados para Difficult care situations


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L'article constituant le présent travail de thèse décrit une recherche évaluant les similarités entre l'inhibition comportementale chez des enfants et leurs parents respectifs durant l'enfance, ainsi que l'association éventuelle entre l'inhibition et les attitudes parentales. L'inhibition comportementale - définie comme une prédisposition de l'enfant à réagir avec réticence et angoisse à des situations inhabituelles - est une caractéristique de tempérament qui apparaît tôt dans la vie et est relativement stable dans le temps. L'intérêt qui y est associé repose sur son association avec des conséquences développementales négatives pour l'individu: risque accentué chez les enfants d'inadaptation scolaire, de dysfonctionnement social et de sentiments de détresse; facteur de risque en ce qui concerne le développement ultérieur de troubles psychiatriques de l'adulte, dont les troubles anxieux en particulier. Nous avons dès lors investigué dans cette recherche 1) la présence d'une association entre l'inhibition comportementale actuelle des enfants et celle rétrospective de leurs parents, dans ses deux dimensions spécifiques, soit sociale (« peurs à l'école ») et non-sociale (« peurs générales »), et 2) si ces dimensions d'inhibition étaient associées au niveau de chaleur, d'affectivité et de soutien prodigués par les parents. C'est à partir de la récolte d'auto-questionnaires remplis dans le contexte d'une vaste étude initiée à Lausanne en 1994, que nous avons extrait un échantillon de 453 enfants scolarisés en 6/7ème années et 741 de leurs parents biologiques respectifs. Les analyses ont porté sur les auto-questionnaires évaluant, chez les enfants, leurs degrés d'inhibition comportementale, de symptomatologie psychiatrique actuelle et de perception de chaleur, d'affectivité et de soutien reçu de la part des parents, et, en ce qui concerne les parents, des auto¬questionnaires évaluant rétrospectivement leurs degrés d'inhibition comportementale durant l'enfance et de symptomatologie psychiatrique actuelle. La comparaison des scores des enfants avec ceux de leurs parents sur les échelles de l'inhibition comportementale (CSRCI-Child version of the Self-Report of Child Inhibition - et RSRI - Retrospective Self- Report of Inhibition -), montre la présence d'une similarité significative pour chacune des dimensions spécifiques, suggérant que les enfants de parents ayant présenté une inhibition comportementale dans l'enfance sont plus à risque d'en développer une à leur tour. Nous avons par ailleurs pu établir, au cours d'analyses complémentaires, que cette association se maintenait après l'ajustement des degrés de symptomatologie psychiatrique respectifs des enfants et de leurs parents, ce qui a permis d'écarter ce facteur confondant potentiel. Bien que la nature de cette association ne puisse être élucidée par cette recherche, le fait que la taille de l'effet soit modeste suggère qu'un rôle important dans le développement de l'inhibition soit joué par des facteurs environnementaux non partagés dans une famille. Un de ceux-ci semble suggéré par l'association négative qui apparaît dans cette étude entre le degré d'inhibition dans sa dimension « peurs à l'école » et l'attitude parentale: un bas niveau de chaleur, d'affectivité et de soutien perçu par l'enfant de la part de ses parents aurait ainsi une influence sur le développement de peurs en situations sociales en particulier. Alternativement, cette association négative pourrait suggérer que les peurs de l'enfant aient une influence négative sur le développement d'une attitude parentale de soutien ou, du moins, sur la perception de celle-ci par l'enfant. Il est aussi bien évidemment envisageable que ces processus interagissent dans une boucle de rétroaction. Seules des études longitudinales pourraient nous éclairer sur la nature de cette association. Quoi qu'il en soit, ce résultat présente un intérêt clinique pour orienter des interventions de prévention du développement de troubles psychiatriques chez des enfants inhibés, en proposant d'agir, soit directement sur les attitudes parentales, soit sur les peurs de l'enfant ainsi que sur les caractéristiques perçues par l'enfant de l'attitude parentale. Des études longitudinales sur les ressemblances entre les parents et leurs enfants concernant l'inhibition comportementale, incluant des études de jumeaux, d'enfants adoptés et de familles, sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les interactions entre les facteurs génétiques, familiaux et environnementaux dans le développement de l'inhibition comportementale des enfants.


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Polymorbidity affects an increasing number of patients of all ages as demonstrated by a recent epidemiological study and represents a real challenge for the organization of health care. Appropriate management of polymorbid patients requires an interdisciplinary approach associating generalist and specialist physicians, but also nurses, other health professionals and social workers. An improvement in transition care between the community and the hospital is necessary in both directions. Prioritizing the treatment objectives is essential to allow patient adherence and avoid cumulative drug interactions and adverse effects. Those objectives are difficult to attain in the context of our present health care organization. This paper attempts to identify the difficulties involved in caring for polymorbid patients and propose ways to improve it.


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The reasons why we care about soil fauna are related to their intrinsic, utilitarian and functional values. The intrinsic values embrace aesthetic or moral reasons for conserving below-ground biodiversity. Unfortunately, the protection of soil invertebrates has rarely been a criterion for avoiding changes in land use and management. Utilitarian, or direct use values, have been investigated more extensively for fungi, bacteria and marine invertebrates than for soil fauna. However, some traditional remedies, novel enzymes and pharmaceutical compounds have been derived from earthworms, termites and other groups, and gut symbionts may provide microbial strains with interesting properties for biotechnology. The functional importance of soil invertebrates in ecosystem processes has been a major focus of research in recent decades. It is suggested herein that it is rarely possible to identify the role of soil invertebrates as rate determinants of soil processes at plot and ecosystem scales of hectares and above because other biophysical controls override their effects. There are situations, however, where the activities of functional groups of soil animals, even of species, are synchronised in space or time by plant events, resource inputs, seasonality or other perturbations to the system, and their emergent effects are detectable as higher order controls.


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Background: Pre-existing psychological factors can strongly influence coping with type 1 diabetes mellitus and interfere with self-monitoring. Psychiatric disorders seem to be positively associated with poor metabolic control. We present a case of extreme compulsive blood testing due to obsessive fear of hypoglycemia in an adolescent with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Case report: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (anti GAD-antibodies 2624 U/l, norm < 9.5) was diagnosed in a boy aged 14.3 years [170 cm (+ 0.93 SDS), weight 50.5 kg (+ 0.05 SDS)]. Laboratory work-up showed no evidence for other autoimmune disease. Family and past medical history were unremarkable. Growth and developmental milestones were normal. Insulin-analog based basal-bolus regime was initiated, associated to standard diabetic education. Routine psychological evaluation performed at the onset of diabetes revealed intermittent anxiety and obsessivecompulsive traits. Accordingly, a close psychiatric follow-up was initiated for the patient and his family. An adequate metabolic control (HbA1c drop from >14 to 8%) was achieved within 3 months, attributed to residual -cell function. In the following 6 months, HbA1c rose unexpectedly despite seemingly adequate adaptations of insulin doses. Obsessive fear of hypoglycemia leading to a severe compulsive behavior developed progressively with as many as 68 glycemia measurements per day (mean over 1 week). The patient reported that he could not bear leaving home with glycemia < 15 mmol/l, ending up with school eviction and severe intra-familial conflict. Despite intensive psychiatric outpatient support, HbA1c rose rapidly to >14% with glycemia-testing reaching peaks of 120 tests/day. The situation could only be discontinued through psychiatric hospitalization with intensive behavioral training. As a result, adequate metabolic balance was restored (HbA1c value: 7.1 %) with acceptable 10-15 daily glycemia measurements. Discussion: The association of overt psychiatric disorders to type 1 diabetes mellitus is very rare in the pediatric age group. It can lead to a pathological behavior with uncontrolled diabetes. Such exceptional situations require long-term admissions with specialized psychiatric care. Slow acceptation of a "less is better" principle in glycemia testing and amelioration of metabolic control are difficult to achieve.


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By federal law, individuals residing in long-term care are afforded multiple rights, many of which are relevant to sexuality. These rights include but are not limited to: the rights to privacy, confidentiality, dignity and respect, the right to make independent choices, and the right to choose visitors and meet in a private location. The Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman strives to preserve these rights by promoting attitudes of awareness, acceptance, and respect of sexual diversity. Though outcomes to sexually-related situations vary innumerably, as each is different and must be considered independently, the OSLTCO believes a multidisciplinary effort is necessary to develop a thoughtful process from which to draw and support conclusions. It is not the responsibility of the long-term care facility or assisted living program (or a single staff member) to solely determine whether a resident/tenant should or should not be sexually expressive.


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The health care system faces a difficult challenge as a result of the demographic evolution. The acute hospital is especially challenged by the steady increase of the elderly population. The collaboration between internal medicine and geriatrics in this setting could prove useful to facilitate the adaptation of the acute care setting and greatly enhance education of the health care professionals. Internists and geriatricians can benefit from each other skills and competencies to develop together new models of acute care that would better match the elderly population needs.


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OBJECTIVE: Assertive community treatment (ACT) failed to develop in Europe, and its efficacy is debated. In Lausanne, Switzerland, ACT focuses on difficult-to-engage patients and aims to facilitate linkage with outpatient care through time-limited interventions. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability and efficiency of time-limited ACT. METHODS: We retrospectively assessed social, clinical, and functional outcomes and motivation for treatment in 75 consecutively seen subjects treated between 2000 and 2002. RESULTS: With 70% of the interventions lasting less than 6 months, we observed significant improvement in most clinical and social problems, in collaboration, in motivation for treatment, and in social network support, despite high baseline levels of clinical and social problems. The number of hospitalizations decreased significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Time-limited ACT is a useful treatment for difficult-to-engage patients with severe clinical and social problems, and it facilitates linkage to care. This narrower target for ACT may facilitate its implementation in Europe.


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Valtion rajat ylittävät terveyspalvelut Euroopan unionissa sekä Euroopan unionin säädösten merkitys ja vaikutus erityisesti lääkejakeluun ja verenluovuttajille jaettavaan tiedotusaineistoon Valtion rajat ylittävä terveydenhuolto on suuren kiinnostuksen kohteena Euroopan unionissa. Resurssien hyödyntäminen parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ja tiedon keskittäminen ovat tarpeen terveydenhuollon kustannusten alati noustessa. Terveydenhuoltopalvelut kuuluvat Euroopan sisämarkkinoiden vapaan liikkuvuuden piiriin. Euroopan unionilla ei ole kuitenkaan toimivaltaa säädellä terveydenhuoltojärjestelmiä, vaan sen mahdollisuudet ovat enimmäkseen kansanterveyden edistämisessä ja suojelussa, myös muilla toimialueilla kuin terveydenhuollossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia Euroopan unionin säädösten vaikutusta terveydenhuoltosektoriin, erityisesti valtion rajat ylittäviin terveydenhuoltopalveluihin. Erityiskohteena olivat lääkemääräyksen toimittaminen toisen Euroopan unionin jäsenmaan apteekista, resepti-lääkkeiden maahantuonti omaan henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön, sähköisen lääkemääräyksen käyttö kansallisesti ja mahdollisuudet sen käyttöön eri jäsenmaiden välillä, online-apteekkien soveltuvuus Euroopan unionin sisämarkkinoille sekä verenluovuttajille jaettavan tiedotusaineiston yhtenäistämistarve Euroopan unionin alueella. Tutkimuksen osa-alueiden aineisto koottiin vuosina 1999–2003, jolloin Euroopan unioniin kuului 15 jäsenmaata. Apteekit toimittivat useimmiten myös ei-kansalliset, toisessa Euroopan unionin jäsenmaassa annetut lääkemääräykset. Kaikki jäsenmaat rajoittivat lääkemääräyksen vaativien lääkkeiden maahantuontia. Rajoituksia oli maahantuontimäärissä ja -tavoissa. Lisäksi sairasvakuutuskorvausten saaminen ulkomailla lunastetuista reseptilääkkeistä oli hankalaa. Sähköiset lääkemääräykset olivat käytössä vain kahdessa maassa, mutta useissa maissa suunniteltiin niiden kokeilua. Standardit ja käyttöjärjestelmät olivat erilaisia eri maissa. Euroopan unionin alueelle on perustettu online-apteekkeja, joiden toiminta on kuitenkin vaatimatonta. Verenluovuttajille annettava tiedotusaineisto ei missään maassa täyttänyt veridirektiivin vaatimuksia. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat kansallisten käytäntöjen eroavaisuuksien rajoittavan valtion rajat ylittäviä terveydenhuoltopalveluita. Vaikka Euroopan unionin tavoitteena ei ole yhtenäistää terveydenhuoltojärjestelmiä, on tarpeen arvioida uudelleen unionin ja jäsenmaiden välistä työnjakoa. Kansalliset terveydenhuoltojärjestelmät eivät ole erillään Euroopan sisämarkkinoista, jotka merkittävästi vaikuttavat terveydenhuoltoon.


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Introduction : Décrire les patients d'une structure gériatrique offrant des hospitalisations de courte durée, dans un contexte ambulatoire, pour des situations gériatriques courantes dans le canton de Genève (Suisse). Mesurer les performances de cette structure en termes de qualité des soins et de coûts. Méthodes : Des données relatives au profil des 100 premiers patients ont été collectées (huit mois), ainsi qu'aux prestations, aux ressources et aux effets (réadmissions, décès, satisfaction, complications) de manière à mesurer différents indicateurs de qualité et de coûts. Les valeurs observées ont été systématiquement comparées aux valeurs attendues, calculées à partir du profil des patients. Résultats : Des critères d'admission ont été fixés pour exclure les situations dans lesquelles d'autres structures offrent des soins mieux adaptés. La spécificité de cette structure intermédiaire a été d'assurer une continuité des soins et d'organiser d'emblée le retour à domicile par des prestations de liaison ambulatoire. La faible occurrence des réadmissions potentiellement évitables, une bonne satisfaction des patients, l'absence de décès prématurés et le faible nombre de complications suggèrent que les soins médicaux et infirmiers ont été délivrés avec une bonne qualité. Le coût s'est révélé nettement plus économique que des séjours hospitaliers après ajustement pour la lourdeur des cas. Conclusion : L'expérience-pilote a démontré la faisabilité et l'utilité d'une unité d'hébergement et d'hospitalisation de court séjour en toute sécurité. Le suivi du patient par le médecin traitant assure une continuité des soins et évite la perte d'information lors des transitions ainsi que les examens non pertinents. INTRODUCTION: To describe patients admitted to a geriatric institution, providing short-term hospitalizations in the context of ambulatory care in the canton of Geneva. To measure the performances of this structure in terms of quality ofcare and costs. METHOD: Data related to the clinical,functioning and participation profiles of the first 100 patients were collected. Data related to effects (readmission, deaths, satisfaction, complications), services and resources were also documented over an 8-month period to measure various quality and costindicators. Observed values were systematically compared to expected values, adjusted for case mix. RESULTS: Explicit criteria were proposed to focus on the suitable patients, excluding situations in which other structures were considered to be more appropriate. The specificity of this intermediate structure was to immediately organize, upon discharge, outpatient services at home. The low rate of potentially avoidable readmissions, the high patient satisfaction scores, the absence of premature death and the low number of iatrogenic complications suggest that medical and nursing care delivered reflect a good quality of services. The cost was significantly lower than expected, after adjusting for case mix. CONCLUSION: The pilot experience showed that a short-stay hospitalization unit was feasible with acceptable security conditions. The attending physician's knowledge of the patients allowed this system tofocus on essential issues without proposing inappropriate services.


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BACKGROUND: The efficacy of first-generation protease inhibitor based triple-therapy against hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is limited in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with advanced liver fibrosis and non-response to previous peginterferon-ribavirin. These patients have a low chance of achieving a sustained virologic response (SVR) using first generation triple-therapy, with a success rate of only 20%. We investigated the efficacy and safety of lead-in therapy with intravenous silibinin followed by triple-therapy in this difficult-to-treat patient group. METHODOLOGY: Inclusion criteria were HIV/HCV coinfection with advanced liver fibrosis and documented previous treatment failure on peginterferon-ribavirin. The intervention was a lead-in therapy with intravenous silibinin 20 mg/kg/day for 14 days, followed by triple-therapy (peginterferon-ribavirin and telaprevir) for 12 weeks, and peginterferon-ribavirin alone for 36 weeks. Outcome measurements were HCV-RNA after silibinin lead-in and during triple-therapy, SVR data at week 12, and safety and tolerability of silibinin. RESULTS: We examined sixteen HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with previous peginterferon-ribavirin failure, of whom 14 had a fibrosis grade METAVIR ≥F3. All were on successful antiretroviral therapy. Median (IQR) HCV-RNA decline after silibinin therapy was 2.65 (2.1-2.8) log10 copies/mL. Fifteen of sixteen patients (94%) had undetectable HCV RNA at weeks 4 and 12, eleven patients (69%) showed end-of-treatment response (i.e., undetectable HCV-RNA at week 48), and ten patients (63%) reached SVR at week 12 (SVR 12). Six of the sixteen patients (37%) did not reach SVR 12: One patient had rapid virologic response (RVR) (i.e., undetectable HCV-RNA at week 4) but stopped treatment at week 8 due to major depression. Five patients had RVR, but experienced viral breakthroughs at week 21, 22, 25, or 32, or a relapse at week 52. The HIV RNA remained below the limit of detection in all patients during the complete treatment period. No serious adverse events and no significant drug-drug interactions were associated with silibinin. CONCLUSION: A lead-in with silibinin before triple-therapy was safe and highly effective in difficult-to-treat HIV/HCV coinfected patients, with a pronounced HCV-RNA decline during the lead-in phase, which translates into 63% SVR. An add-on of intravenous silibinin to standard of care HCV treatment is worth further exploration in selected difficult-to-treat patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01816490.


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Despite moderate improvements in outcome of glioblastoma after first-line treatment with chemoradiation recent clinical trials failed to improve the prognosis of recurrent glioblastoma. In the absence of a standard of care we aimed to investigate institutional treatment strategies to identify similarities and differences in the pattern of care for recurrent glioblastoma. We investigated re-treatment criteria and therapeutic pathways for recurrent glioblastoma of eight neuro-oncology centres in Switzerland having an established multidisciplinary tumour-board conference. Decision algorithms, differences and consensus were analysed using the objective consensus methodology. A total of 16 different treatment recommendations were identified based on combinations of eight different decision criteria. The set of criteria implemented as well as the set of treatments offered was different in each centre. For specific situations, up to 6 different treatment recommendations were provided by the eight centres. The only wide-range consensus identified was to offer best supportive care to unfit patients. A majority recommendation was identified for non-operable large early recurrence with unmethylated MGMT promoter status in the fit patients: here bevacizumab was offered. In fit patients with late recurrent non-operable MGMT promoter methylated glioblastoma temozolomide was recommended by most. No other majority recommendations were present. In the absence of strong evidence we identified few consensus recommendations in the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma. This contrasts the limited availability of single drugs and treatment modalities. Clinical situations of greatest heterogeneity may be suitable to be addressed in clinical trials and second opinion referrals are likely to yield diverging recommendations.


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Invasive candidiasis is associated with high mortality rates (35% to 60%), similar to the range reported for septic shock. The most common types include candidemia, frequently observed in immunocompromised patients, and noncandidemic systemic candidiasis, which constitutes the majority of cases in critically ill patients. However, they are difficult to prove and a definite diagnosis usually occurs late in the course of the disease, thus contributing to their bad prognosis. Early empirical treatment improves the prognosis and currently relies on the positive predictive value (PPV) of risk-assessment strategies (colonization index, Candida score, predictive rules) based on combinations of risk factors, but it may have also largely contributed to the overuse of antifungal agents in critically ill patients. In this context, non- culture-based diagnostic methods, including specific and nonspecific biomarkers, may significantly improve the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis. Candida DNA and mannan antigen/antimannan antibodies are of limited interest for the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis as they fail to identify noncandidemic systemic candidiasis, despite early positivity in candidemic patients. The utility of 1,3-beta-D-glucan (b-D-glucan), a panfungal cell wall antigen, has been demonstrated for the diagnosis of fungal infections in immunocompromised patients. Preliminary data suggest that it is also detectable early in critically ill patients developing noncandidemic systemic candidiasis. To take advantage of the high negative predictive value of risk-assessment strategies and the early increase in specific fungal biomarkers in high-risk patients, we propose a practical 2-step approach to improve the selection of patients susceptible to benefit from empirical antifungal treatment.


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Elderly patients in palliative situations residing in a nursing home present characteristics and specificities that clearly distinguish them from patients with advanced cancer. Besides the difficulty to define a precise prognosis, their many comorbidities, their communication difficulties because of cognitive disorders, their high sensitivity to primary and secondary effects of drugs render their management a real challenge for physician and caregivers. Accompanying these patients at the end of their life also raises many ethical problems, especially when they are no longer able to express their wishes and have not previously expressed advance directives.


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OBJECTIVE: Care related pain (CRP) is generally under-estimated and rarely studied in rehabilitation as well as in general medecine. Beliefs about pain influence psychological distress, adjustment to pain and physical disability. In this sense, perceptions of CRP could limit recovery. This exploratory study aims to understand patients' and caregivers' subjective perceptions and beliefs about CRP. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Questionnaires about CRP were submitted to members of the interdisciplinary team of a rehabilitation hospital and to patients with musculoskeletal complaints (cross-sectional design). Twenty patients were also individually interviewed (qualitative data). Four topics were addressed: frequency of CRP, situations and procedures causing CRP, beliefs about CRP and means used to deal with CRP. RESULTS: Seventy-five caregivers and 50 patients replied to the questionnaire. CRP is a very common experience in rehabilitation and it is recognized by both groups. Generally, the situations causing CRP reflect the specificity of rehabilitation (mobilization...) and are similarly perceived by patients and caregivers, with patients considering them as more painful. Beliefs about CRP are clearly different from those usually associated with pain. Both groups point out the utilitarian and the inevitable character of CRP. They differ on that, that patients had a more positive view about CRP. They associate it more often with progress and see it as acceptable at least until a certain limit. They are also able to perceive the richness of means used by physiotherapists to help them coping with CRP. CONCLUSION: Our data may suggest new keys to motivate patient to be active in rehabilitation for example in choosing carefully arguments or words which may fit theirs' beliefs about CRP, or in using various means to manage CRP. Promoting the use of relational competences with chronic pain patients and of a patient-centred approach may also be a concern in training caregivers.


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Patients treated in intensive care units require sedation and analgesia. However, sedative drugs also have potential adverse effects, and there is no single ideal sedativeanalgesic drug for these patients. Dexmedetomidine is an apha2-adrenoceptor agonist licenced for sedation of intensive care patients and patients undergoing surgery and other invasive procedures. Several routes of parenteral administration (intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intranasal) have been utilized. In the present series of studies, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intranasally administered dexmedetomidine as well as the gastrointestinal effects of intravenous dexmedetomidine were determined in healthy volunteers. Pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine during long lasting, high-dose infusions were characterized in intensive care patients. The bioavailability of intranasal dexmedetomidine was relatively good (65%), but interindividual variation was large. Dexmedetomidine significantly inhibited gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit. In intensive care patients, the elimination half-life of dexmedetomidine was somewhat longer than reported for infusions of shorter duration and in less ill patients or healthy volunteers. Dexmedetomidine appeared to have linear pharmacokinetics up to the studied dose rate of 2.5 μg/kg/h. Dexmedetomidine clearance was decreasing with age and its volume of distribution was increased in hypoalbuminaemic patients, resulting in a longer elimination half-life and context-sensitive half-time. Intranasally administered dexmedetomidine was efficacious and well tolerated, making it appropriate for clinical situations requiring light sedation. The clinical significance of the gastrointestinal inhibitory effects of dexmedetomidine should be further evaluated in intensive care patients. The possibility of potentially altered potency and effect duration should be taken into account when administering dexmedetomidine to elderly or hypoalbuminaemic patients.