969 resultados para Differential approach


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Today more than 99% of plastics are petroleum-based because of the availability and cost of the raw material. The durability of disposed plastics contributes to the environmental problems as waste and their persistence in the environment causes deleterious effects on the ecosystem. Environmental pollution awareness and the demand for green technology have drawn considerable attention of both academia and industry into biodegradable polymers. In this regard green chemistry technology has the potential to provide solution to this issue. Enzymatic grafting has recently been the focus of green chemistry technologies due to the growing environmental concerns, legal restrictions, and increasing availability of scientific knowledge. Over the last several years, research covering various applications of robust enzymes like laccases and lipases has been increased rapidly, particularly in the field of polymer science, to graft multi-functional materials of interest. In principle, enzyme-assisted grafting may modify/impart a variety of functionalities to the grafted composites which individual materials fail to demonstrate on their own. The modified polymers through grafting have a bright future and their development is practically boundless. In the present study series of graft composites with poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P(3HB) as side chain and cellulose as a backbone polymer were successfully synthesised by introducing enzymatic grafting technique where laccase and lipase were used as model catalysts [1-3]. Subsequently, the resulting composites were removed from the casting surface under ambient environment and characterised by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) in detail. Moreover, the thermo-mechanical behaviours of the grafted composites were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analyser (DMA) measurements, respectively. In addition, hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristics of the grafted polymers were studied through drop contour analysis using water contact angle (WCA). In comparison to the individual counterparts improvement was observed in the thermo- mechanical properties of the composites to varied extent. The tensile strength, elongation at break, and Young’s modulus values of the composites reached their highest levels in comparison to the films prepared with pure P(3HB) only which was too fragile to measure any of the above said characteristics. Interestingly, untreated P(3HB) was hydrophobic in nature and after lipase treatment P(3HB) and P(3HB)-EC-based graft composite attained higher level of hydrophilicity. This is a desired characteristic that enhances the biocompatibility of the materials for proper cell adhesion and proliferation therefore suggesting potential candidates for tissue engineering/bio-medical type applications [3]. The present research will be a first step in the biopolymer modification. To date no report has been found in literature explaining the laccase/lipase assisted grafting of P(3HB) [1-3]. The newly grafted composites exhibit unique functionalities with wider range of potential applications in bio-plastics, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries, tissue engineering, and biosensors. [1] H.M.N. Iqbal, G. Kyazze, T. Tron and T. Keshavarz, Cellulose 21, 3613-3621 (2014). [2] H.M.N. Iqbal, G. Kyazze, T. Tron and T. Keshavarz, Carbohydrate Polymers 113, 131-137 (2014). [3] H.M.N. Iqbal, G. Kyazze, T. Tron and T. Keshavarz, Polymer Chemistry In-Press, DOI: 10.1039/C4PY0 0857J (2014).


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, especialidade de Biologia Marinha, 19 de Dezembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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The trajectory planning of redundant robots through the pseudoinverse control leads to undesirable drift in the joint space. This paper presents a new technique to solve the inverse kinematics problem of redundant manipulators, which uses a fractional differential of order α to control the joint positions. Two performance measures are defined to examine the strength and weakness of the proposed method. The positional error index measures the precision of the manipulator's end-effector at the target position. The repeatability performance index is adopted to evaluate if the joint positions are repetitive when the manipulator execute repetitive trajectories in the operational workspace. Redundant and hyper-redundant planar manipulators reveal that it is possible to choose in a large range of possible values of α in order to get repetitive trajectories in the joint space.


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Volatile organic compounds are a common source of groundwater contamination that can be easily removed by air stripping in columns with random packing and using a counter-current flow between the phases. This work proposes a new methodology for column design for any type of packing and contaminant which avoids the necessity of an arbitrary chosen diameter. It also avoids the employment of the usual graphical Eckert correlations for pressure drop. The hydraulic features are previously chosen as a project criterion. The design procedure was translated into a convenient algorithm in C++ language. A column was built in order to test the design, the theoretical steady-state and dynamic behaviour. The experiments were conducted using a solution of chloroform in distilled water. The results allowed for a correction in the theoretical global mass transfer coefficient previously estimated by the Onda correlations, which depend on several parameters that are not easy to control in experiments. For best describe the column behaviour in stationary and dynamic conditions, an original mathematical model was developed. It consists in a system of two partial non linear differential equations (distributed parameters). Nevertheless, when flows are steady, the system became linear, although there is not an evident solution in analytical terms. In steady state the resulting ODE can be solved by analytical methods, and in dynamic state the discretization of the PDE by finite differences allows for the overcoming of this difficulty. To estimate the contaminant concentrations in both phases in the column, a numerical algorithm was used. The high number of resulting algebraic equations and the impossibility of generating a recursive procedure did not allow the construction of a generalized programme. But an iterative procedure developed in an electronic worksheet allowed for the simulation. The solution is stable only for similar discretizations values. If different values for time/space discretization parameters are used, the solution easily becomes unstable. The system dynamic behaviour was simulated for the common liquid phase perturbations: step, impulse, rectangular pulse and sinusoidal. The final results do not configure strange or non-predictable behaviours.


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We introduce an algebraic operator framework to study discounted penalty functions in renewal risk models. For inter-arrival and claim size distributions with rational Laplace transform, the usual integral equation is transformed into a boundary value problem, which is solved by symbolic techniques. The factorization of the differential operator can be lifted to the level of boundary value problems, amounting to iteratively solving first-order problems. This leads to an explicit expression for the Gerber-Shiu function in terms of the penalty function.


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This thesis examines the Midnight Express phenomenon focusing on the film's reception by audiences in Europe, North America, and Turkey between 1978-2003. Using and enhancing the "historical materialist approach" to film reception developed by Janet Staiger, the thesis considers the historical determinants of the film's nationally and culturally differential readings in different periods and of the transformations in those readings. The thesis argues that while Midnight Express was most likely read in the late 1970s as an attempt to reaffirm American social identity by projecting Turks as an instance of the negative Other, there has been an important shift in the reception of the film in the West during the 1990s due to the changes in the discursive contexts in which the film has been circulating. One does not observe any specific reference to Turkish prisons as a part of the issue of human rights violations in Turkey in the initial reception of the film by European and American critics, whereas these issues appear to be important constituents of a particular reception of the film in the West in the present. The thesis explains this shift by pointing to the constitution of a particular discourse on human rights violations in Turkey after 1980, and especially throughout the 1990s, which has become a part of the discursive repertoires of the Western audience. Therefore, the thesis argues that today, Midnight Express functions as a more legitimate political statement about Turkey in the eyes of some Western audiences than it had been in the 1970s. On the other hand, parallel to the increasing desire of Turkey to connect itself to the West, particularly to become a member of the European Union, one observes an immense increase in the belief in and defense against the negative effects of Midnight Express on Turkey's international representation since the 1990s. The historical and current discourses that audiences, both in Turkey and abroad, bring into play suggest that these audiences engage with Midnight Express by assuming or denying not only the subject positions constructed by the film text but also certain history-specific extra-filmic subject positions produced by other social and discursive formations.


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Chlorhexidine is an effective antiseptic used widely in disinfecting products (hand soap), oral products (mouthwash), and is known to have potential applications in the textile industry. Chlorhexidine has been studied extensively through a biological and biochemical lens, showing evidence that it attacks the semipermeable membrane in bacterial cells. Although extremely lethal to bacterial cells, the present understanding of the exact mode of action of chlorhexidine is incomplete. A biophysical approach has been taken to investigate the potential location of chlorhexidine in the lipid bilayer. Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance was used to characterize the molecular arrangement of mixed phospholipid/drug formulations. Powder spectra were analyzed using the de-Pake-ing technique, a method capable of extracting both the orientation distribution and the anisotropy distribution functions simultaneously. The results from samples of protonated phospholipids mixed with deuterium-labelled chlorhexidine are compared to those from samples of deuterated phospholipids and protonated chlorhexidine to determine its location in the lipid bilayer. A series of neutron scattering experiments were also conducted to study the biophysical interaction of chlorhexidine with a model phospholipid membrane of DMPC, a common saturated lipid found in bacterial cell membranes. The results found the hexamethylene linker to be located at the depth of the glycerol/phosphate region of the lipid bilayer. As drug concentration was increased in samples, a dramatic decrease in bilayer thickness was observed. Differential scanning calorimetry experiments have revealed a depression of the DMPC bilayer gel-to-lamellar phase transition temperature with an increasing drug concentration. The enthalpy of the transition remained the same for all drug concentrations, indicating a strictly drug/headgroup interaction, thus supporting the proposed location of chlorhexidine. In combination, these results lead to the hypothesis that the drug is folded approximately in half on its hexamethylene linker, with the hydrophobic linker at the depth of the glycerol/phosphate region of the lipid bilayer and the hydrophilic chlorophenyl groups located at the lipid headgroup. This arrangement seems to suggest that the drug molecule acts as a wedge to disrupt the bilayer. In vivo, this should make the cell membrane leaky, which is in agreement with a wide range of bacteriological observations.


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The current set of studies was conducted to examine the cross-race effect (CRE), a phenomenon commonly found in the face perception literature. The CRE is evident when participants display better own-race face recognition accuracy than other-race recognition accuracy (e.g. Ackerman et al., 2006). Typically the cross-race effect is attributed to perceptual expertise, (i.e., other-race faces are processed less holistically; Michel, Rossion, Han, Chung & Caldara, 2006), and the social cognitive model (i.e., other-race faces are processed at the categorical level by virtue of being an out-group member; Hugenberg, Young, Bernstein, & Sacco, 2010). These effects may be mediated by differential attention. I investigated whether other-race faces are disregarded and, consequently, not remembered as accurately as own-race (in-group) faces. In Experiment 1, I examined how the magnitude of the CRE differed when participants learned individual faces sequentially versus when they learned multiple faces simultaneously in arrays comprising faces and objects. I also examined how the CRE differed when participants recognized individual faces presented sequentially versus in arrays of eight faces. Participants’ recognition accuracy was better for own-race faces than other-race faces regardless of familiarization method. However, the difference between own- and other-race accuracy was larger when faces were familiarized sequentially in comparison to familiarization with arrays. Participants’ response patterns during testing differed depending on the combination of familiarization and testing method. Participants had more false alarms for other-race faces than own-race faces if they learned faces sequentially (regardless of testing strategy); if participants learned faces in arrays, they had more false alarms for other-race faces than own-races faces if ii i they were tested with sequentially presented faces. These results are consistent with the perceptual expertise model in that participants were better able to use the full two seconds in the sequential task for own-race faces, but not for other-race faces. The purpose of Experiment 2 was to examine participants’ attentional allocation in complex scenes. Participants were shown scenes comprising people in real places, but the head stimuli used in Experiment 1 were superimposed onto the bodies in each scene. Using a Tobii eyetracker, participants’ looking time for both own- and other-race faces was evaluated to determine whether participants looked longer at own-race faces and whether individual differences in looking time correlated with individual differences in recognition accuracy. The results of this experiment demonstrated that although own-race faces were preferentially attended to in comparison to other-race faces, individual differences in looking time biases towards own-race faces did not correlate with individual differences in own-race recognition advantages. These results are also consistent with perceptual expertise, as it seems that the role of attentional biases towards own-race faces is independent of the cognitive processing that occurs for own-race faces. All together, these results have implications for face perception tasks that are performed in the lab, how accurate people may be when remembering faces in the real world, and the accuracy and patterns of errors in eyewitness testimony.


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Affiliation: Institut de recherche en immunologie et en cancérologie, Université de Montréal


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Les « Facteurs de croissance des fibroblastes» (FGF) agissent comme des régulateurs locaux sur la qualité des follicules et sont connus pour promouvoir la prolifération des cellules de granulosa, réduire l’apoptose et la stéroïdogenèse. Parmi la sous-famille FGF8, FGF18 est une exception puisqu’il semblerait avoir une fonction pro-apoptotique alors que FGF8 n’a pas été jusqu’à présent rapporté comme altérant la viabilité des cellules de la granulosa. Ces deux ligands ont un mode d’activation similaire et il pourrait être proposé que toute la sous-famille FGF8 ait la même réponse. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer si FGF8 et FGF18 activaient la même réponse précoce de gènes dans des cultures de granulosa bovine. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons cultivé des cellules de la granulosa dans du milieu de culture sans sérum pendant 5 jours. Le jour 5, les cellules ont été traitées avec FGF8 ou FGF18. Nous avons eu recours à une approche de « puce à ADN » afin d’identifier la réponse précoce de gènes induite par FGF8 et FGF18, et les données ont été confirmées par des PCRs en temps réel lors d’une expérience in vitro où les cellules de granulosa ont été traitées avec FGF8 et FGF18 pendant différents temps. L’analyse du puce à ADN a identifié 12 gènes surexprimés par FGF8, incluant SPRY2, NR4A1, XIRP1, BAMBI, EGR1, FOS et FOSL1. A l’inverse, FGF18 n’a régulé aucun gène de manière significative. Les analyses de PCR ont confirmé l’augmentation d’ARNm codant pour EGR1, EGR3, FOS, XIRP1, FOSL1, SPRY2, NR4A1 et BAMBI après 2 h de traitement. FGF18 a entrainé seulement une augmentation de l’expression de EGR1 après 2 h de traitement parmi tous les gènes testés. Ces résultats démontrent donc que FGF8 et FGF18, malgré leur similarité dans le mode d’activation de leurs récepteurs, agissent sur les cellules de la granulosa via différentes voies de signalisation. FGF8 et FGF18, sont donc tous les deux capables de stimuler l’expression de EGR1, mais les voies de signalisation induites par la suite divergent.


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Chez les plantes à fleurs, l’ovaire est l’organe reproducteur femelle et il interagit de façon importante avec les gamètes mâles durant la croissance, le guidage, la réception et la rupture du tube pollinique ainsi que la fusion des gamètes. Le processus débute lorsque de nombreux gènes de l’ovule sont activés à longue distance lors de la réception du pollen sur le stigmate. Afin d’explorer les signaux provenant de l’ovule ayant un impact important sur les interactions pollen–pistil, particulièrement les molécules sécrétées impliquées dans la signalisation espècespécifique, l’expression génique des ovules sous forme d’ARNm ainsi et la sécrétion protéique ont été étudiées chez Solanum chacoense, une espèce diploïde de pomme de terre sauvage. S. chacoense a subi beaucoup d’hybridation interspécifique avec d’autres espèces sympathiques de solanacées, facilitant ainsi grandement l’étude des interactions pollen–ovule de façon espècespécifique ainsi que leur évolution. Dans ce projet, des ovules provenant de trois conditions différentes ont été comparés: des ovules matures de type sauvage, des ovules légèrement immatures, récoltés deux jours avant l’anthèse et des ovules provenant du mutant frk1 pour lesquels le sac embryonnaire est absent. Un séquençage d’ARN à haut débit a d’abord été effectué sur les ovules de type sauvage de S. chacoense afin de générer un assemblage de référence comprenant 33852 séquences codantes. D’autres séquençages ont été effectués sur les trois conditions d’ovules et sur les feuilles afin de faire une analyse d’expression différentielle des gènes. En comparaison avec les ovules de type sauvage, 818 gènes sont réprimés dans les ovules du mutant frk1. Un sous-groupe de 284 gènes, étaient également sous-exprimés dans les ovules légèrement immatures, suggérant un rôle spécifique dans les stades tardifs de la maturation du sac embryonnaire (stade de développent FG6 à FG7) ainsi que du guidage du tube pollinique, puisque ni les ovules du mutant frk1 ni ceux légèrement immatures ne sont capables d’attirer les tubes polliniques lors d’essais de croissance semi in vivo. De plus, 21% de ces gènes sont des peptides riches en cystéines (CRPs). En utilisant un transcriptome assemblé de novo provenant de deux proches parents de S. chacoense, S. gandarillasii et S. tarijense, une analyse d’orthologie a été effectuée sur ces CRPs, révélant une grande variabilité et une évolution rapide chez les solanacées. De nouveaux motifs de cystéine uniques à cette famille ont également été découverts. En comparant avec des études similaires chez Arabidopsis, le sac embryonnaire de S. chacoense montre un transcriptome fortement divergent, particulièrement en en ce qui a trait à la catégorisation fonctionnelle des gènes et de la similarité entre les gènes orthologues. De plus,même si la glycosylation n’est pas requise lors du guidage mycropylaire du tube pollinique chez Arabidopsis, Torenia ou le maïs, des extraits d’ovules glycosylés de S. chacoense sont capables d’augmenter la capacité de guidage de 18%. Cette étude est donc la première à montrer une corrélation entre glycosylation et le guidage du tube pollinique par l’ovule. En complément à l’approche transcriptomique, une approche protéomique portant sur les protéine sécrétées par l’ovule (le secrétome) a été utilisée afin d’identifier des protéines impliquées dans l’interaction entre ovule et tube pollinique. Des exsudats d’ovules matures (capables d’attirer le tube pollinique) et d’ovules immatures (incapables d’attirer le tube pollinique) ont été récoltés en utilisant une nouvelle méthode d’extraction par gravité permettant de réduire efficacement les contaminants cytosoliques à moins de 1% de l’échantillon. Un total de 305 protéines sécrétées par les ovules (OSPs) ont été identifiées par spectrométrie de masse, parmi lesquelles 58% étaient spécifiques aux ovules lorsque comparées avec des données de protéines sécrétées par des tissus végétatifs. De plus, la sécrétion de 128 OSPs est augmentée dans les ovules matures par rapport aux ovules immatures. Ces 128 protéines sont donc considérées en tant que candidates potentiellement impliquées dans la maturation tardive de l’ovule et dans le guidage du tube pollinique. Cette étude a également montré que la maturation du sac embryonnaire du stade FG6 au stade FG7 influence le niveau de sécrétion de 44% du sécrétome total de l’ovule. De façon surprenante, la grande majorité (83%) de ces protéines n’est pas régulée au niveau de l’ARN, soulignant ainsi l’importance de cette approche dans l’étude du guidage du tube pollinique comme complément essentiel aux études transcriptomiques. Parmi tous les signaux sécrétés par l’ovule et reliés au guidage, obtenus à partir des approches transcriptomiques et protéomiques décrites ci-haut, nous avons spécifiquement évalué l’implication des CRPs dans le guidage du tube pollinique par l’ovule chez S. chacoense, vu l’implication de ce type de protéine dans les interactions pollen-pistil et le guidage du tube pollinique chez d’autres espèces. Au total, 28 CRPs étaient présentes dans les ovules capables d’attirer le tube pollinique tout en étant absentes dans les ovules incapables de l’attirer, et ce, soit au niveau de l’ARNm et/ou au niveau du sécrétome. De celles-ci, 17 CRPs ont été exprimées dans un système bactérien et purifiées en quantité suffisante pour tester le guidage. Alors que des exsudats d’ovules ont été utilisés avec succès pour attirer par chimiotactisme le tube pollinique, les candidats exprimés dans les bactéries n’ont quant à eux pas été capables d’attirer les tubes polliniques. Comme l’utilisation de systèmes d’expression hétérologue eucaryote peut permettre un meilleur repliement et une plus grande activité des protéines, les candidats restants seront de nouveau exprimés, cette fois dans un système de levure ainsi que dans un système végétal pour produire les peptides sécrétés. Ceux-ci seront ensuite utilisés lors d’essais fonctionnels pour évaluer leur capacité à guider les tubes polliniques et ainsi isoler les attractants chimiques responsable du guidage du tube pollinique chez les solanacées comme S. chacoense.


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The resurgence of the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae, the causative organism of epidemic cholera, remains a major health problem in many developing countries like India. The southern Indian state of Kerala is endemic to cholera. The outbreaks of cholera follow a seasonal pattern in regions of endemicity. Marine aquaculture settings and mangrove environments of Kerala serve as reservoirs for V. cholerae. The non-O1/non-O139 environmental isolates of V. cholerae with incomplete ‘virulence casette’ are to be dealt with caution as they constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes in the marine environment and play a crucial role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer. The genes coding cholera toxin are borne on, and can be infectiously transmitted by CTXΦ, a filamentous lysogenic vibriophages. Temperate phages can provide crucial virulence and fitness factors affecting cell metabolism, bacterial adhesion, colonization, immunity, antibiotic resistance and serum resistance. The present study was an attempt to screen the marine environments like aquafarms and mangroves of coastal areas of Alappuzha and Cochin, Kerala for the presence of lysogenic V. cholerae, to study their pathogenicity and also gene transfer potential. Phenotypic and molecular methods were used for identification of isolates as V. cholerae. The thirty one isolates which were Gram negative, oxidase positive, fermentative, with or without gas production on MOF media and which showed yellow coloured colonies on TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile salt Sucrose) agar were segregated as vibrios. Twenty two environmental V. cholerae strains of both O1 and non- O1/non-O139 serogroups on induction with mitomycin C showed the presence of lysogenic phages. They produced characteristic turbid plaques in double agar overlay assay using the indicator strain V. cholerae El Tor MAK 757. PCR based molecular typing with primers targeting specific conserved sequences in the bacterial genome, demonstrated genetic diversity among these lysogen containing non-O1 V. cholerae . Polymerase chain reaction was also employed as a rapid screening method to verify the presence of 9 virulence genes namely, ctxA, ctxB, ace, hlyA, toxR, zot,tcpA, ninT and nanH, using gene specific primers. The presence of tcpA gene in ALPVC3 was alarming, as it indicates the possibility of an epidemic by accepting the cholera. Differential induction studies used ΦALPVC3, ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14, underlining the possibility of prophage induction in natural ecosystems, due to abiotic factors like antibiotics, pollutants, temperature and UV. The efficiency of induction of prophages varied considerably in response to the different induction agents. The growth curve of lysogenic V. cholerae used in the study drastically varied in the presence of strong prophage inducers like antibiotics and UV. Bacterial cell lysis was directly proportional to increase in phage number due to induction. Morphological characterization of vibriophages by Transmission Electron Microscopy revealed hexagonal heads for all the four phages. Vibriophage ΦALPVC3 exhibited isometric and contractile tails characteristic of family Myoviridae, while phages ΦALPVC11 and ΦALPVC12 demonstrated the typical hexagonal head and non-contractile tail of family Siphoviridae. ΦEKM14, the podophage was distinguished by short non-contractile tail and icosahedral head. This work demonstrated that environmental parameters can influence the viability and cell adsorption rates of V. cholerae phages. Adsorption studies showed 100% adsorption of ΦALPVC3 ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14 after 25, 30, 40 and 35 minutes respectively. Exposure to high temperatures ranging from 50ºC to 100ºC drastically reduced phage viability. The optimum concentration of NaCl required for survival of vibriophages except ΦEKM14 was 0.5 M and that for ΦEKM14 was 1M NaCl. Survival of phage particles was maximum at pH 7-8. V. cholerae is assumed to have existed long before their human host and so the pathogenic clones may have evolved from aquatic forms which later colonized the human intestine by progressive acquisition of genes. This is supported by the fact that the vast majority of V. cholerae strains are still part of the natural aquatic environment. CTXΦ has played a critical role in the evolution of the pathogenicity of V. cholerae as it can transmit the ctxAB gene. The unusual transformation of V. cholerae strains associated with epidemics and the emergence of V. cholera O139 demonstrates the evolutionary success of the organism in attaining greater fitness. Genetic changes in pathogenic V. cholerae constitute a natural process for developing immunity within an endemically infected population. The alternative hosts and lysogenic environmental V. cholerae strains may potentially act as cofactors in promoting cholera phage ‘‘blooms’’ within aquatic environments, thereby influencing transmission of phage sensitive, pathogenic V. cholerae strains by aquatic vehicles. Differential induction of the phages is a clear indication of the impact of environmental pollution and global changes on phage induction. The development of molecular biology techniques offered an accessible gateway for investigating the molecular events leading to genetic diversity in the marine environment. Using nucleic acids as targets, the methods of fingerprinting like ERIC PCR and BOX PCR, revealed that the marine environment harbours potentially pathogenic group of bacteria with genetic diversity. The distribution of virulence associated genes in the environmental isolates of V. cholerae provides tangible material for further investigation. Nucleotide and protein sequence analysis alongwith protein structure prediction aids in better understanding of the variation inalleles of same gene in different ecological niche and its impact on the protein structure for attaining greater fitness of pathogens. The evidences of the co-evolution of virulence genes in toxigenic V. cholerae O1 from different lineages of environmental non-O1 strains is alarming. Transduction studies would indicate that the phenomenon of acquisition of these virulence genes by lateral gene transfer, although rare, is not quite uncommon amongst non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae and it has a key role in diversification. All these considerations justify the need for an integrated approach towards the development of an effective surveillance system to monitor evolution of V. cholerae strains with epidemic potential. Results presented in this study, if considered together with the mechanism proposed as above, would strongly suggest that the bacteriophage also intervenes as a variable in shaping the cholera bacterium, which cannot be ignored and hinting at imminent future epidemics.


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The object of research presented here is Vessiot's theory of partial differential equations: for a given differential equation one constructs a distribution both tangential to the differential equation and contained within the contact distribution of the jet bundle. Then within it, one seeks n-dimensional subdistributions which are transversal to the base manifold, the integral distributions. These consist of integral elements, and these again shall be adapted so that they make a subdistribution which closes under the Lie-bracket. This then is called a flat Vessiot connection. Solutions to the differential equation may be regarded as integral manifolds of these distributions. In the first part of the thesis, I give a survey of the present state of the formal theory of partial differential equations: one regards differential equations as fibred submanifolds in a suitable jet bundle and considers formal integrability and the stronger notion of involutivity of differential equations for analyzing their solvability. An arbitrary system may (locally) be represented in reduced Cartan normal form. This leads to a natural description of its geometric symbol. The Vessiot distribution now can be split into the direct sum of the symbol and a horizontal complement (which is not unique). The n-dimensional subdistributions which close under the Lie bracket and are transversal to the base manifold are the sought tangential approximations for the solutions of the differential equation. It is now possible to show their existence by analyzing the structure equations. Vessiot's theory is now based on a rigorous foundation. Furthermore, the relation between Vessiot's approach and the crucial notions of the formal theory (like formal integrability and involutivity of differential equations) is clarified. The possible obstructions to involution of a differential equation are deduced explicitly. In the second part of the thesis it is shown that Vessiot's approach for the construction of the wanted distributions step by step succeeds if, and only if, the given system is involutive. Firstly, an existence theorem for integral distributions is proven. Then an existence theorem for flat Vessiot connections is shown. The differential-geometric structure of the basic systems is analyzed and simplified, as compared to those of other approaches, in particular the structure equations which are considered for the proofs of the existence theorems: here, they are a set of linear equations and an involutive system of differential equations. The definition of integral elements given here links Vessiot theory and the dual Cartan-Kähler theory of exterior systems. The analysis of the structure equations not only yields theoretical insight but also produces an algorithm which can be used to derive the coefficients of the vector fields, which span the integral distributions, explicitly. Therefore implementing the algorithm in the computer algebra system MuPAD now is possible.


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The present study examines the level of pure technical and scale efficiencies of cassava production system including its sub-processes (that is production and processing stages) of 278 cassava farmers/processors from three regions of Delta State, Nigeria by applying Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach. Results reveal that pure technical efficiency (PTE) is significantly lower at the production stage 0.41 vs 0.55 for the processing stage, but scale efficiency (SE) is high at both stages (0.84 and 0.87), implying that productivity can be improved substantially by reallocation of resources and adjusting operation size. The socio-economic determinants exert differential impacts on PTE and SE at each stage. Overall, education, experience and main occupation as farmer significantly improve SE while subsistence pressure reduces it. Extension contact significantly improves SE at the processing stage but reduces PTE and SE overall. Inverse size-PTE and size-SE relationships exist in cassava production system. In other words, large/medium farms are technically and scale inefficient. Gender gap exists in performance. Male farmers are technically efficient at processing stage but scale inefficient overall. Farmers in northern region are technically efficient. Investments in education, extension services and infrastructure are suggested as policy options to improve the cassava sector in Nigeria.


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While protein microarray technology has been successful in demonstrating its usefulness for large scale high-throughput proteome profiling, performance of antibody/antigen microarrays has been only moderately productive. Immobilization of either the capture antibodies or the protein samples on solid supports has severe drawbacks. Denaturation of the immobilized proteins as well as inconsistent orientation of antibodies/ligands on the arrays can lead to erroneous results. This has prompted a number of studies to address these challenges by immobilizing proteins on biocompatible surfaces, which has met with limited success. Our strategy relates to a multiplexed, sensitive and high-throughput method for the screening quantification of intracellular signalling proteins from a complex mixture of proteins. Each signalling protein to be monitored has its capture moiety linked to a specific oligo ‘tag’. The array involves the oligonucleotide hybridization-directed localization and identification of different signalling proteins simultaneously, in a rapid and easy manner. Antibodies have been used as the capture moieties for specific identification of each signaling protein. The method involves covalently partnering each antibody/protein molecule with a unique DNA or DNA derivatives oligonucleotide tag that directs the antibody to a unique site on the microarray due to specific hybridization with a complementary tag-probe on the array. Particular surface modifications and optimal conditions allowed high signal to noise ratio which is essential to the success of this approach.