982 resultados para Diametro mesio-distal


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We developed a mathematical model of Ca transport along the late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2) and the connecting tubule (CNT) to investigate the mechanisms that regulate Ca reabsorption in the DCT2-CNT. The model accounts for apical Ca influx across transient receptor potential vanilloid 5 (TRPV5) channels and basolateral Ca efflux via plasma membrane Ca-ATPase pumps and type 1 Na/Ca exchangers (NCX1). Model simulations reproduce experimentally observed variations in Ca uptake as a function of extracellular pH, Na, and Mg concentration. Our results indicate that amiloride enhances Ca reabsorption in the DCT2-CNT predominantly by increasing the driving force across NCX1, thereby stimulating Ca efflux. They also suggest that because aldosterone upregulates both apical and basolateral Na transport pathways, it has a lesser impact on Ca reabsorption than amiloride. Conversely, the model predicts that full NCX1 inhibition and parathyroidectomy each augment the Ca load delivered to the collecting duct severalfold. In addition, our results suggest that regulation of TRPV5 activity by luminal pH has a small impact, per se, on transepithelial Ca fluxes; the reduction in Ca reabsorption induced by metabolic acidosis likely stems from decreases in TRPV5 expression. In contrast, elevations in luminal Ca are predicted to significantly decrease TRPV5 activity via the Ca-sensing receptor. Nevertheless, following the administration of furosemide, the calcium-sensing receptor-mediated increase in Ca reabsorption in the DCT2-CNT is calculated to be insufficient to prevent hypercalciuria. Altogether, our model predicts complex interactions between calcium and sodium reabsorption in the DCT2-CNT.


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This report presents systematic empirical annotation of transcript products from 399 annotated protein-coding loci across the 1% of the human genome targeted by the Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE) pilot project using a combination of 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and high-density resolution tiling arrays. We identified previously unannotated and often tissue- or cell-line-specific transcribed fragments (RACEfrags), both 5' distal to the annotated 5' terminus and internal to the annotated gene bounds for the vast majority (81.5%) of the tested genes. Half of the distal RACEfrags span large segments of genomic sequences away from the main portion of the coding transcript and often overlap with the upstream-annotated gene(s). Notably, at least 20% of the resultant novel transcripts have changes in their open reading frames (ORFs), most of them fusing ORFs of adjacent transcripts. A significant fraction of distal RACEfrags show expression levels comparable to those of known exons of the same locus, suggesting that they are not part of very minority splice forms. These results have significant implications concerning (1) our current understanding of the architecture of protein-coding genes; (2) our views on locations of regulatory regions in the genome; and (3) the interpretation of sequence polymorphisms mapping to regions hitherto considered to be "noncoding," ultimately relating to the identification of disease-related sequence alterations.


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Plain film radiography often underestimates the extent of injury in children with epiphyseal fracture. Especially Salter-Harris V fractures (crush fracture of the epiphyseal plate) are often primarily not detected. MRI of the ankle was performed in 10 children aged 9-17 (mean 14) years with suspected epiphyseal injury using 1.0-T Magnetom Expert. The fractures were classified according to the Salter-Harris-Rang-Odgen classification and compared with the results of plain radiography. In one case MRI could exclude epiphyseal injury; in four cases the MRI findings changed the therapeutic management. The visualisation of the fracture in three orthogonal planes and the possibility of detection of cartilage and ligamentous injury in MR imaging makes this method superior to conventional radiography and CT. With respect to radiation exposure MRI instead of CT should be used for the diagnosis of epiphyseal injuries in children.


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Introduction :¦Les fistules artério-veineuses distales, principalement adjointes à des pontages fémoro-distaux prothétiques, sont décrites dans la littérature depuis le début des années 80. Cette méthode adjonctive a été développée dans le but d'améliorer la perméabilité des pontages prothétiques et d'augmenter le taux de sauvetage de membre, mais son utilité reste controversée dans la littérature.¦Présentation de cas :¦Un homme de 68 ans, connu pour une maladie artérielle périphérique occlusive, ancien tabagique et traité pour une hyperlipidémie, comptabilise depuis 1992 de nombreuses interventions de revascularisation. En¦raison de l'occlusion à répétition d'un pontage aorto-fémoral profond, une 3ème thrombectomie est réalisée avec l'adjonction d'une FAV distale. Cela permettra de préserver le membre pendant plus de trois ans et une amputation finira par être pratiquée à mi-cuisse.¦Revue de la littérature :¦La littérature se rapportant à l'adjonction d'une fistule artério-veineuse à l'anastomose distale d'un pontage a été recherchée dans Pubmed. Les 12 articles parus depuis 1995 et qui concernent notre propos ont été consultés.¦Résultats :¦Le nombre de patients inclus dans les études comparatives est limité car la majorité des patients qui se présentent avec une ischémie critique de membre bénéficient d'une opération de revascularisation par pontage veineux ou de manière endovasculaire. C'est souvent dans le cas de patients ayant déjà subi de¦nombreuses interventions vasculaires et qui ne disposent plus de veines autologues adéquates pour un pontage que l'on utilise l'adjonction d'une fistule artério-veineuse. Selon notre revue de la littérature et les recommandations TASC I et II, l'addition d'une fistule artério-veineuse à l'anastomose distale d'un pontage n'offre pas d'avantage significatif en termes de perméabilité et de sauvetage de membre sur le¦long terme.¦Discussion :¦Néanmoins c'est une technique à retenir dans certaines situations¦d'ischémie critique, lorsque la perfusion distale (run-off) est mauvaise. Elle permet de reculer l'échéance de l'amputation majeure mais, elle ne prévient pas la répétition d'interventions vasculaires nécessaires pour sauver le membre sur le long terme, comme l'illustre notre cas.¦Conclusions :¦On peut dire que l'addition d'une fistule artério-veineuse à l'anastomose distale d'un pontage n'offre pas d'avantage significatif en termes de perméabilité et de sauvetage de membre sur le long terme. Néanmoins, c'est une bonne alternative à l'amputation primaire à considérer au cas par cas. Mais elle ne prévient pas la répétition d'interventions vasculaires nécessaires pour sauver le membre sur le long terme.


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AIM: Chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI) often requires venous bypass grafting to distal arterial segments. However, graft patency is influenced by the length and quality of the graft and occasionally patients may have limited suitable veins. We investigated short distal bypass grafting from the superficial femoral or popliteal artery to the infrapopliteal, ankle or foot arteries, despite angiographic alterations of inflow vessels, providing that invasive pressure measurement at the site of the planned proximal anastomosis revealed an inflow-brachial pressure difference of <or=10 mmHg. METHODS: Four hundred and twenty-three consecutive infrainguinal bypass grafts were performed for CLI between June, 1999 and November, 2002 at our institution. All patients underwent preoperative clinical examination, arteriography and assessment of the veins by duplex ultrasound. The study group are patients in whom the proximal and distal anastomoses of the bypass are below the femoral bifurcation and the popliteal artery, respectively. Invasive arterial pressure measurements were recorded at the level of the planned proximal anastomosis which was performed at that level if the difference of the inflow-brachial pressure was <or=10 mmHg, irrespective of angiographic alterations of the inflow vessels proximal to the planned anastomosis. All patients had a clinical follow-up included a duplex examination of their graft, at 1 week, 3, 9 and 12 months and, thereafter, annually. No patient was lost to follow-up. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients underwent 71 short distal bypass grafts in 71 limbs with reversed saphenous vein grafts in 52, in situ saphenous veins in 11, reversed cephalic vein in 1 and composite veins in 7, respectively. Surgical or endovascular interventions to improve inflow were required in 4 limbs (5.6%). The mean follow-up time was 22.5 months and the two-year survival was 92.5%. Primary and secondary patency rates at 2 years were 73% and 93%, respectively, and the limb salvage rate was 98.5%. CONCLUSION: In appropriately selected patients, short distal venous bypass grafts can be performed with satisfactory patency and limb salvage rates even in the presence of morphologic alterations of the inflow vessels providing that these are not hemodynamically significant, or can be corrected intraoperatively.


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Introducción: Las fracturas distales de radio (FDR) presentan diferentes resultadosfuncionales siendo desfavorables entre el 24% y el 31% de los casos. Una de lascomplicaciones más frecuentes es el síndrome del dolor regional complejo tipo I(SDRC-I), cuyo origen es desconocido. Sólo el 20-30% de los pacientes recuperarán sugrado de funcionalidad anterior.Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de SDRC-I tras una FDR de acuerdo a cuatro tipos detratamiento.Métodos: estudio de una serie de casos retrospectivos. La población de referencia hansido los 391 trabajadores afiliados a una Mutua en Cataluña y diagnosticados deFDR tras una lesión por accidente laboral durante lo años 2008-2010.Los casos han sido trabajadores accidentados que tras una FDR desarrollaron el SDRCI.Como variable dependiente se ha utilizado el diagnóstico de SDRC-I; como variablesindependientes el tipo de tratamiento, la edad, el sexo, la ocupación y el mecanismo dela lesión.Resultados: el 19,7% de la muestra ha desarrollado SDRC-I, siendo esta prevalenciasuperior en los pacientes intervenidos mediante la técnica de tracción bipolar o conagujas de Kirschner; 29,17% y 30,56% respectivamente, que para aquellos en los quese ha realizado un tratamiento conservador o una intervención quirúrgica con placa en Ty tornillos; 15,92% y 15,79%.Conclusiones El tratamiento conservador y la técnica quirúrgica de fijación con placaen T y tornillos han dado una menor prevalencia de SDRC-I.Los mecanismos de lesión asociados a una mayor fuerza presentan fracturas másinestables y requieren un tratamiento quirúrgico. Los tratamientos conservadores sonlos más usados en edades mayores relacionados con fracturas estables.A nivel clínico se extrae una recomendación profiláctica con Vitamina C para evitar laaparición de SDRC-I sobre los pacientes de edad comprendida entre los 36 y los 55años, con mecanismo lesional de caída o caída desde altura, intervenidos con agujas de Kirschner o tracción bipolar.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a novel radiation-independent aiming device for distal locking of intramedullary nails in a human cadaver model. METHODS: A new targeting system was used in 25 intact human cadaver femora for the distal locking procedure after insertion of an intramedullary nail. The number of successful screw placements and the time needed for this locking procedure were recorded. The accuracy of the aiming process was evaluated by computed tomography. RESULTS: The duration of the distal locking process was 8.0 ± 1.8 minutes (mean ± SD; range, 4-11 minutes). None of the screw placements required fluoroscopic guidance. Computed tomography revealed high accuracy of the locking process. The incidence angle (α) of the locking screws through the distal locking holes of the nail was 86.8° ± 5.0° (mean ± SD; range, 80°-96°). Targeting failed in 1 static locking screw because of a material defect in the drilling sleeve. CONCLUSIONS: This cadaver study indicated that an aiming arm-based targeting device is highly reliable and accurate. The promising results suggest that it will help to decrease radiation exposure compared with the traditional "free-hand technique."


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A newborn female with partial trisomy for the distal part of the long arm of the chromosome 14 (14q24 --> qter) resulting from a paternal balanced translocation (3;14) is described. We compare her phenotype with eight other individuals with trisomy 14q24 --> qter.


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Epiphyseal fractures of the distal humerus and their treatment are common, source of many complications that may be immediate but also delayed. If the families accept the possibility of trauma to their child as part of his leisure activities or sports at times intense, they are much more intolerant if their child does not return after injury and repair, optimal function and physical performance unchanged. This intolerance, faced with the trauma but not its consequences, requires us to be particularly careful in the information given to the patient but also in monitoring the first few weeks. The treatment of epiphyseal fractures remains difficult and must be performed by trained teams, aware of the subtleties of pathology. It is essential to organize close monitoring and critical to be able to correct errors or secondary displacement in the first 15 days.


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Aldosterone and corticosterone bind to mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR), which, upon ligand binding, are thought to translocate to the cell nucleus to act as transcription factors. Mineralocorticoid selectivity is achieved by the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) that inactivates 11β-hydroxy glucocorticoids. High expression levels of 11β-HSD2 characterize the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), which comprises the segment-specific cells of late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2), connecting tubule (CNT), and collecting duct (CD). We used MR- and GR-specific antibodies to study localization and regulation of MR and GR in kidneys of rats with altered plasma aldosterone and corticosterone levels. In control rats, MR and GR were found in cell nuclei of thick ascending limb (TAL), DCT, CNT, CD cells, and intercalated cells (IC). GR was also abundant in cell nuclei and the subapical compartment of proximal tubule (PT) cells. Dietary NaCl loading, which lowers plasma aldosterone, caused a selective removal of GR from cell nuclei of 11β-HSD2-positive ASDN. The nuclear localization of MR was unaffected. Adrenalectomy (ADX) resulted in removal of MR and GR from the cell nuclei of all epithelial cells. Aldosterone replacement rapidly relocated the receptors in the cell nuclei. In ASDN cells, low-dose corticosterone replacement caused nuclear localization of MR, but not of GR. The GR was redistributed to the nucleus only in PT, TAL, early DCT, and IC that express no or very little 11β-HSD2. In ASDN cells, nuclear GR localization was only achieved when corticosterone was replaced at high doses. Thus ligand-induced nuclear translocation of MR and GR are part of MR and GR regulation in the kidney and show remarkable segment- and cell type-specific characteristics. Differential regulation of MR and GR may alter the level of heterodimerization of the receptors and hence may contribute to the complexity of corticosteroid effects on ASDN function.


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OBJECTIVES: Long occlusions in calcified crural arteries are a major cause of endovascular technical failure in patients with critical limb ischaemia. Therefore, distal bypasses are mainly performed in patients with heavily calcified arteries and with consequently delicate clamping. A new reverse thermosensitive polymer (RTP) is an alternative option to occlude target vessels. The aim of the study is to report our technical experience with RTP and to assess its safety and efficiency to temporarily occlude small calcified arteries during anastomosis time. METHODS: Between July 2010 and December 2011, we used RTP to occlude crural arteries in 20 consecutive patients with 20 venous distal bypasses. We recorded several operative parameters, such as volume of injected RTP, duration of occlusion and anastomotic time. Quality of occlusion was subjectively evaluated. Routine on-table angiography was performed to search for plug emboli. Primary patency, limb salvage and survival rates were reported at 6 months. RESULTS: In all patients, crural artery occlusion was achieved with the RTP without the use of an adjunct occlusion device. Mean volume of RTP used was 0.3 ml proximally and 0.25 ml distally. Mean duration of occlusion was 14.4 ± 4.5 min, while completion of the distal anastomosis lasted 13.4 ± 4.3 min. Quality of occlusion was judged as excellent in eight cases and good in 12 cases. Residual plugs were observed in two patients and removed with an embolectomy catheter, before we amended the technique for dissolution of RTP. At 6 months, primary patency rate was 75% but limb salvage rate was 87.5%. The 30-day mortality rate was 10%. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that RTP is safe when properly dissolved and effective to occlude small calcified arteries for completion of distal anastomosis.


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Résumé Durant le développement embryonnaire, les cellules pigmentaires des mammifères se développent à partir de deux origines différentes : les melanocytes se développent à partir de la crête neurale alors que les cellules de la rétine pigmentaire (RP) ont une origine neuronale. Un grand nombre de gènes sont impliqués dans la pigmentation dont les gènes de la famille tyrosinase à savoir Tyr, Tyrp1 et Dct. Certaines études ont suggéré que les gènes de la pigmentation sont régulés de manière différentielle dans les mélanocytes et dans la RP. Dans ce travail, les gènes de la famille tyrosinase ont été étudiés comme modèle de la régulation des gènes de la pigmentation par des éléments régulateurs agissant à distance. II a été montré que le promoteur du gène Tyrp1pouvait induire l'expression d'un transgène uniquement dans la RP alors que ce gène est aussi exprimé dans les mélanocytes comme le montre le phénotype des souris mutantes pour Tyrp1. Ce résultat suggère que les éléments régulateurs du promoteur sont suffisants pour l'expression dans la RP mais pas pour l'expression dans les mélanocytes. J'ai donc cherché à identifier la séquence qui régule l'expression dans les mélanocytes. Un chromosome artificiel bactérien (CAB) contenant le gène Tyrp1 s'est avéré suffisant pour induire l'expression dans les mélanocytes, comme démontré par la correction du phénotype mutant. La séquence de ce CAB contient plusieurs régions très conservées qui pourraient représenter de nouveaux éléments régulateurs. Par la suite, j'ai focalisé mon analyse sur une séquence située à -I5 kb qui s'est révélée être un amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes comme démontré par des expériences de cultures cellulaire et de transgenèse. De plus, une analyse poussée de cet élément a révélé que le facteur de transcription Sox 10 représentait un transactivateur de cet amplificateur. Comme pour Tyrp1, la régulation du gène tyrosinase est contrôlée par différents éléments régulateurs dans les mélanocytes et la RP. Il a été montré que le promoteur de tyrosinase n'était pas suffisant pour une forte expression dans les mélanocytes et la RP. De plus, l'analyse de la région située en amont a révélé la présence d'un amplificateur nécessaire à l'expression dans les mélanocytes à la position -15 kb. Cet amplificateur n'est toutefois pas actif dans la RP mais agit comme un répresseur dans ces cellules. Ces résultats indiquent que certains éléments nécessaires à l'expression dans les deux types de cellules pigmentaires sont absents de ces constructions. Comme pour Tyrp1, j'ai en premier lieu démontré qu'un CAB était capable de corriger le phénotype albinique, puis ai inséré un gène reporter (lacZ) dans le CAB par recombinaison homologue et ai finalement analysé l'expression du reporter en transgenèse. Ces souris ont montré une expression forte du lacZ dans les mélanocytes et la RP, ce qui indique que le CAB contient les séquences régulatrices nécessaires à l'expression correcte de tyrosinase. Afin de localiser plus précisément les éléments régulateurs, j'ai ensuite généré des délétions dans le CAB et analysé l'expression du lacZ en transgenèse. La comparaison de séquences génomiques provenant de différentes espèces a permis par la suite d'identifier des régions représentant de nouveaux éléments régulateurs potentiels. En utilisant cette approche, j'ai identifié une région qui se comporte comme un amplificateur dans la RP et qui est nécessaire à l'expression de tyrosinase dans ce tissu. De plus, j'ai identifié les facteurs de transcription Mitf et Sox10 comme transactivateurs de l'amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes situé à -15 kb. L'identification et la caractérisation des ces éléments régulateurs des gènes tyrosinase et Tyrp1confirme donc que la régulation différentielle des gènes dans les mélanocytes et la RP est liée à des éléments régulateurs séparés. Summary Pigment cells of mammals originate from two different lineages: melanocytes arise from the neural crest, whereas cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) originate from the optic cup of the developing forebrain. A large set of genes are involved in pigmentation, including the members of the tyrosinase gene family, namely tyrosinase, Tyrp1 and Dct. Previous studies have suggested that pigmentation genes are differentially regulated in melanocytes and RPE. In this work, the tyrosinase gene family was used as a model for studying the involvement of distal regulatory elements in pigment cell-specific gene expression. The promoter of the Tyrp1 gene has been shown to drive detectable transgene expression only to the RPE, even though the gene is also expressed in melanocytes as evident from Tyrp1-mutant mice. This indicates that the regulatory elements responsible for Tyrp1 gene expression in the RPE are not sufficient for expression in melanocytes. I thus searched for a putative melanocyte-specific regulatory sequence and demonstrate that a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the Tyrp1 gene and surrounding sequences is able to target transgenic expression to melanocytes and to rescue the Tyrp1 b (brown) phenotype. This BAC contains several highly conserved non-coding sequences that might represent novel regulatory elements. I further focused on a sequence located at -15 kb which I identified as amelanocyte-specific enhancer as shown by cell culture and transgenic mice. In addition, further functional analysis identified the transcription factor Sox10 as being able to bind and transactivate this enhancer. As for Tyrp1, tyrosinase gene regulation is mediated by different cis-regulatory elements in melanocytes and RPE. It was shown that the tyrosinase promoter was not sufficient to confer strong and specific expression in melanocytes and RPE. Moreover, analysis of tyrosinase upstream sequence, revealed the presence of a specific enhancer at position -15 kb which was necessary to confer strong expression in melanocytes. This enhancer element however failed to act as an enhancer in the RPE, but rather repressed expression. This indicates that some regulatory elements required for tyrosinase expression in both RPE and melanocytes are still missing from these constructs. As for Tyrp1, I first demonstrated that a BAC containing the Tyr gene is able to rescue the Tyr c (albino) phenotype in mice, then I inserted a lacZ reporter gene in the BAC by homologous recombination, and finally analysed the pattern of lacZ expression in transgenic mice. These mice showed strong lacZ expression in both RPE and melanocytes, indicating that the BAC contains the regulatory sequences required for proper tyrosinase expression. In order to localize more precisely these regulatory elements, I have then generated several deletions in the BAC and analysed lacZ expression in transgenic mice. Multi-species comparative genomic analysis then allowed identifying conserved sequences that potentially represent novel regulatory elements. Using this experimental approach, I identified a region that behaves as a RPE-specific enhancer and that is required for tyrosinase expression in the retina] pigment epithelium. In addition, I identified the transcription factors Mitf and Sox l0 as being transactivators of the melanocyte-specific enhancer located at -l5 kb. The identification and characterization of these tyrosinase and Tyrp1 distal regulatory element supports the idea that separate regulatory sequences mediate differential gene expression in melanocytes and RPE.