164 resultados para Devotion.
Since the beginning of life in society, the human being has sought sources of energy that can be used continuously, or stored to be consumed in times of need. The various energy generation processes has enabled the human race for the implementation of many activities ranging from food preparation, handling of large industries and even the possibility of total annihilation by the availability of powerful nuclear weapons. In Brazil, whereupon the various deleterious aspects and especially the finite resources used on a large scale for the energy conservation, there is a huge devotion of society referred to the prospects for alternatives to the use of energy in local, regional and global, but overall, as it wouldn’t be different, the main factors in this scenario are economic. The fact that the unused potential of a region in the use of alternative sources of energy leads to a larger socio-environmental prejudice generalized to all. The purpose of this project is targeted for a comprehensive, systemic and integrated discussion about some of the main alternative energy sources, associated with technical procedures related to them, to contribute to a better and effective use of natural resources available in each region of the country, in order to minimize the impacts on the environment in which they are inserted.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Henry Radcliffe Sims Papers consist primarily of personal and business correspondence and offers a good source of information on the Sims family's varied interests in South Carolina, especially their businesses in Orangeburg, South Carolina. The correspondence generally deals with Henry Sims' brief military career; his presidency at Winthrop; his efforts along with his brothers' help to establish a radio station at Orangeburg; his constant concern in the Sims Publishing Company; his interest in the political and educational welfare of his nephews; his devotion to his family; and his association with various South Carolina legislators. Areas of research would perhaps include, among others, biographical information on Sims and his family; their contributions to South Carolina, especially in the area of publications (ex. Times and Democrat’s historical development). There is also material relating to Sims’ nephew, Hugo Sims Jr., and the latter’s 1946 campaign for a seat in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Correspondents include Olin Johnston, Burnet Rhett Maybank, John T. Riley and Strom Thurmond.
La tesi si occupa della «processione con Misteri» organizzata da Carlo Bascapè, preposito generale dei Barnabiti, a Milano, la notte del venerdì santo, a partire dal 1587. Di questo importante rito processionale sono giunte fino a noi diverse testimonianze documentarie, conservate presso l’Archivio Storico dei Barnabiti a Milano, che sono state il cuore di questa ricerca. La processione è una grande meditazione pubblica dove la musica svolge un ruolo molto importante. Il percorso che ho seguito è stato teso a rendere ragione delle motivazioni drammatiche e devozionali della processione, per poi approdare al significativo ruolo che la componente musicale svolgeva nel rito stesso. Nel primo capitolo ho rievocato la figura di Carlo Bascapè (1550-1615), inserendo la sua figura all’interno delle esperienze storiche nelle quali si è formato (la Milano di san Carlo Borromeo e l’Ordine dei Chierici regolari di San Paolo). Nel secondo capitolo ho scandagliato le radici devozionali alla base della processione (i concetti di devozione e orazione) e messo a fuoco il ruolo della musica nell’esperienza religiosa dei Barnabiti e, in particolar modo, di Carlo Bascapè. Il terzo capitolo si concentra sulle principali modalità di rappresentazione e meditazione della passione di Cristo. Nel quarto capitolo ho ricostruito, attraverso una lettura dei documenti, e con approfondimenti tratti dalla letteratura devozionale tardocinquecentesca sulla passione, i vari aspetti della processione e i suoi protagonisti (religiosi, nobili della città di Milano, musicisti), e, infine, ho messo in luce gli aspetti devozionali e drammaturgici. Nel quinto capitolo ho analizzato le musiche superstiti, pervenendo alla conclusione che ogni aspetto musicale era concepito tenendo ben presenti i due aspetti su cui era imperniata la processione: la rappresentazione della passione e l’immedesimazione dei fedeli. L’ultima parte della tesi consiste, infine, nella trascrizione dei documenti archivistici, nella loro parte testuale e musicale.
This thesis will cover sports controversies throughout the 20th Century in the context of the media’s newspaper coverage of the events. The 1919 Black Sox Scandal, the debate over American participation in the 1936 Olympics, and Muhammad Ali’s conversion to the Nation of Islam, standing as a notorious public figure, and conscientious objection to the Vietnam War will represent the three sports controversies. The media’s adherence to cultural norms is clear in all three cases. The consistent devotion to the cultural and racial atmosphere of their respective eras was constant and helped to perpetuate accepted, mainstream cultural attitudes. Cultural and racial norms were followed in the coverage of the three discussed controversies. The anti-Semitism and racially intolerant sentiments in America during great waves of immigration in the early 1900s allowed for journalists to freely vilify Jews as corrupters of baseball and the ballplayers who were rumored to have thrown the 1919 World Series. The white ballplayers were supported in the press, who protected their own and blamed outsiders. Jim Crow and the Americanization movement forced African American and Jewish newspapers to limit their journalistic bias on both sides of the debate over American participation in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. The white, mainstream press was void of bias as the spirit of isolationism in America triumphed over journalist’s leanings in the Olympic debate. The racial tension created by the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s created an atmosphere that allowed mainstream journalists to heap endless criticism on Muhammad Ali as he gained fame. By portraying him as a villain of society as both a religious radical and traitor to America, journalists created a common enemy in the minds of white America. In all three cases, a pattern of journalists expressing the state of cultural and racial norms of the era is present and significant.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) is characterised by recurrent attacks of paradoxical adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration, accompanied clinically by dyspnoea attacks with inspiratory stridor lasting between minutes and hours. The aim of the study is to evaluate the self-perception of patients suffering from VCD and how they deal with aggressivity. METHODS: The Giessen Test (GT) and the Picture Frustration Test (PFT) were used on 6 patients with VCD. RESULTS: Five variables show significant differences between the patients with VCD and the values of the normative groups. VCD-patients show an idealized image of themselves, ie relaxed, open, sociable, and capable of devotion. They do not reject accusations against them by others and rarely make self-criticism. In conflicts they behave passively, thus blocking their expression of aggressivity. CONCLUSIONS: In many cases organic disposition and trigger stimuli are thought to be responsible for provoking dyspnoea attacks in VCD. However, the self-perception of patients and their way of dealing with aggressivity strongly suggests that psychosocial factors play a great role in the development of VCD. This requires not only symptom-orientated therapy but also psychological counselling.
Taking into consideration Lope de Vega’s corpus of hagiographical comedia, we value how the typical comicality of arte nuevo became compatible with that pious sense which was essential to hagiographical plays. We discuss the different roles played by festive laugh in a dramatic subgenre which intended to lead the audience to devotion. The aim of this article is to deepen into the strategies through which comedias de santos contributed to a double prospect, festive and pious.
The charismatic and controversial Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba is the centre of attention and devotion for a great number of adherents from various national, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Due to its global spread, the Sathya Sai Baba movement is an ideal case for examining displaced religious practices. Singing is a vital part of the religious practice of Sai devotees. In this article I will discuss the contents and usage of the songbook that Swiss devotees compiled. We can observe the extent to which Indian contents are carried over and how they are supplemented with Swiss songs, but also with songs perceived as being part of a universal spiritual treasury of songs (e.g. Native American, Hebrew or International Christian songs). I will suggest that the concept of de- and reterritorialization helps us to analyze the practices of this global religious community. Additionally, I will argue that the devotees’ choice of songs and their singing practices are indeed a manifestation of their claim to universalism as well as their need to be rooted locally. I will further argue that a globalized religious movement is limited in dealing with the encounter of diverse cultural contents by the strategy of reterritorialization, but beyond that creates a new and supraterritorial cultural context.
Sport participation means a privileged access to participate in the sport system and the opportunities of actual integration into sport (Seiberth et al., 2013). The access to sport activities is often restricted for female immigrants. The function of sport participation concerning exercise offers of social associations is not a common theme in research on migration or on sports-related integration. Research on boundaries (Lamont & Molnár, 2002) suggest that gender-related and ethnic boundaries are stable behavioural and cognitive patterns leading to unequal social opportunities. The present study examined the potential of a Swiss intercultural club regarding female immigrants’ integration into sport by focussing on gender-related and ethnic boundaries. Ten interviews with female immigrants and conductress of an intercultural club plus a group discussion were held. Using qualitative content analysis and documentary method, findings reveal multifaceted, interwoven boundaries, e.g. maternal devotion, exclusive exercise offers for women, language learning devotion, religious need of headscarf. Otherwise resources to overcome boundaries are provided: Deploying competent employees; offering childcare, exercise offers suited to mothers‘ time schedule and language lessons; equitable, on integration focussed club-life. Thus, intercultural clubs might help to overcome boundaries and facilitate access to exercise for female immigrants and integrate them more successfully into sport than many sport clubs. A boundary focus and present data may open new perspectives for sport organisation and integration research. Further investigations of social associations offering exercise are advised.
El presente escrito indaga sobre la utilidad metodológica de los recursos provenientes de la religión, herramientas de las que se vale la sociología para construir su corpus conceptual. Hace hincapié en las formulaciones de Max Weber, con énfasis en la “lealtad", una noción que forma parte del horizonte de sentido de la política contemporánea, y particularmente de algunas ideologías que la cuentan en su acervo doctrinal. Se analiza la oposición entre impersonalidad y devoción y entre fe religiosa y fe política, así como los procesos de conversión y cumplimiento-incumplimiento del deber que caracterizan a ambas. Asimismo, se exploran las similitudes y diferencias entre el mensaje religioso y el político y entre la conformación del perfil del creyente y del adherente a una creencia partidaria. Por último, se comparan las “promesas" que encierran los discursos, con la intención de evidenciar la cercanía entre religión y lealtad en términos de constitución/restitución de la comunidad.
Este trabajo se inscribe en el proyecto de fundación de una Escuela de Traducción Poética, en la que nos proponemos pensar y practicar nuevos criterios específicos para traducir poesía. Las premisas teóricas de Walter Benjamin y Giorgio Agamben nos sirven para pensar nuestra tarea como una Nueva Filología. Será fundamental en ella el estudio interdisciplinario en el que confluyen filosofía, historia, psicoanálisis, estética y teoría literaria. Una filología absorta en la facticidad y la devoción mágica por los particulares, por el detalle, que Agamben destaca como fundamentales en Benjamin.
En este estudio se presenta evidencia que contribuye a situar al autor del Poema de mio Cid en el ambiente eclesiástico de fines del siglo XII. A tal fin, se examinan las oraciones intercaladas en el poema, testimonio de la erudición y devoción características de un clérigo. El conocimiento de episodios bíblicos y la presencia de numerosos cultismos, especialmente en la oración de doña Jimena, apuntan hacia un origen eclesiástico del poema, probablemente compuesto en el monasterio de Cardeña donde estaba enterrado el Cid.
Por lo general, estamos acostumbrados a leer y pensar la poesía de acuerdo a determinados ritmos, sin embargo en una poesía como la del cubano José Kozer -que opta voluntariamente por la maquinación y el robo- el lirismo resulta ineficaz. Las nociones de robo, fracaso y decadencia alumbran toda la poesía de Kozer y se proponen como una especie de destino voluntario y manifiesto ante cierta tradición poética triunfalista moderna. La tarea que cabría al poeta entonces es la ardua labor del talmudista quien, en un acto de devoción, inclina la cabeza para escribir comentarios en los márgenes de un libro eterno que es, a la vez, todos los libros. Este ensayo se propone reflexionar sobre estos aspectos del universo kozeriano sobre todo a partir de sus posibles vinculaciones con el neobarroco latinoamericano