965 resultados para Design research


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This paper investigates learning environments from the view of the key users - students. Recent literature on designing Learning Landscapes indicates a near absence of the student voice, assuming that the majority of students are either uninterested or unable to express what they want or need, in a learning environment. The focus of this research is to reveal Architecture and Fashion Design students’ perceptions of their learning environments. Furthermore, this study questions the appropriateness of usual design of learning spaces for Design students, or if the environment needs to be specifically catered for the learning of different disciplines of Design, such as Architecture and Fashion Design. Senior Architecture and Fashion Design students were invited to participate in a qualitative mixed method study, including investigation into existing literature, questionnaires, focus groups and spontaneous participatory research. Through the analysis of data it was found that students’ perceptions validate discipline specific learning environments and contribute towards the development of a framework for the design of future Learning Landscapes, for Design education.


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The world of disability is often neglected or taken for granted in able-bodied society. Apart from the challenge that disability is a social construct (Linton, 1998, 2006; Longmore, 2003; Thompson, 1997) there is an impact on the people with disability that they either feel left out or they don’t belong in the larger community. The able-bodied community is also left with very little knowledge or no sensitivity towards people with disability. These internal whirlpools do not contribute to any community only to create larger gaps and higher differences between the groups of people. Peace (2010) claims that disability is something imposed on to a person on top of a physical impairment. Nord (2008) advocates that while environmental barriers and social attitudes are crucial aspects of a person’s experience, they can indeed disable a person. The study reported high-lights what is home for people with disability and their family members. The way the person with disability and family members without disability share the same home and nurture personal relationships with each other demands greater attention. This research sheds light on the intricate relationships that exists between the family members including person with disability and their built environment. These existential connections provide a holistic viewpoint and the glimpse into the lived experiences of homes for people with disability and their care-givers. Concepts of universal design or barrier free design have not been successful (Connell and Sanford, 1999) in revealing in-depth the nature of place-making for people with disability and their care-givers. Such studies fail to incorporate the holistic needs of individuals with disability and their family members in terms of their bodily, visceral, emotional, social, psycho-social, intuitive, spiritual and temporal needs, to name a few (Franz, Bitner, 2010). This paper reports on some preliminary findings on phenomena of dwelling for people with different kinds of disability and their care-givers sharing the same home from an interior design perspective.


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Flexible information exchange is critical to successful design integration, but current top-down, standards-based and model-oriented strategies impose restrictions that are contradictory to this flexibility. In this paper we present a bottom-up, user-controlled and process-oriented approach to linking design and analysis applications that is more responsive to the varied needs of designers and design teams. Drawing on research into scientific workflows, we present a framework for integration that capitalises on advances in cloud computing to connect discrete tools via flexible and distributed process networks. Adopting a services-oriented system architecture, we propose a web-based platform that enables data, semantics and models to be shared on the fly. We discuss potential challenges and opportunities for the development thereof as a flexible, visual, collaborative, scalable and open system.


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Parametric and generative modelling methods are ways in which computer models are made more flexible, and of formalising domain-specific knowledge. At present, no open standard exists for the interchange of parametric and generative information. The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) which are an open standard for interoperability in building information models is presented as the base for an open standard in parametric modelling. The advantage of allowing parametric and generative representations are that the early design process can allow for more iteration and changes can be implemented quicker than with traditional models. This paper begins with a formal definition of what constitutes to be parametric and generative modelling methods and then proceeds to describe an open standard in which the interchange of components could be implemented. As an illustrative example of generative design, Frazer’s ‘Reptiles’ project from 1968 is reinterpreted.


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Corporate business and management are embracing design thinking for its potential to deliver competitive advantage through helping them be more innovative, differentiate their brands, and bring more customer centric products and services to market (Brown, 2008). As consumers continue to expect more personalisation and customisation from their service providers, the use of design thinking for innovation within organisations is a logical progression. To date however, there is little empirical literature discussing how organisations are setting about integrating design thinking into their culture and innovation practices. This paper is a first step in initiating a scholarly discussion on the integration of design thinking within organisational culture. Deloitte Australia is a large professional services firm employing over 5700 staff in 12 offices across Australia. The company provides a range of services to clients in the areas of audit, tax, financial advisory and consulting. In early 2011 the company made a strategic commitment to introducing design thinking into the organisation’s practices. While it already maintains a strong innovation culture, to date it had largely been operating within an analytical business environment. For Deloitte, design thinking is an opportunity to create better outcomes for the people they serve – both internal and external stakeholders (Brown and Wyatt, 2010). Research was conducted using case study methodology and ethnographic methods from June to September 2011 at the Melbourne Deloitte office. It involved three methods of data collection: semi structured interviews, participant observation and artifact analysis. This paper presents preliminary case study findings of Deloitte’s approach to building awareness and a consistent understanding of design thinking, as well as large scale capability, across the firm. Deloitte’s commitment to transforming its culture to one of design thinking poses significant potential for understanding how design thinking is comprehended, enabled and integrated within a complex organisational environment.


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The creation of value through emotion has been previously explored through product design, marketing and consumer hedonics. While the notion of value creation is an important driver in business model generation, understanding what the customer honestly values and why, also needs to be considered. However, the role of emotion as a source of innovation, spanning business model creation to customer experience is not yet well understood. This research investigates how the inclusion of emotion will impact the design of a business model and business operations. A brief overview of relevant literature, the research gap and question, along with the future direction of this research is discussed in this paper.


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This thesis aims to expand our understanding of imagining in the spatial design disciplines of architecture and interior design. More than three decades after Lawson’s statement, the matter of “what goes on in a designer’s head”, or imagining and mental problem solving remains just as mysterious and just as pertinent, possibly more so given the social and environmental challenges facing humankind. The lines on a page, the small perspective sketches, the connection of lines and scrawled notes and other clues help us understand what may be going on in the mind of the architect or designer. However, how designers know that space intimately before it is built is not greatly understood and articulated – even by designers themselves. There is a gap in the market in terms of informed exploration of the thinking that occurs during the design process, and how this is translated into physical outcomes. In other words, what do we see in our mind’s eye during the design process? This thesis explores design thinking and design process; what we ‘see’ when we draw, what we ‘see’ when we design.


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Construction works are project-based and interdisciplinary. Many construction management (CM) problems are ill defined. The knowledge required to address such problems is not readily available and mostly tacit in nature. Moreover, the researchers, especially the students in the higher education, often face difficulty in defining the research problem, adopting an appropriate research process and methodology for designing and validating their research. This paper describes a ‘Horseshoe’ research process approach and its application to address a research problem of extracting construction-relevant information from a building information model (BIM). It describes the different steps of the process for understanding a problem, formulating appropriate research question/s, defining different research tasks, including a methodology for developing, implementing and validating the research. It is argued that a structure research approach and the use of mixed research methods would provide a sound basis for research design and validation in order to make contribution to existing knowledge.


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The paper presents a participatory design research framework as a primary method for structuring youth engagement, participation and contribution to the design, development and usability evaluation of three evidencebased e-tools for wellbeing, which include smart phone mobile apps as well as e-health websites. The three projects are part of a series of six e-tools part of Safe and Supportive program under Young and Well CRC. The participatory design method, developed by Zelenko (2012) for application in design of online health promoting technologies, was further piloted in partnership with Inspire USA for specific application within the CRC, deploying a combination of creative design workshops and speculative design activities in developing e-tool prototypes with young people. This paper presents the resulting participatory research framework as it was implemented across the e-tool projects to facilitate active youth participation in co-designing the e-tools and ensuring the final designs are relevant to young people and deliver health messages in engaging ways. The principles of Participatory Design (PD) that inform the new framework include a high degree of participant agency in creative decisionmaking and a commitment to the process of co-designing, with young people working alongside designers and developers. The paper will showcase how the PD framework was applied across three projects to increase young people’s contribution to final design outcome.


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Issues of autonomy impact motivation, the user experience and even psychological wellbeing, yet many questions surrounding design for autonomy remain unanswered. This workshop will explore theory, issues and design strategies related to autonomy drawing on theoretical frameworks available in psychology and looking at autonomy from multiple levels. These include user autonomy within the context of software environments, technologies that increase autonomy in daily life, and how technologies might foster autonomy as a component of psychological development.


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This paper describes research investigating expertise and the types of knowledge used by airport security screeners. It applies a multi method approach incorporating eye tracking, concurrent verbal protocol and interviews. Results show that novice and expert security screeners primarily access perceptual knowledge and experience little difficulty during routine situations. During non-routine situations however, experience was found to be a determining factor for effective interactions and problem solving. Experts were found to use strategic knowledge and demonstrated structured use of interface functions integrated into efficient problem solving sequences. Comparatively, novices experienced more knowledge limitations and uncertainty resulting in interaction breakdowns. These breakdowns were characterised by trial and error interaction sequences. This research suggests that the quality of knowledge security screeners have access to has implications on visual and physical interface interactions and their integration into problem solving sequences. Implications and recommendations for the design of interfaces used in the airport security screening context are discussed. The motivations of recommendations are to improve the integration of interactions into problem solving sequences, encourage development of problem scheme knowledge and to support the skills and knowledge of the personnel that interact with security screening systems.


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In design studio, sketching or visual thinking is part of processes that assist students to achieve final design solutions. At QUT’s First and Third Year industrial design studio classes we engage in a variety of teaching pedagogies from which we identify ‘Concept Bombs’ as an instrumental in the development of students’ visual thinking and reflective design process, and also as a vehicle to foster positive student engagement. Our ‘formula’: Concept Bombs are 20 minute design tasks focusing on rapid development of initial concept designs and free-hand sketching. Our experience and surveys tell us that students value intensive studio activities especially when combined with timely assessment and feedback. While conventional longer-duration design projects are essential for allowing students to engage with the full depth and complexity of the design process, short and intensive design activities introduce variety to the learning experience and enhance student engagement. This paper presents a comparative analysis of First and Third Year students’ Concept Bomb sketches to describe the types of design knowledge embedded in them, a discussion of limitations and opportunities of this pedagogical technique, as well as considerations for future development of studio based tasks of this kind as design pedagogies in the midst of current university education trends.


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This paper presents a visual timeline-based assignment used in an undergraduate Industrial Design History, Theory and Critcism unit. The assignment was developed in order to find a better way of supporting design history learning than an exam or essay assessment. It was developed using constructive alignment and it allows design students to use their strong visual thinking skills to understand unfamiliar content, develop their visual literacy of design history, and think deeply about the links between the designs, styles, movements, events and people in their timeline. The task produced a variety of responses, from websites and electronic presentations to large paper timelines, scrolls and 3D models. These have been admired by peers and used for end of year shows and permanent displays. Questionnaires were issued to students to gain feedback about the assessment. Students stated that the visual nature of the assignment helped them to understand how different aspects of design history related to each other, assisted with retaining the information, and that it was more interesting and fun than a report or an exam. This paper explores the theories behind and the benefits of using such methods of assessment for design history courses.


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The Urban Informatics Research Lab brings together a group of people who focus their research on interdisciplinary topics at the intersection of social, spatial, and technical research domains—that is, people, place, and technology. Those topics are spread across the breadth of urban life—its contemporary issues and its needs, as well as the design opportunities that we have as individuals, groups, communities, and as a whole society. The lab’s current research areas include urban planning and design, civic innovation, mobility and transportation, education and connected learning, environmental sustainability, and food and urban agriculture. The common denominator of the lab’s approach is user-centered design research directed toward understanding, conceptualizing, developing, and evaluating sociotechnical practices as well as the opportunities afforded by innovative digital technology in urban environments.