313 resultados para Dendrites


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Revestimentos produzidos a partir de ligas de Cu-Sn apresentam grande interesse em função de suas propriedades, originando uma grande capacidade de aplicação industrial, especialmente em indústrias de componentes e materiais eletrônicos. Tais ligas também têm sido comercialmente utilizadas como revestimentos em metais diferentes, como o aço, para protegê-los contra a corrosão e melhorar sua aparência. Na presente dissertação, técnicas de voltametria cíclica, cronoamperometria e voltametria de varredura anódica linear foram utilizadas para o estudo dos processos de deposição de Cu e/ou Sn a partir de dois conjuntos de soluções contendo CuCl2.2H2O e SnCl2.2H2O nas razões de Cu:Sn = 1:10 e 10:1, além de Na3C6H5O7 1,00 mol/L, em pH = 6,0. As curvas de voltametria cíclica realizadas sobre o eletrodo de grafita foram utilizadas para o cálculo das constantes de equilíbrio dos complexos de ambos os metais com citrato de sódio, bem como na determinação dos potenciais catódicos aplicados nos ensaios de cronoamperometria. Após a deposição da liga nos potenciais estipulados para cada uma das duas soluções, os revestimentos de liga Cu-Sn foram ressolubilizados em solução de NaNO3 0,5 mol/L, empregando varredura anódica linear para a avaliação de suas composições químicas. Os resultados iniciais mostraram que a variação da concentração de Cu (II) e do potencial aplicado influenciaram no teor de cobre na liga. Contudo, percebeu-se que o teor de estanho não sofreu grandes variações, independente das concentrações das soluções e do potencial aplicado. Na solução com maior concentração de cobre foram alcançados teores dos metais na liga em maior proximidade com o da liga de bronze comercial. Com base nesses resultados, foram produzidos revestimentos de ligas sobre substrato de aço carbono, a partir de soluções contendo CuCl2.2H2O e SnCl2.2H2O na razão de 10:1, empregando a técnica de cronoamperometria potenciostática. Quatro diferentes valores de potencial (-0,39V, -0,67V, -1,00V, -1,20V e -1,94V vs. Ag/AgClsat.) foram aplicados, obtendo-se camadas cujas colorações variaram do rosa claro ao marrom escuro, sempre sem brilho. A eficiência de corrente catódica (Ef) decresceu conforme o potencial aplicado se tornou mais negativo. Nesta mesma direção, verificou-se um aumento do teor de estanho na liga depositada e menores tamanhos de grão. Porém, quando o potencial tornou-se mais negativo (-1,20V e -1,94V), observou-se a presença de cristalitos de diferentes tamanhos e de dendritos. Revestimentos com melhores resistências à corrosão em solução de NaCl 0,5 mol/L foram produzidos nos potenciais de -1,00V e -1,20V, cujas composições foram 99,40 % m/m Cu / 0,60 % m/m Sn e 97,70 % m/m Cu / 2,30 % m/m Sn, respectivamente. As análises por DRX permitiram verificar que estes revestimentos eram constituídos, principalmente, da fase α-CuSn


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The ever increasing demand for storage of electrical energy in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles is driving technological improvements in rechargeable batteries. Lithium (Li) batteries have many advantages over other rechargeable battery technologies, including high specific energy and energy density, operation over a wide range of temperatures (-40 to 70. °C) and a low self-discharge rate, which translates into a long shelf-life (~10 years) [1]. However, upon release of the first generation of rechargeable Li batteries, explosions related to the shorting of the circuit through Li dendrites bridging the anode and cathode were observed. As a result, Li metal batteries today are generally relegated to non-rechargeable primary battery applications, because the dendritic growth of Li is associated with the charging and discharging process. However, there still remain significant advantages in realizing rechargeable secondary batteries based on Li metal anodes because they possess superior electrical conductivity, higher specific energy and lower heat generation due to lower internal resistance. One of the most practical solutions is to use a solid polymer electrolyte to act as a physical barrier against dendrite growth. This may enable the use of Li metal once again in rechargeable secondary batteries [2]. Here we report a flexible and solid Li battery using a polymer electrolyte with a hierarchical and highly porous nanocarbon electrode comprising aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon nanohorns (CNHs). Electrodes with high specific surface area are realized through the combination of CNHs with CNTs and provide a significant performance enhancement to the solid Li battery performance. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Solidification behavior and microstructural evolution of surface modified layers in plasma cladding technique are studied via numerical simulations. Both the coupling effect of temperature and solid volume fraction are considered in the proposed thermal analytical model, by which the transient temperature distributions are calculated and the shape of melting pool is determined. Furthermore, we perform microscopic thermal analysis on the nucleation and growth behaviors of ceramic hardening phases and dendrites, as well as the kinetics of related two-phase flow systems. By comparing with experimental observations, the evolution mechanisms of the morphology of Al2O3 ceramic hardening layer are explained. Based on the above results, a relationship among the scanning velocity of plasma stream, dendritic growth rate and the advancing speed of solid/liquid interface is found, and an energy criterion is proposed for predicting the pushing/engulfing transition of ceramic particles by grain growth fronts. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mg-8Gd-2Y-Nd-0.3Zn (wt%) alloy was prepared by the high pressure die-cast technique. The microstructure, mechanical properties in the temperature range from room temperature to 573 K, and strengthening mechanism were investigated. It was confirmed that the Mg-Gd-based alloy with high Gd content exhibited outstanding die-cast character. The die-cast alloy was mainly composed of small cellular equiaxed dendrites and the matrix. The long lamellar-shaped stacking compound of Mg3X (X: Gd, Y, Nd, and Zn) and polygon-shaped.


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The transition of lamellar crystal orientation from flat-on to edge-on in ultrathin films of polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) via solvent vapor (toluene) treatment Was investigated. When the as-prepared film was treated in saturated solvent vapor, breakout crystals could form quickly, and then they transformed from square single crystals (flat-on lamellae) to dendrites and finally to nanowire crystals (edge-on lamellae). Initially, heterogeneous nucleation tit the polymer/substrate interface dominated the structure evolution, leading to flat-on lamellar crystals orientation. And the transition from faceted habits to dendrites indicated a transition of underlying mechanism from nucleation-controlled to diffusion-limited growth. As the solvent molecules gradually diffused into the polymer/substrate interface, it will subsequently weaken the polymer-substrate interaction.


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Mg-4Al-0.4Mn-xPr (x = 1, 2, 4 and 6 wt.%) magnesium alloys were prepared successfully by the high-pressure die-casting technique. The microstructures, mechanical properties, corrosion behavior as well as strengthening mechanism were investigated. The die-cast alloys were mainly composed of small equiaxed dendrites and the matrix. The fine rigid skin region was related to the high cooling rate and the aggregation of alloying elements, such as Pr. With the Pr content increasing, the alpha-Mg grain sizes were reduced gradually and the amounts of the Al2Pr phase and All, Pr-3 phase which mainly concentrated along the grain boundaries were increased and the relative volume ratio of above two phases was changed. Considering the performance-price ratio, the Pr content added around 4 wt.% was suitable to obtain the optimal mechanical properties which can keep well until 200 degrees C as well as good corrosion resistance. The outstanding mechanical properties were mainly attributed to the rigid casting surface layer, grain refinement, grain boundary strengthening obtained by an amount of precipitates as well as solid solution strengthening.


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Self-assembly morphology effects on the crystalline behavior of asymmetric semicrystalline block copolymer polystyrene-block-poly(L-lactic acid) thin film were investigated. Firstly, a series of distinctive self-assembly aggregates, from spherical to ellipsoid and rhombic lamellar micelles (two different kinds of rhombic micelles, defined as rhomb 1 and rhomb 2) was prepared by means of promoting the solvent selectivity. Then, the effects of these self-assembly aggregates on crystallization at the early stage of film evolution were investigated by in situ hot stage atomic force microscopy. Heterogeneous nucleation initiated from the spherical micelles and dendrites with flat on crystals appeared with increasing temperature. At high temperature, protruding structures were observed due to the thickening of the flat-on crystals and finally more thermodynamically stable crystallization formed. Annealing the rhombic lamellar micelles resulted in different phenomena. Turtle-shell-like crystalline structure initiated from the periphery of the rhombic micelle 1 and spread over the whole film surface in the presence of mostly noncrystalline domain interior. Erosion and small hole appeared at the surface of the rhombic lamellar micelle 2; no crystallization like that in rhomb 1 occurred. It indicated that the chain-folding degree was different in these two micelles, which resulted in different annealing behaviors.


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The branched crystal morphology of linear polyethylene formed at various temperatures from thin films has been studied by atomic-force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED) pattern and polymer decoration technique. Two types of branched patterns, i.e. dendrite and seaweed patterns, have been visualized. The fractal dimension d(f) = 1.65 of both dendrite and some of seaweed patterns was obtained by using the box-counting method, although most of the seaweed patterns are compact. Selected-area ED patterns indicate that the fold stems tilt about 34.5degrees around the b-axis and polymer decoration patterns show that the chain folding direction and regularity in two (200). regions are quite different from each other. Because of chain tilting, branched crystals show three striking features: 1) the lamella-like branches show two (200) regions with different thickness; 2) the crystals usually bend towards the thin region; 3) the thick region grows faster by developing branches, thus branches usually occur outside the thick region. The branched patterns show a characteristic width w, which gives a linear relationship with the crystallization temperature on a semilogarithmic plot.


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This thesis describes an investigation of retinal directional selectivity. We show intracellular (whole-cell patch) recordings in turtle retina which indicate that this computation occurs prior to the ganglion cell, and we describe a pre-ganglionic circuit model to account for this and other findings which places the non-linear spatio-temporal filter at individual, oriented amacrine cell dendrites. The key non-linearity is provided by interactions between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs onto the dendrites, and their distal tips provide directionally selective excitatory outputs onto ganglion cells. Detailed simulations of putative cells support this model, given reasonable parameter constraints. The performance of the model also suggests that this computational substructure may be relevant within the dendritic trees of CNS neurons in general.


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Before choosing, it helps to know both the expected value signaled by a predictive cue and the associated uncertainty that the reward will be forthcoming. Recently, Fiorillo et al. (2003) found the dopamine (DA) neurons of the SNc exhibit sustained responses related to the uncertainty that a cure will be followed by reward, in addition to phasic responses related to reward prediction errors (RPEs). This suggests that cue-dependent anticipations of the timing, magnitude, and uncertainty of rewards are learned and reflected in components of the DA signals broadcast by SNc neurons. What is the minimal local circuit model that can explain such multifaceted reward-related learning? A new computational model shows how learned uncertainty responses emerge robustly on single trial along with phasic RPE responses, such that both types of DA responses exhibit the empirically observed dependence on conditional probability, expected value of reward, and time since onset of the reward-predicting cue. The model includes three major pathways for computing: immediate expected values of cures, timed predictions of reward magnitudes (and RPEs), and the uncertainty associated with these predictions. The first two model pathways refine those previously modeled by Brown et al. (1999). A third, newly modeled, pathway is formed by medium spiny projection neurons (MSPNs) of the matrix compartment of the striatum, whose axons co-release GABA and a neuropeptide, substance P, both at synapses with GABAergic neurons in the SNr and with the dendrites (in SNr) of DA neurons whose somas are in ventral SNc. Co-release enables efficient computation of sustained DA uncertainty responses that are a non-monotonic function of the conditonal probability that a reward will follow the cue. The new model's incorporation of a striatal microcircuit allowed it to reveals that variability in striatal cholinergic transmission can explain observed difference, between monkeys, in the amplitutude of the non-monotonic uncertainty function. Involvement of matriceal MSPNs and striatal cholinergic transmission implpies a relation between uncertainty in the cue-reward contigency and action-selection functions of the basal ganglia. The model synthesizes anatomical, electrophysiological and behavioral data regarding the midbrain DA system in a novel way, by relating the ability to compute uncertainty, in parallel with other aspects of reward contingencies, to the unique distribution of SP inputs in ventral SN.


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an incurable neurodegenerative disorder, accounting for over 60% of all cases of dementia. The primary risk factor for AD is age, however several genetic and environmental factors are also involved. The pathological characteristics of AD include extracellular deposition of the beta-amyloid peptide (Aβ) and intraneuronal accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) made of aggregated paired helical filaments (PHFs) of the hyperphosphorylated tau protein, along with synaptic loss and neuronal death. There are numerous biochemical mechanisms involved in AD pathogenesis, however the reigning hypothesis points to toxic oligomeric Aβ species as the primary causative factor in a cascade of events leading to neuronal stress and dyshomeostasis that initiate abnormal regulation of tau. The insulin and IGF-1 receptors (IR, IGF-1R) are the primary activators of PI3- K/Akt through which they regulate cell growth, development, glucose metabolism, and learning and memory. Work in our lab and others shows increased Akt activity and phosphorylation of its downstream targets in AD brain, along with insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 signalling (IIS) dysfunction. This is supported by studies of AD models in vivo and in vitro. Our group and others hypothesise that Aβ activates Akt through IIS to initiate a negative feedback mechanism that desensitises neurons to insulin/IGF-1, and sustains activation of Akt. In this study the functions of endogenous Akt, IR, and the insulin receptor substrate (IRS-1) were examined in relationship to Aβ and tau pathology in the 3xTg-AD mouse model, which contains three mutant human transgenes associated with familial AD or dementia. The 3xTg-AD mouse develops Aβ and tau pathology in a spatiotemporal manner that best recapitulates the progression of AD in human brain. Western blotting and immunofluorescent microscopy techniques were utilised in vivo and in vitro, to examine the relationship between IIS, Akt, and AD pathology. I first characterised in detail AD pathology in 3xTg-AD mice, where an age-related accumulation of intraneuronal Aβ and tau was observed in the hippocampal formation, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex, and at late stages (18 months), extracellular amyloid plaques and NFTs, primarily in the subiculum and the CA1 layer of the hippocampal formation. Increased activity of Akt, detected with antibody to phosphoSer473-Akt, was increased in 3xTg-AD mice compared to age-matched non-transgenic mice (non-Tg), and in direct correlation to the accumulation of Aβ and tau in neuronal somatodendritic compartments. Akt phosphorylates tau at residue Ser214 within a highly specific consensus sequence for Akt phosphorylation, and phosphoSer214-tau strongly decreases microtubule (MT) stabilisation by preventing tau-MT binding. PhosphoSer214-tau increased concomitantly with this in the same age-related and region-specific fashion. Polarisation of tau phosphorylation was observed, where PHF-1 (tauSer396/404) and phosphoSer214-tau both appeared early in 3xTg-AD mice in distinct neuronal compartments: PHF-1 in axons, and phosphoSer214-tau in neuronal soma and dendrites. At 18 months, phosphoSer214-tau strongly colocalised with NFTs positive for the PHF- 1 and AT8 (tauSer202/Thr205) phosphoepitopes. IR was decreased with age in 3xTg-AD brain and in comparison to age-matched non-Tg, and this was specific for brain regions containing Aβ, tau, and hyperactive Akt. IRS-1 was similarly decreased, and both proteins showed altered subcellular distribution. Phosphorylation of IRS-1Ser312 is a strong indicator of IIS dysfunction and insulin resistance, and was increased in 3xTg-AD mice with age and in relation to pathology. Of particular note was our observation that abberant IIS and Akt signalling in 3xTg-AD brain related to Aβ and tau pathology on a gross anatomical level, and specifically localised to the brain regions and circuitry of the perforant path. Finally, I conducted a preliminary study of the effects of synthetic Aβ oligomers on embryonic rat hippocampus neuronal cultures to support these results and those in the literature. Taken together, these novel findings provide evidence for IIS and Akt signal transduction dysfunction as the missing link between Aβ and tau pathogenesis, and contribute to the overall understanding of the biochemical mechanisms of AD.


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Here we show that the configuration of a slender enclosure can be optimized such that the radiation heating of a stream of solid is performed with minimal fuel consumption at the global level. The solid moves longitudinally at constant rate through the enclosure. The enclosure is heated by gas burners distributed arbitrarily, in a manner that is to be determined. The total contact area for heat transfer between the hot enclosure and the cold solid is fixed. We find that minimal global fuel consumption is achieved when the longitudinal distribution of heaters is nonuniform, with more heaters near the exit than the entrance. The reduction in fuel consumption relative to when the heaters are distributed uniformly is of order 10%. Tapering the plan view (the floor) of the heating area yields an additional reduction in overall fuel consumption. The best shape is when the floor area is a slender triangle on which the cold solid enters by crossing the base. These architectural features recommend the proposal to organize the flow of the solid as a dendritic design, which enters as several branches, and exits as a single hot stream of prescribed temperature. The thermodynamics of heating is presented in modern terms in the Sec. (exergy destruction, entropy generation). The contribution is that to optimize "thermodynamically" is the same as reducing the consumption of fuel. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Dendrites often exhibit structural changes in response to local inputs. Although mechanisms that pattern and maintain dendritic arbors are becoming clearer, processes regulating regrowth, during context-dependent plasticity or after injury, remain poorly understood. We found that a class of Drosophila sensory neurons, through complete pruning and regeneration, can elaborate two distinct dendritic trees, innervating independent sensory fields. An expression screen identified Cysteine proteinase-1 (Cp1) as a critical regulator of this process. Unlike known ecdysone effectors, Cp1-mutant ddaC neurons pruned larval dendrites normally but failed to regrow adult dendrites. Cp1 expression was upregulated/concentrated in the nucleus during metamorphosis, controlling production of a truncated Cut homeodomain transcription factor. This truncated Cut, but not the full-length protein, allowed Cp1-mutant ddaC neurons to regenerate higher-order adult dendrites. These results identify a molecular pathway needed for dendrite regrowth after pruning, which allows the same neuron to innervate distinct sensory fields.


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Growth cone guidance and synaptic plasticity involve dynamic local changes in proteins at axons and dendrites. The Dual-Leucine zipper Kinase MAPKKK (DLK) has been previously implicated in synaptogenesis and axon outgrowth in C. elegans and other animals. Here we show that in C. elegans DLK-1 regulates not only proper synapse formation and axon morphology but also axon regeneration by influencing mRNA stability. DLK-1 kinase signals via a MAPKAP kinase, MAK-2, to stabilize the mRNA encoding CEBP-1, a bZip protein related to CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins, via its 3'UTR. Inappropriate upregulation of cebp-1 in adult neurons disrupts synapses and axon morphology. CEBP-1 and the DLK-1 pathway are essential for axon regeneration after laser axotomy in adult neurons, and axotomy induces translation of CEBP-1 in axons. Our findings identify the DLK-1 pathway as a regulator of mRNA stability in synapse formation and maintenance and also in adult axon regeneration.


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Transsynaptic tracing has become a powerful tool used to analyze central efferents that regulate peripheral targets through multi-synaptic circuits. This approach has been most extensively used in the brain by utilizing the swine pathogen pseudorabies virus (PRV)(1). PRV does not infect great apes, including humans, so it is most commonly used in studies on small mammals, especially rodents. The pseudorabies strain PRV152 expresses the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) reporter gene and only crosses functional synapses retrogradely through the hierarchical sequence of synaptic connections away from the infection site(2,3). Other PRV strains have distinct microbiological properties and may be transported in both directions (PRV-Becker and PRV-Kaplan)(4,5). This protocol will deal exclusively with PRV152. By delivering the virus at a peripheral site, such as muscle, it is possible to limit the entry of the virus into the brain through a specific set of neurons. The resulting pattern of eGFP signal throughout the brain then resolves the neurons that are connected to the initially infected cells. As the distributed nature of transsynaptic tracing with pseudorabies virus makes interpreting specific connections within an identified network difficult, we present a sensitive and reliable method employing biotinylated dextran amines (BDA) and cholera toxin subunit b (CTb) for confirming the connections between cells identified using PRV152. Immunochemical detection of BDA and CTb with peroxidase and DAB (3, 3'-diaminobenzidine) was chosen because they are effective at revealing cellular processes including distal dendrites(6-11).