989 resultados para Delta Sigma Omicron. Alpha Chapter


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The paper presents simulation results from investigating the behaviour of multistage (MASH) oversampled bandpass sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) modulators for use in analogue to digital converters for high frequency narrowband applications such as the signals out of the intermediate frequency (IF) section of a superheterodyne radio receiver. The bandpass configurations under consideration have in their loop filter a cascade of second-order resonator structures in order to achieve acceptable noise shaping. The quantisation noise in each stage is suppressed by feeding the error of each section into the input of the following stages. It is demonstrated that the triple effective-first-order bandpass MASH structure has significantly better performance compared with the effective-second-order effective-first-order bandpass MASH structure.


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La famille des protéines kinases C (PKC) est essentielle pour la fonction plaquettaire en réponse à la thrombine qui signale et active les plaquettes via les proteases activated receptors (PAR-1 et PAR-4) et le GPIbα. Ces derniers constituent les récepteurs de moyenne/faible et de hautes affinités pour la thrombine, respectivement. L’isoforme PKCδ régule positivement ou négativement la fonction des plaquettes tout dépendamment de la nature du stimulus. Cependant, son importance dans la fonction plaquettaire en réponse à la thrombine en aval de la GPIbα reste inconnue. L’objectif principal de ce projet de doctorat était de déterminer l'implication de l'axe thrombine/GPIbα/PKCδ dans la fonction plaquettaire et d’évaluer le rôle de cet axe dans la régulation de la thrombose. Dans les plaquettes humaines, le prétraitement avec l'inhibiteur spécifique de la PKCδ δ(V1-1)TAT, a significativement potentialisé l'activation et l’agrégation des plaquettes en réponse à de faibles concentrations de α-thrombine, mais pas en réponse à la γ-thrombine ou aux agonistes des PARs. Ce phénomène de potentialisation a été associé à une sécrétion accrue de granules, de génération de thromboxane A2 (TXA2) et une phosphorylation de la PKCδ sur la Tyr311, qui ont toutes été prévenues par l’inhibition spécifique du GPIbα à l’aide d’un anticorps monoclonal bloquant. En outre, l'inhibition de la p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 et le TXA2 a inversé ce processus de potentialisation. Les plaquettes murines déficientes en PKCδ étaient aussi plus réactives à la thrombine et ont montré une augmentation significative de l'agrégation, alors qu’une étude menée in vivo chez la souris PKCδ- /- a montré, suite à une stimulation par α-thrombine, une réaction thrombotique accrue caractérisée par une diminution significative du temps de saignement ainsi qu’une formation de thrombo-embolies pulmonaires. En bloquant le GPIbα, ces effets ont été renversés. Cette étude ouvre de nouvelles perspectives quant au rôle de la PKCδ dans les plaquettes en aval de GPIbα, où elle régule négativement la fonction plaquettaire en réponse à la thrombine. Ainsi, l'axe thrombine/GPIbα/PKCδ dans les plaquettes pourrait représenter un régulateur critique de la fonction plaquettaire et l'hémostase, et le dysfonctionnement de cette voie pourrait conduire à des événements thrombotiques.


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In a sigma-delta analog to digital (A/D) As most of the sigma-delta ADC applications require converter, the most computationally intensive block is decimation filters with linear phase characteristics, the decimation filter and its hardware implementation symmetric Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters are may require millions of transistors. Since these widely used for implementation. But the number of FIR converters are now targeted for a portable application, filter coefficients will be quite large for implementing a a hardware efficient design is an implicit requirement. narrow band decimation filter. Implementing decimation In this effect, this paper presents a computationally filter in several stages reduces the total number of filter efficient polyphase implementation of non-recursive coefficients, and hence reduces the hardware complexity cascaded integrator comb (CIC) decimators for and power consumption [2]. Sigma-Delta Converters (SDCs). The SDCs are The first stage of decimation filter can be operating at high oversampling frequencies and hence implemented very efficiently using a cascade of integrators require large sampling rate conversions. The filtering and comb filters which do not require multiplication or and rate reduction are performed in several stages to coefficient storage. The remaining filtering is performed reduce hardware complexity and power dissipation. either in single stage or in two stages with more complex The CIC filters are widely adopted as the first stage of FIR or infinite impulse response (IIR) filters according to decimation due to its multiplier free structure. In this the requirements. The amount of passband aliasing or research, the performance of polyphase structure is imaging error can be brought within prescribed bounds by compared with the CICs using recursive and increasing the number of stages in the CIC filter. The non-recursive algorithms in terms of power, speed and width of the passband and the frequency characteristics area. This polyphase implementation offers high speed outside the passband are severely limited. So, CIC filters operation and low power consumption. The polyphase are used to make the transition between high and low implementation of 4th order CIC filter with a sampling rates. Conventional filters operating at low decimation factor of '64' and input word length of sampling rate are used to attain the required transition '4-bits' offers about 70% and 37% of power saving bandwidth and stopband attenuation. compared to the corresponding recursive and Several papers are available in literature that deals non-recursive implementations respectively. The same with different implementations of decimation filter polyphase CIC filter can operate about 7 times faster architecture for sigma-delta ADCs. Hogenauer has than the recursive and about 3.7 times faster than the described the design procedures for decimation and non-recursive CIC filters.


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This work presents a wideband low-distortion sigmadelta analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standard. The proposed converter makes use of low-distortion swing suppression SDM architecture which is highly suitable for low oversampling ratios to attain high linearity over a wide bandwidth. The modulator employs a 2-2 cascaded sigma-delta modulator with feedforward path with a single-bit quantizer in the first stage and 4-bit in the second stage. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8V supply voltage. Simulation results show that, a peak SNDR of 57dB and a spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) of 66dB is obtained for a 10MHz signal bandwidth, and an oversampling ratio of 8.


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The demand for new telecommunication services requiring higher capacities, data rates and different operating modes have motivated the development of new generation multi-standard wireless transceivers. In multistandard design, sigma-delta based ADC is one of the most popular choices. To this end, in this paper we present cascaded 2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator that can handle GSM, WCDMA and WLAN standards. The modulator makes use of a low-distortion swing suppression topology which is highly suitable for wide band applications. In GSM mode, only the first stage (2nd order Σ-Δ ADC) is used to achieve a peak SNDR of 88dB with oversampling ratio of 160 for a bandwidth of 200KHz and for WCDMA mode a 2-2 cascaded structure (4th order) is turned on with 1-bit in the first stage and 2-bit in the second stage to achieve 74 dB peak SNDR with over-sampling ratio of 16 for a bandwidth of 2MHz. Finally, a 2-2-2 cascaded MASH architecture with 4-bit in the last stage is proposed to achieve a peak SNDR of 58dB for WLAN for a bandwidth of 20MHz. The novelty lies in the fact that unused blocks of second and third stages can be made inactive to achieve low power consumption. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8 supply voltage


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This work presents a triple-mode sigma-delta modulator for three wireless standards namely GSM/WCDMA and Bluetooth. A reconfigurable ADC has been used to meet the wide bandwidth and high dynamic range requirements of the multi-standard receivers with less power consumption. A highly linear sigma-delta ADC which has reduced sensitivity to circuit imperfections has been chosen in our design. This is particularly suitable for wide band applications where the oversampling ratio is low. Simulation results indicate that the modulator achieves a peak SNDR of 84/68/68 dB over a bandwidth of 0.2/3.84/1.5 MHz with an oversampling ratio 128/8/8 in GSM/WCDMA/Bluetooth modes respectively


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Over-sampling sigma-delta analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) are one of the key building blocks of state of the art wireless transceivers. In the sigma-delta modulator design the scaling coefficients determine the overall signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, selecting the optimum value of the coefficient is very important. To this end, this paper addresses the design of a fourthorder multi-bit sigma-delta modulator for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) receiver with feed-forward path and the optimum coefficients are selected using genetic algorithm (GA)- based search method. In particular, the proposed converter makes use of low-distortion swing suppression SDM architecture which is highly suitable for low oversampling ratios to attain high linearity over a wide bandwidth. The focus of this paper is the identification of the best coefficients suitable for the proposed topology as well as the optimization of a set of system parameters in order to achieve the desired signal-to-noise ratio. GA-based search engine is a stochastic search method which can find the optimum solution within the given constraints.


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This paper presents a cascaded 2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator that can handle GSM, WCDMA and WLAN standards. The modulator makes use of a low-distortion swing suppression topology which is highly suitable for wide band applications. In GSM mode, only the first stage (2nd order Σ-Δ ADC) is turned on to achieve 88dB dynamic range with oversampling ratio of 160 for a bandwidth of 200KHz; in WCDMA mode a 2-2 cascaded structure (4th order) is turned on with 1-bit in the first stage and 2-bit in the second stage to achieve 74 dB dynamic range with oversampling ratio of 16 for a bandwidth of 2MHz and a 2-2-2 cascaded MASH architecture with a 4-bit in the last stage to achieve a dynamic range of 58dB for a bandwidth of 20MHz. The novelty lies in the fact that unused blocks of second and third stages can be switched off taking into considerations like power consumption. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8 supply voltage.


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A new approach for the synthesis of alpha,beta-unsaturated delta-lactones, a unit present in many natural products with interesting biological activities is described. The approach was based on the use of a vinyl telluride, and it is complementary to the methods using ring-closing metathesis. The sequence was performed in good overall yield with retention of the Z-double bond geometry. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The focus of this thesis is to discuss the development and modeling of an interface architecture to be employed for interfacing analog signals in mixed-signal SOC. We claim that the approach that is going to be presented is able to achieve wide frequency range, and covers a large range of applications with constant performance, allied to digital configuration compatibility. Our primary assumptions are to use a fixed analog block and to promote application configurability in the digital domain, which leads to a mixed-signal interface. The use of a fixed analog block avoids the performance loss common to configurable analog blocks. The usage of configurability on the digital domain makes possible the use of all existing tools for high level design, simulation and synthesis to implement the target application, with very good performance prediction. The proposed approach utilizes the concept of frequency translation (mixing) of the input signal followed by its conversion to the ΣΔ domain, which makes possible the use of a fairly constant analog block, and also, a uniform treatment of input signal from DC to high frequencies. The programmability is performed in the ΣΔ digital domain where performance can be closely achieved according to application specification. The interface performance theoretical and simulation model are developed for design space exploration and for physical design support. Two prototypes are built and characterized to validate the proposed model and to implement some application examples. The usage of this interface as a multi-band parametric ADC and as a two channels analog multiplier and adder are shown. The multi-channel analog interface architecture is also presented. The characterization measurements support the main advantages of the approach proposed.


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What a pleasure it is to be here today as we recognize outstanding scholarship. Like everyone here, I want to congratulate each of your students being recognized today for your scholastic accomplishments. I want you to know we are happy you’ve chosen to study with us in the College of Human Resources and Family Sciences, the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.


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“Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.” I think of that old Chinese proverb today as we celebrate outstanding scholarship. I know our extremely talented and dedicated faculty, of whom I am especially proud, do a tremendous job of opening doors for those students who study with us in our classes in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and the College of Human Resources and Family Sciences here at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Today we also are very proud of and for each of you students being recognized for your scholastic accomplishments.


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I am really pleased to have this opportunity to present the 2008 Gamma Sigma Delta Award of Merit to Alan Baquet. Being here to say "Congratulations, Alan," is a special treat for me - and I do say, "Congratulations, Alan." You are very deserving of this honor.


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Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors are a class of nuclear receptors with three subtypes: a, ? and d. Their main function is regulating gene transcription related to lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Currently, there are no peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors d drugs being marketed. In this work, we studied a data set of 70 compounds with a and d activity. Three partial least square models were created, and molecular docking studies were performed to understand the main reasons for peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors d selectivity. The obtained results showed that some molecular descriptors (log P, hydration energy, steric and polar properties) are related to the main interactions that can direct ligands to a particular peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors subtype.