944 resultados para Delimitação automática


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The northern portion of the Rio Grande do Norte State is characterized by intense coastal dynamics affecting areas with ecosystems of moderate to high environmental sensitivity. In this region are installed the main socioeconomic activities of RN State: salt industry, shrimp farm, fruit industry and oil industry. The oil industry suffers the effects of coastal dynamic action promoting problems such as erosion and exposure of wells and pipelines along the shore. Thus came the improvement of such modifications, in search of understanding of the changes which causes environmental impacts with the purpose of detecting and assessing areas with greater vulnerability to variations. Coastal areas under influence oil industry are highly vulnerable and sensitive in case of accidents involving oil spill in the vicinity. Therefore, it was established the geoenvironmental monitoring of the region with the aim of evaluating the entire coastal area evolution and check the sensitivity of the site on the presence of oil. The goal of this work was the implementation of a computer system that combines the needs of insertion and visualization of thematic maps for the generation of Environmental Vulnerability maps, using techniques of Business Intelligence (BI), from vector information previously stored in the database. The fundamental design interest was to implement a more scalable system that meets the diverse fields of study and make the appropriate system for generating online vulnerability maps, automating the methodology so as to facilitate data manipulation and fast results in cases of real time operational decision-making. In database development a geographic area was established the conceptual model of the selected data and Web system was done using the template database PostgreSQL, PostGis spatial extension, Glassfish Web server and the viewer maps Web environment, the GeoServer. To develop a geographic database it was necessary to generate the conceptual model of the selected data and the Web system development was done using the PostgreSQL database system, its spatial extension PostGIS, the web server Glassfish and GeoServer to display maps in Web


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The Atlantic Forest biome occupies much of the Atlantic coast of Brazil, in addition to portions of Paraguay and Argentina. Due mainly to its biodiversity which falls in the group of global hotspots, i.e., areas that have high priority for conservation. Although currently there are some available devices that assist in their protection in the course of the history of occupation and exploitation of the Brazilian territory, this biome has gone, and is still going through, an intense process of devastation, caused mainly by the pressure from economic activities, culminating in a significant reduction of its area and consequent fragmentation of the landscape, which brings with hosts a series of problems at various scales and aspects. As in most municipalities included in the reach area of the biome, the situation of forest fragmentation in Tibau do Sul / RN is quite critical, reflecting on a truly diverse landscape with broad typology of land uses. Among the alternatives aimed at the conservation of this biome include the creation of protected areas and the creation of ecological corridors, the latter being more efficient by connecting the remaining forests, increasing landscape connectivity, providing significant gains in relation to biodiversity. However, a major problem on implementation of Ecological Corridors projects is related to the selection of areas for this purpose, in this sense Geography can provide important contributions through the integrated study of landscape in the light of the geosystemic approach and the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) in order to permit assessment of reality having as a base the integration of ecological, biological and man-made aspects. Thus, this research aims to indicate potential areas and propose scenarios delimitation of Ecological Corridors in the municipality of Tibau do Sul / RN through Geographic Inference techniques in GIS platform. Therefore, the methodology adopted is based on the Geosystemic approach. From these elements were created 4 models to indicate potential areas for implementation of Ecological Corridors from the environmental perspective (potential erosion), socioeconomic (cover and land prices), legislative (areas protected by environmental legislation) and integrated (combination of environmental factors, socioeconomic and legislative), which in turn served as a basis for proposing scenarios aimed at this purpose. The results showed that all models can be quite useful in indicating potential areas for the establishment of ecological corridors, especially when based on an integrated approach between environmental and anthropogenic. The Corridors delimitation proposes shown may perform duties beyond the establishment of connectivity between fragments, since they also may have usefulness in controlling erosion and protecting fragile environments. Among the models developed, the integrated constituted itself as the best option because it enabled the interconnection of a larger number of fragments from a better use of the potentialities present in the landscape


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Este trabalho apresenta um uso da geofísica aplicada em uma situação de ambiente urbano. O objetivo dos levantamentos foi o de delimitar a extensão da zona afetada por um colapso e desmoronamento do teto de um túnel em construção sob o Parque do Ibirapuera na capital paulista. São descritos e apresentados os resultados obtidos através do emprego dos métodos geofísicos geoelétricos e suas técnicas, em uma situação emergencial e de risco em uma área urbana na cidade de São Paulo. Também são comparadas as técnicas/arranjos de campo e a forma de apresentação e interpretação dos mesmos. Os métodos empregados foram a Eletrorresistividade, Polarização Induzida (IP) e Potencial Espontâneo (SP). Os trabalhos de campo e interpretação preliminar foram efetuados em apwenas um fim de semana (sábado e domingo). Os resultados mostraram-se plenamente satisfatórios e possibilitaram significativa redução nos custos nas obras de remediação da área do incidente, cuja área decresceu da inicialmente estimada pela engenharia (20x20 m) para 3x5 m definida pelos estudos geofísicos.


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One of the main problems in Computer Vision and Close Range Digital Photogrammetry is 3D reconstruction. 3D reconstruction with structured light is one of the existing techniques and which still has several problems, one of them the identification or classification of the projected targets. Approaching this problem is the goal of this paper. An area based method called template matching was used for target classification. This method performs detection of area similarity by correlation, which measures the similarity between the reference and search windows, using a suitable correlation function. In this paper the modified cross covariance function was used, which presented the best results. A strategy was developed for adaptative resampling of the patterns, which solved the problem of deformation of the targets due to object surface inclination. Experiments with simulated and real data were performed in order to assess the efficiency of the proposed methodology for target detection. The results showed that the proposed classification strategy works properly, identifying 98% of targets in plane surfaces and 93% in oblique surfaces.


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The purpose of this paper is to introduce a methodology for semi-automatic road extraction from aerial digital image pairs by using dynamic programming and epipolar geometry. The method uses both images from where each road feature pair is extracted. The operator identifies the corresponding road featuresand s/he selects sparse seed points along them. After all road pairs have been extracted, epipolar geometry is applied to determine the automatic point-to-point correspondence between each correspondent feature. Finally, each correspondent road pair is georeferenced by photogrammetric intersection. Experiments were made with rural aerial images. The results led to the conclusion that the methodology is robust and efficient, even in the presence of shadows of trees and buildings or other irregularities.


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In this paper is proposed a methodology for semiautomatic CBERS image orientation using roads as ground control. It is based on an iterative strategy involving three steps. In the first step, an operator identifies on the image the ground control roads and supplies along them a few seed points, which could be sparsely and coarsely distributed. These seed points are used by the dynamic programming algorithm for extracting the ground control roads from the image. In the second step, it is established the correspondences between points describing the ground control roads and the corresponding ones extracted from the image. In the last step, the corresponding points are used to orient the CBERS image by using the DLT (Direct Linear Transformation). The two last steps are iterated until the convergence of the orientation process is verified. Experimental results showed that the proposed methodology was efficient with several test images. In all cases the orientation process converged. Moreover, the estimated orientation parameters allowed the registration of check roads with pixel accuracy or better.


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This paper presents the results of a geophysical study carried out in northeastern São Paulo State and southwestern Minas Gerais State over an area 80 km wide and 97.5 km long in SE Brazil. The Bouguer anomaly map, and geological and structural data allowed to identify three different gravity domains - crustal blocks limited by major discontinuities -related to the structural pattern of the area. These discontinuities were interpreted as geosuture zones underlying the Paraná Basin sediments which have extensions in the Pre-cambrian Basement. The crustal discontinuities named Alterosa and Ribeirão Preto may be seen as A - type collision sutures in a triple junction arramgement. Two prominent linear anomalies are recognized in the Bouguer anomaly map, as well as the limit between the Brasilia and São Paulo crustal blocks or paleoplates. The Alterosa suture zone trends NW-SE while the Ribeirão Preto suture has a NE-SW direction. The Bouguer anomaly map provides subsidies and information on new concepts and theories leading to the refinement of tectonic models.


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The aim of this study is to define the basement map of the Taubaté Basin applying geostatistics to seismic, gravimetric and deep wells data. The study consisted of the interpretation of eleven seismic sections obtained in the central and northeastern portions of the basin. The altitude of the basement and the distribution of faults was determined based on these sections. New information was obtained from 79 wells located mainly in the regions of São José dos Campos and Jacareí. The method of kriging with an external drift was applied, using seismic and well data as the main variables and the gravimetric map as the secondary variable. The basement contour map obtained has a strong correlation with the main faults. It was possible to obtain a better resolution in the region of São José dos Campos and in the northeast area, where the vast majority of wells are located.


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Trees produce different types of woody tissue during growth. The xylem produced in the first years until a certain cambial age is called juvenile wood and has different physical, mechanical, chemical and anatomical characteristics from that produced later, when the cambial cells have matured. Thus, prior knowledge of the quality of the wood is of fundamental importance for choosing the best use of the material. This work aimed at using data from length of the tracheid and wood density to define the age transition from juvenile to mature wood. For this, three Pinus elliottii var. elliottii trees, aged 35 years, were collected at the Itapetininga Experimental Station, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. From each tree, disks of about 5 cm thick were obtained 0.05 m above the ground and used to determine the radial density by the gamma ray attenuation method and to measure the length of the tracheids. The results obtained by linear regression analysis showed that juvenile wood is limited to the first seven years of tree growth and the formation of mature wood occurs after twenty years. For the mature wood, there are significant differences among the averages obtained from the tracheid length and wood density.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)