885 resultados para Deductive and Inductive Norm Internalization
Despite the confimied health benefits of exercise during the postpartum period, many new mothers are not sufficiently active. The present research aimed to examine the effectiveness of 2 types of messages on intention to exercise after giving birth on 2 groups of pregnant women (low and high self-monitors) using the Theory of Planned Behavior as a theoretical basis. Participants were 2 1 8 pregnant women 1 8 years of age and older (Mean age = 27.9 years, SD = 5.47), and in their second or third trimester. Women completed a demographics questionnaire, a self-monitoring (SM) scale and the Godin Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire for current and pre-pregnancy exercise levels. They then read one of two brochures, describing either the health or appearance benefits of exercise for postpartum women. Women's attitudes, social norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions to exercise postpartum were then assessed to determine whether one type of message (health or appearance) was more effective for each group. A MANOVA found no significant effect (p>0.05) for message type, SM, or their interaction. Possible reasons include the fact that the two messages may have been too similar, reading any message about exercise may result in intentions to exercise, or lack of attention given to the brochure. Given the lack of research in this area, more studies are necessary to confirm the present results. Two additional exploratory analyses were conducted. Pearson correlations found higher levels of pre-pregnancy exercise and current exercise to be associated with more positive attitudes, more positive subjective norms, higher perceived behavioral control, and higher intention to exercise postpartum. A hierarchical regression was conducted to determine the predictive utility of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on intention for each self-monitoring group. Results of the analysis demonstrated the three independent variables significantly predicted intention (p < .001) in both groups, accounting for 58-62% of the variance in intention. For low self-monitors, attitude was the strongest predictor of intention, followed by perceived behavioral control and subjective norm. For high self-monitors, perceived behavioral control was the strongest predictors, followed by attitudes and subjective norm. The present study has practical and real world implications by contributing to our understanding of what types of messages, in a brochure format, are most effective in changing pregnant women's attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and intention to exercise postpartum and provides ftirther support for the use of the Theory of Planned Behavior with this population.
This study assessed the effectiveness of a reciprocal teaching program as a method of teaching reading comprehension, using narrative text material in a t.ypical grade seven classroom. In order to determine the effectiveness of the reciprocal teaching program, this method was compared to two other reading instruction approaches that, unlike rcciprocal teaching, did not include social interaction components. Two intact grade scven classes, and a grade seven teacher, participated in this study. Students were appropriately assigned to three treatment groups by reading achievement level as determined from a norm-referenced test. Training proceeded for a five week intervention period during regularly scheduled English periods. Throughout the program curriculum-based tests were administered. These tests were designed to assess comprehension in two distinct ways; namely, character analysis components as they relate to narrative text, and strategy use components as they contribute to student understanding of narrative and expository text. Pre, post, and maintenance tests were administered to measure overall training effects. Moreover, during intervention, training probes were administered in the last period of each week to evaluate treatment group performance. AU curriculum-based tests were coded and comparisons of pre, post, maintenance tests and training probes were presented in graph form. Results showed that the reciprocal group achieved some improvement in reading comprehension scores in the strategy use component of the tests. No improvements were observed for the character analysis components of the curriculum-based tests and the norm-referenced tests. At pre and post intervention, interviews requiring students to respond to questions that addressed metacomprehension awareness of study strategies were administered. The intelviews were coded and comparisons were made between the two intelVicws. No significant improvements were observed regarding student awareness of ten identified study strategies . This study indicated that reciprocal teaching is a viable approach that can be utilized to help students acquire more effective comprehension strategies. However, the maximum utility of the technique when administered to a population of grade seven students performing at average to above average levels of reading achievement has yet to be determined. In order to explore this issue, the refinement of training materials and curriculum-based measurements need to be explored. As well, this study revealed that reciprocal teaching placed heavier demands on the classroom teacher when compared to other reading instruction methods. This may suggest that innovative and intensive teacher training techniques are required before it is feasible to use this method in the classroom.
Cette thèse vise à définir une nouvelle méthode d’enseignement pour les systèmes tutoriels intelligents dans le but d’améliorer l’acquisition des connaissances. L’apprentissage est un phénomène complexe faisant intervenir des mécanismes émotionnels et cognitifs de nature consciente et inconsciente. Nous nous intéressons à mieux comprendre les mécanismes inconscients du raisonnement lors de l’acquisition des connaissances. L’importance de ces processus inconscients pour le raisonnement est bien documentée en neurosciences, mais demeure encore largement inexplorée dans notre domaine de recherche. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons la mise en place d’une nouvelle approche pédagogique dans le domaine de l’éducation implémentant une taxonomie neuroscientifique de la perception humaine. Nous montrons que cette nouvelle approche agit sur le raisonnement et, à tour de rôle, améliore l’apprentissage général et l’induction de la connaissance dans un environnement de résolution de problème. Dans une première partie, nous présentons l’implémentation de notre nouvelle méthode dans un système tutoriel visant à améliorer le raisonnement pour un meilleur apprentissage. De plus, compte tenu de l’importance des mécanismes émotionnels dans l’apprentissage, nous avons également procédé dans cette partie à la mesure des émotions par des capteurs physiologiques. L’efficacité de notre méthode pour l’apprentissage et son impact positif observé sur les émotions a été validée sur trente et un participants. Dans une seconde partie, nous allons plus loin dans notre recherche en adaptant notre méthode visant à améliorer le raisonnement pour une meilleure induction de la connaissance. L’induction est un type de raisonnement qui permet de construire des règles générales à partir d’exemples spécifiques ou de faits particuliers. Afin de mieux comprendre l’impact de notre méthode sur les processus cognitifs impliqués dans ce type de raisonnement, nous avons eu recours à des capteurs cérébraux pour mesurer l’activité du cerveau des utilisateurs. La validation de notre approche réalisée sur quarante-trois volontaires montre l’efficacité de notre méthode pour l’induction de la connaissance et la viabilité de mesurer le raisonnement par des mesures cérébrales suite à l’application appropriée d’algorithmes de traitement de signal. Suite à ces deux parties, nous clorons la thèse par une discussion applicative en décrivant la mise en place d’un nouveau système tutoriel intelligent intégrant les résultats de nos travaux.
La vie de famille avec un adolescent comporte son lot de défis. Les émotions de l’adolescent qui se présentent parfois comme des montagnes russes peuvent rendre les relations tendues et difficiles au sein de la cellule familiale, voire même au-delà de celle-ci. Par son caractère inattendu, l’avènement d’un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) chez l’adolescent vient fragiliser encore davantage la dynamique familiale. En outre, la myriade d’impacts engendrés par le TCC contraint la famille à modifier son projet de vie en s’investissant ensemble pour le reconstruire. La résilience devant une situation de traumatisme ne se manifeste pas de la même façon pour toutes les familles qui y sont confrontées. Certaines d’entre elles réussissent à se transformer positivement, tandis que d’autres n’y parviennent pas ou manifestent plus de difficultés. Il convient alors d’actualiser des approches de soins interdisciplinaires centrées sur la famille qui favoriseraient la reconnaissance des éléments pouvant soutenir son processus de résilience à travers cette épreuve et, enfin, aider à transformer son projet de vie. Avec comme perspective disciplinaire le modèle humaniste des soins infirmiers (Cara, 2012; Cara & Girard, 2013; Girard & Cara, 2011), cette étude qualitative et inductive (LoBiondo-Wood, Haber, Cameron, & Singh, 2009), soutenue par une approche collaborative de recherche (Desgagné, 1997), a permis la coconstruction des composantes d’un programme d’intervention en soutien à la résilience familiale, avec des familles dont un adolescent est atteint d’un TCC modéré ou sévère et des professionnels de la réadaptation. Le modèle de développement et de validation d’interventions complexes (Van Meijel, Gamel, Van Swieten-Duijfjes, & Grypdonck, 2004) a structuré la collecte des données en trois volets. Le premier volet consistait à identifier les composantes du programme d’intervention selon les familles (n=6) et les professionnels de la réadaptation (n=5). La priorisation et la validation des composantes du programme d’intervention, soit respectivement le deuxième et troisième volets, se sont réalisées auprès de ces mêmes familles (n=6 au volet 2 et n=4 au volet 3) et professionnels de la réadaptation (n=5 aux volets 2 et 3). Le processus d’analyse des données (Miles & Huberman, 2003) a repéré cinq thèmes intégrateurs, considérés comme les composantes du programme d’intervention en soutien à la résilience familiale à la suite du TCC modéré ou sévère d’un adolescent. Ce sont : 1) les caractéristiques de la famille et ses influences; 2) les stratégies familiales positives; 3) le soutien familial et social; 4) la prise en charge de l’aspect occupationnel et; 5) l’apport de la communauté et des professionnels de la santé. Les résultats issus de ce processus de coconstruction ont produit une matrice solide, suffisamment flexible pour pouvoir s’adapter aux différents contextes dans lesquels évoluent les familles et les professionnels de la réadaptation. Cette étude offre en outre des avenues intéressantes tant pour les praticiens que pour les gestionnaires et les chercheurs en sciences infirmières et dans d’autres disciplines quant à la mise en place de stratégies concrètes visant à soutenir le processus de résilience des familles dans des situations particulièrement difficiles de leur vie.
Com o envelhecimento demográfico e o natural aumento dos cuidados de enfermagem no âmbito gerontológico surge o interesse em responder como é que o enfermeiro interage com a pessoa idosa para que esta utilize a sua essência evidenciando comportamentos protetores e promotores de envelhecimento bem-sucedido? E ao objetivo: compreender o processo da interação enfermeiro-pessoa idosa que conduz à utilização de comportamentos protetores e promotores de envelhecimento bem-sucedido. Trata-se de um estudo naturalista de paradigma qualitativo, de pensamento indutivo, desenvolvido num contexto de cuidados de saúde primários. Observámos o processo de interação entre enfermeiro-pessoa idosa num Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde e em Centros de Dia/Convívio e completámos a informação com entrevista. Utilizámos o método de análise grounded theory segundo Corbin & Strauss[1] que prevê a triangulação de dados bem como o recurso a amostragem teórica. A interação enfermeiro-pessoa idosa estabelece-se num processo conjunto de recriação do cuidado gerontológico predispondo, favorecendo e reforçando o conhecimento sobre o cerne da vida. A pessoa idosa objeto de cuidados do enfermeiro vai construindo o seu vivido caminhando para a integridade, estabelecendo interação individual e social e intensificando vivências. De todo este processo de interação emerge o conceito central: clarificação do vivido.
Agonist-induced internalization of somatostatin receptors (ssts) determines subsequent cellular responsiveness to peptide agonists and influences sst receptor scintigraphy. To investigate sst2A trafficking, rat sst2A tagged with epitope was expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and tracked by antibody labeling. Confocal microscopical analysis revealed that stimulation with sst and octreotide induced internalization of sst2A. Internalized sst2A remained sequestrated within early endosomes, and 60 min after stimulation, internalized sst2A still colocalized with beta-arrestin1-enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP), endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1), and rab5a. Internalized (125)I-Tyr(11)-SST-14 was rapidly hydrolyzed by endosomal endopeptidases, with radioactive metabolites being released from the cell. Internalized (125)I-Tyr(1)-octreotide accumulated as an intact peptide and was released from the cell as an intact peptide ligand. We have identified ECE-1 as one of the endopeptidases responsible for inactivation of internalized SST-14. ECE-1-mediated cleavage of SST-14 was inhibited by the specific ECE-1 inhibitor, SM-19712, and by preventing acidification of endosomes using bafilomycin A(1). ECE-1 cleaved SST-14 but not octreotide in an acidic environment. The metallopeptidases angiotensin-1 converting enzyme and ECE-2 did not hydrolyze SST-14 or octreotide. Our results show for the first time that stimulation with SST-14 and octreotide induced sequestration of sst2A into early endosomes and that endocytosed SST-14 is degraded by endopeptidases located in early endosomes. Furthermore, octreotide was not degraded by endosomal peptidases and was released as an intact peptide. This mechanism may explain functional differences between octreotide and SST-14 after sst2A stimulation. Moreover, further investigation of endopeptidase-regulated trafficking of neuropeptides may result in novel concepts of neuropeptide receptor inactivation in cancer diagnosis.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to shed new light on the debate about the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) and public policy in fostering economic development. Specifically, can the capital inflow of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and the ability of the subsidiaries to raise funds locally help promote development? This paper addresses this issue by examining the capital structure and financing sources of foreign subsidiaries of MNEs. Design/methodology/approach – This paper integrates the capital structure theories in finance with internalization theory in international business. It uses an original primary dataset collected by a survey of 101 foreign subsidiaries of British MNEs in six emerging economies in the ASEAN region. Findings – There are three significant findings. First, these subsidiaries rely heavily on internal funds generated within the MNEs and less on external debts raised in the host countries. Second, the foreign subsidiary's capital structure is influenced by the home country of origin of the parent firm and the parent firm's financing sources. Third, these subsidiaries have used the financial resources to develop business networks with local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which contribute to economic development of the host countries. Originality/value – This paper examines the internal capital market within the MNE. It provides theoretical and empirical support for the capital structure theory of the hierarchy financing approach and also for internalization theory by addressing FDI inflows by MNEs and the raising of funds locally. These findings have important implications for public policy, namely the facilitation of MNE entry to encourage economic development.
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is recognised as a means of interpersonal communication and a powerful marketing tool. However, previous studies have focussed on related motivations, and limited attention has been given to understanding the antecedents of eWOM communication behaviour in the travel industry. This study proposes a full and partial mediation model, which brings together for the first time three key antecedents: adoption of electronic communication technology, consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience, and subjective norm. The model aims to understand the impact of these antecedents on travellers' attitude towards eWOM communication and intention to use eWOM communication media. The data were collected from international travellers (n = 524), and structural equation modelling is used to test the conceptual framework. The findings of the study suggest that overall attitude towards eWOM communication partially mediates the impact of the traveller's adoption of electronic communication technology and subjective norm, and fully mediates the impact of consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience on travellers' intention to use eWOM communication media.
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is recognised as a means of interpersonal communication and a powerful marketing tool. However, previous studies have focussed on related motivations, and limited attention has been given to understanding the antecedents of eWOM communication behaviour in the travel industry. This study proposes a full and partial mediation model, which brings together for the first time three key antecedents: adoption of electronic communication technology, consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience, and subjective norm. The model aims to understand the impact of these antecedents on travellers' attitude towards eWOM communication and intention to use eWOM communication media. The data were collected from international travellers (n = 524), and structural equation modelling is used to test the conceptual framework. The findings of the study suggest that overall attitude towards eWOM communication partially mediates the impact of the traveller's adoption of electronic communication technology and subjective norm, and fully mediates the impact of consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience on travellers' intention to use eWOM communication media.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce the debate forum on internationalization motives of this special issue of Multinational Business Review. Design/methodology/approach – The authors reflect on the background and evolution of the internationalization motives over the past few decades, and then provide suggestions for how to use the motives for future analyses. The authors also reflect on the contributions to the debate of the accompanying articles of the forum. Findings – There continue to be new developments in the way in which firms organize themselves as multinational enterprises (MNEs), and this implies that the “classic” motives originally introduced by Dunning in 1993 need to be revisited. Dunning’s motives and arguments were deductive and atheoretical, and these were intended to be used as a toolkit, used in conjunction with other theories and frameworks. They are not an alternative to a classification of possible MNE strategies. Originality/value – This paper and the ones that accompany it, provide a deeper and nuanced understanding on internationalization motives for future research to build on.
Case-Based Reasoning is a methodology for problem solving based on past experiences. This methodology tries to solve a new problem by retrieving and adapting previously known solutions of similar problems. However, retrieved solutions, in general, require adaptations in order to be applied to new contexts. One of the major challenges in Case-Based Reasoning is the development of an efficient methodology for case adaptation. The most widely used form of adaptation employs hand coded adaptation rules, which demands a significant knowledge acquisition and engineering effort. An alternative to overcome the difficulties associated with the acquisition of knowledge for case adaptation has been the use of hybrid approaches and automatic learning algorithms for the acquisition of the knowledge used for the adaptation. We investigate the use of hybrid approaches for case adaptation employing Machine Learning algorithms. The approaches investigated how to automatically learn adaptation knowledge from a case base and apply it to adapt retrieved solutions. In order to verify the potential of the proposed approaches, they are experimentally compared with individual Machine Learning techniques. The results obtained indicate the potential of these approaches as an efficient approach for acquiring case adaptation knowledge. They show that the combination of Instance-Based Learning and Inductive Learning paradigms and the use of a data set of adaptation patterns yield adaptations of the retrieved solutions with high predictive accuracy.
Aim and starting point: The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to examine and define the paramount knowledge Chinese businessmen need in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The authors also seek to answer what incentives attract Chinese businessmen to come to Sweden, as well as how Chinese establishments in Sweden can be predicted to appear in the future. Results/conclusions: The study outlines key areas in which Chinese businessmen should have knowledge in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The results also gives an indication on how Chinese business establishments in Sweden will appear in the future, into which areas the Chinese mainly invest/establish in, as well as why and how these are done. On the basis of this material the authors generate proposals for educational packages which among others can be sold to Chinese businessmen. Knowledge overview: Here relevant theory connected to the area of study is presented. The knowledge overview presents the Swedish in relation to the Chinese perspective in areas such as: culture, hierarchy, relations, Face, communication, HRM, education, CSR and labour law. The knowledge overview can itself contribute to fostering an understanding of differences between Sweden and China. Method: The area of research has been accessed by a combination of methods. The study is both deductive and explorative. The main channel of information and data collection are in-depth interviews which are used as a deductive starting point, an expert investigation and as a Grounded Theory. As a complement the authors have also conducted a delphi study in which an expert panel answered questions concerning the future of Chinese establishments in Sweden. The deductive and explorative parts have been analyzed individually and have each generated a conclusion. These conclusions have then been interwoven in a synthesis that highlights and creates new knowledge.
Amning, amningskomplikationer, stöd och råd vid amning är en del av den sexuella och reproduktiva hälsan och ingår i barnmorskans kompetensområde.Det finns mycket forskning som beskriver nyblivna föräldrars upplevelse av amningsstöd men inte lika mycket forskning på hur vårdpersonalen upplever amningsstödet som ges till gravida och nyblivna föräldrar. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vårdpersonals upplevelser av amningsstöd till gravida och nyblivna föräldrar.Studien utfördes genom en kvalitativ metod utifrån en induktiv ansats. Data hämtades från intervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor i 11 fokusgrupper. All data bearbetades genom kvalitativ, induktiv innehållsanalys.Resultatet i studien visade att vårdpersonal upplever amningsstödet de ger som en viktig del i deras arbete. Amningsstödet hade brister och en betydande brist uppgavs vara kontinuiteten av amningsstöd genom hela vårdkedjan.Informanterna ansåg att amningsstödet borde förbättras och många förslag nämndes för att främja amningen hos nyblivna föräldrar och barn.Denna studie kan öka medvetenheten av den egna och kollegornas upplevelse av amningsstöd vilket kan leda till ett bättre samarbete mellan enheterna och en bättre kommunikation samt förändringar i organisationen som gynnar och främjar amningen.
Esta tese relaciona-se ao tema da acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas em nível de empresa, suas fontes (mecanismos de aprendizagem) e suas implicações para a performance competitiva empresarial, em indústrias relacionadas a recursos naturais no contexto de economias emergentes. Durante os últimos 40 anos muito se avançou no campo da pesquisa sobre acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas em nível de empresas em economias emergentes. Porém, ainda há importantes lacunas a serem exploradas particularmente em relação a natureza e dinâmica de trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas intra-empresariais, no contexto de indústrias relacionadas a recursos naturais, especialmente na mineração. O objetivo da pesquisa aqui reportada é contribuir para minimizar esta lacuna. Particularmente, esta tese explora variações intra-empresariais de trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas, suas fontes (mecanismos subjacentes de aprendizagem) e algumas implicações que são geradas para a performance competitiva da empresa, no âmbito da indústria de mineração no Brasil, especificamente na empresa mineradora Vale, no período entre 1942 e 2015. Para alcançar este objetivo, a pesquisa apoia-se na combinação das literaturas de acumulação de capacidade tecnológica, inovação, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento industrial para a construção da base conceitual. Em paralelo, a pesquisa vale-se de um desenho de pesquisa qualitativo e indutivo baseado em evidências primárias com base em extensivos trabalhos de campo. Esse desenho de pesquisa é operacionalizado a partir de um estudo de caso individual em profundidade na Vale, no âmbito de três grandes áreas tecnológicas: prospecção e pesquisa mineral, lavra, e processamento mineral. Por meio da implementação dessa estratégia, a pesquisa encontrou: (1) Trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas relativamente distintas entre as três áreas de análise. Especificamente: (i) na área de prospecção e pesquisa mineral observou-se uma trajetória de seguidora tecnológica que alcança posição de liderança mundial em inovação e produção; (ii) na área de lavra também evidenciou-se uma trajetória de seguidora tecnológica que alcança posição de liderança mundial em inovação e produção, porém, com acumulação tardia de capacidades tecnológicas; e (iii) na área de processamento mineral houve o alcance precoce de posição de liderança mundial em inovação e produção a partir da criação de uma trajetória distinta da já mapeada pelos líderes globais. As trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas convergem para uma situação similar a partir de 2011 quando as três áreas apresentaram posição de liderança mundial em inovação e ao mesmo tempo demonstraram indícios de entrada em um processo de estagnação, que restringe as oportunidades de entrada em novas trajetórias tecnológicas e de entrada em novos negócios. (2) As variações encontradas nas trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas são explicadas pela maneira pela qual diferentes mecanismos subjacentes de aprendizagem foram combinados e utilizados pela empresa. Foram encontradas quatro combinações de mecanismos de aprendizagem que contribuíram para explicar as diferentes direções das trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas. (3) As variações nas três trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas geraram implicações distintas para a performance competitiva, mais especificamente em termos de performance inovadora, operacional/ambiental e de novos negócios. Os resultados da pesquisa geram contribuições para o entendimento do relacionamento intra-empresarial entre acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e os mecanismos de aprendizagem subjacentes. E contribuem para o entendimento da mineração como uma indústria que oferece oportunidades para inovações significativas que, inclusive podem implicar na diversificação do tecido industrial nacional. Portanto, tal indústria deve receber atenção especial por parte de decisores de políticas públicas e de ações empresariais para evitar que empresas com alto potencial inovativo desconstruam suas capacidades inovadoras e consequentemente limitem seus impactos para o desenvolvimento tecnológico e econômico no contexto de economias emergentes.
The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developing the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. It s important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformer s secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity