Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tehdä sähkön ja lämmöntuotannon kannattavuustarkastelu erään esimerkkitehtaan näkökulmasta. Tarkoitus oli selvittää onko vaneritehtaalla edellytyksiä investoida sähköä ja lämpöä tuottavaan yhteistuotantolaitokseen, vai onko edullisempaa tuottaa itse ainoastaan valmistusprosessin kannalta välttämätön lämpöenergia ja ostaa tarvittava sähköenergia ulkoiselta toimijalta. Johdantona on tarkasteltu ensin vanerin valmistusprosessia ja prosessissa syntyviä sivutuotteita. Toisena osiona on pyritty hahmottamaan vanerinvalmistuksessa syntyvien sivutuotteiden määriä ja ominaisuuksia niiden polttoainekäyttöä silmällä pitäen. Lopuksi johdannossa on perehdytty mahdollisiin tekniikoihin, joilla sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotanto vaneritehtaan yhteydessä olisi mahdollista. Johdannossa käsiteltävät asiat perustuvat teorialähteisiin. Aineisto ja menetelmät osiossa on tarkasteltu esimerkkitehdasta voimalaitoksen sijoituskohteena. Osiossa on perehdytty prosessin sivutuotteiden määrään ja energian kulutukseen. Näiden seikkojen perusteella on tehtaan yhteyteen mitoitettu sähköä ja lämpöä tuottavia yhteistuotantolaitosesimerkkejä. Lopuksi tuloksissa on tarkasteltu yhteistuotantolaitoksien kannattavuutta vaneritehtaan yhteydessä ja tutkittu kannattavuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä.
Led-valaisun kehitys on mahdollistanut sen käytön kodin yleisvalaistuksessa. Työssä tutkitaan eri led-valaisuun soveltuvia teholähteitä, joista valitaan teknisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan sopivin kodin yleiskäyttöön. Tutkittavia teholähteitä ovat lineaariset ja hakkuriteholähteet. Teholähteiden ominaisuuksista tarkastellaan hyötysuhteita ja tehokertoimia, joista molempien perusteella sopivin teholähdetyyppi valitaan.
The aim of this study was to evaluate alterations to the physiological profile (cortisol, glycaemia, and blood parameters) of Lithobates catesbeianus caused by the stressors density and hypoxia. The organisms were in the prometamorphosis stage and exposed to different tadpole densities: 1 tadpole/L (T1), 5 tadpoles/L (T2), and 10 tadpoles/L (T3) for 12 days. The blood was collected through the rupture of the caudal blood vessel and collected under normoxia (immediate collection) and hypoxia (after 15 minutes of air exposure) conditions. Cortisol levels rose on the fourth and eighth days of treatment and returned to basal levels by the end of the experiment. The stressor mechanisms tested did not affect glycaemia. White blood cells (total number of lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils) showed a significant difference at the twelfth day of the experiment when compared with the start of the experiment. We concluded that, under controlled conditions, a density of up to 10 tadpoles/L and air exposure for 15 minutes did not cause harmful physiological alterations during the experimental period. The answer to these stressors maybe was in another hormonal level (corticosterone).
This doctoral thesis presents a study on the design of tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines. The electromagnetic properties of concentrated non-overlapping winding permanent magnet synchronous machines, or simply tooth-coil permanent magnet synchronous machines (TC-PMSMs), are studied in details. It is shown that current linkage harmonics play the deterministic role in the behavior of this type of machines. Important contributions are presented as regards of calculation of parameters of TC-PMSMs,particularly the estimation of inductances. The current linkage harmonics essentially define the air-gap harmonic leakage inductance, rotor losses and localized temporal inductance variation. It is proven by FEM analysis that inductance variation caused by the local temporal harmonic saturation results in considerable torque ripple, and can influence on sensorless control capabilities. Example case studies an integrated application of TC-IPMSMs in hybrid off-highway working vehicles. A methodology for increasing the efficiency of working vehicles is introduced. It comprises several approaches – hybridization, working operations optimization, component optimization and integration. As a result of component optimization and integration, a novel integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) for off-highway working vehicles is designed. The IEHEC can considerably increase the operational efficiency of a hybrid working vehicle. The energy converter consists of an axial-piston hydraulic machine and an integrated TCIPMSM being built on the same shaft. The compact assembly of the electrical and hydraulic machines enhances the ability to find applications for such a device in the mobile environment of working vehicles.Usage of hydraulic fluid, typically used in working actuators, enables direct-immersion oil cooling of designed electrical machine, and further increases the torque- and power- densities of the whole device.
This study aimed to study the composition and dynamics of seed bank from soil of coffee plantations associated with grevilea trees in the experimental fields of the Southwest Bahia State University, on Vitória da Conquista campus. The experiments were carried out from September 2006 to May 2007. The coffee trees (Coffea arabica) were sown at three x one m spacing, associated with grevillea trees (Grevillea robusta) and maintained at densities of 277, 139, 123, 69, 62 and 31 plants ha-1, under direct sunlight. One hundred grams of soil were taken from each treatment with four repetitions and later identified and counted with a 10x magnifying glass. To determine seedling emergence, four soil samples of 1000 g were collected from each experimental field and transported to the greenhouse. Seedling emergence was observed by counts after 15, 30 and 45 days. The experimental design was randomized blocks of seven treatments (soil from different tree densities) and four replicates; the experimental unit consisted of a plastic tray (0, 30 x 0.22 x 0.06 m) containing 1.000 g of soil. The variables utilized to characterize the bank and its dynamics were: relative frequency, relative density, relative abundance, importance index and species diversity (Shannon-Weaver index).Increased number of monocotyledon seeds and sprouts were verified in the treatments maintained under full sunlight.
Low-level lasers are used at low power densities and doses according to clinical protocols supplied with laser devices or based on professional practice. Although use of these lasers is increasing in many countries, the molecular mechanisms involved in effects of low-level lasers, mainly on DNA, are controversial. In this study, we evaluated the effects of low-level red lasers on survival, filamentation, and morphology of Escherichia colicells that were exposed to ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation. Exponential and stationary wild-type and uvrA-deficientE. coli cells were exposed to a low-level red laser and in sequence to UVC radiation. Bacterial survival was evaluated to determine the laser protection factor (ratio between the number of viable cells after exposure to the red laser and UVC and the number of viable cells after exposure to UVC). Bacterial filaments were counted to obtain the percentage of filamentation. Area-perimeter ratios were calculated for evaluation of cellular morphology. Experiments were carried out in duplicate and the results are reported as the means of three independent assays. Pre-exposure to a red laser protected wild-type and uvrA-deficient E. coli cells against the lethal effect of UVC radiation, and increased the percentage of filamentation and the area-perimeter ratio, depending on UVC fluence and physiological conditions in the cells. Therapeutic, low-level red laser radiation can induce DNA lesions at a sub-lethal level. Consequences to cells and tissues should be considered when clinical protocols based on this laser are carried out.
Sexual behavior in the field crickets, Gryllus veletis and G. pennsylvanicus , was studied in outdoor arenas (12 m2) at high and low levels of population density in 1983 and 1984. Crickets were weighed, individually marked, and observed from 2200 until 0800 hrs for at least 9 continuous nights. Calling was measured at 5 min intervals, and movement and matings were recorded hourly. Continuous 24 hr observations were also conducted,·and occurrences of aggressive and courtship songs were noted. The timing of males searching, calling, courting, and fighting for females should coincide with female movement and mating patterns. For most samples female movement and matings occurred at night in the 24 hr observations and were randomly distributed with time for both species in the 10 hr observations. Male movement for G. veletis high density only was enhanced at night in the 24 hr observations, however, males called more at night in both species at high and low densities. Male movement was randomly distributed with time in the 10 hr observations, and calling increased at dawn for the G. pennsylvanicus 1984 high density sample, but was randomly distributed in other samples. Most courtship and aggression songs in the 24 hr observations were too infrequent for statistical testing and generally did not coincide with matings. Assuming residual reproductive value, and costs attached to a male trait in terms of future reproductive success decline with age, males should behave in more costly ways with age; by calling and moving more with age. Consequently, mating rates should increase with age. Female behavior may not change with age. G. veletis , females moved more with age at both low density samples, however, crickets moved less with age at high density. G. pennsylvanicus females moved more with age in the 1984 low density sample, whereas crickets moved less with age in the 1983 high density sample. For both species males in the 1984 high density samples called less with age. For G. pennsylvanicus in 1983 calling and mating rates increased with age. Mating rates decreased with age for G. veletis males in the high density sample. Aging may not affect cricket behavior. As population density increases fewer calling sites become available, costs of territoriality increase, and matings resulting from non-calling behavior should increase. For both species the amount of calling and in G. veletis the distance travelled per night was not different between densities. G. pennsylvanicus males and females moved more at low density. At the same deneity levels there were no differences in calling, mating, and, movement rates in G. veletis , however, G. pennsylvanicus males moved more at high density in 1983 than 1984. There was a positive relationship between calling and mating for the G. pennsylvanicus low density sample only, and selection was acting directly to increase calling. For both species no relationships between movement and mating success was found, however, the selection gradient on movement in the G. veletis high density population was significant. The intensity of selection was not significant and was probably due to the inverse relationship between displacement and weight. Larger males should call more, mate more, and move less than smaller males. There were no correlations between calling and individual weight, and an inverse correlation between movement and size in the G. veletis high density population only. In G. pennsylvanicus , there was a positive correlation between individual weight and mating, but, some correlate of weight was under counter selection pressure and-prevented significance of the intensity of selection. In contrast, there was an inverse correlation in the G.·veletis low density B sample. Both measures of selection intensities were significant and showed that weight only was under selection pressures. An inverse correlation between calling and movement was found for G. veletis at low density only. Because males are territorial, females are predicted to move more than males, however, if movement is a mode of male-male reproductive competition then males may move more than females. G. pennsylvanicus males moved more than females in all samples, however, G. veletis males and females moved similar distances at all densities. The variation in relative mating success explained by calling scores, movement, and weight for both species and all samples were not significant In addition, for both species and all samples the intensity of selection never equalled the opportunity for selection.
La régression logistique est un modèle de régression linéaire généralisée (GLM) utilisé pour des variables à expliquer binaires. Le modèle cherche à estimer la probabilité de succès de cette variable par la linéarisation de variables explicatives. Lorsque l’objectif est d’estimer le plus précisément l’impact de différents incitatifs d’une campagne marketing (coefficients de la régression logistique), l’identification de la méthode d’estimation la plus précise est recherchée. Nous comparons, avec la méthode MCMC d’échantillonnage par tranche, différentes densités a priori spécifiées selon différents types de densités, paramètres de centralité et paramètres d’échelle. Ces comparaisons sont appliquées sur des échantillons de différentes tailles et générées par différentes probabilités de succès. L’estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance, la méthode de Gelman et celle de Genkin viennent compléter le comparatif. Nos résultats démontrent que trois méthodes d’estimations obtiennent des estimations qui sont globalement plus précises pour les coefficients de la régression logistique : la méthode MCMC d’échantillonnage par tranche avec une densité a priori normale centrée en 0 de variance 3,125, la méthode MCMC d’échantillonnage par tranche avec une densité Student à 3 degrés de liberté aussi centrée en 0 de variance 3,125 ainsi que la méthode de Gelman avec une densité Cauchy centrée en 0 de paramètre d’échelle 2,5.
A laser produced plasma from the multielement solid target YBa2Cu3O7 is generated using 1.06 μm, 9 ns pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in air at atmospheric pressure. A time resolved analysis of the profile of the 4554.03 Å resonance line emission from Ba II at various laser power densities has been carried out. It has been found that the line has a profile which is strongly self-reversed. It is also observed that at laser power densities equal to or exceeding 1.6×1011 W cm−2, a third peak begins to develop at the centre of the self-reversed profile and this has been interpreted as due to the anisotropic resonance scattering (fluorescence). The number densities of singly ionized barium ions evaluated from the width of the resonance line as a function of time delay with respect to the beginning of the laser pulse give typical values of the order of 1019 cm−3. The higher ion concentrations existing at smaller time delays are seen to decrease rapidly. The Ba II ions in the ground state resonantly absorb the radiation and this absorption is maximum around 120 ns after the laser pulse.
Laser engineering is an area in which developments in the existing design concepts and technology appear at an alarming rate. Now—a-days, emphasis has shifted from innovation to cost reduction and system improvement. To a major extent, these studies are aimed at attaining larger power densities, higher system efficiency and identification of new lasing media and new lasing wavelengths. Todate researchers have put to use all the ditferent Forms of matter as lasing material. Laser action was observed For the first time in a gaseous system - the He-Ne system. This was Followed by a variety of solidstate and gas laser systems. Uarious organic dyes dissolved in suitable solvents were found to lase when pumped optically. Broad band emission characteristics of these dye molecules made wavelength tuning possible using optical devices. Laser action was also observed in certain p-n junctions of semiconductor materials and some of these systems are also tunable. The recent addition to this list was the observation of laser action from certain laser produced plasmas. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the design and Fabrication techniques of pulsed Nitrogen lasers and high power Nd: Glass laserso Attempt was also made to put the systems developed into certain related experiments
A comparat ive study of the effect oflaser in inducing chro mosomal aberrat ions at 4gg nm was done in View j aba L. (faba bean) and Allium ccpa L. (onion) with Argon ion laser (Spectra Physics Model 171). Seeds and bulbs of V.jaba and A. eepa were subjected to laser irra diation by 4gg nm excitations from Argon ion laser source at power levels 200 and 400 mW with power densities 2.25 mW em" and 4.49 mW em" and ditTerent exposure times (10, 20, 30 & 40 minutes). Similar to the effect of oth er physical and chemical mutagens, laser caused a dose dependent decrease in mitotic index and a rise in mitotic aberrations when compared to the control. In both plant species, mutations were observed in all stages of mitotic cell cycle. The total percentage of aberrations was two fold higher at 400 mW than at 200 mW exposure.
This report describes development of micro-fabricated piezoelectric ultrasonic motors and bulk-ceramic piezoelectric ultrasonic motors. Ultrasonic motors offer the advantage of low speed, high torque operation without the need for gears. They can be made compact and lightweight and provide a holding torque in the absence of applied power, due to the traveling wave frictional coupling mechanism between the rotor and the stator. This report covers modeling, simulation, fabrication and testing of ultrasonic motors. Design of experiments methods were also utilized to find optimal motor parameters. A suite of 8 mm diameter x 3 mm tall motors were machined for these studies and maximum stall torques as large as 10^(- 3) Nm, maximum no-load speeds of 1710 rpm and peak power outputs of 27 mW were realized. Aditionally, this report describes the implementation of a microfabricated ultrasonic motor using thin-film lead zirconate titanate. In a joint project with the Pennsylvania State University Materials Research Laboratory and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 2 mm and 5 mm diameter stator structures were fabricated on 1 micron thick silicon nitride membranes. Small glass lenses placed down on top spun at 100-300 rpm with 4 V excitation at 90 kHz. The large power densities and stall torques of these piezoelectric ultrasonic motors offer tremendous promis for integrated machines: complete intelligent, electro-mechanical autonomous systems mass-produced in a single fabrication process.
We present a new approach to model and classify breast parenchymal tissue. Given a mammogram, first, we will discover the distribution of the different tissue densities in an unsupervised manner, and second, we will use this tissue distribution to perform the classification. We achieve this using a classifier based on local descriptors and probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), a generative model from the statistical text literature. We studied the influence of different descriptors like texture and SIFT features at the classification stage showing that textons outperform SIFT in all cases. Moreover we demonstrate that pLSA automatically extracts meaningful latent aspects generating a compact tissue representation based on their densities, useful for discriminating on mammogram classification. We show the results of tissue classification over the MIAS and DDSM datasets. We compare our method with approaches that classified these same datasets showing a better performance of our proposal
El economista Boulding mostró que entre los extremos de malevolencia y benevolencia de la acción humana existen tres formas de poder: integrativo (intensivo en reciprocidad y altruismo), de intercambio (con diversos niveles de egoísmo) y de amenaza (que puede llegar a ser destructivo). También sugirió que existe un poder organizativo, imprescindible para el éxito del resto de poderes. Una lectura crítica de tal aporte permite mostrar los siguientes matices: incidencia de las motivaciones humanas, como razón, pasión e interés en el poder; interacciones sociales y límites del poder; algunos costos y beneficios de distintas formas de poder, incluyendo los atributos de la acción noviolenta. Finalmente, se sugieren interrogantes claves para desarrollar investigaciones futuras.-----Economist Boulding showed that between the human action ends of malevolence and benevolence, there are three faces of power, namely: integrative (intensive in reciprocity and altruism), exchange (with various selfishness levels), and threat (can turn into destructive). He also suggested that there is an organizational power that becomes essential in the success of the other powers. A critical reading of such contribution allows to show the following shades: incidence of human motivations such as reason, passion and interest in power, social interactions and power limits, some costs and benefits of the different power types, including non-violent action attributes. Finally, key questions are suggested for future research development.
La calidad de energía eléctrica incluye la calidad del suministro y la calidad de la atención al cliente. La calidad del suministro a su vez se considera que la conforman dos partes, la forma de onda y la continuidad. En esta tesis se aborda la continuidad del suministro a través de la localización de faltas. Este problema se encuentra relativamente resuelto en los sistemas de transmisión, donde por las características homogéneas de la línea, la medición en ambos terminales y la disponibilidad de diversos equipos, se puede localizar el sitio de falta con una precisión relativamente alta. En sistemas de distribución, sin embargo, la localización de faltas es un problema complejo y aún no resuelto. La complejidad es debida principalmente a la presencia de conductores no homogéneos, cargas intermedias, derivaciones laterales y desbalances en el sistema y la carga. Además, normalmente, en estos sistemas sólo se cuenta con medidas en la subestación, y un modelo simplificado del circuito. Los principales esfuerzos en la localización han estado orientados al desarrollo de métodos que utilicen el fundamental de la tensión y de la corriente en la subestación, para estimar la reactancia hasta la falta. Como la obtención de la reactancia permite cuantificar la distancia al sitio de falta a partir del uso del modelo, el Método se considera Basado en el Modelo (MBM). Sin embargo, algunas de sus desventajas están asociadas a la necesidad de un buen modelo del sistema y a la posibilidad de localizar varios sitios donde puede haber ocurrido la falta, esto es, se puede presentar múltiple estimación del sitio de falta. Como aporte, en esta tesis se presenta un análisis y prueba comparativa entre varios de los MBM frecuentemente referenciados. Adicionalmente se complementa la solución con métodos que utilizan otro tipo de información, como la obtenida de las bases históricas de faltas con registros de tensión y corriente medidos en la subestación (no se limita solamente al fundamental). Como herramienta de extracción de información de estos registros, se utilizan y prueban dos técnicas de clasificación (LAMDA y SVM). Éstas relacionan las características obtenidas de la señal, con la zona bajo falta y se denominan en este documento como Métodos de Clasificación Basados en el Conocimiento (MCBC). La información que usan los MCBC se obtiene de los registros de tensión y de corriente medidos en la subestación de distribución, antes, durante y después de la falta. Los registros se procesan para obtener los siguientes descriptores: a) la magnitud de la variación de tensión ( dV ), b) la variación de la magnitud de corriente ( dI ), c) la variación de la potencia ( dS ), d) la reactancia de falta ( Xf ), e) la frecuencia del transitorio ( f ), y f) el valor propio máximo de la matriz de correlación de corrientes (Sv), cada uno de los cuales ha sido seleccionado por facilitar la localización de la falta. A partir de estos descriptores, se proponen diferentes conjuntos de entrenamiento y validación de los MCBC, y mediante una metodología que muestra la posibilidad de hallar relaciones entre estos conjuntos y las zonas en las cuales se presenta la falta, se seleccionan los de mejor comportamiento. Los resultados de aplicación, demuestran que con la combinación de los MCBC con los MBM, se puede reducir el problema de la múltiple estimación del sitio de falta. El MCBC determina la zona de falta, mientras que el MBM encuentra la distancia desde el punto de medida hasta la falta, la integración en un esquema híbrido toma las mejores características de cada método. En este documento, lo que se conoce como híbrido es la combinación de los MBM y los MCBC, de una forma complementaria. Finalmente y para comprobar los aportes de esta tesis, se propone y prueba un esquema de integración híbrida para localización de faltas en dos sistemas de distribución diferentes. Tanto los métodos que usan los parámetros del sistema y se fundamentan en la estimación de la impedancia (MBM), como aquellos que usan como información los descriptores y se fundamentan en técnicas de clasificación (MCBC), muestran su validez para resolver el problema de localización de faltas. Ambas metodologías propuestas tienen ventajas y desventajas, pero según la teoría de integración de métodos presentada, se alcanza una alta complementariedad, que permite la formulación de híbridos que mejoran los resultados, reduciendo o evitando el problema de la múltiple estimación de la falta.